Question for discussion 1. What according to Descartes is a clear and distinct idea ? what isthe epistemological status of clear and distinct ideas ? Does this account help Descartes prove that material objects exist ? Explain(2017/20) 2. Explain Leibnitz’s principle of ‘identity of indiscernible’. (2015/15) 3. Does Descartes cogito principle entail that he is an essentialist? Discuss.(2015/15) 4. Explain the doctrine of Cartesian Dualism and examine critically arguments in favour of it. (2014/15) 5. Does Leibnitz’s theory of pre-established harmony necessarily leadto determinism ? Discuss. (2014/10) 6. Write a short critical essay on Spinoza’s conception of freedom of an individual.(2013/12 ½) 7. Explain Descarte’s method of doubt. Can this method be used to justify his belief in the existence of God ?Argue your case.(2013/12½) 8. Give a critical account of Leibnitz’s principle of the identity of indiscernibles. (2013/12 ½) 9. Does Monadology sufficiently explain the nature of Substance ? Aremonads independent of each other ? Explain.(2012/15) 10. Does Leibnitz succeed in combining the mechanical with the teleological view of the world? Explain his theory of Pre-Established Harmony.(2012/15) 11. If ‘ Every determination is negation ‘ then how can Substance have attributes ? Explain. (2012/15) 12. How does Descartes’ ‘cogito ergo sum’ affect Hume and Kant’s transcendental philosophy? Explain (2012/12) 13. Is the concept of freedom consistent with the theory of determinism of Spinoza? Support your answer with arguments.(2011/30) 14. Why does Descartes not doubt the existence of God? Explain.(2011/15) 15. Why does Spinoza think that God alone is absolutely real? Explain.(2010/20) 16. Interactionism in the philosophical context. Short notes (2009/20) 17. Compare the views of Leibnitz and Hume on the concept of substance. (2009/30) 18. Discuss Descarte’s Dualism. (2006/60) 21. Explain Spinoza’s theory of Substance. (2006/60) 22. Mind and Body as two interacting substances. Short notes.(2005/20) 23. Spinoza’s conception of the Ultimate Substance. Short Notes.(2005/20) 24. ‘I think, therefore I am.’ Short Notes. (2004/20) 25. State and critically examine Spinoza’s doctrine of the identity of the Substance, God and nature. (2002/60)