If you don't mind my asking, what DAW or software do you use to make your music?
@ecebo9812 жыл бұрын
For now I using Soundation, it was really good to begin but i want to find another DAW. If you have any recommendation I am open ;)
@ultraswagmeister2 жыл бұрын
@@ecebo981 Having to use my other account because the one above wouldn't let me reply for some reason. My apologies. The original comment: Thanks, and sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I personally use LMMS which I find to be very easy to understand, use, and customize. The base instrument plugins are really not that bad, but I would recommend getting some VSTs like Synth1, PG-8X, or Vital. After a certain point, you'll begin to hit the limits of the program, but you can easily get around these barriers if you're clever enough. Hope this helps.