@@kentens6428 It works, because the practice was done with no breaks. My teacher were quite harsh in the sense that they will cut me off right away when I get it mixed up, but we never went more than 15 minutes nonstop. That said, I think this could work if you are switching to any English accent, while I try to switch to a more Californian or Bostonian accent.
@happydisufu5 жыл бұрын
@raydudaily5 жыл бұрын
happydisufu shi ❤️❤️
@happydisufu5 жыл бұрын
@@raydudaily 像阿滴就很好呀,不用像歐巴馬...我們就是喜歡阿滴
@chung-yuchang13725 жыл бұрын
Hi 阿滴! 我是在香港讀書的台灣同學,很喜歡你的影片。 我自己也有在練口音,我常用的方法是把平常聽的一些podcast (Freakonomics Radio, The Daily by New York Times, etc.),在網站的transcript裡抓出一個長一點的段落 (不是訪問片段),然後標記出podcast hosts會特別highlight哪寫字,模仿他每個句子及句跟句之間的聲調起伏及語速。因為這些hosts都是專業記者出身,所以發音的精神大同小異,練習幾次後大概就比較能發現精髓在哪裡。
口音不是问题啦~能够表达就好了!我也明白阿滴想要让大家有个楷模可以学习,但阿滴要放轻松,不要给自己太大的压力❤️有MSIA 38口音的我都没在在意,只是努力让自己能够听起来更文雅❤️ 阿滴已经足够完美了,口音和教学资格根本搭不上边啦!阿滴的态度真的很值得我们学习,像阿滴看齐! 如果阿滴会模仿他人,那么就不是我们看到这么特别的你了❤️ 如果说要模仿一个自己认为英文很好听的人来练习口音,那么我来模仿阿滴吧💓阿滴说英文让人觉得很舒服很自在,一点也不会拘束的感觉,我很喜欢❤️阿滴那么优秀了都还在精进自己,那么我一个英文口说不伦不类的人有什么理由怠惰下来🙁 送上Gryffin-Body Back里的歌词 Who cares what the world's gonna say? 'Cause you know they're gonna say it anyway Who cares what the world's gonna think? 'Cause you know they're gonna think it anyway 很喜欢这首歌,因为很激励人心,阿滴加油! 祝阿滴在剩下40分钟的圣诞前夕、明天的圣诞节和接下来的每一天都快快乐乐平平安安❤️ 今天Christmas Eve难得早收工1小时,结果自己在走去收拾某张桌子扑街🤦♀️还没完全扑在地上就先骂了一声“干”😂😂😂吓到隔壁桌的aunty跳起来😂😂😂 应该是因为马上要下大雨,沟渠里的大强小强直接出游到街上。有几只还在那边群魔乱舞展翅高飞,被迫一边闪躲蟑螂一边收拾桌子。有几次飞到很靠近我,忍不住惊叫了几声,老板都用关爱智障的眼神看着我🌝老板娘看到蟑螂大暴走自己先溜回家了😂😂😂 幸好有两只猫咪经过,一只待在我脚边好像专门帮我退散蟑螂的守护神,才可以让我顺利完成工作😭
我也不喜歡模仿,但是有一次從模彷I wandered lonely as a cloud一詩的朗讀經驗中, 才發現模彷中真的可以得到很多細微的讀音小細節,使我對英文讀音更感興趣。 阿滴youtube字幕的新功能很實用,已筆記起來。 看到阿滴正向的學習心態,真的很令人佩服,阿滴加油,我們一起加油 (ps:最後的成果驗收很可愛)
Here are my two cents as an English learning buff: To speak like a native does require many years of oral muscle training. Our oral muscles have gotten accustomed to how we use them, whether in our native language or all the languages we speak. Hence, it takes “acting skill” to speak a certain way. In other words, it’s just as difficult for us Taiwanese/Mandarin native speakers to adopt the Beijing accent. The tone and intonations are adopted according to the occasion required. It takes a good ear as well as oral muscle practice to achieve your goal. :)
@福大-r4j5 жыл бұрын
@0364lulu5 жыл бұрын
@陳禹廷-w1i5 жыл бұрын
@baniziepan5 жыл бұрын
I like your approach and determination, but am constantly reminded that being true and authentic to yourself is equally important. Obama’s 口音 doesn’t represent the “perfect” accent (there isn’t a perfect accent btw) so don’t stress yourself into a standard that doesn’t exist. You’re still a North Star to youth today so just do what works for you. Be you. 阿滴加油💪