Thanks Adi! I enjoyed reliving my English GCSE with you haha 😆 加油 所有學英文的朋友們!
@sweet85347 Жыл бұрын
wait do they don't have foundation paper for now? I feel like foundation paper question is kinda different from the normal paper because the highest grade is C for foundation paper (but it's still hard for me)
@thereisaleo Жыл бұрын
平常也有在看戴舒萱的頻道, 沒想到她居然上了阿滴的頻道當嘉賓
@wangdd5048 Жыл бұрын
歡迎回來台灣阿 ~~ 除了去太魯閣 還有去哪玩?
@Yellowhow Жыл бұрын
戴舒萱 我愛妳
@seanlau7618 Жыл бұрын
@@sweet85347 u meant core secondary eng?
@stanleychau4422 Жыл бұрын
這真的勾起我這兩年準備英文 gcse的超多回憶的!兩年前剛來到英國的時候我的英文跟英國文學mock exam一直拿grade 3(簡單來說就是不及格啦)。那時候我已經放棄英文科,但是我的英文老師一直支持鼓勵我,我當時真的有被感動到所以我開始認真對待英文科。到了我的final exam我英文和英國文學分別拿了 both grade 6。當時我的老師跟我說我是有能力拿grade7(就等於 grade A)我還當她開玩笑,結果我今年gcse放榜英文科真的拿了grade7,我真的超感動。但是我英國文學拿了grade6(差2分就grade7了哭)。現在我正在修讀英國文學 a level,很大原因真的是受到我前英文老師渲染。
Having taught English from Year 7 to Year 13 (A-Level English Literature, English Language and IB World Literature) in the UK for over 15 years, this episode brings back many memories of teaching career and also an A-Level English Language examiner. I will be more than happy to share with you my experience as a Taiwanese teaching English at secondary schools in the UK 😁 By the way, the exam papers used in this episode are from AQA which is generally regarded as being more challenging as opposite to some other alternatives. However, it is important to understand that regardless of exam boards, the reading comprehension, creative writing and analytical skills are on the whole very similar indeed. To achieve top grades, it is imperative that the candidates demonstrate these skills by producing answers that hit the corresponding assessment objectives (AOs) for the highest level. In this sense, it is entirely possible and it is common in some high performing school to “teach to exams” without sacrificing the genuine pleasure in studying English. English, for its all-encompassing nature, is such a fantastic subject to teach. For students, many of the skills acquired throughout their secondary and sixth form years are readily transferable to their future careers in higher education or in employment. English doesn’t have to be boring. I’ve certainty enjoyed teaching it to all Key Stages and to all abilities. It is particularly rewarding to see most of my students achieving grades that reflect their dedication and commitment to the subject on results days. To all of those who are currently in secondary schools in the UK, best of luck with your studies 💪🏼
我當時沒有讀eng lit,但我覺得gcse eng lang要拿好grade還蠻簡單的,基本就是找標點,找as/like,然後找一些metaphor和onomatopoeia這些,或者一些hyperbole然後隨便亂說😂😂基本都是listing然後能很清楚知道有什麼,metaphor simile這種就是created a vivid image,hyperbole emphasised場景/作者的想法,然後隨便亂說,只要邏輯是通的基本都有分😂😂我當時是拿了7 (equivalent to an A),就是基本只要知道有什麼常用的寫作手法基本都可以拿高grade的(個人觀點!)
@Kelly-qi6lt Жыл бұрын
btw我出國前的學校eng lit在f1 f2是必修的,我還記得f2是學的merchant of venice和macbeth,讀得我想死😂
我覺得多少也是能參考啦。不過說實話,我也不太喜歡莎士比亞。 馬來西亞是前英殖民地,所以制度上很相似很好理解。我們中學的英語課也是分成Comprehension, essays, grammar, Literature 來上課的。 Literature 就是要讀完指定的英文小說。 通常會有英國作家,也會有本地作家的英文作品。 然後會分Poems, novel, drama and short story. Novel 是每個年級指定一本,我印象最深的Novel應該是Potato people 。 通常poems 都會讀莎士比亞的詩歌,所以對我而言它就是會出現在英文考試來虐你的boss 😂。 而且還他媽的不是選擇題,是subjective question ,就是要你自己寫出來的 我最怕它問我In your opinion blablabla ,因為我就要去思考怎麼寫才合理。 但這類題目也是只要你掰得符合邏輯,還是會有分數的。
國小畢業後去了英國的我,經歷了整個英國的educational system... 深深感受到GCSE中的English literature 真的是很瘋狂,只能說考過了以後,很開心A-level可以將他們通通拋在腦後 😅 Just wanna thank Adi and Susie for bringing this to a broader audience, and reminded me how much fun I had back in those good old days, appreciated 👍
@morris4490 Жыл бұрын
@morris4490 Жыл бұрын
你還是會錯 中文母語者常錯的東西 就是冠詞☺
@redmaymay55 Жыл бұрын
香港人覺得英國教育架構很好理解,因為香港曾經是英國殖民地😂 Although now in Hong Kong, "Secondary School" or "College" are almost the same thing, both are for students studying from year 7 to year 12 (we called Form 1 to Form 6 in hong kong). 反而我曾經很confuse外國的大學叫College😂
Hello阿滴!記得你之前挑戰過香港的DSE英文卷,但在2012年之前香港的中學教育系統其實跟英國挺像,讀完中學5年後考HKCEE,2年後考HKALE,建議你挑戰HKALE的Use of English考卷~ 雖然不知道是否還能能買到⋯最後一個section 是practical skills for work amd study,非常有趣~ 對考生來講⋯是惡夢😂 希望你能找到
Hi Susie & 阿滴, Thanks for your sharing UK GCSE English paper. 也許你們應該拿新加坡O-Level與A-Level英文試題一起參考與對比一下,就會察覺它的難度不低于英國GCSE試題😅 在新加坡中學稱為Secondary school, 高中稱為Junior College / High School, 與英國GCSE系統類似。
@morris4490 Жыл бұрын
🙄 Be that as it may, what age do you take it? huh?
@morris4490 Жыл бұрын
This test is about how you collect the information detailmindedly from the articles. 1. He likes hitting books 2. He talked to himself in his office. 3. He had too much hair 4. He is a reticent man not always greetting but a kind hearted one.😊
2:22 Sixth form is actually Year 12 & 13 and Year 11 is the last year of secondary education, which is also the year you will take your GCSEs.
@franceslai92 Жыл бұрын
You already get to choose 9-10 GCSE subjects, some are compulsory, but the rest are choices. Therefore taking Eng Lit is a choice, unless your school specified it. Some schools let you choose philosophy, psychology, and even computer science, etc, at age 14! Year groups is one of the ways to count, back in my days, we also used L4, U4 (Common Entrance), L5, M5, U5 (GCSE), L6, U6 (As & A Levels), L means Lower, M means Middle and U means Upper, and official exams in between.
I took these English GCSEs as well when I went to school in the UK, 基本上我的學校從Year 7(11-12歲)開始,上英文課的時候都就是透過閱讀英國文學,小說,Poetry,Shakespeare等作品以及課堂上的討論及作文去訓練思維以及對於英文的理解。到了考這個的時候,就像是我們平時課堂上的exercise而已,多年間已經做過無數次了。我記得我考試之前也沒有什麼複習過,因為猜不到他們會出什麼Open end的題目,複習也沒有用😄,最多看一下Shakespeare,背一點Quotes
@pinga784 Жыл бұрын
Oof quick correction: 6th form is y12-13. Also I've done these papers before, not fun XD (got a 5 in language and 8 in literature in the actual GCSEs tho)
@ale.5 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, secondary school is from year 7 to 11, then 12 and 13 would be sixth form.
@susiewoo Жыл бұрын
Yes this wasn't right, thanks for correcting! Secondary school = 5 years (years 7 - 11) College / sixth form = 2 years (years 12 & 13)
15:42 as a current science teacher these logical arguments and inferences are surprisingly difficult for most students to make clearly. They'll often contradict themselves while writing, or just make a complete mess of the argument with a jumble of points and non sequiturs. They need a lot of help to train these skills.
Having done both O and A Levels and SATs in Singapore, I really enjoyed my O and A Levels. So much to learn. A bummer you only had two years though to prepare for it.
In addition, we call 'National 5 (equivalent to GCSE in the rest part of the UK) or Highers (Equivalent to AS level in the rest of the UK) in Scotland. Therefore, not all 'British' use the same educational system.
@Lai-or2bd3 ай бұрын
The language paper are pretty straight forward, is easy to get a pass. For example, question,2,3 and 4, the answering structure are basiclly the same, you write about your viewpoint, then select a quote, then tell what language used in that quote (e.g pathetic fallacy, sarcasm...), then explain the effect of the language used, then give second effect or language used (e.g However, the word ___ tell us that_____). Gcse are not hard for us, for international student, but it is hard for local student. Even I can get six A (9,8,7) But A-level are way harder,.
@annieju5520 Жыл бұрын
看完這個考試我真的需要按摩椅來壓壓驚😂 😂
@tenkid840901 Жыл бұрын
感覺英國的學生應該都要先看過老師改考卷的評分標準耶 像阿滴第一題13:05 這樣應該只有得1~2分😂 but I also feel like this type of test allow the students to think more critically, 而不是死背答案~