A Challenging Health Update for Fatemeh"

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@grabielmendez9544 Ай бұрын
Salidino se comporta o es idiota? No disciplina esos niños, esta formando qué? Fatima tampoco pone de su parte. Los médicos se están cansando de esa familia por su irresponsabilidad.
@hildasantome1482 Ай бұрын
La disciplina es importante en los niños . Saludos 👍
@marybianchibaeza5930 Ай бұрын
Os gêmeos estão muito mimados e precisam ser disciplinados ,vão crescer e vão dominar todos
@gianglinh2768 Ай бұрын
Trước đây chỉ 1 đứa khóc đòi đi, sau khi Saladin cho nó đi theo 1 lần, giờ thì chúng thấy cứ khóc là được đi nên cả 2 đều khóc đòi. Không nên chiều chúng mà ko có nguyên tắc, chúng sẽ hư. Còn bà vợ, bà cứ đợi người khác phải giúp đỡ mà chưa 1 lần tự mình tập đi. Cái cảnh để cho 4 người đàn ông khiêng cái xe lăn của bà ta trong buổi picnic làm chúng tôi thấy khó chịu vô cùng.
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
Tutto vero quello che hai detto!!!
@taniarenata5336 Ай бұрын
Tem pessoas que são doentes, tem gente que estão doentes ,tem gente que gostam de estar doente. 😢
@UnknowninUS Ай бұрын
Didn’t make me uncomfortable. She’s ill. They did what they had to do. Calm down and be grateful you aren’t the one that is sick and living with a horrible man in a horrible country!
@liduskacigankova480 Ай бұрын
Kluci jsou nezvladatelní sobečtí všimla jsem si jeden když mà bonbóny se nepodělí jsou zlí
@TitinSuhartin-sw8lt Ай бұрын
Pusing liat si kembar ga bisa diam ..seharus nya anak kecil jangan di bawa kerumah sakit ...sungguh seorang ayah yg ga bisa tegas
@orianabravodelatorre4970 Ай бұрын
El dr ya le daba una crisis nerviosa con los niño😅😅...siempre los deja en casa y ahora realmente tenian que ir dos nomas😢❤😂..
@taniarenata5336 Ай бұрын
Assisto outros canais nomades,e a educação desse povo é horrível! Sem limites vivem em.cima de comida,no meio de conversas de adultos ,não brincam entre crianças e o tempo todo se metendo entre adultos nota 0 para educação..
@IvanaLeonardi Ай бұрын
​@@taniarenata533611 23 di 2233ww23233ww^3 ^e ^9
@Катерина-г8м Ай бұрын
Конечно,идти на поводу у детей, нельзя! Это медицинское учреждение и заходить категорически запрещено! Дети этого не понимают,а врачи из вежливости не стали препятствовать. Дорогой Саладин, будь построже с мальчиками, чтобы они были послушными и вели себя хорошо. Дети очень подвижные и они не приучены вести себя тихо. Для Фатимат: Дорогая, пострайся ходить, если будешь сидеть,то пользы не будет. Через силу, понимайся и делай шаг,другой... Надо себе помогать.❤
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
...plus he needs to treat her with more respect and carresing. Never ever hugs her etc..she was only good enough to have his 4 children. What a loser and his looks don't impress me at all. His brother Usuledinn is the most handsome looking man, in most of these nomadic videos.😂😂
@yelitzamargaritaruiz1912 Ай бұрын
Lamentablemente esos niños están siendo criados a modo salvaje así de simple y no los corrigen es triste y hacen lo que les da la gana 😕
@zoraidacruz5041 Ай бұрын
Mira Saladino agarra a Fátima por un brazo y ella con el otro con el bastón y caminadas por toda esa veredita de cemento todos los días dos veces al día en la mañana y en la tarde para que ella vaya agarrando fuerza en las piernas ayúdala tú también invítala a caminar contigo del brazo
@Катерина-г8м Ай бұрын
Хорошая идея ❤
@susysuniga7531 Ай бұрын
@@zoraidacruz5041 Señora Zoraida... usted tiene mucha razón, pero ahí en ése matrimonio ya no ahí AMOR, lo siento mucho dé expresarme así ellos van a seguir viviendo dé ésa manera por los hijos nada más él tiene más posibilidad de encontrar otra mujer porqué su cultura sé lo permite a los hombres ( qué pueden tener 2oh3 mujeres qué injusticia) yo pienso qué los dos sienten rabia uno al otro Saladin pienso qué él está molestó con Fatima porqué ella no pone mucho dé su parte más bien nada y ella también siente rabia con el porque le exige y cómo qué Fatima es callada le hace la vida imposible porque ella es caprichosa por más qué el le diga no responde nada y no lo hace ella misma sé está perjudicando nada más por muchos qué muchas señoras de diferentes Países y Idiomas le expresan los mejores deseos en el fondo la respuesta dé ella es un NO en silencio qué Fatima tenga un poco de conciencia porqué Saladino tiene muchassss.... ADMIRADORAS de todas partes del mundo hasta en su propio País dé origen, Y creo qué a ella no le gustaría perderlo claro cómo digo al principio de este mensaje todos los hombres aya tienen ése derecho dé tener 2 oh 3 esposas yo miró a Fatima qué es CELOSA, cómo ahí señoras qué dicen que ella sonríe no ella es una mujer antipatica y si sigue sentada en ésa silla va a engordar ya sé mira por la falta de ejercicio que ella requiere pero bueno a ya ella con sus caprichos la saludo señora Zoraida desdé Texas gracias.
@zoraidacruz5041 Ай бұрын
Sí ella va a perder a Saladino por no poner de su parte en curarse yo sé en la cara se le ve a Saladino su enojo con ella él piensa en sus hijos y cuando ella se vea sola va a pasarla muy mal. Saladino es un sol de persona cariñosos pero para todo hay un límite y él si ella sigue así va a llegar al llegadero y por otra parte la pobre Leila no tiene un minuto para ella y ella apenas es una niña qué tiene una carga muy grande me da mucha penita con ella
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
I Do not think he cares. After all, he got Layla. When Layla leaves, he will find another woman.
@carolchance7615 Ай бұрын
😊❤There are reasons why the Dr said do not bring the children The Dr Is Not Happy ❤😊
@Soaring561 Ай бұрын
Children should not be allowed to a hospital or health facility, these children are so spoiled!!!😮
@sidahwahit7585 Ай бұрын
Salahudin org yg tak endak kata org. Hal2 ank2 terutamanya. Fatima satu hal. Dia hanya fikir diri sendiri. Kasihan Leila. Baliklah ke family dan kamu nk sekolah. Tetapi gayanya Leila lebih suka jadi bibik utk family Salahudin😅😅
@Катерина-г8м Ай бұрын
Оператору отдельное Спасибо ❤ Вы очень внимательны,дали ребенку умыться чистой водой. Может это мелочи, но я очень благодарна. Доброго Вам здоровья, благополучия, счастья ❤
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
This man never follows any rules or regulations . Even what the doctors told him long time ago. It is his fault and stop blaming Fatima. No one in the world would resist walking and sit in a wheelchair if they could be walking. No he doesn't have a house where he is going ...instead of the tent he should have constructed a home. But blame it on your wife's condition you whimp.
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
​@@Soaring561he only does what he says.punctum
@zoraidacruz5041 Ай бұрын
Mira Saladino hicistes muy mal en llevarte a los niños al hospital los médicos estaban muy molestos por ellos porque no le pones carácter a los niños no podía hablar bien contigo sobre la situación de Fátima ya se subía ya se bajaban ya entraban ya salían los médicos estaban muy nerviosos por ellos cuando vuelvas a una consulta con Fátima anda solo así ellos se revienten del llanto pero no deben de ir a esos sitios. Y Fátima bueno cura está en tus manos procura hacerlo por lo posible por caminar si no le pones fuerza al asunto pues pues pasarás el resto de tu vida sentada en esa silla pon de tu parte eres joven Nikon 4 muchachos bueno muchas bendiciones para ustedes y a los regañé bastante Saladino ponte las pilas
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
Giusto poi i piccoli sono deboli qua in Italia non possono assolutamente entrare perchè prendono i virus si infezioni e cè un'altra volta il coronavirus in giro!!E pericoloso pure per i grandi!!
@TirsaYaguaran Ай бұрын
Hola,fatima tienesl que poner de tu parte x tu salud y familia,levantate de la silla saladino te ayude asi mejoraras rapido,leila necesita descansar,estudiar irse con sus padres,intenta caminar fatima !!!!!animoooo!!!!¡
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
@@TirsaYaguaran@TirsaYaguaran I hope she gets well soon, but get protection not to get pregnant again; she may not survive another pregnancy. !Not that Salidine cares!
@alessandragenoni3032 Ай бұрын
Layla sei tanto bella e brava ma è ora che torni a casa tua xon i tuoi studi!!!!! Adesso si devono arrangiare!!.nn puoi andare avanti per sempre a curare i bambini degli altri, anche se sono parenti È giusto aiutare ma ce un limite! Se ne stanno approfittando!!! ❤
@Soaring561 Ай бұрын
I totally agree with you!!! She does EVERYTHING for these people!@! Abuse, abuse, abuse!!@ let her ho she's just a child herself!!! She's 13!!!!!!!!!!!!
@taniarenata5336 Ай бұрын
@marimtz3750 Ай бұрын
Exactamente a leyla la tienen como sirvienta le dejar todo el quehacer
@rosamariaassiz95 Ай бұрын
Essa Esposa,e preguiçosa, não luta,para ajudar o marido, Laila e muito triste, o que fazem com ela
@cristinamelgarejo7573 Ай бұрын
Leyla regresa a tu casa Fátima es una cómoda comienza tu vida estudia y ayuda a tus padres deja q Fátima crié a sus hijos no ayudes más Leyla eres hermosa!!!!!
@beruangabc2929 Ай бұрын
Saladin itu anak kembar jangan di bawa ke klinik susah nakal dan Fatimah malas belajar berjalan sampai kapan Layla harus mengurus kamu dan anak2mu perlu merasakan buat Layla
@senayahmet8571 Ай бұрын
Çok doğru söyledin
@cristinamelgarejo7573 Ай бұрын
Eso es muy cierto Fátima es una cómoda y no ama a saladino por eso no hace nada para salir adelante...
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
@@cristinamelgarejo7573 And Saladine Adores her, right?
@حموديحمودي-ت4ط2ط Ай бұрын
الطبيب قال لك لاتاخذ الاطفال الى المستشفى ومع هذا اخذتهم الاتخاف عليهم انت ليس لديك اي شخصيه
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
He thought they might drown in their tears. LOL
@nycerodrigues-sr8gg Ай бұрын
Sr saladino coloca seus filhos no devido lugar me deu Stress ver eles mexendo nas coisas no hospital
@isonemarisafaletti9388 Ай бұрын
Por favor Saladino e Fátima, a Leila não poderá ficar a vida inteira com vocês, façam alguma coisa para mudar a situação e ter um lugar para morar. A Leila precisa voltar a Escola. Que Deus os abençoe 🙌
@rozaliamarkatos3237 Ай бұрын
The doctors say not to bring the kids. But you didn’t care. Very spoiled. They always cry and you do whatever they want. Not good. They have to learn to behave. 😡I have to stop watching this channel. I don’t feel good to see this behaviour.The baby is going to walk before Fatima. Another one doesn’t listen to the doctors.🙄Those 2 doctors they are angels 👼 on earth. They try to help you and all nomads. Respect ✊ them.
@senayahmet8571 Ай бұрын
Bende izlemeyi istemem böyle devam ederse
@sonvo4966 Ай бұрын
Bạn có tâm nhân định CHÍNH xác ❤❤
@elena.863 Ай бұрын
Eres buen padre pero tus hijos te conocen y saben que llorar es conseguir lo que quieren. Tienes que respetar lo que el doctor te dice, no es un juego ni una tontería que estén revisando a Fátima y los niños lo toquen todo se pongan en medio No tienes que ponerte en tu sitio y poner orden de prioridad.... es muy serio lo que tiene Fátima pero no se mueve por que lo tiene todo. No yo no soy nadie pero tengo dos opciones de corazón y después del hospital un día han de 5minutos al otro día 10 y poco a poco coje todas las fuerzas que se pierde en el hospital lo siento pero en estos momentos has bajado la guardia y eres débil.
@viviandahlgren1224 Ай бұрын
Hon är bekväm och upplevs som ganska lat 😢
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
Stop insulting the woman he is the one who denied taking her to physiotherapy as these doctors told him long time ago. Judging her medical situations only by watching their KZbin channel is ridiculous you people don't read the translations in your languages where everything is explained what these doctors told her selfish husband over and over again.
@Катерина-г8м Ай бұрын
Отдельное Спасибо оператору! Вы очень добры и внимательны. Я обратила внимание,когда Вы дали чистой воды мальчику,чтобы он умылся. Может это мелочи, но я считаю ,что вы это делаете от чистого сердца.❤ Желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, благополучия, счастья ❤
@shahnaazrajaal2252 Ай бұрын
The operator must be a Dad, he love Saladin's kids. Keep it up Mr operator ❤❤well done and thanks for the lovely episodes ❤
@glecia3665 Ай бұрын
Saladino precisar saber dizer não para esses gêmeos ele tem que ser mas doce e para sua filha .tem que saber educar essas crianças
@orianabravodelatorre4970 Ай бұрын
También el regalo que hizo a Leila,por cierto muy trabajadora saludé a ella desde Chile ❤😊😊😊
@MERLYGUBITOSI-el3gl Ай бұрын
Fatemah should atleast when She stand up with the cane move 1 or 2 steps forward.She need to Help her self to get better nobody else can Help her only her self. Fatemah do it for your children. Stop feeling sorry for your self.your another lets is fine you can use it to move around little by little. Leila and Asia are going to School who’s going to Help you with The babies? I pray that Fatemah gets better but She has to Help her self.
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
Ifatti e scabroso alzarsi non camminare!!IO sto nella stessa situazione!!
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
stop blaming the women and read in the subtitles what the doctors told her selfish husband.
@petramkissoon1814 Ай бұрын
Saludin needs to be real with his wife..tell her the truth and stop thinking about how she would be unhappy. She is making herself unhappy. Everyone in this world has a willpower and has the choice of using it. Fatimah needs to practice that, Saludin sits in his own world and look at all the troubles amounting in his life. That's the reality, you either address them one at the time and be the man you are supposed to be in your family. Fatimah says nothing, Saludin is nit affectionate with his wife. He needs to learn from his brother. But Operator, whatever your storyline is for this family, it is starting to be annoying and unacceptable. Changes must be made. You need to sit with this family and have a serious conversation. They depend on the viewers money since Saludin has no intention of getting a job
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
@@Rossa78 Rossa le medicine oncologue mi hanno distrutto nervi e tendini!!Pero e duro alzarsi ma poi e facile camminare ,ma lei non prende medicine forti che procurano l'artrite!! Sono 4 mesi che ha partorito lo fa a posto se no farebbe di più e non buttare tutto su una bimba di13 ANNI
@helenfitch3440 Ай бұрын
@@Rossa78 yes they told him he had to take her to physio , but he didn't. And now it's going to take longer for her recovery. Stop babying those boys and start helping your wife.
@ЗояСиливанчик Ай бұрын
что детям делать в больнице,это же не развлекательное заведение, они там только мешаться будут, а если Фатиму оставят там обследоваться, они тоже захотят с ней остаться, Саладино надо быть построже, они же мальчики, а то будут, как девчонки...............даже доктору не понравилось, что дети поехали
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
Wasn't he telling the doctors that the kids had colds, yet he took them to the clinic so they could get worse? Just like him.
@MariaElenaBatista-p9d Ай бұрын
Buenos dias, SR. OPERADOR, espero que las peticiones de los SUSCRT. hacia LEYLA, de que regrese a su casa, usted se las trasmita a ella. Regalarle un vestido dr mujer adulta y unas zandalias, no es para nada valido. USTEDES, se han aprovechado de esa niña. Para que FATIMA, vuelva a CAMINAR tiene que quedarse sola lidiando con sus hijos, es la unica forma para que se esfuerce y que vuelva a ser el eje de su Hogar, de su vida u de estos VIDEOS. Sino podremos pensar en que ustedes no piensan de una forma limpia .
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
Troppo giusto come hai detto, la penso pure io cosi!!
@Simed9946 Ай бұрын
Thank you Leila for treating the dog like a member of the family❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
@jacidalvasilva4625 Ай бұрын
SR.SALADIN de limites a seus filhos, Fátima precisa se esforçar para andar,layla já deveria ir pra casa.
@petramkissoon1814 Ай бұрын
Saludin is not training those boys in the right way. He gives into them. Why would he take them to the hospital when the doctors clearly said do not being them. They are very disobedient. They do not listen to even the parents, and that is embarrassing
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
Specialmente il gemello magrolino mette pure le dita nel'occhio del piccolino!!!
@taniarenata5336 Ай бұрын
Leila saía imediatamente dessa casa ! Volte a estudar,vc nao.pode criar filhos que nao foi escolha sua ,cada um tem sua vida! Ela que tente voltar a andar e va para seus filhos .
@mariaaraujo2934 Ай бұрын
Boa Noite família abençoada FÁTIMA DEUS te proteja está na hora de começar andar sozinha você começa divagar segurando nas coisas que vai dar tudo certo estarei daqui torcendo por você
@PhilomenaSengu-vl8cm Ай бұрын
Saladin is very stubborn he does not listen et all. These doctors are trying to help you and Fetehma.
@BreeScott-th1hm Ай бұрын
Saladi needs to stop treating the boys like little porcelain dolls and all the kissing. He is really becoming annoying with that. The boys know just how to get their way and he plays into it. While at Saladin’s birthday picnic yesterday, Fatema stood up long enough to fart and flopped right back to the chair! She needs to try more. She has all the hours in the day to walk and help herself but she does nothing! Even if she simply stood up, took one step and stood in place for minutes it would be better than the nothing she does! Despite what may be her degree of pain or discomfort I’m really tired of watching. These parents and these bits are becoming too much to tolerate. Sympathy and compassion go but so far with them! Let’s see how things go with the house. I have been wondering why Saladin is less established than his other male relatives. I don’t know his history before first watching the show at the time of Fatema’s medical evacuation. Don’t know.
@classysmart Ай бұрын
Why did you take the twins to the doctor for your wife’s check up? They were obviously in the way and the doctors cannot even move around. Sometimes I get irritated when I see The kids getting spoiled and getting their way just because they 😫 cry. Children will cry, and then they’ll stop crying. The hospital environment is not a place for children especially if they have a cold. They could pass that cold to other people in the hospital.
@yelitzamargaritaruiz1912 Ай бұрын
Es cierto esos niños son muy estresantes que vergüenza estoy fuera de mis limites en serio uuuuff tragame tierra 😰😰😰😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫣😱😱
@susysuniga7531 Ай бұрын
Saladino date cuenta qué a nadie les gustan chicos mal criado que falta de respeto a tuya con los DOCTORES te lo digo no llevarás a los muchachos porqué tocan todas las cosas nunca estan quitos y llorones muchas falta de educación dé su parte no me importa lo que digan aquí todos tenemos derecho a opinar gracias.
@vastirteixeiradelima5174 Ай бұрын
Verdade. Tocam em tudo, mexem em tudo, contaminam e podem ser contaminados
@НинаГригорьева-э8б Ай бұрын
дети своим ревом добиваются всего чего хотят. очень раздражают.
@helenfitch3440 Ай бұрын
No good giving into them ,only makes it worse.
@elenarodriguez3970 Ай бұрын
Buen dia para todos. Saladino eres un hombre muy terco, el medico te dijo que no llevaras a los niños y no hicistes caso. Por favor corrige a tus hijos y aprende tu tambien las ordenes y cuando se dice no, es no. Los estas exponiendo sin necesidad al llevarlos a una clínica
@mariaeliaveraaparicio7579 Ай бұрын
Asi es,es una falta de respeto para los medicos y los demas pacientes,si lloran ya se les pasara Leila los sabe entretener,ademas estos niños son un poco maleducados no saben estarse quietos y lo tocan todo.
@senayahmet8571 Ай бұрын
Bende ayni fikirdeyim salaadinde akıl yok dr kaç defa söyledi çocuk getirme zaten karısını bu duruma gelmesi 9aylık hamile kadını o yerde tutması onun hatası kusura bakmasın kafayı değiştir
@mercedesvargas1726 Ай бұрын
El viejo es necio y no puede controlar a los niños. Son los niños los que gobiernan a saladino
@mercedesvargas1726 Ай бұрын
Los niños no deben ir al hospital es un lugar donde se pueden contaminar. Los doctores deben prohibirle la entrada. A todos los niños y luego estos son muy tentones.
@mercedesvargas1726 Ай бұрын
Gracias operador por ayudar al niñ
@zothansiamisailo9842 Ай бұрын
I don’t know why Saladin can not control these two trouble makers, specially Kianoosh, they are of age to know how to behave, he should not take them along to the Hospital, even the Doctors are annoyed with him, usually children are not allowed in the Hospital. It is Saladin’s fault that they are misbehaving and without any manners, from now on Saladin needs to put more restrictions on them and discipline them sternly and firmly
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
He doesn't care; the twins can do no wrong. Saladine only gets annoyed with Fatima; I have never seen him try to help her walk. I will bet that when Layla leaves, he will find himself another woman.
@cerildajones1183 Ай бұрын
Lelia you have done your time helping your uncle…please go now school starts soon … it’s time for him to step and take care of his wife and kids or move to the city like normal people
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
Not only that she also wants to lift a heavy wheelchair instead of letting Salidine do that. Why?
@beruangabc2929 Ай бұрын
Saladin kamu tetlalu memanjakan anak kembar menjadi bertambah nakal menjengkelkan sekali didik disiplin tidak harus menangis biar menjadi anak pintar
@حموديحمودي-ت4ط2ط Ай бұрын
اسيا طفله مؤدبه وودوده ومحبوبه عكس هولاء الاطفال الشياطين
@liduskacigankova480 Ай бұрын
Kluci jsou rozmazlení pořád řvou a křikem si všechno vybojujil taťka musí být přísný Lekla pújde do školy a co táta si neporadí jinak mám vás ráda ale kluci ty nezvládnete
@mariaauxiliadoravieira8752 Ай бұрын
Onde ja se viu levar criancas a sala de exame.Elas mexem em tudo.Saladino anda fazendo de vítima.
@최보경-o3m Ай бұрын
의사선생님이애들데리고오지말레는데왜데려가나요정신없게집에레일라도있는데 제발다음부터는데려갈수있는데만데려가세요
@angelicasaitofernandesdacr8794 Ай бұрын
Desculpa gosto muito dos vídeos mas esses gêmeos estao passando dos limites tudo choram alem de muitas vezes judiarem de Asia que se comporta como ima princesa e ninguem paraece dar valor e carinho que ela merece a esposa parece estar gostando de ficar desse jeito todoa fazerm tudo entao ela nao precisa se esforçar por sua família Leila nao e empregada deles esta ali somente para ajudar ja esta na hora dela cuidar se sua própria vida esta difícil continuar sempre com as mesmas coisas e por favro avise o Saladino para corrigir seus filhos gêmeos
@Florence-nw7li Ай бұрын
Je les déjà écris de nombreuses fois qu’il prend leila pour son employé à tous faire
@etelvinaregalado-ed6mp Ай бұрын
El medico tiene razón los niños nunca tienen que andar en el hospital al menos que ellos sean los enfermos asi agamn berrinches los niños tienen que aprender cuando es paceo o cuando es una Emergencia no siempre se conplacen
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
Doctor: Mr. Hosseinpour, do you have a house where you are going? Saladin: No, I have to start construction! Doctor: So you should do it soon because winter is near! Saladin: I was supposed to go earlier, but because of the repair of the van and the condition of my wife, I got distracted. This is exactly what was on my TV translated as subtitles from the conversation that liar had with the doctors. Blames it on his van and his wife. Shame on you 34 yr old man who made her pregnant 4 times. thats why she is in this situation today. She had twins shortly before the 4th child. I read lots of medical information about Fatimas postnatal medical issues.
@moroccanlady2542 Ай бұрын
I agree with you, made her pregnant 4 times and he couldn’t even look at her face or give her his hand to help her stand up. Shame on him
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
You are right. Salidine only wants to construct unnecessary things, like a pool for his tweens. I think he just wants to put on a show.
@MERLYGUBITOSI-el3gl Ай бұрын
@@moroccanlady2542 Fatemah needs to use her both arms/ hand . Nothing wrong with her hand. She has 2 arms and 1 leg that she can used.
@chnoorjafar620 Ай бұрын
Frame for Fatima is supporting her to walk
@reginaferreirasilva7690 Ай бұрын
Deveria ter considerado o médico pra não levar as Crianças ,foi muito difícil para os profissionais atender com as crianças mexendo em tudo. Espero que sirva de lição. porquê não é não .
@nycerodrigues-sr8gg Ай бұрын
Me pergunto qual melhor colocar um basta na vontade dessas crianças ou deixa las doentes Por qualquer viruz no hospital ? Sr saladino seja firme com essas crianças NAO !!!!!tbm é um ato de amor
@НаталияДаценко-ш8б Ай бұрын
Саладин - Вы тоже бестолковый? Слушайте что говорит доктор - Фатиме надо ходить. Идет застой крови в венах, и это очень опасно.
@НаталияДаценко-ш8б Ай бұрын
Зачем детей приводить в кабинет????? Вам нужна важная информация от доктора и вы должны руководствоваться ею, а ваши дети невоспитанны совсем и нет необходимости их в такие учреждения водить
@helenfitch3440 Ай бұрын
​@@НаталияДаценко-ш8бbecause they are both sooky.
@Soaring561 Ай бұрын
@BreeScott-th1hm Ай бұрын
@@НаталияДаценко-ш8б I always come to Saladi’s defense but this time no! He totally ignored the doctors to not bring the screaming twins but he did! That shows such stupidity on his part and disregard for the doctors as professionals. He never disciplines these spoiled kids and it needs a to stop. He shows weakness as a father in letting the kids do what they want! Not good. All his attention needs to be on what the doctors are telling him about Fatema! They are messing with the bed crank and he allows it! I’m so disappointed in his stupidity today!!
@BreeScott-th1hm Ай бұрын
Fatema never says anything to correct them and sits there like a knot on a log. No parenting skills between the two of them! Doesn’t he realize clinics and hospitals are places for all kinds of germs! Stupid Stupid Saladi!!!
@mohammedwakass1428 Ай бұрын
على صلاح الدين أن يكون صارما مع الاطفال فهم مزعجون بعض الشيء وسيجد صعوبة في تربيهم مع مرور الايام
@conceicaocarvalhocarvalho9706 Ай бұрын
Saladino você não deveria, ter levado as crianças , só sua esposa, a sua esposa tem que se esforçar para retornar a andar, ela é muito parada, isso é ruim para a recuperação dela.🇧🇷❤️
@MariaFernandez-xo4lw Ай бұрын
Salidine does not care about Fatima anymore. He got what he wanted from her: the tween boys. Now, what he needs is a maid.
@JabierDiaz-qe4pb Ай бұрын
Saladino tus hijo se no se quedan quieto más en una clínica adonde están los medico educación tenes que enseñar a tus hijo tu mujer puede caminar lo que tiene es vaga se abusan de leila qué los niños la comida son uno abusadores con leila el operador que muestre su cara para que lo conocamo
@vastirteixeiradelima5174 Ай бұрын
Verdade. Fátima é dramática e preguiçosa
@selleyisaac6323 Ай бұрын
Leila leave Fatima and take the kids away so Saladin can take wife to the doctor. If you keep allowing these kids to cry and get their way, what kind of life is Saladin going to have.?Leila has to go to school and Saladin will have to take of crying mother and kids. Fatima does think of her kids and Saladin’s struggles, but cries and asks for painkillers and sit in wheelchair all day long. God help Leila so she can go back to school, please! 🙏
@magdalenaverdugo609 Ай бұрын
Esos chamacos son insoportableeessss!!!!
@selleyisaac6323 Ай бұрын
@@matildedelasnievescatalanp1524 You are 100% right. I enjoy Par and Pelar. These brothers takes comment seriously and progress towards improving their lives. I feel sorry for Leila cause she is taken advantage of. Saladin should stop wasting money taking Fatimah to the doctor because they DON’T listen to the doctor.
@nancyalberghini7581 Ай бұрын
@@matildedelasnievescatalanp1524I am starting to agree with you. I think a lot of the goings on here is drama created to entice viewers to watch. Saladin has no ability to think for himself and his family. He seems pretty uneducated.. he does not plan ahead for tomorrow or the future. He looks to others for money to support his family. Apparently he is no pride. His kids rule the home with their constant crying and getting their way. The doctor said not to bring the kids and he does anyway
@nancyalberghini7581 Ай бұрын
There is so much dysfunction in this family
@cpaz111 Ай бұрын
It would have been better to at least have Leila go along to watch the children in the waiting room area if the parents insisted on bringing the children 😮
@LamujerDelmoñoo Ай бұрын
De verdad amo mucho a esta familia, por favor Fátima intenta andar aunque te duela, para la circulación sanguínea funciona muy bien con castaño de indias ojalá haya ahí. Muévete, inténtalo sin depresión, inténtalo. Yo tengo artritis reumatoide y hay días que no he podido ni andar ni mover los brazos y sigo hago el esfuerzo y ando además puedo mover los brazos, inténtalo hazlo por tí y tú familia que te aman mucho. Saludos y salud pronta.
@beruangabc2929 Ай бұрын
Saladin semoga rumah barumu nyaman dan aman buat keluargamu bahagia❤❤
@mariaeliaveraaparicio7579 Ай бұрын
Me parece que Fatima deberia conocer su situacion real,no creo que ayude en nada ocultarsela,asi sabria que todo depende de la voluntad que ella tenga para volver a caminar poco a poco,Leila y Asia van a ir pronto a la escuela y no estaran tanto tiempo con ella y los niños Leila debe seguir su vida y Asia es demasiado joven para llevar una casa para adelante ademas seria una situcion injusta para ella,que lo ha pasado tan mal durante la hospitalizacion de su madre.
@BlancaEstelaMonzonbernal Ай бұрын
Siii estaría bien! Mientras sus facultades mentales fueran buenas, pero no lo son pues tiene depresión muy aguda y a tratado de suicidarse! Saladhin ni debe enojarse con ella mucho menos decirle la verdad, en la conciencia de aquellos que insisten en que sepa la verdad puede quedar si Dios NO lo permita que le pase algo!
@BlancaEstelaMonzonbernal Ай бұрын
No se si conoces la Situación Real de Fathemeth, para opinar así! Ojalá nunca pase nadie esa situación !
@mariaeliaveraaparicio7579 Ай бұрын
@@BlancaEstelaMonzonbernal se que tienes depresión pero también veo que Saladino muchas veces se dirige a ella instándola a que ande con tono enojado, tampoco veo que le estén tratando la depresión cosa que me enoja, creo que mentirle a ella sobre su situación tampoco es la mejor opción,si no empieza a dar algún paso poco a poco puede sufrir otras enfermedades graves y en mi caso mi madre tuvo coágulos en ambas piernas y la operaron y quedó bien,creo que Saladino debería tener en cuenta si pueden operar o no.dicho esto yo también quiero que se recupere.
@madalenap.peresdeoliveira4634 Ай бұрын
Leila chegou a ora de ve cuidar da sua vida ,vôce fez muito por essa familia .eFatima não se esforça de caminhar está acomodada ganha comida na mão e saldino está muito parado com ela
@carmenleilaazevedo7738 Ай бұрын
O andador dá mais firmeza para Fatemah começar a andar. Experimente o andador outra vez.
@florybethaguilar9567 Ай бұрын
Saludos familia, por favorayude a su esposa sostenga haga el favor pobrecita así sola no puede mucha falta de amor hacia su esposa.
@sheelaswamy1094 Ай бұрын
Very bad Saladin you cannot control your kids. Let them cry. They will cry for so mete and then they will stop. Youafe a mistake by taking them. Now when ever you take your wife they will start crying and will not allow you to leave. I have never seen kids like this all through my life. You don't want to teach them good things other you keep pampering them when they do mistakes.
@ViewerClub Ай бұрын
Saladin a hospital is not a place for children if they are not sick. The doctors don't use gloves for medical procedures and these children don't sit still. They could come away with lots of disease causing germs and you don't want another sick on your hands. You need to be firm with them. There will be a lot of tears but they will grow out of it. Please Fatima your husband needs his wife back so that life could go on. You only try to stand up when you remember. But this should be done several times per day. If you don't push yourself the muscles will get useless and you will eventually lose the use of them. Use them or lose them. The blood will not circulate if you sit in a chair all day. Move those legs and stop waiting on Leila to be the house maid and make family decisions that's actually your job
@cpaz111 Ай бұрын
Leila was very good at picking up one of the boys who was screaming and carrying on and she took control of his fit. Saladin and Fatima should also Leila to take charge and discipline the boys. The doctors advised them NOT to bring the children and they should NOT have given in to the boys temper tantrums. It’s only going to prolong their disobedience as they get older. Teenagers are usually stricter and able to control the little ones.
@shahnaazrajaal2252 Ай бұрын
These boys where present when they saw their mother airlifted by helicopter, for them to see both parents leaving is just opening wounds, please give them time to overcome that experience.
@MaryAnnSherwood Ай бұрын
Not Leila s job to discipline children
@mariamontelongo4233 Ай бұрын
Pero no Fátima ni saladino muestran caracter para desirles noooo vas ósea no hay voluntad de nada ni caminar ni educar menos de mandar a esa niña a su casa con su familia porque porque tienen su criada que les hace todo
@beruangabc2929 Ай бұрын
Trimakasih Layla kamu memberi makan anjing semoga berkatmu selalu mengalir sehat selalu Tuhan Memberkati❤
@ЗояСиливанчик Ай бұрын
в добрый путь семья Саладино, искрене рада за вас и пусть у вас будет всё хорошо!!!!❤❤❤
@김명희-n6t1o Ай бұрын
레일라 강아지한데 시원한 아이스크림도주고 인성도 너무 착해요~ 이제 힘든일 그만하고 그집에서 벗어나서 학교로 돌아가세요~ 너무 안타까워요 예쁜 레일라~ 똑똑한 레일라~ 고생그만 했으면 좋겠어요~
@taniarenata5336 Ай бұрын
Eita gente para fazer filhos ,gente a vida esta difícil,educação alimentação, moradia e vcs so fazem filhos , depois as pessoas param suas vidas pq tem que cuidar .
@marcobarrantes596 Ай бұрын
Es feo un niño malcriado, pero dos es peor no enseñan a los gemelos lo que no tienen que hacer lo que les de la gana
@nadjaqueirozcerqueira1695 Ай бұрын
Saladino, criança não deve ser mais que os adultos!Tenha mais autoridade, deixa eles chorarem, espernearem, mas eduque -os! Os médicos pediram para não levá-los ao hospital e você fez o que duas crianças queriam!Eles estão sendo o pai e você o filho,pelo amor de Deus!Seja enérgico !Gostamos muito de sermos seus seguidores,mas não aguentamos mais esses meninos mal educados! O mundo todo vê ,é muito feio! Dessa maneira,você perderá seguidores e muito,e sua participação no KZbin será prejudicada ,será pior ,ou seu canal chegará ao fim! Sei que crianças são enérgicas,mas as suas já passaram do limite!Perdo-me por fazer esse cometário!Mas muitos seguidores também comentaram!Saúde para sua esposa e para todos.❤
@jacidalvasilva4625 Ай бұрын
Verdade tem que disciplinar esses filhos.
@Florence-nw7li Ай бұрын
Saladin est trop faignant pour do ner une éducation au GARÇONS Mais avez vous vu comme sa fille est gentille ....à mon avis il a déjà DRESSER SA FILLE Et comme se sont DES GARÇONS Ils peuvent tous faire
@rugneydasilvabarbosa8734 Ай бұрын
saladino vc pensa que é médico , para ficar atrapalhando os médicos juntos com esses moleque,,o médico disse não levar as crianças más não tem jeito às crianças é quem manda, muito triste isso
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
plus he didn't let his wife speak for herself that narcissist.
@carolinamavarez3347 Ай бұрын
Pobres médicos lo q tuvieron q aguantar hoy los admiro mucho veo su canal también donde ayudan a otros nómadas sr saladin esta mal q no le diga la verdad a Fátima ella debe reaccionar y piner de su parte de paso esta engordando mucho y eso tampoco ls ayuda
@fatmasaka3654 Ай бұрын
@classysmart Ай бұрын
Mr. Saladin, give Fatima the first walker that you had bought. It would be easier than just that one cane. With the walker, she could put support with both arms and then put the wheelchair away.
@shahnaazrajaal2252 Ай бұрын
I agree 💯 with you, the walker is more supportive
@MERLYGUBITOSI-el3gl Ай бұрын
I agree but She is Lazy She keep saying it hurt but of course it is but She need to do it constantly so that her legs can get use to it. I Love to watch them but it is frostrating to watch fatemah do nothing to Help her self.Layla is doing everything from doing laundry,cooking and taking care of her children. I Will give another month if fatemah doesn’t start walking I Will stop watching the Show.
@mariamontelongo4233 Ай бұрын
@@MERLYGUBITOSI-el3glestoy de acuerdo con tigo y creo que también yo dejaré el programa no quieren hacer nada y ya enfado la verdad
@classysmart Ай бұрын
@MERLYGUBITOSI-el3gl Ай бұрын
@@mariamontelongo4233 I don’t understand your reply to My comment please use English.
@taniaprofacs2262 Ай бұрын
Se fatima nao se movimentar logo, vai acabar perdendo os movimentos das penas, isso se não sofrer as graves consequencias pela formaçao de mais coágulos. Choro não resolve nada, tem sair da cama e da cadeira. Até as crianças estão chateadas pela falta de disposição da mãe. Asia parece ser a que mais sente tudo isso.
@letamarguilherme8023 Ай бұрын
Ora a Deus para que Fátima fique boa logo para cuidar dos seus filhos Mesmo do jeito que ela tá as crianças estão mais felizes o esposo o bebêzinho sorrir quando olha ela ele tá feliz 🌹 eu fiquei dois anos e nove meses na cadeira de roda depois voltei a andar Graças a Deus eu creio que Fátima também vai voltar a andar em nome de Jesus 🌺
@لستكاياحد Ай бұрын
نصيحه لاختي فاطمه ارجوك ي صلاح اذا تريد زوجتك تمشي ارجو رجاء خاص ان تشتري لها عكازات خشب وليس الي عندها حديد لان خشب تستند عليها ويساعدها على مشي وتحمل جسمها❤❤❤❤
@candicetardona8118 Ай бұрын
monsieur l'opérateur il ne faut pas exagérer si vous voulez rester crédible, l'examen médical c'est une prise de sang au poignet au milieu de gamins qui crient, avec des mouches partout, et Fatima emballée dans un voile noir qui ne montre que ses mains... et le résultat avec un microscope à l'ancienne, en quelques minutes, c'est pas sérieux, et les docteurs ne parlent qu'à Saladin, comme si Fatima était sourde ! les acteurs du feuilleton sont de plus en plus mauvais, et Saladin de plus en plus stupide.
@fatmasaka3654 Ай бұрын
@marcia_5160 Ай бұрын
Os gêmeos não deveriam ir a sala do médico, essas crianças precisam ser disciplinados, eles choram e Saladino já faz o que eles querem, o pai precisa ser mais rígido com as crianças. Quanto a Fátima, ela precisa se esforçar para conseguir andar, talvez um par de muletas a ajudaria muito a dar alguns passos.
@antoniadadderio8150 Ай бұрын
Operatore le dica che sbaglia Saladino i bimbi non sempre possono andare insieme dal padre, così fa vedere che e un uomo debole, lo dicono persino i medici
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
...he acts like a narcissist who thinks he is God himself and only his interests are acceptable. Such a whimp.
@julialima6969 Ай бұрын
As crianças não devem ir ao hospital desnecessariamente 😢, é muita exposição, cuidem bem dos gêmeos! Por favor🙏
@mariansaletedecarvalho2949 Ай бұрын
Adoro essa família!Gostaria que Fátima tivesse mais força de vontade de melhorar!Assim as coisas ficariam mais leves para Saladino e Leila! Força Fátima,se ajude,por favor!Amo vocês!❤❤❤
@123sari75 Ай бұрын
Fatimah sungguh malas untuk berjalan, harusnya dia kasian sama Laila tugas yang seharusnya Fatimah lakukan sekarang di ambil alih sama Laila, padahal Laila harus sekolah
@MariaToader-hq8tg Ай бұрын
Correcto 😅
@deciapereira1790 Ай бұрын
Leila agora é hora de pensar nos seus estudos se você continuar assim fazendo tudo a Fátima ficará acomodada porque ela não tem se esforçado pra andar
@jacidalvasilva4625 Ай бұрын
@kalethrodriguez9240 Ай бұрын
Hola Saladino, gracias a Dios por conocerlos,puse granito de arena por verlos, aconsejé como puede mejorar tu esposa, pero no hace caso porque en realidad no está enferma,vi que es puro show, espero que a futuro hagan algo mejor.Dios les cuide siempre por esos niños inocentes😢
@RosaVargas-is9wm Ай бұрын
Saladino la clínica no es una casa de familia no deberías llevar a lis niños tenes q ser con más carácter y no dejarte de ganar con los niños, Fatima tiene q hacer caso a los médicos q ponga de su parte en caminar sola fuerza y mucha suerte
@ArvisHicks Ай бұрын
We have all been complaining about the twins. Everyone. Saladin when are you going to grow up. Quit kissing them for a while and do what Everyone that watches the thus series is complaining about. Discipline those twins. It is hard to watch them consistently being brats.
@urmisarkar4805 Ай бұрын
WORST KIDS EVER SEEN😡😡. Saladdin always gives into their demands never ever corrects them and so these kids are misbehaved as much as possible!! Saladdin SHOULD NOT have taken THE KIDS TO THE HOSPITAL, after the Drs. repeatedly told him NOT TO BRING THEM ALONG 😡😡😡. Fatema, what good is it if YOU JUST STAND UP FOR NOT EVEN ONE MIN. HOW IS IT GOING TO HELP YOU WALK?? Really, these people NEVER even read our comments 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
@lauragallego6952 Ай бұрын
Saldino se deja manejar de los gemelos. El médico le dijo no lleve los niños y lo hizo q terquedad y para todo lo q hace malo saca cualquier pretexto. Los niños van a una clínica únicamente cuando están enfermos
@antoniocastro3410 Ай бұрын
Fatima don't make any effort to get up and make steps. She can use the wheel chair to hold on and push. I find her lazy to motivate her self. I feel sorry for Leila. Leila should go back to her own family. Fatima is depending too much on Leila. The twins need to be deciplin. Saladin should be firm with them.. Doctor told them don't bring the kids and Saladin still bring them. Need to follow doctors order not your own decisions.
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
hopefully you never ever have to sit in a wheelchair! you don't know how painful it is having a blood clot in your leg.
@ЦиалаСокурова-ч8ь Ай бұрын
Операбельно нельзя удалить тромб ?
@eskimeyensarklar8677 Ай бұрын
@@Rossa78 Ben biliyorum oglumun dogumundan sonra aynisini yasadim. Doktorlar bana yürümemin 3 ile 6 ay arasi sürecegini söylediler ama ben 7 günde yürüdüm cünkü acida ceksem her gün ekzersiz yapip en az 3- 4 adim atmaya calistim bunu yeni dogan oglum icin yapmak zorundaydim. Sunu unutmayin hic bir hastalik aci cekmeden iyilesmez ve Fatima ne kadar uzun süre oturursa o kadar zor olacak yürümesi. Ama o inatla halen daha sadece dikeliyor bir adim bile atmiyor bu da bana yürümek istemedigini gösteriyor.
@mariaizzo7155 Ай бұрын
@@Rossa78 Ma dopo 4mesi se ne va ,e l'artrite che aumenta e non diminuisce, e io faccio di tutto quello che posso il resto la mia nipotina che viene 3 ore al giorno!!!
@francer1793 Ай бұрын
​@@eskimeyensarklar8677i also had the same after giving birth to my son and I also done what doctors told me I was walking in 2 weeks I done little bit daily so I could be usefull and helpful raising our children
@r8xk190 Ай бұрын
الرجاء عدم متابعة هذه العائله انهم يكذبون
@harringtonlyall9067 Ай бұрын
Saladin I am sorry just people here I talk to say that you are more loving and kind/understanding to others and dogs then Ms. Fatima.
@florybethaguilar9567 Ай бұрын
Corrijan y eduquen a los niños con llanto consiguen todo.,son bellos pero corríamos.❤❤
@ladypurple1345 Ай бұрын
Fatimah you can do it try walk slowly in the morning I have been like you last 2 years after support from my family I can walk don't be afraid may Allah always bless you and family
@marleia.v.leandro6368 Ай бұрын
Que feio Saladino, levar as crianças ao hospital. 😡O médico pedido para não levar e só porque as crianças choraram ele levou. Hospital não é lugar de visitas e muito menos levar crianças. Fiquei decepcionada😔
@SaryCflores-jn1dv Ай бұрын
Qué irresponsabilidad de saladino al llevar los niños en el asiento delantero no debió haberlo llevado el control era para Fátima pero por lo visto los niños mandan más que el papá
@Malanisafka Ай бұрын
살라딘 가족들의 사랑❤ 소소한것에도 행복을 느끼 며 감사히 생활하는 모범 가족의 전형. 파티마의 조속한 완쾌를 기원 합니당❤ 사랑스런 보물 레일라와 아시아에게도 신의 은총 과 축복이 함께하길❤❤
@susysuniga7531 Ай бұрын
Ridiculas respuestas de Saladin qué le dio al Doctor los pobres DOCTORES estan se sienten muy nerviosos con los muchachos porqué todo tocan que sinvergüenza es Saladino. Fatima nunca a puesto nada de su parte para mejorarce porqué así el show se extiende más que ricula respuesta da Saladino porque ella siente vergüenza cuando una está mal de salud tiene qué poner mucho de su parte pero ahora ya entendí que ésto es puro show.
@vastirteixeiradelima5174 Ай бұрын
Se Fátima tem vergonha por estar numa cadeira de rodas, por que não se esforça para sair dela o quanto antes!
@marimtz3750 Ай бұрын
@helenfitch3440 Ай бұрын
It s not fatama who is embarrased its saladin. Hes more interested in what the boys are doing than how fatama will get well and what the doctors are telling him.
@BlancaEstelaMonzonbernal Ай бұрын
@@helenfitch3440 it's true, he Is the one, the other Day he told her, about something and then expréss to her and you do Not tray to get up from the chair!
@marizapavanelli4339 Ай бұрын
@candicetardona8118 Ай бұрын
Saladin a été élevé au milieu des chèvres et n'a pas reçu d'éducation, donc est incapable d'élever correctement ses jumeaux, aucune autorité, ces gamins sont insupportables, le maigrichon au crâne déformé ne comprend rien et pleure pour un rien et le potelé commence à faire pareil. et en prime Fatima accepte qu'on discute d'elle par derrière, elle n'a pas son mot à dire et on ne lui demande pas son avis, soumise la madame. Dans la vidéo d'aujourd'hui on a quand même l'impression qu'on se moque de nous, c'est du grand n'importe quoi, ça manque de crédibilité. la seule vérité c'est le gamin qui se lave les mains dans l'eau du chien et le chien qui bouffe la glace de Leila, lol
@ritac5515 Ай бұрын
I don't know why Saladin can not be strict with his children. look at how they were everywhere at the clinic, touching and pulling things, must you take them along? why can't you instill discipline in your children? People watching your videos have children too, there is something called discipline....., this is coming from a motherly love, don't get me wrong♥♥♥
@Rossa78 Ай бұрын
Thank you doctors for telling this man the real truth and many of the viewers told this selfish & stubborn husband to take his wife to get physiotherapy. Forcing her to walk etc. was evil, since he had no feelings for the pain Fatima constantly had. It's ridiculous to comment that he has to struggle. Or even calling this a "beautiful" family, only because of his looks??? Making him the superstar for lots of women, who seem to comment only in his favour because they are infatuated with him.hahahahah. Poor Fatima isn't even aloud to speak for herself to the doctors. He has no idea how she really feels, he only wanted her to be functional again, like she was living in the caves. He never said that he was moving near the Pars or Pers. Only today because of the medical staff?? His screaming twins are terrible, he will never get them or mainly Kishian to cut it out. They won again, and he took them along. Good for Leila, who must have had enough by now since may 2024. Crying and screaming are two different things. All along, only what her always commanding husband said, had to be done etc. I'm only interested if Fatima gets to walk again and once Leila is releaved from being the maid of his difficult family.
@MaryAnnSherwood Ай бұрын
Great comment…..I started to say the same. Imagine if it was Saladin in the same situation
@nadjaqueirozcerqueira1695 Ай бұрын
Fátima, eu fiz uma cirurgia no joelho,fiquei com muito medo de andar,meu esposo me pegava por um braço e eu usava a moleta no outro ,era muito ruim,doía, mas tentava várias vezes ao dia, consegui. Reaprender andar é dolorido, porém importante, você precisa cuidar dos seus filhos e voltar a ter independência !Leila ,precisa estudar.Desculpe-me por ser sincera!Jesus esteja sempre contigo!❤
@vastirteixeiradelima5174 Ай бұрын
Esse gêmeo magro, não é uma criança normal.
@marimtz3750 Ай бұрын
Esta sobreprotejido demasiado nimado tiene un problema psicológico 😵‍💫
@nycerodrigues-sr8gg Ай бұрын
Saladino nao culpe a layla eles sao seus filhos nao dela 😡😡😡😡😡 e vc quem tem q colocar moral nos seus filhos .
@shahnaazrajaal2252 Ай бұрын
Hi Saladin family greetings from South Africa. Fatima please you must try to help yourself don't be embarrassed,we all have different types of things we go through and can't just throw in the towel. Take care of yourselfs, love you all ❤❤
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