very lovely with both monk and animal as well as tigers and monks in Forest temple in Kanjana buri love to be together coz monks are NOT dangerous since the Buddha time. Many animal love him and live with him in the forest!!!! Stop destroy monks! Stop jealous monks coz they do good to all beings!!!! Monks can LOOK after environment BETTER THAN THE WORSE GOVERNMENT!!!! This is good image for people around the world to go to Thailand. The Thai government and royal family destroy the country to much!!!!! Everybody hurt!!!!!! F...k hell! Once monks look after them very well and tourists know by mouth on mouth the Tourist authority is so EVIL and wants to take over. Bloody dirty gov! STOP put the dirt to the Buddhist monks who care for animal. Animals are NOT stupid even though they cannot talk but you all LOOK into their eyes. They have the SENSE AND FEELING. Monks are so KIND to animals and have a warm heart. Animals know abt it. F.....king bastard The Tourist Authority of Thailand. This animal is better than Mano who destroy the dhmmakaya temple and his master Ven. Dhammajayo. This man MUST go to the hell before after life!!!!! He has NO duty to DEFAME any monk except the worse man SUWIT!!!!!