Yes it is a very fun game and it is really realistic and you have so many cat colours to choose from you can be any cat you like but you have to sleep in the game and you have to wait seven minutes until you wake up again but it is a in app purchase you can pay real life money do not have to wait seven minutes until you wake up again but apart from that it is the perfect game in the world. There is nothing wrong with it no bugs no glitches the best if you want to live a cat life, and raise a family you can have kittens! Do you want me to do a video showing you how to play and what all the things do and mean? I will even if you don’t want me to because other people might want to know how to play and if they want to get it. I’m not advertising I’m just saying how good the game is and you can do so so so so many things in the game the maximum level is 300! Anyway have a good time!❤❤😊