Father has returned temporarily with the milk and uncle nodja with the ice cream
@nanashi77795 күн бұрын
2:29:48 best damn joke of the entire stream i +2ed so hard
@hashbrowns267465 күн бұрын
as soon as I saw this comment I knew exactly what joke it was from watching last night.
@lowondough30305 күн бұрын
i dont get it
@finnwolf85685 күн бұрын
@@lowondough3030joe wrote a book called 'the wizard and the dragon'
@metaljessmax185 күн бұрын
Joe being so omninous about this secret he can't talk about (but very soon will) makes me think he's being legally obligated to keep silent (like a NDA).
@actualfirstname10795 күн бұрын
Yeah I'm kind of thinking the same. What I'm about to say is really foolish if it turns out to be true (and I have no evidence for it not even rumors just pure past-streamer ptsd), but I pray to fucking god that the situation doesn't include inappropriately approaching minors man.
@itzhen7032Күн бұрын
@@actualfirstname1079commenting so hopefully someone will comment my comment and I'll see what the reason is whenever he talks about it
@officiallyaninja5 күн бұрын
1:57:30 without the music this looks/sounds so ass
@fluke75065 күн бұрын
I think Joe will love metaphor Best boy Strohl is HIM
@danielr.36455 күн бұрын
@AhNoWiC5 күн бұрын
oh good hes alive
@diamondaion85345 күн бұрын
And he's already streamed again since this one?? We are so back