I don’t know if Jun likes on of them so he’s trying to keep them apart or he already realizes that the company wouldn’t allow them to be together so he’s trying to stop it before it begins but the petty in me wanna fight him so bad cause sirrrrrrr get out of the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy your ruining the magic like the moment po isn’t overthinking and is actually right Jun wanna come and get in his head and I hate it 😂😂😂😂 ima need thame to just either say or show that he outright liked po so Jun can get out they business at this point he legit being mean and petty with po for no reason he keeps saying thame wouldn’t want or like him for no reason and keeps crossing lines that he shouldn’t but po is to sweet and nice to tell Jun to stop or be quiet and also it’s understand or for po to believe Jun we gotta remember Po is insecure and naïve from his past relationship so it’s easy for him to believe him when he says thame wouldn’t want him I can’t wait for thame to help po rebuild his confidence