REACTION PZE 🇷🇸 (Teya Dora-Zejna-Zorja) Pesma za Evroviziju 24

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Georgi kanev

Georgi kanev

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@rhysjones7002 8 ай бұрын
PZE is so strong this year, I have a lot of favourites from it. I love both Zejna and Zorja, I really want to experience Zejna's song in a club setting with the heavy bass. And Zorja I cannot wait to hear her sing this song live, it's going to be a moment 💛
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
It’s gonna be an amazing semis and final and hopefully we get to crown a winner someone who will have the quality and the banger 😀
@jovana9540 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for very nice comment about song Ramonda and Teya Dora❤❤❤ from Serbian followers of Teya Dora ❤
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@teodorgiorgos3357 8 ай бұрын
Zorja je ubedljivo najbolja. Ubija kako peva! Zaslužuje pobedu ove godine. Dostojno bi nas predstavljala na Eurosongu ove godine. ❤️💘💋🌹🔆
@acke1845 8 ай бұрын
Teya dora
@svetlanavlaisavljevic8999 8 ай бұрын
Yes,ZORJA....outstanding vocal ,song well made ....complete packige 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@svetlanavlaisavljevic8999 8 ай бұрын
Zorja, outstanding vocal,well made song,beautiful girl....complete packige
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
I have the feeling that she is very down to earth woman , very likable
@milicapejcic4286 8 ай бұрын
Samo Srbi pod reakcijama o jednom pevaču kukaju o drugom pevaču... Posebno ovi Zorjini. Mislila sam da je ona iz malo kulturnijeg miljea, ali ... Ovo ipak rade njoj bliski ljudi😭
@svetlanavlaisavljevic8999 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC Eto i jedan profesor da bude nekulturan posto ste Vi veoma urbani i vaspitani,ali ne znam zaista iz kakvog miljea pitice Zorja ,obzirom da je NE ZNAM, osim sto sam slusala njene obrade nekih pesama,s postovanjem.....uzgred ,moji oreci su takodje bili muzicki obrazovani,moguce nevaspitani kao i ja kako Vi STRUCNO UTVRDISTE
@bebero1310 8 ай бұрын
Ramonda is flower grown in south Europe and symbol of rise od serbian people after first world war, when many died. also love song so you can relate with many topics. You are such a great guy! keep going!
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Yes I learnt for the first time yesterday what Ranonda is about. It’s an amazing message and it’s not the only song with a message, I am stunned that this years national final in Serbia has so many good options
@bebero1310 8 ай бұрын
​@@georgikanevESC agreed. Love many of them
@marko_radic_ 8 ай бұрын
This song has inspired me immensely, so here's my translation (it's not completely literal because it rhymes, but I tried to keep the original imagery and metrics as much as possible by singing along to the original lyrics): [Verse 1] There's no rest, no rest for me I am restless, I cannot sleep The night won't give way to dawn Doomed is the one who is alone. [Verse 2] It's as if underwater silence reigns I'm screaming, but you can't hear my pain Beyond the mountains the gleam is white Yet there's no end in sight 'Tis the path for the wounded. [Pre-chorus] And there's no one to guide me now Save the bright Danica* the Morning Star The world's a pyre burning each flower Where have they evanesced, those lilac** ramondae***? [Chorus] Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda. [Pre-chorus] And there's no one who would guide me For all the stars are sound asleep Saying prayers is of no avail Where have they evanesced, those lilac ramondae? [Chorus, break] Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda. [Chorus] Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda Lilac ramonda [Outro] From the ashes rises up a single lilac ramonda. * Danica is a feminine name personifying the morning star in Slavic mythology; it can be found in Serbian lyric poetry ** In this context, lilac is the pale purple colour, not the type of flower ***** The title of this song references a flower called 'Ramonda serbica' in Latin, a species endemic to Serbia. The mountain called Rtanj is the home to this flower which was discovered in 1844 by a famous Serbian botanist Josif Pančić. Being a living fossil from the Tertiary period, it is capable of surviving extremely harsh conditions. Even if it is completely withered, just a few drops of water can revive it. Natalie's ramonda (Natalijina ramonda), the flower of the same genus, is very similar to 'Ramonda serbica'. It was named after Queen of Serbia Natalija Obrenović, and it is worn as an emblem on Armistice Day in Serbia. This flower, also known as the 'phoenix flower', symbolises the unprecedented suffering of the Serbian Army (during the Great Retreat) that managed to rise victoriously like a phoenix from the ashes that the World War I, in which Serbia lost one third of its population, had left behind. This song can be interpreted in different ways due to the universal symbolism of ramonda as the beacon of hope for people going through tough times (wars, natural disasters, disease, psychological problems, heartbreaks, etc.). According to my interpretation of the lyrics, the repetition of the line in which the lyric subject wonders where all the ramondae have disappeared represents the feeling of powerlessness and despair. However, the outro of the song reminds us that hope springs eternal. Despite all the atrocities occurring in the world, it is in human nature to never lose hope.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for that comment and it all sounds very well thought through. Teya dora did an amazing job with that song and even if it wouldn’t win it will have great impact and its quality. It’s just that Serbian national final has many songs this year with great meaning.. so what will people choose , we shall see
@marko_radic_ 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC I agree.
@slow.and.hot717 8 ай бұрын
"Save the bright Danica the Morning star"? Zar nije "do svetle zvezde Danice?" Jel ovo greška ili namerno prevedeno sa save? Pitam jer je konfuzno, a vidim da je prevedeno u književnom stilu sa rečima koju većina ljudi koji imaju B1 nivo (a to je većina onih koji prate Evroviziju) ne bi shvatili... Prevod je lep ali treba da približi značenje običnom čoveku koji neće uzeti rečnik da pogleda šta npr. evanescenced znači. 🤷 Bez hejta, i meni je Ramonda favorit za predstavnika na ESC i baš zato mi je stalo da koga zainteresuje pesma pročita prevod koji mu ima smisla a ne da pomisli da treba da spasi zvezdu Danicu.
@marko_radic_ 7 ай бұрын
​@@slow.and.hot717 Namerno, koleginice (vidim da smo kolege sa beogradskog Filološkog 🙂). Odgovor će biti malo duži. Izvini što ti nisam odgovorio ranije. Koliko sam ja razumeo, u tekstu pesme prilog „do“ je upotrebljen da označi izuzimanje, a ne da označi pravac jer mi značenje pravca (kretanje prema zvezdi Danici, koja je negde na horizontu) nema smisla u ovom kontekstu (sad nakon gledanja spota ima), što dokazuje i drugi predrefren pesme, u kom se pominju zaspale zvezde. Dakle, „nema kog da vodi me sem/osim/izuzev svetle zvezde Danice“, čime lirski subjekat (svako ko u pesmi može da se pronađe, ne nužno autor) verovatno želi da kaže da je zvezda Danica tj. jutarnja zvezda, koja se pojavljuje pre izlaska Sunca i označava rađanje novog dana, jedino što mu daje volju za životom i što iščekuje ne bi li znao da je još živ. Doživeti novi dan, dakle preživeti, a kako je zvezda Danica jedino što je tom lirskom subjektu ostalo kao neka vodilja, to znači da verovatno prolazi kroz neki užasan životni period i da mu je svaki novi dan nagrada. Ja lično, kad god čujem tekst ove pesme, pomislim na ljude u Palestini koji su zarobljeni i ne znaju da li će živi dočekati naredni dan. Vide beli sjaj tamo negde u daljini i ne mogu da dopru do njega, ali se negde duboko u sebi sigurno nadaju da će preživeti iako im ništa drugo nije preostalo do da gledaju u nebo i zvezde, a čak su i one zaspale i napustile ih. Kao što je Teya Dora rekla, super je što pesma može da se shvati na razne načine, pa svako neka tu pronađe šta želi. Ovo je samo jedna od mojih interpretacija. A što se tiče „save“, to je prilog koji znači isto što i „except, but, apart from“ i koji se kao i „do“ u srpskom koristi više u poeziji i formalnijim kontekstima i zvuči pomalo arhaično. Npr. u anglosaksonskoj elegiji „Ženina tugovanka“ (The Wife's Lament) pominje se u sledećem stihu: „With blithe hearts often of old we boasted / That nought should part us save death alone“, a u srpskom npr. u sledećim rečenicama: „nije ništa okusio do vode i zelena voća", „to nije bio niko drugi do on“ ili „život nije ništa drugo do...“. Ne doživljavam kao hejt, sve je u redu. Samo si izrazila svoje mišljenje. Imao sam i ja u vidu evrovizijsku publiku kao publiku koja će to da čita i čak sam hteo „običnije“ da prevedem, ali pesma me je baš nadahnula, pa nisam hteo da smandrljam prevod, a i nekako mi je zvučalo grozno u metričkom smislu kad je prevedem „samo da se razume“ (da ne govorim o onim prevodima tipa „I have no, I have no, I have no“). Reči su počele da mi naviru same od sebe, pa sam krenuo da ih uklapam i pevušim uz melodiju. Možda bi bilo bolje da to „save“ zamenim sa „but“ da bi bilo razumljivije jer „but“ nije arhaično. Verovatno je i bolja opcija zbog reči „bright“ koja sledi i koja isto počinje na „b“, a i dužina reči odgovara --> but the bright Danica the Morning Star. Sa druge strane, smatram da će onome kome je mrsko da ulazi u simboliku pesme biti svejedno da li je pročitao „disappeared“ ili „vanished“ umesto „evanesced“ jer će pesmu ionako pročitati sa pola mozga. Koga stvarno zanima i ko će za pesmu da glasa ne samo zbog teksta, nego i zbog melodije, emocije, aranžmana, pevanja, taj će se potruditi i da pronađe značenje ove reči, kao što traže i šta je ramonda. Barem je to danas lako izguglati, ali mogu i da izmenim, nije problem. Stvar je u tome što sam hteo da prenesem zrelost i emocionalni naboj izvornog teksta kroz poetičan prevod iako ima i jednostavnijih prevoda pa ko voli, nek' izvoli. Mislim da će to pre da nagna čitaoca da se malo više udubi u njega. Zato sam stavio i fusnote za dodatna objašnjenja ako bude nešto nejasno. Trebalo je da stavim i za „save“ i „evanesce“ taman malo da se uči vokabular kroz pesmu. Takođe, za množinu reči ramonda sam zadržao latinsku množinu sa nastavkom -ae da bi se koliko-toliko poklopilo sa /e/ u evaNESCed, ali tu sam sebi možda dao previše prevodilačko-pesničke slobode.
@vampir6286 8 ай бұрын
Ramonda - phoenix flower that grows in Serbia. The flower has a special ability, when the flower is dried and when it gets water it can completely resurrects. Ramonda the flower is very important in Serbia in marking the armistice after the First World War. story is long
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Hehe yes I also from other KZbin users here on the comments got the whole story of it :)
@0203anamarija 8 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the competition this year is much stronger than in the previous few years. I personally would like Zajna to win, because she is definitely the most powerful vocalist this year and her song is fantastic, but I also think that Teja Dora and Breskvica have the biggest fan base here in Serbia and cuz of that they have the biggest chance to win this year!
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
I fully agree. And I have the feeling that the Serbian channel will make a better semi finals and finals. Last year was a bit off for me when they changed the juries for the final and some other weird stuff. This year the songs are great , the artists are known.. let’s see what happens
@pitagorinateorema21_ 8 ай бұрын
@sanelapavlovic2520 8 ай бұрын
they are also my fav, also love iva lorens and filip balos !
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Wait wait those three are not just my faves only those three, I made video of BRESKVICA as well, and I LOVE her song too 🤓
@JNL76 8 ай бұрын
I wasn't very fond of Teya's song at first, but then I heard it entirely a few times and now I really really like it very very much, The chorus has me hipnotised ! Zejna and Zorja are not for me, sorry, though Zorja certainly has an AMAZING voice and it DOES sound a bit like a movie soundtrack. By the way, I might go to Greece this summer, to Porto Koufo, maybe you know it, it's not very far from the Bulgarian border. But we might go to Bulgaria too, I was there 30 years ago and I liked it very much, though I don't remember the name of the place. Any tips?
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Bulgaria 🇧🇬 has amazing beach resorts !!! Amazing ! The last 5 years it has become very “ in “ the beaches the food , the drinks it’s all a very good combination. And yes porto Koufo I know as well. It’s very family made , very sweet amazing paths to walk to and beaches 💜 so that’s a tough descision hehe What about BRESKVICA song ? Do you like it ? Cause I am in love with ut
@JNL76 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC Yes, tough choice to make, I will let you know what we decide. Which place of the Bulgarian coast do you recommend for a family of 6 who likes to relax and eat good food? We want to rent a private house. About Breskvica, I LOVE that one too !!! Why is it not in your top4???
@JNL76 8 ай бұрын
By the way, my favourites from Serbia are, Teya and Dusan Kurtic, yessss you read that well, it's my guilty pleasure ☺. I really like Arab music, I grew up with this sound and I love it, that's why I'm also obsessed with Slimane's music. I love Lena Kovacevic voice very much, but not the song. Of Yanx I like the song a lot but not her singing.
@ivana_bk 8 ай бұрын
Ramonda Is flowers😊😊me from Serbia
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@mirelaalic6266 8 ай бұрын
Zejna queen 🎉
@DusicaBrzakovic-zz5yw 8 ай бұрын
@fanofgoodvoicejustgoodthin3935 8 ай бұрын
@Zejna 8 ай бұрын
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Heyyyyy youuuu 💜💜💜 second year in a row and bringing bangers България те обича 🇧🇬
@Zejna 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC TE OBICAM! ⭐️
@markobrankovic5 8 ай бұрын
Zejna ❤🔥💪💞😇
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@Samokažem-r9x 8 ай бұрын
Teya Dora announced a revamp when she performs at PZE
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Am pretty sure we will have some of those, which is not bad at all. Because there is always place for making a song eeeven better for a European contest 💪🏻 I can’t wait
@Samokažem-r9x 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC Mee too
@nenadmatic7370 8 ай бұрын
Lila Ramonda is not serbian words, it’s just name of flower it can be alive with just one drop of water, it’s simbol for faith in life… i gonna vote for her, my friends as well
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Ok , yes I was thinking while listening if it would mean something else. That’s why. But I did get it after that , that it’s a name
@nenadmatic7370 8 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@georgikanevESC Ramonda serbica, also known as Serbian ramonda and Serbian phoenix flower . It is known for its ability to be revived when watered, even when fully dehydrated
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@nenadmatic7370 well, thank you for that information because if you didn’t tell me I really would know. But that’s the thing about Eurovision you can learn something from another nation and it’s fascinating
@nenadmatic7370 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC even people in Serbia don’t know it so don’t worry ;) Ramonda is latin word
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@nenadmatic7370 haha 🙌🏻🤓
@Ghost-gt8ki 8 ай бұрын
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Thaaaat beat !! Is crazy
@Ghost-gt8ki 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC Yea!!!
@Gankakuunsu 8 ай бұрын
Zejna winner 🎉🎉
@milicapejcic4286 8 ай бұрын
very nice post ❤️part 2 😌of song Dzanum Moye More is amazing song Ramonda by Teya Dora ❤️ on KZbin and Spotify channal of Teya Dora. 🙏you could make posts like for Dzanum song. 😌
@nenadstanculovic6023 8 ай бұрын
LILA Ramonda
@gocilydakov 8 ай бұрын
Why some singers have to put their own names in their songs...??
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Hmm 🤔 because they see themselves as a brand hehe I guess ?
@gocilydakov 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC ☺️ Agreed.. strong promotion as well Zejna, Yanx, Lena... All them did it. I don't like it.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@gocilydakov really ? I didn’t pay attention that others that did it too. Did they have the same person who wrote the lyrics of the song ? 😂
@gocilydakov 8 ай бұрын
​@@georgikanevESC No, every of them wrote their songs by themselves. 🙂
@slow.and.hot717 8 ай бұрын
A lot of narcissism this year, I guess. Lol
@emaema8713 8 ай бұрын
@slow.and.hot717 8 ай бұрын
Ok so the difference between Teya Dora and Zejna in the ratings I would say is mostly in the meaning of the song, at least for me. Teya Dora's song is a nice ballade, the lyrics are meaningful, she is singing about Ramonda, a phoenix flower (an endemic species in Serbia and Balkans) and the song is about being hopeless, she's asking where have all the ramonda's disappeared in the chorus and it ends with "one violet Ramonda rises from the ashes"... She sings "Lila Ramonda" - violet Ramonda, not "Mila Ramonda" - dear Ramonda. The meaning adds to the atmosphere of the song. Now Zejna's song has a good beat and music, but the lyrics are a complete turn off for me. She's singing she's the best. That's all of the meaning of the song. She keeps giving atributes to herself and the chorus is "Zejna is the best" repeatedly. Idk, the lyrics ruin it for me.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Ah when I heard it I was thinking she is singing ( Mila Ramonda ) and it totally made sense to my ears hah. About Zejna yes I see here in the comments a lot of people say that it’s too much when she sings ( Zejna is the best )
@slow.and.hot717 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC Lol yeah, I noticed that's why I wanted to clarify the lyrics. You are not alone, some people have even heared it as "Vila Ramonda" which would be Fairy Ramonda... it's "lila" though, as in purple/violet color of the flower.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@slow.and.hot717 ok then I was closer than others hahah 🩵 but thank you for telling me :)
@slow.and.hot717 8 ай бұрын
You're welcome Balkan brother :) Mila is definitely closer.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@slow.and.hot717 🩷🩷🩷
@marijarajnovic8357 8 ай бұрын
@DusicaBrzakovic-zz5yw 8 ай бұрын
Lepo peva Zorja,ali i dalje pesma nikakva
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Haha well I didn’t say it’s a winner
@bingoE 8 ай бұрын
actualy ramonda is not "serbian" flower. It can be found in central balkans, bulgaria also. second name "phoenix flower" becouse if it dry out and gets water it comes back to life. song is about loneliness and like that flower we can come back to "life" afther a period of "darknes". very clever lyrics and very "atmospheric" music. needs very good stage to power up energy of song. it reminds me a little bit on greek song from 2022. ppl dont like zejna and song is "zejna is the best" that wont be something which help her and this year votes from public are going to give more points than votes from jury. Zorja is fantastic singer and she will invest big in stage presence like 2 years ago. Lets see what can she do.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
Yes Zejna really put her name in the chorus right ? But I mean why not right ? Haha if she feels like it then she can do it😀 but the beat as a beat is amazing very catchy that I can’t deny. About the flower: yes after reading here some comments about it I read on Google because I searched it, it’s not that it’s particularly Serbian flower I read that as you said it grows in Bulgaria too heh It will all come to the live performances to be honest, that will declair who wins, because I do enjoy A LOT breskvica song, and I mean it A LOT
@bingoE 8 ай бұрын
@@georgikanevESC i know you are good with shane any of you coming on PZE this year ? I think ESC Tom talked about that last year but he still didnt made any video about PZE so i dont know. I guess balkan boy will come. forget to tell you one more thing about PZE. Not all who participate wants to go on ESC. Many are here just to promote themselfs becouse ESC is very popular in Serbia. Rumor is that Konstrakta wont be serious this year but we wont know that till we see her on stage.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@bingoE oh Tom will make videos for sure, he always makes a bit later. About Amer I don’t know, he didn’t say anything about coming. But me and Shane really much wanted to come :)
@Bionickpunk 8 ай бұрын
Their scientific names are literally Ramonda Serbica and Natalie Ramonda ( named after Serbian Queen Natalie Obrenovich), so you are full of it.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
@@Bionickpunk oh so I was a bit right saying that she sings it for a woman . That of course was just listening and understanding a bit of it not fully of course hehe 🤓❤️
@VJ-bu7sp 8 ай бұрын
The way you compare songs just bc of a likes and views witch can be bought and fixed and means nothing when you have 10 songs in serbian trending.
@georgikanevESC 8 ай бұрын
I didn’t get what you mean ? The way that I bc I late song because of likes and views when I have 10 Serbian songs trending ? Is that what you said cause I am confused haha because of views ? I uploaded a video with BRESKVICA and konstrakta and people asked me if I can react to those , so that’s what I did
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