Reading James

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Alice by the Palm

Alice by the Palm

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@thomasbredewold 22 күн бұрын
Thanks, you have a nice soothing voice
@yanji003 2 ай бұрын
so calming and informing thank you
@pamir1946 Ай бұрын
lol. best image for the reading James.
@luvurenemies6127 2 ай бұрын
Video ends at 19:40. You might want to re-edit this Alice…
@alicebythepalm_he 10 күн бұрын
I'm not sure why it becomes 5 hour. It's automatically uploaded from my Substack podcast.
@luvurenemies6127 8 күн бұрын
@ no worries, XD that’s interesting though…was the podcast itself 5 hours i wonder :/
@that_heretic 2 ай бұрын
The first two chapters are pretty damning to the modern church. More people who claim Christ still need to internalize it. James is great!
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Drop the ego (inner adult) and listen to your light (inner child)
@teezyduu2614 2 ай бұрын
This is your most impressive video in my opinion. Idk one young person that would read the Bible for this long! Amazing
@beefcake1876 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this.
@CryptoComics 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful work, Alice! Not sure why the video says that it's 5 hours and 34 minutes... I was expecting a massive deep dive into James, but it's just silence once you finished reading the book. Lol
@warwickgaming6764 2 ай бұрын
Love this. Big ASMR vibes.
@forthgoever 2 ай бұрын
So wise
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Resist the urge to lie or judge against all the temptation that satan gives you... Resist the ego!
@ZAYVERYRARE 2 ай бұрын
Alice, I hope you’ve been doing well. I hope you sleep peacefully. 😊
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Inner child again
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Means listen to the light and do what light know is best
@beejr6800 2 ай бұрын
May i know, what version?
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Words used to hurt(silent or spoken)create hell. (Regardless wht youd prefer to believe)
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Inner child is child of God
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
@@jakefocht5715 "I tell you the truth, unless you become as a little child you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven"
@Exhibit_xai 2 ай бұрын
This is like 5 hours . I don’t know if that was intentional or not
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
The inner child
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
@@jakefocht5715 " I tell you the truth, unless a person is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven" Jesus Christ
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
@7x779 "Born again". Meaning to be as one fresh born. As we know from Nicodemus next question, it isn't about a physical rebirth. Its about a spiritual rebirth. A mental rebirth. Being transformed by the renewing of one's mind even. As in, ignore your inner adult who scoffs, scorns, sneers, lies, bears false witness, suggests AND engages in every sin you do, envies, plots, conspires, gets angry, and quotes what everyone else says (which is the way of the world, not just in practice but also in content) rather, embrace that faith of a child (what the kingdom is made of) and be as teachable as one(what is required to ever see said kingdom)and learn from your inner child (who is your light being, being the only light in all of mankind, which John 1 identified as GOD collectively)who intuits and only ever tells the truth. (Which God is all of) In fact, if you DONT acknowledge the Son of God within you... (Child, in His image, the light being in everyone, God's Living Word, God Himself collectively) You DONT have life. (John 3:31-36 being about the voices in your head) P.s. it's important to have basic reasoning skills so you can figure out things like... Heaven is a light realm, so your light being came from there. Light vibrates more rapidly which means higher frequency and pitch, i.e. above all. Oh, and the Father of Lights means Father of EVERY LIGHT BEING. (Again, heaven is a light realm, so "heavenly lights" means the same thing) Ephesians 5:14! The light inside of you has a FACE. P.s.s. your inner adult aged, like your flesh. Because that's what it is. The inner child does not age. Because eternal is eternal, meaning time has no impact.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
@7x779 I'm getting the vibe that you never learned the Christian doctrine. It's simple. John 1:4 and James 1:22. Do what the light inside of you tells you to cause that's God's Will. Anything else, you're just lying. Jesus did that His whole life, to PROVE that IS what you're supposed to do. If you're not doing THAT your religion is dead, and you have NO faith at all. Also, Jesus NEVER EVER spoke out against ANY OTHER RELIGION, not even once. Which makes sense... Cause every other religion is about... Doing what the light says is how you please God. The fact that you seem to not know ANY of this is alarming considering how eager you seem to be to indoctrinate everyone else against this faith that IS the whole bibles message. The Bible is NOT about JESUS. Its about GODS LIVING WORD. And how, historically, the few men and women who actually did what He said did incredible things which changed the world. And Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiak, embodied GODS WORD the BEST thereby EARNING the title MESSIAH. Then the first church, eager to EARN HEAVENLY HONORS AND RICHES(which is what doing why the WORD SAYS does) repented the years that they didn't, and were transformed by the journey of COMPLETELY CHANGING INSIDE through obeying GODS LIVING WORD within them. They had prophetic gifts so powerful that a church sermon was three men prophesying. Strangers would visit, be shaken by their prophesies and fall down to the ground in repentance acknowledging that God was with these men... not some old coot behind a pulpit spewing his opinions as gospel because he paid some guy at college to claim he was ordained by God Himself. The original doctrine, Colossians 1:19-20. God saves the WHOLE UNIVERSE. Wanna be a heavenly priesthood though? Wanna have the RIGHT to be any kind of spiritual teacher? Actually do what the LIGHT tells you to, which IS your inner child. Anything else you have to say on this topic is null and void. Its about walking in the light and doing what your inner child tells you to. Anything other than that is heathen b.s. where you have zero intention of pleasing God so you'll pretend that insulting other religions, or talking down to people who ACTUALLY DO WHAT GOD SAYS, pleases Him somehow even more. Its th oldest issue of all.. God gives clear concise instructions, and mankind decides they don't wAnna know them, just tell me I'm saved anyways. Why did they throw virgins in volcanoes? Because they were pleasing God with their purity more than anyone else was, so naturally the only one who is shining (light) must go or we will feel bad. So... Do what the inner child says and stop proving how gullible and rude you are. (Again, Jesus NEVER spoke against another religion) P.s. since your ego is wrapped up in your delusion of being "religious" you of course will reply. P.s.s. anyone who says that Christianity is anything OTHER than doing what GOD SAYS is a fraud and serves Satan, albeit unwittingly, as a fool.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
The inner adult
@fasted8468 2 ай бұрын
James Jude and John were every bit as important as the apostle Paul.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Most of the men who obeyed the Word were poor.
@ChristMerch 2 ай бұрын
​@RAWNREADYliving in a homeless shelter with no money, no job, no government assistance, a terrible credit score, no support from family or access to any resources and 20k in debt. I get what you are trying to say and of course I have my health and other blessings but believe me I feel pretty poor right now dude.
@0...00..19 2 ай бұрын
​@RAWNREADYyou just assume everyone claims they obey the word actually obey the word when it's usually the ones shouting they do that dont
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
​@@0...00..19yes, humility usually doesn't boast of itself, and usually when you're the most humble and obedient you're not even trying, thinking of it or aware of it. You just do it
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
Are you sure they were poor? I recall the Bible saying not many war of high position or status, but that doesn't mean most were poor. Also, it says if you were stealing before, you should work with your hands not just so that you would provide for yourself, but you would have extra to help others as well If following the scripture resulted in changing one's life from stealing to working and becoming so productive they had enough to share with others , were they poor to be able to do that?
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
​@@ChristMerchwell God bless you I'm praying that God gives you the wisdom, the kindness, the love, the discipline, and the direction and divine help and connections that you need to get out of that situation. And while you're there to share the gospel with others with with the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit If I may humbly ask, do you feel or have others may have mentioned if there's any mental health problems? Or drug use? Or pride and an unwillingness to repent? Or unforgiveness which let the door open to demonic spirits to come in and kill steal and destroy? And how about marijuana? Is that part of the situation? The reason I ask is because some of the most proud and rebellious people are homeless, something that shocked me when I first learned it from people who minister to them. Many of them think they got it all figured out and won't accept any counsel or advice and especially if it's biblical I heard a local Pastor who was part of the rotation of pastors who would go down and talk to the people at the homeless shelter, and he said that nobody wanted to listen, to receive the words of God, it was falling on all deaf ears They only endured the sermons so they could get through it and get to the free assistance after the sermon was over That's very sad and heartbreaking, I Think Jesus and God's intention, and the intention of scripture, is to help people who have the ability and can get out of that situation Also, I have seen marijuana keep people in poverty because of the delusion that it gives them add the blindness and rejection of the people and the advice that God brings them
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Still inner adult
@yohnnycastro6380 2 ай бұрын
Hey what happened, I was enjoying the audio Bible read by Miss Alice and it when out ??? Also why do you have Gollum from Lord of the Rings who symbolizes addiction?? Saying im not listening?? Is this a reference to Isaiah 6:9KNJV. You have a beautiful voice remember that. Matthew 11:15 NKJV
@Rileyed 2 ай бұрын
Gollum represents addiction? Is “my precious” a rock of meth?
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Your inner child is your light, btw.
@Jayinjapanese 2 ай бұрын
There’s no audio past the hour
@oscarreyes4807 2 ай бұрын
Did her audio corrupt??
@MikeCo-ge7nz 2 ай бұрын
What happened to the audio after 19 minutes? 😢
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
"will". No judging.
@Jayinjapanese 2 ай бұрын
I’m gonna report you for spamming
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
@Jayinjapanese "confusion and fear" when they try to confuse you into being afraid of what they'll say or do to you so as to control how you think, feel, or act even if there's no earthly logical reason for you to be so. Because.... "Pride, wrath, destruction" the inner adult is the EGO, which gets offended easily (cause they aren't real therefore super fragile) and plots REVENGE. Go ahead ego. Report me for multiple comments. I have power, truth, and love on my side. (Inner Child, the Living Word of God) Truth being, I was discussing the content. Love being, truth. Power being, that since what I said is true you have no more excuses or defense. James 1:22 Do what the light says or youre a fraud. Happy Sabbath.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
The Word of Truth, John 1:1-5
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Dot show partiality for success materialistically
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
All sins lead to all sins
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Avoid judging like God and Jesus (John 5) and only think what you know is true.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
If you don't do what light says you're not walking in faith.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
If it's not about learning about light from light, it's not qualified to teach
@shanenolan5625 2 ай бұрын
For. The Algeria
@gregorytheleast-gf5me 2 ай бұрын
I love you, Alice. When do you want to get married? Next week would be good for me, because I am on vacation.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Inner adult again
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
No judging. At all. None.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
James 1:22 they didn't have bibles
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Ego talks. All religion is against ego except witchcraft.
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
Then why did Paul say the cross was offensive to all people of all religions except those that have surrendered submitted to it and died to their ego in self so that they could allow the power of God and Christ and the resurrection to make them alive again in Christ a brand new creature after they die to themselves? All religions except a relationship with God through Christ and true Christianity are the same, they they are all counterfeits that have their own prescribed ways that you, by your own works, can obey their rules and thereby work yourself into a relationship with god. But Jesus calls all these other ways thieves and robbers, deceivers and liars, they're trying to come in through the back door, and Jesus says they will not make it, they will be thrown out where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus is the only door, he is the only way the only truth and the only life and no person through any other religion in the world will ever get to God except through him Thank you Lord for the wonderful gift of your son and the good news that has come through him. Lord I pray for this person that they will have surrendered their own ego will and life completely to you so that they can be forgiven, wash clean of all their sins, be made a brand new creature in Christ filled with your Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ. And I pray these things in the mighty and Powerful name of the king of kings and Lord of lords, The Only Name under Heaven by which anyone can be saved, the name of Jesus christ. Amen
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
@7x779 @7x779 maybe it's offensive to all religions because you think they're thieves and liars for not making their whole faith bout someone who did the right thing being murdered. Let me clarify... If you think you can have a relationship with God without doing anything He says because you recall someone who did everything He said who was murdered 2000 years ago, than you're no more spiritual than the ones who murdered Him. They murdered Him because ego(pride) demanded that the obviously more righteous man (cause He did what the Word told Him to. Not a book. The Living Word of God, who inspired the book and who the book is actually about, John 1:1-5) must die or He would continue to outshine them. Your ego is currently discrediting every other faith, which contains more spiritually minded and righteous people than you, simply cause if your CLUB isn't the best than your ego gets less validation. Recall... Pride goeth before a fall. Ego is bad. Pride goes to wrath and then destruction. Ego is bad. And yes, I know. Your ego now compels you to pretend like you know better than I.
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
@jakefocht5715 thank you for your response. I know nothing I want to share nothing with you outside of him. These are his words not mine so if they have triggered you and made you angry, you are angry at him not me. Who am I except the temporary and passing human being the Christ has filled with his mind and holy spirit to share his words and mind to the Holy Spirit which dwells within me, completely saved me from death and sin, made me born again, born from above, and a new creature in Christ washed cleansed from all his sins? The word made flesh is clear, salvation is a gift of god, it is not by works, so that no man can boast. Do you understand that? 🤔 can I explain? What that means, is that if somebody thinks it's their own works and good deeds and effort that is saving them, then they can stand before God and boast about it. But if the person realizes that they're hopeless that even their most strenuous and best efforts to do good and be good will still fall short of the glory of God and his standard of perfection, but they cry out to God and they say " God have mercy on me a sinner " and they surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ Alone to save them, then God will give them the gift of Salvation and eternal life and adopt them to be his own child, a child of God. And God will supernaturally recreate that person on the inside, give them a new heart, a heart of flesh, and the day has come where the old prophecy is fulfilled when this happened, when God said "in that day I will write my law upon their hearts💕" The Living Word also says that our religious Works outside of him working in US is as a filthy rag, and the literal translation of those words says a used menstrual cloth. Salvation is a gift of god, it is not of works, so that no one can boast And if it is a works, then it is no longer through Grace by faith. And if it is by grace alone through faith alone, then it is no longer by works
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
@jakefocht5715 PS forgot to respond you said that I believe all other religions are thieves and Liars , that actually scares me that you would attribute that to me, please don't give me that honor and credit. Those are the words that are spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ and I merely sharing his words with you, from the king of kings and Lord of lords, the Alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, almighty god, Emmanuel which means God with us, wonderful counselor, everlasting God, the great I am, in the flesh, the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the Earth That is the person who said that anyone who tries to come in to earn their own salvation and come into the kingdom of God through some other religion or way through the back door, they are thieves and robbers, they are leading others astray, they will not make it in but be thrown out Those are the words of the Creator the king of kings and Lord of lords
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
@@jakefocht5715 lastly, Jesus was tortured and crucified by the will of God from the foundation of the earth, before we were even created That is why when John the Baptist saw him coming and introduced him, he said "Behold the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the Earth!" That is why when Jesus asked peter, who do you say that I am? Peter said you are the christ, the son of the living god! Jesus said Peter could not have known or said this on his own, but that God the Father in Heaven revealed this to him Then Jesus described how he must be turned over to men, beaten and crucified, and Peter cried out, no Lord this will not happen to you! At what did Jesus say? He said get behind me Satan for you have in mind the things of men not the things of god! Before the world was even created the whole purpose and plan of Jesus Christ coming into the world being born of a virgin in the way that he was, being completely sinless through his entire life, a lamb without spot or blemish, was that he would be sacrificed, crucified, beaten and punished, taking upon himself your sins and my sins and the sins of the entire world, in our place, the wrath of God was poured out upon him, so that we could be saved! How great of a salvation! And the word says, if you ignore this great of a salvation, after all he went through to save you, but you turn to some other way, it says there is no forgiveness for you, there is no other way, but your sins remain upon you and you will indeed die in your sins To slap God in the face and say that he didn't do this for you, is to call him a liar, and reject him and his way and Plan of Salvation that he went through all of that from the beginning of time to provide the only way possible that you could be saved forgiven converted cleansed and made new in Christ so that you can go and be with God in heaven Unbelief in this good news message from God himself through his son Jesus christ, is the only sin for which there is no forgiveness And the reason is, because that is the only way you can be forgiven and go to be with him forever enjoy Bliss love and happiness for eternity! So if you reject the only way you can get into heaven, how can God forgive you for that? It's impossible. But it is possible for the individual who refuses and rejects this, to repent, which means to change their thinking about it, turn toward God and believe what God says, that he really said, and that what God did, he really did, and that he means it and he wants this for you God bless you my friend, I'm praying that the Lord Jesus Christ will explain and reveal all this to you in the sanctity of your own inner thoughts and mind, and may He lovingly and kindly bring you to him and show you that he really and truly is King of Kings Lord of lords and the only way, the only truth, and the only Life by which anyone can come to god.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
Drop materialism. Stop hating the shine.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
And dont lie about people you dont know at all.
@jakefocht5715 2 ай бұрын
For reals. Don't.
@AudioGardenSlave123 2 ай бұрын
Glad you're doing this but I want you to read with some oomph. You're too close to whispering.
@JayB-JayB 2 ай бұрын
Too weird of a thumbnail... UNSUBSCRIBE
@7x779 2 ай бұрын
Did you understand it? It's an illustration of what's happening in the spiritual realm, when the scripture or any anointed the demons don't like it, they get triggered, freak out, and cover their ears. I once had a demon possessed girlfriend that I thought I'll deal with this by quoting scripture and singing Praise songs to the lord, the demons and her got triggered so badly she was screaming in literal torment and pain, so loud I can't even describe it. I was afraid the neighbors were thinking I was trying to kill her it was so bad! I had to run outside to get away from her and the demons came after me pulling in clawing and trying to keep me so they could destroy me, The demons hate people that belong to God and have the Lord and the Holy Spirit and the word of God living in them
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