Just finished Nexus it was really good. Kind of an action movie in a book but I liked that. Sometimes I like literature, sometimes I just want to read some cool fight scenes.
@TheFancyHatLadyReads6 жыл бұрын
I remember thinking A Discovery of Witches was pretty terrible when I read it a few years ago. I wanted way more witchy academic scholarship and way less vampire romance. I'm really looking forward to getting into my copy of The Night Masquerade!
@maxwashingtonmusic70006 жыл бұрын
Great vid!....."a rollercoaster ride and a half!"....I gotta read Obsidio, sounds thrilling...and Nexus is "explosive!"....I love all of your descriptions and thoughts....so fun and interesting....I know a few people who don't like fiction.....I feel so bad for them.....they don't know how thrilling it can be, if they would just use their imagination....I'm gonna show them this video...............I'm looking forward to your graphic novel vid (we nerds don't like the term "comics".....hahah jk!)..........I recently read: Monstress, Black Magick, Stumptown, Lazarus, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and the new Mark Waid Archie series: all were astoundingly enjoyable! :))
@TiffyDaud6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your lovely comment. I appreciate the support!
@Fabulist6 жыл бұрын
You are a more forgiving reviewer than I. I could not get over the “oopsie, we did a mass murder” aspect of Binti. She had to live in that abattoir for, what?, a week? Two weeks? The bodies of slain students and crew everywhere. I mean, the smell alone... ugh. And it didn’t even bother her.~~~And the twin deus ex machina things which saved her life, oy. First, the “magic mud” which she smears all over her body just so happens to be an insta-heal for the aliens, plus that tchotchke she inexplicably carries around with her suddenly switches on for the first time in recorded history and it just so happens to allow her to communicate with the murderous aliens. That’s just bad storytelling, regardless of whether it’s a metaphor for something.~~~Plus, they just let the medusae off the hook! And then apologized to them! A real WTF moment there. A direct analogy in the real world is apologizing to the kid who murdered his classmates in Florida and letting him go home to play video games. I kinda don’t see that happening. If they’d held the kids hostage and only killed out of self-defense, then sure. But massacring an entire ship full of kids doesn’t exactly put people in a forgiving mood.~~~That said, I thought your reviews were solid and cogent, and clearly presented. Well done.