Thanks for your clear explanation and demo. It was very helpful. You mention that you'd have each layer in its own workspace. Does that mean you'd have a suite of silver workspaces like dev, test, and prod ? Or only 1 workspace for all silver data and 1 workspace for all gold data ? Relatedly, how do you incorporate the deployment pipeline in a medallion architecture ? I'd love to see a real-world example of that : Medallion workspaces that use the deployment pipeline with dev, test, and prod workspaces. And how deployment rules are applied for the lakehouse level vs the lakehouse-created model level. Despite my best efforts configuring deployment rules to use the SQL endpoint of my test and prod lakehouses, my test and prod reports show in the lineage view that they're still connected to my dev lakehouse. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Anyway, thanks again for your video !