Reposting this from the last video: Well there's no better time than January 1 to look back at the previous year and all the great music you provided us. In honour of 2024 I will be sharing my top 24 favourite tracks from your guys from the last 12 months. The good ones: 24. Virus 23. Fulfil Your Destiny 22. The Aesir Will Welcome Me 21. Mechanical Menace 20. Power Upgrade 19. Galactic Demolition 18. Nightbender 17. Discovering Planet Nine 16. Ordinary Day 15. Celestial Beings 14. We Are Ready The great ones: 13. Exusia 12. In the Morning Light 11. Trident 10. Light up the Sky The incredible ones: 9. Dawnbreaker 8. Multiversal Collision 7. Fallen Kingdoms 6. No Time for Mercy The fire ones by Alec Maire 5. Helios 4. Sidewinder 3. Defcon and finally Unstoppable by the amazing Jaidan van Diepen and my all time favourite Burning Chrome from my favourite album Dead Circuit. If this year had this many bangers, I can only imagine what is next and I will be here every upload to find them. See you all 2025!