Reate Exo Chinese Clone Review

  Рет қаралды 572



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@kevinwaller657 2 күн бұрын
Excellent video my friend. informative, not way too long. and a goodhonest, unbiased opinion. 10/10
@pretentiousname01 Күн бұрын
I have the updated exo on thr more budget version. With the magnet secured lock, and by reate. Its super good and fun to carry
@pretentiousname01 Күн бұрын
As a other pa resident. I am pretty sure these are illegal, and not worth the *teeeechhhkkknially* vs the risk. where button operated knives like a otf is okay
@upaulknight 6 сағат бұрын
@@pretentiousname01 I agree, though I think it’s a silly nuanced ruling.
@Edcreviewer 2 күн бұрын
As long as there are no links in the descriptions to make money off the clones then it is what it is. If someone is posting afil links on clones that's where the BS starts. Personally I don't think KZbin should allow counterfeit review videos of anything to be monitzed because there are a few out there that just nonstop post counterfeit review videos. Making money off of counterfeit anything should be considered theft.
@upaulknight 6 сағат бұрын
@@Edcreviewer Well, good thing my channel isn’t monetized. 🤷‍♂️
@jgense1 2 күн бұрын
so i did the same thing. bought the clone to see if i liked it enough to get the real one. i got the larger version and then bought a reate og exo. i have a couple points to add to your video: 1. this is a counterfeit product, not a clone. a clone is a generic/unbranded/rebranded version often made with substandard parts. a counterfeit is a product made by a third party that attempts to pass itself off as authentic. this is not a reate knife, but it is branded as one, which makes it a counterfeit. the "reate" branding on this knife and its packaging violates the lanham act, trademark counterfeiting act of 1984, and tariff act of 1930. To be clear, you as a consumer are not in violation. its the seller and importer. 2. if they are misrepresenting the brand name, why would you trust them to truthfully represent the steel? i cant say with any degree of certainty what steel this is, but it could be a lower quality steel. i can say however that the heat treat on this is awful. this thing has the cutting performance of a $5-10 knife. it lasted for roughly 20 linear feet of cardboard before it started to have tearing issues. it will also take a 90 degree bend before breaking. 3. regarding the legality in your state, this knife is unequivocally a gravity knife and NOT a switchblade. this is not "deployed" with a lever. it is deployed with gravity/inertia. the blade of this knife is not mechanically connected to the handle in any way (pivots, gears, other physical linkages). the "lever" moves independently and does not impart a force to the blade. gravity knife is the appropriate classification. i echo the sentiments of @edcreviewer - nothing wrong with reviewing these sorts of knives as long as your not monetizing the content in any way or recommending the purchase. i would add that if you are going to review them, really put them under a microscope and evaluate performance. regarding counterfeit knives, if you are buying these on amazon, buy it, review it, break it, return it. dont keep it and certainly dont baby it. selling these is a crime and amazon will have to refund you regardless of the condition it is returned in. ensure it cannot be resold and that the people selling counterfeit products lose money because like it or not, your videos will contribute to sales for them. in an ideal world, your videos should be dissuading others from buying these. thats specific to amazon though. if youre buying counterfeit knives on temu or alibaba, then you are the importer and your really dont want to be in a position where you are importing counterfeit goods to film for youtube videos. i get it man. youtube is hard and youre a new creator trying to build a following. you cant be dropping $300 on a knife every video and thats totally cool. we can all agree that these knives exist because there is interest. if you can get more views, grow your channel, reduce sales of counterfeit knives, and have fun using and abusing knives that would otherwise be babied, then by all means, get some counterfeit knives from amazon. its free content after you return the knife
@upaulknight 6 сағат бұрын
@@jgense1 Thanks for the info. I will keep this in mind when considering making future videos.
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