Rebuilding an ABANDONED GMC Motorhome! Rescue Part 13

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Budget Buildz

Budget Buildz

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@MichaelSkinner-w8u 12 күн бұрын
Waiting on the final video. Hope to see this remodel finished.
@cap2c484 3 ай бұрын
Man, those kids are on the verge of building some incredible lifetime memories! Way to go Dad!!
@alexwallace9832 3 ай бұрын
Agreed, aren't kids just wonderful. Cheers from Australia 🇦🇺
@buffdoc46 3 ай бұрын
Looks better than factory. The patience you guys have to keep plugging away in the restoration is spectacular. Never could imagine it coming out that good.
@billslim9267 3 ай бұрын
This is by far my favorite series that you have done! Worth the very expensive subscription that you charge to watch! Thank you so much.
@dannydahlke1845 3 ай бұрын
You pay to watch?
@kbschulze 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been waiting to see the next installment. Wow really close to the finish line. Nice to see the kiddies, family is great. God bless.
@Generic_Eric_1977 3 ай бұрын
Didn't think I'd care that much about a camper revamp. Normally I just like the car/truck revivals. I've watched every episode of this project so far and that thing really is coming together nicely. Looks so much more up to date.
@derekwalters6132 3 ай бұрын
As much as I like the funkiness of the orange tweed covers that you’re thinking of using, the cushions that you have in there now and the colours they’re covered in go really well with your interior design. It may have been unintentional but they really work.
@thewausaudude 3 ай бұрын
I love that you kept some of that woodgrain soul in it. A mix of old and new and tied together nicely.
@Masterchief68a 2 ай бұрын
Been following this from the beginning and it’s getting close to being done! Can’t wait for the next installment! Yes! Go with the fuel injection! No good if it looks great and then can’t go!
@lelandlove5472 3 ай бұрын
This rebuild looks like it was done professionally. You and your dad should be proud. The upholstery i would go with durable vinyl to stand up to years of kid spills and such. And last go for a Holley sniper 2 EFI for a few more ponies.
@db-nm1ml 3 ай бұрын
The ability for the EFI to adjust air fuel ratio when going into the mountains is probably better than the few ponies.
@lunabouch 3 ай бұрын
Wow! You two have done amazing work on this camper. “Keep On Truckin”
@AlanK-k1w 3 ай бұрын
I seen all 13 of the GMC Motorhome vids you and your dad have done(other videos as well) first DYI that have done Totally Awesome Buildz YOU GUYS ROCK GREAT CONTENT KEEP IT UP DUDES!
@bernhardfahrni2336 3 ай бұрын
Plaid looks amazing and matches the interior perfectly! Please stay on plaid! Please!
@marchills4131 3 ай бұрын
What if you were to laminate an interstate road map to that bathroom door? It would give off that family summer vacation/road trip vibe. One of those goofy 60's style maps with the cartoony representations of attractions along the way, like a bouffant-haired, bikini-clad gal with a beach ball by the coast, and an old timey skier with spring bindings and bamboo poles schussing down the slope in the mountains? And a Philips 76 or Sunoco or other old fashioned gas station logo in the corner? Whatever you decide, it'll be awesome and I'm so enjoying this project!
@rogeriocosta1035 3 ай бұрын
I like the road map idea!
@berndm9743 3 ай бұрын
The fantastic work you 2 are doing to that old classic RV reminds me of the old time saying of "Turning a sow's ear into a silk purse". That RV is going to be a classic beauty when you're done.
@Laura_6262 3 ай бұрын
The orange is not wacky at all, It’s perfect!! Ties in very nicely 👍🏼
@thepinky9876 2 ай бұрын
cant wait for the next video... this series is my favorite
@RevDano7 3 ай бұрын
When you bought that thing I was thinking you have no idea how much work that will really take to get it to an acceptable state. You have done very very well
@elsoldabatey109 3 ай бұрын
You can’t ask for more, when the kids are excited and joyful over your build consider it done 👍 good job
@jeffking3641 Ай бұрын
You're making memories. I am reliving memories. Thank you. It is a joy watching father and son craftsman.
@davidbarnsley8486 3 ай бұрын
With the way this is turning out I can see a new side hustle Mike and his dads motor home restoration company 👍👍🇦🇺
@chrislegg8945 3 ай бұрын
You and your Dad should be extremely proud of yourselves . Going to look the bee's knee's when its finished ,I can't wait for one and I can think of at least 3 more as well . Well done .
@The-Hot-Dog-Show 3 ай бұрын
Love everything except the coffee colored blinds - I think white would blend better with everything and really make the orange seats pop - my two cents - great job!
@danf4616 3 ай бұрын
Amazing work you are doing on that old RV! Would cost far too much to pay someone to do all that, but you guys knocked it out! 👍👍
@danieldoherty6475 3 ай бұрын
the last 5 minutes were what makes it all worthwhile You are a great dad and granddad
@MrPrincepop 3 ай бұрын
This project has been awesome. I'm glad you stuck to it to 'getter done'. The Best part is that it belongs to you and your family alone and has NO monthly RV note attached Thanks for sharing this project with us in KZbin land.
@sdavifcom 3 ай бұрын
Seriously, this is awesome work. The attention to details is insane. This is one of the best resto on KZbin right now.
@powertoyz 21 күн бұрын
Id trust that carb more than any aftermarket EFI. Just make sure the fuel system is cleaned and solid. Great job... love these motorhomes
@springbankblackhouse 3 ай бұрын
Love the kids excitement, your dad is also a star of the channel! My vote is for the original fabric on the bench seat (or similar) as it ties in better with the interior, but go with what you like! 😊
@joe.olivet 3 ай бұрын
Finally… the motorhome! 😎🤘🏻🔨 Let’s goooooo!
@BudgetBuildz 3 ай бұрын
I really hope you enjoy!! 😃
@clevelandmaker386 3 ай бұрын
​@@BudgetBuildzbut .... still no chicken nugget dispenser....
@bernarddavies5880 3 ай бұрын
What a transformation love this series you’re going to make some fantastic memories with your family
@DeborahRogers-n1d 3 ай бұрын
You are doing a fantastic job on the renovation! It’s absolutely stunning! Love the orange for the seat covering, can’t wait to see it finished! Not sure if the clock is too near the hob though, it may get a bit steamed up lol! Everything else is just awesome 👍👍
@FreezyAbitKT7A 8 күн бұрын
@@BudgetBuildz Polycrylic is not varnish. Water can damage it. Basically it's white school glue. You painted the wood and put fake woodgrain on plastic... interesting
@Project_Servotopia 3 ай бұрын
This is the build that introduced me to your channel, and it's the build that keeps me coming back! Loving how it's turning out and these kids are gonna have a BLAST taking trips in this!
@nickt5361 3 ай бұрын
I’ve really enjoyed watching you and your dad renovate this motor home . Keep up the good work guys 😊
@MrVectrexUK 3 ай бұрын
Fantastic progress, and I just have to say: your dad is an absolute genius with measuring complex shapes! The work you did with cutting out the panels for around the windows was amazing!
@omphaloskeptic4989 3 ай бұрын
Looking GOOD! I vote for fuel injection (for altitude) and fire suppression (everywhere) and a 'mouse proof house' (because) to store this beast out of the weather.
@johna1160 3 ай бұрын
Holley Sniper would go nicely with the new decor.
@jcstrothers833 3 ай бұрын
The level of craftmanship and fabrication is beyond impressive!! You guys are amazing!!
@ChrisDunnMaine_420 3 ай бұрын
I have literally watched this build since day one I am so proud to where she is sitting today congratulations to both you and your dad for getting her running going and restoring her epic Father and Son project
@MrHuismeester 3 ай бұрын
Absolute amazing what the both of you did with this abandoned Motorhome !!! No DIY but Professionals !!! She is a beauty and the colors you choose are so in harmony and making the inside modern but still with a little twist of the seventies ! My compliments and i hope that you and your Family will great adventures with this Motorhome !!! Love all your videos and enjoy very much !! See you the next video !!
@bernardowens1648 3 ай бұрын
The remodel of the interior looks remarkable!!! A very fitting tribute to a true 70s icon of the road and campsite!!!
@IR-nq4qv 3 ай бұрын
40:47 Michael: "It's a lot of work especially for a DIY'er "Do it Yourselfer" like us.. who don't have a clue what we're doing.. The way I see it, if the "Will It Start" videos dry up, you and your dad can get into building custom RV's, this is as professional as it gets, the wood fitment, joints, moldings and panels are all snug fit. Everything is perfect. As for the colors, you do what pleases you and your family. I'm absolutely loving this series since Day 1. This factory style restoration is up there with the best of them. Not bad for two guys who don't know what they are doing... It's like if GMC were doing an upgrade, this is what it would look like. Awesome job you guys.
@sirtibb 3 ай бұрын
For the bathroom door maybe the dark wood grain like the front walls or the same color as the curtains. Looks great can't wait for the next episode.
@study650 3 ай бұрын
You and your Dad have done an incredible job on the motor home. You are both so fortunate to have each other.
@moreybandel5560 3 ай бұрын
The camper looks really good, guys! Nice work!
@robertrichardson1779 3 ай бұрын
Love the orange 👍 You can always brighten up the back with some funky bedding/sheets, so don't worry too much about the white expanse on the bathroom door etc, until it's all together
@stevevogelman3360 3 ай бұрын
Wow. You guys are really doing a fantastic job on this camper. What a fun series of videos this has been to watch. Congratulations guys on a great job.
@robertdonald4409 Ай бұрын
BEAUTIFUL!!!YOU guys need to do more motor homes you both are very good !! Your attention to detail makes all the difference... bless you all !!!
@jazzm9072 2 ай бұрын
I've watched all of these in a week. You guys have done so good. I wish I had something this awesome as a kid! I think if you guys had extra of that dark wood wall paper, it would look great on the bathroom door
@paulclementyonkers4604 Ай бұрын
I love how those kids seem to run rough-shod over you. 🥰 Outstanding work! Looking forward to the final finish. I actually liked the plaid on the bunk beds. Maybe it just looked better on camera.
@rickfetz469 Ай бұрын
Great job! I always wondered what happened to all these motorhomes. I thought they were cool back in 1975. The best thing is all the memories of working on this with your father! Again great job and now start making memories with your family.
@jamesmason-rf8pr 3 ай бұрын
I've been watching this build from the beginning. Looking great. Fuel injection is the way to go. Power,fuel economy, dependable. Little pricey. Can't wait to see finished. Keep up the awesome work.
@TheDutchTexan Ай бұрын
I finally watched the entire playlist. What an amazing journey it has been, so close! Now I join the ranks of people waiting for that next video on the build which will hopefully wrap up the interior completely.
@aliso8017 3 ай бұрын
Maybe also wood vynil on the door to break the big white surface? Anyway, it all looks fantastic, congrats on your work -and taste!
@Point221b 3 ай бұрын
Have to agree, loving this series! Its wonderful to see you and your dad working together (not all families are like that)! Its a hard slog, no doubt, but keep going and all the sweat, tears and black nails will be forgotten the first evening under the stars, you'll see! It was great to see your children's excitement! That's what this is about! Love what you do! Martin (UK).
@scroungasworkshop4663 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this project and you’re doing a fantastic job but I bet the amount of work you have put in is a lot more than you were expecting. I would keep the bathroom white just to keep the light in that area. Here’s a tip that might help, when I’m trying to get glue into a tight spot (like on your bathroom door) I use compressed air to gently push the glue all the way in. Works a treat and gives a nice even spread. Cheers, Stuart 🇦🇺
@jasonhobson-b4y 3 ай бұрын
Awesome! Open up some windows and put a few box fans in there while you’re working on it to keep you all cooler!
@noelineclayfield5243 3 ай бұрын
The burnt orange tweed would be good, Michael! One thing about a check or pattern is that it hides spills and stains a little better than a solid colour. The interior and all the modern gizmos you have installed are super. You are amazingly creative and talented.
@1BIGFROGGY 3 ай бұрын
She's coming along more than nicely! A shade of grey for the apolstry will tie it in with everything else. It's a neutral, practical color that is already being used.😉👍
@bobcooke6346 3 ай бұрын
You both should be rightly proud of what you have achieved with this motorhome, for those of us that have followed your journey, can see the amazing transformation, without doubt you have put your heart and soul into the work, and boy has it paid off, you may emphasise from time to time that you are not professional restorers, but for me that’s the joy. You are going to make so many golden memories as a family, your children will be able to cherish those memories knowing that their dad and grandad made it all possible 👍❤️
@dennyporter2447 3 ай бұрын
I absolutely love the quality of work you and your father has done restoring this GMC Motorhome! The colors are great especially the orange cushion... Thank you for sharing this wonderful project with us! Cheers from Missouri!
@terryraymond7984 3 ай бұрын
That camper is built way better than modern ones for sure
@kylekelley5193 3 ай бұрын
So glad this isn't a project that got put aside and forgotten. Y'all have really impressed me with all of the work that you have put into this thing. I think fuel injection would be a wise move, especially if you're wanting to take it to the mountains. The interior is going to be updated, may as well bring the engine into the 21st century too. Keep up the excellent work
@HOSER227 3 ай бұрын
Great job! Lots of fun and memories for your family. Might consider treating all the upholstered fabric with "Scotchgard" available at HD. Strong fabric protection repels water based spills for easier cleanup, Ideal for household items like upholstery, curtains, pillows, table linens, backpacks, luggage and more
@64ssmalibu 3 ай бұрын
Your coming along well on the ol gal. Big improvements and i think it all turned out well. Cant wait to see the fully finished product, thank you guys for keeping another one alive and makin memories. 😊
@Jon_2218 3 ай бұрын
Fabulous state of the art classic motorhome rebuild. Seeing and hearing your children excitement surely has to be a great satisfaction to you and ur father on ur countless hours of fabrication and investment to this build. Thanx 4sharing.
@jonasmichaelmoir9378 3 ай бұрын
Amazing unit...I'm not sure how to describe the colour choices back to front...looks like hotel to pub to disco... Excellent! Cheers guys! Def, a fun rig!
@Tsenngu 3 ай бұрын
This van is ending up pretty awsome. I would have loved to have a real old school motorhome like this. Such a great shape overall and a pretty nice layout. Would be perfect for a couple!
@smavtmb2196 2 ай бұрын
So impressed with the results you've achieved on that old motorhome. 👍
@Fierofreak01 3 ай бұрын
Fuel injection is the way to go, there’s so many positive benefits to it. Including better starting, drivability and possibly fuel mileage. There so many choices for basic drop in systems, I think it’s a no brainer.
@unclerick8224 2 ай бұрын
I think it looks great! Looks clean and fresh! Love the interaction with the kids!
@trygvehaglund6519 3 ай бұрын
You will have to meet up with other GMC Owners and especially BSF Recovery Team and their new acquisition. Excellent job, you two!
@GaurdsFan84 3 ай бұрын
This has been one of my favorite video series on KZbin. It snaps me back to my childhood growing up camping. To bad we couldn't go back to that simpler time.
@FeyPrevesk 3 ай бұрын
It's nice to see how well the camper is coming along. Also, apparently it's been so long since I moved away from SC that I'd forgotten just how ridiculously loud cicadas are. XD
@victorrios8947 3 ай бұрын
Great series and progress. Like you color choices except for the orange bench seat. I like the original much better. Patterns also hide stains better.
@jeffhammond8969 3 ай бұрын
Love the work you have put in. Even though it's from the 70's, I would prefer the interior to be cleaner and more modern, use some light colored wood and muted grays.
@hughdavis8769 3 ай бұрын
Summer is almost over! I hope to see you guys out camping before too long. I would be proud and just tickled to own that rig!
@02blackLightning 3 ай бұрын
It’s coming out really nice. A lot of windows and light. I would do yourself a huge favor and have all the ceramic window tint installed. Whether it be clear or colored. It will block out all the heat and UV rays for destroying that beautiful interior. It needs to be ceramic window tint. Not that the normal stuff. It’s costly but it’s a huge improvement and keep the inside from getting sun damaged. And keep ALOT cooler in the summer.
@FieroFats 3 ай бұрын
Take a piece of the fabric that you're putting on the seats, and glue it on the bathroom door, just the door. It'll tie everything together, and it helps cut down on the echo a little bit. You can use normal wallpaper glue.
@HarmonyExpressSkoolie 3 ай бұрын
Skoolie builder here... You guys are KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK! It's so cool inside. You've made it your own. Congrats on some great work. Can't wait to see the next one!!
@mcsstudios101 2 ай бұрын
This is great guys! I like all the ideas. The orange cover macthes the can make covers with buttons in case you want to change it up. I like the original style myself but it's really fantastic work!
@MrJeddurso 3 ай бұрын
My second favorite build on this channel (Porsche was #1). I'm looking forward to some great "shorts" that encapsulate the whole build into 15 seconds. Amazing memories to be made with the kids!
@PaloDuro1021 2 ай бұрын
That orange cloth for the bench seat is spot on 70’s.
@CihaPet 3 ай бұрын
This thing is looking legit. Those kids are already building some awesome memories with this camper build.
@johnkendrick7304 3 ай бұрын
I just have to say, I have watched this from the beginning and you guys look like absolute professionals and I do not think you could do a better job
@Zillustration 3 ай бұрын
Nothing says "Seventies" like Orange decor! When is the orange 4" Shag going on the headliner? I'm a fan of the outhouse sign! It brings your sense of humor into a very formal space.
@michaelsnelling2918 3 ай бұрын
Michael absolutely excellent job! love the creative persistance!!
@mikekozi-lester3887 3 ай бұрын
Hi Mike and his Dad 👨 and the kids nice video 📹 and workmanship
@floydleach7976 2 ай бұрын
Great video as always. Try cutting that plastic material with a die grinder cut off wheel. The material melts quick and leaves a clean cut.
@ThyDEMARCK 3 ай бұрын
Congratulations son and dad! Have fun with your family,you are working so well together, you deserve to enjoy that mobil home so much. Proud,proud,proud of you. And thank you for your so interesting videos.
@fpsweet66 3 ай бұрын
Definitely needs some ceramic tint on those windows. Great work
@urdooinitrong7753 3 ай бұрын
the interior is coming along great! I like the colors so far and the grey and wood theme might be nice on the white walls? i dig the splash of 70s orange...
@Maxdekriek 3 ай бұрын
You guy's work so good together epic rebuild.👍👌greetsz from friesland....max
@krispayne729 3 ай бұрын
You doing a great job on that old 70s, GM motor home.
@mushroomhead3 2 ай бұрын
I was just thinking that GMC is sorely lacking some burnt orange and avocado green on the interior and then I saw the end. I would also do something about those white cabinets but everything looks so good. I have been enjoying this build.
@jimwhite5964 3 ай бұрын
Looking great…what a fun restoration project! Thanks guys…really enjoy your channel!
@soundmaster1966 3 ай бұрын
It already looks so nice, Michael - and your children love it❤. The greatest project on this channel if you asking me. Love and peace. Yours Ulf
@sypoth 2 ай бұрын
I would suggest for that bottom of your bench to make some sort of either Fold out or slide out support that you can lay another mattress on for extra sleeping space. But that can always be added in later, getting the front flooring in is the next big task because without it you can't do anything else. But it looks very nice and so far a very good job.
@tetoren4 3 ай бұрын
Sin dudas es el mejor trabajo que hicieron y los videos de la RV son lejos los mejores.
@paulhoddinott4127 3 ай бұрын
Amazing all coming together great and seeing the kids enjoying is great 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
@NileKelly 3 ай бұрын
Been watching this entire series, awesome stuff. I didn't go all-out as much on my beloved 1985 Fleetwood Omega Prowler, but did my share of work and upgrades on her. She ain't big nor small--31 feet, easily sleeps 6. Being single and a loner, it's quite the dual-axle castle for me. By the way, it's not a motorhome, it's a travel trailer. Structurally, the Prowler is well taken care of and sound. Did upgrade/modernize things like the microwave and fridge, lights, etc.. Left the original 4 burner stove in it, it still works great--has an oven too. It's an original Magic Chef. The fridge is a Dometic, only electric, not LP. The original rooftop Coleman AC works sometimes, it needs replacing anyway, it likes to pop the circuit breaker. The uphostery and all the furniture--also original and it great shape for 1985. I'm second owner of this rig. The holding tanks and overall plumbing and fixtures, all still work like new, I didn't have to touch them whatsoever. Even the toilet is mint condition. The elderly couple prior only took it out a handful of times a year, bouncing between Arizona and Colorado. When not in use, it was sheltered. Still have the original paperwork and service records and owner's manual. Watching BB's GMC RV build has given me ideas and education which I can apply to keeping my rig going for years to come.
@markwelch7975 3 ай бұрын
I was 46 years young when I learned the playing card paint trick! The Interwebs teaches you stuff everyday
@JorgeDiaz-ly5qp 3 ай бұрын
I am a BIG fan of the orange tweed - with all of the whites, grays and faux wood, it's a great and happy contrast color. Wanna break up all of that white back there? Vanity wall - the "Wagner" nameplate up top on the wall, and each immediate family member's first initial in varying sizes based on Dad, Mom, Pop and kiddoes from 1st to last scattered about the wall. Thin letters can be glued to the wall - a family tribute motorhome. Cheers!!!
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