It took me more than 4 hours to figure out the Campsite quick travel was even a thing. I was just horsing everywhere. This is an awesome run.
@hamcrazy96Ай бұрын
Love these runs
@Deano95HD1Ай бұрын
GG on the run mate
@godtriunealonematters9207Ай бұрын
congrats on ANOTHER WR! do you have a favorite and least favorite mission mashun?
@mashunАй бұрын
@@godtriunealonematters9207 Least favourite is By Sweat and Toil. Don’t really have a favourite
@godtriunealonematters9207Ай бұрын
@@mashun lol ikr. any mission guiding those stupid cows IS annoying. although rdr 1 is my favorite game of all time.
@NhomKHengАй бұрын
Legend is back
Wooooll!!!!! Perfeito 👏
@FishyTheKidАй бұрын
praying you do another 100 UN run
@FishyTheKidАй бұрын
@godtriunealonematters920717 күн бұрын
hey mashun or anyone that reads this comment. do you want to see something really funny? at the start of the first seth mission dont go to the yellow x to start the mission but at the boundaries fire your revolver in the air a few times, at which point seth will start saying things to you and eventally will SHOOT AT YOU looool. then some sheriffs will come by and start shooting at seth. i just discovered this playing through the game agains and its really funny!