Red Flood National Anthem: The Socialist Union of Eurasia (The Nationale)

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Insulindian Maréchale

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National Anthem of the Socialist Union of Eurasia, or also known as SR Eurasia, under the Grand Chairman Dmitry Mirsky.
The SR Eurasia is a National-Futurist-Bolshevik State that was birthed out of the resilience of Comrade Mirsky's pragmatism within the Communist, Religious, and Accelerationist groups. He was able to mend the differences between the fundamentalist ruralites and the idealist urbanites, creating a state-synthesis of which transcends Marx's petty theory of which states that religion and the total form of communism could not work hand-in-hand.
Unlike Kazam-Bek, who's "Soviet" side within the Mladorossi is merely ideological and aesthetical rather than being riil or within-action, the government of Mirsky is unmistakeably Left-Wing and Socialist, yet he was able to incorporate the Religious Right and Nationalists into his side.
Вставай,народ порабощенный!
Vstavay,narod poraboshchennyy!
Get up, enslaved people!
Под "игом красных"!
Pod "igom krasnykh"!
We, Those under the "Red Yoke"!
Кипит нас разум возмущённый,
Kipit nas razum vozmushchonnyy,
Our indignant mind boils,
И в смертный бой идти готов!
I v smertnyy boy idti gotov!
And ready to go into mortal combat!
Никто не даст Руси спасения,
Nikto ne dast Rus' spaseniya,
No one will give salvation to Russia,
Ни Сталин с Троцким, ни ЧК!
Ni Stalin s Trotskim, ni CHK!
Neither Stalin and Trotsky, nor the Cheka!
Дождётся Русь освобождения,
Dozhdotsya Rus' osvobozhdeniya,
Russia shall await for liberation,
От Pусского,от мужика!
Ot Russkogo,ot muzhika!
From a Russian, from a man!
От Петрограда до Алтая,
Ot Petrograda do Altaya,
From Petrograd to Altay,
Уж просыпается страна!
Uzh prosypayetsya strana!
The country is waking up!
Священной местью пылая
Svyashchennoy mest'yu pylaya
Burning with holy vengeance!
Вскипает Pусская волна,
Vskipayet Russkaya volna,
The Russian wave boils,
Придёт конец судьбы ударом,
Pridot konets sud'by udarom,
Fate's end will come blowing,
Вставайте, Pусские полки,
Vstavayte, Russkiye polki,
Get up, Russian regiments,
Пускай навстречу комиссарам,
Puskay navstrechu komissaram,
Let them meet our commissars,
Сверкнут Pоссийские штыки!
Sverknut Rossiyskiye shtyki!
Flash out Russian bayonets!
Это будет последний,
Eto budet posledniy,
This will be the last,
И решительный бой,
I reshitel'nyy boy,
And decisive battle,
Вперёд за Русь святую,
Vperod za Rus' svyatuyu,
Forward for Holy Russia,
И крест над ней святой!
I krest nad ney svyatoy!
And a holy cross over Her!
Это будет последний,
Eto budet posledniy,
This will be the last,
И решительный бой,
I reshitel'nyy boy,
And decisive battle,
Вперёд за Русь святую,
Vperod za Rus' svyatuyu,
Forward for Holy Russia,
И крест над ней святой!
I krest nad ney svyatoy!
And a holy cross over Her!

Пікірлер: 46
@naixtee 9 ай бұрын
Other russians: You can't mix religion and Communism Dmitry Mirsky: hold my Holy water
@peggingboymoder Жыл бұрын
workers of MY land unite!
@thepugoverlord2964 11 ай бұрын
@principetnomusic Жыл бұрын
0:47 Minor thing: in modern Russian "мужик" does mean "man", but historically it meant "peasant man" specifically.
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
seems like no one gets the point of the anthem -mirsky, no matter how oza might make it be interpreted in their own lorewise, if seen ingame would strike you as a massive orthodox larper, several of his events mentioned him sending soldiers to give back stolen church items and helping rebuild the church, starting a new theology faculty in a leftist (or at that point fully communist) university, and so on. the conceptualization that can be drawn with mirsky is that even though he is a socialist, he harbored both the knowledge that bolsheviks had done irrepairable and violent damage against the church and that it is his duty to make things right for the orthodoxy. -the song is not "pure red hate", the first part talks about thos enslaved under the dictatorship of petrograd (kolchak) and pokes a jab at being called "the red yoke" by them. he is a eurasianist yet not the same way as you would see lev gumilyov's eurasianism, nor trubetskoy's eurasianism, he is a national bolshevik and it is implied so several times in-game, even down to his superevent music being the anthem of the NBP. this alone proves that he is a nationalist to a degree that simply want a "red and holy" russia with a tinge of conquest as implied by his own brand of eurasianism that i genuinely dont even want to comprehend (eurasianists are weird man) -stalin served under his leadership, and why would he hate trotsky to the point of mentioning? stalin in-game is not "loyal to mirsky" he is loyal to his own cause. he of course would take over the government if he felt that it strayed away from it too much (eg. if severyanin takes power and does too much larp), making him an already cemented political player in the game that is kavkazian politics. stalin of course wouldnt be a pro-christian, pro-nazbol type of guy. he is a man whom wanted a futurist cult of soviet personality with him as the god of the people, a human to replace Christ. it would make no sense for mirsky to even be interested in stalin in anyway other than his blatant irredentism for slavs. then we get to the issue with trotsky, of which would logically be a rival to him still, aswell as zheltorossiya as a whole. an internationalist, a man of no borders, a bolshevik unbound of no faith, no remorse, nor any stroke of balance within the political compass would more than certainly tick mirsky off, he is sort off the literal antithesis to the ideals of mirsky, the same way how he is the antithesis to stalin in OTL. i want to add more but im lazy its like 10 pm plus i dont get it, youre all really expecting a man who got executed by the NKVD irl and is described as a "filthy Wrangelist and White Guard officer" by local newspapers wouldnt exactly be singing praises about the reds and bolsheviks that much. i think this is a core problem with mirsky's representation in-game of which portrays him as cheerfully bolshevik while hed be much closer to being a social democrat in regards to his love of republicanism and democracy. if you dont like it, go find a video that would play a random song that prolly doesnt relate to him but sounds red enough (with more than likely no christian reference!) or a larp song with NBP lyrics that just straight up wouldnt work with the time setting. thanks for reading this wall of text if you bothered
@flyingsubmarine8334 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, this explains a lot
@oza9287 Жыл бұрын
​​@@flyingsubmarine8334 this doesn't explain a lot he is just coping about using a bad song and justifying it with his own headcanon that mixes up periods in Mirsky's life and contradicts mod lore
@oza9287 Жыл бұрын
1. I wrote half of the events about Mirsky, I chose the flag, idk why do you accuse me of trying to erase his Orthodoxy when I put it there in the first place. He tries to change things but he doesn't attack the purpose of the Bolshevik Revolution - only believes he is correcting the errors of an otherwise good endeavour. 2. The song is about people suffering under the Soviet regime, the "red yoke" is not ironic at all no matter how many quote signs you put around it. I don't know how bad your capability for interpretation has to be to consider this song a pro-soviet one 3. Stalin remains loyal to Mirsky as a military leader even if he holds disagreements. Any conflicts between them aren't large enough to smear him in the national anthem 4. Mirsky was initially supportive of the White movement but became a Bolshevist in the 30s, joined the Communist Party of Great Britain and emigrated to the Soviet Union. His support of the communists came not from a love of republicanism and democracy but from the belief that the Soviets are fulfilling the percepts of Eurasianist doctrine: creating a state based around the community and a totalizing idea. The left-eurasianists could be called one of the few theorists of "pure totalitarianism", they definitely weren't social democrats. As for the NKVD - thousands of earnest communists were killed by them so I don't know how it would prove anything.
@thepugoverlord2964 Жыл бұрын
​@Flying Submarine going to have to disagree
@thepugoverlord2964 Жыл бұрын
​@@oza9287 You are making too much sense
@mojewjewjew4420 Жыл бұрын
Mirsky is one of the best unifiers in Red Flood, nazbols of Terra unite!
@mrarsss1838 Жыл бұрын
Better fits for Diterikhs or even Rodzaevsky
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
neither would want to use an internationale knockoff as anthem
@jethroavrampradanadoloksar8977 6 ай бұрын
The most chillest internationale version
@october_hydra Жыл бұрын
Hmm, I'm not sure that this purely anti-Bolshevik song fully suits Mirsky, whose idea of merging a man, a factory and a church into one in Red Flood is much more sublime than a simple hatred of the Reds. After all, he called his state "Union of Eurasia", not a simple variation of white holy Russia.
@flyingsubmarine8334 Жыл бұрын
The video is well made, but the song doesn't fit. In my opinion an Imperial Russian song with Soviet lyrics would fit better, such as "Смело мы в бой пойдем", "Прощание славянки" or something like that. I tried to make my own anthem video of this country, and I used the first one of those.
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
@@flyingsubmarine8334 neither of those songs matched him at all
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
read my pin if you're interested. a man whom is killed for what is essentially revisionism of uncalculable degree irl wouldnt exactly be singing proudly of a fully red state either.
@JoetheDilo1917 Жыл бұрын
"Wolfhounds, Forward!" was right there, and you picked a Tsarist song
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
not once was the tsar mentioned there not the empire the wolfhounds is an NBP exclusive thing, never was it mentioned in RF nor would it even exist in that time period. not to mention the fact that it even uses modern instruments immediately cuts it off from being anthem material for it
@JoetheDilo1917 Жыл бұрын
@@insulindianmarechale It's their unification theme in-game, though tbf it's only the vocal part around the third verse Also this song is explicitly anti-communist, Misky is still a communist despite allying with nationalists
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
@@JoetheDilo1917 please for once read the pinned comments and also the fundamentals of a superevent song is not "song based on the time they have it" but a song that is related to their victory or calamity overall, p sure this was already explained in the rf server and in tno aswell
@thepugoverlord2964 Жыл бұрын
​@@insulindianmarechale what pinned comment
@waterwatereverywhere3574 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video, keep doing this amazing works man! Also, how about an anthem for the triumvirate in TNO? I'd sugget "Inno a Roma" or the opening theme of the film "Quo Vadis"
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
Inno a roma is specifically the anthem of the vatican and quo vadis is kinda mixed for me tbh There are probably better choices tho idk as of now
@waterwatereverywhere3574 Жыл бұрын
@@insulindianmarechale then how about a video about the vatican anthem?
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
@@waterwatereverywhere3574 that would be boring tbh id rather make videos for other nations instead
@mojewjewjew4420 Жыл бұрын
What triumvirate in tno? The faction? It explodes immediately.
@waterwatereverywhere3574 Жыл бұрын
@@mojewjewjew4420 still, they have an athem
@beluga4507 Жыл бұрын
Lol what, National? A satire song released by anonymous in the 2000s? With the same success, you can make a Mises rap, from that video where Mises is on a rap battle with Marx, make the national anthem of America.
@darby4042 Жыл бұрын
Why not
@easy8690 Жыл бұрын
@genericeurasianwarlord9542 Жыл бұрын
This is a fervently *anti*communist song. It doesn’t fit.
@fallout5217 Жыл бұрын
Товарищ Маяковский не одобряет!
@saaractualcontent380 Жыл бұрын
Actual Content
@swarytch13 Жыл бұрын
By the way, under 'red yoke' in the RF, Germany may mean
@Ma_ksi Жыл бұрын
Where did you find this song?
@insulindianmarechale Жыл бұрын
shady russian warmusic website
@Ma_ksi Жыл бұрын
@@insulindianmarechale Very cool
@LetnanBanjo 4 ай бұрын
Calm and good Internationale. (Kinda?)
@Ma_ksi Жыл бұрын
@naixtee 9 ай бұрын
why do they have a Chi rho tho what is the state religon jsut asking
@insulindianmarechale 9 ай бұрын
Theyve implemented state orthodoxy and general forms of christianity
@elpapumussolini3822 Жыл бұрын
@Danissimo1917 Жыл бұрын
Ну так себе звучит, слишком "патриотично". ps Сталин действовал в интересах русских, и всего трудящегося класса пролетариат
@swarytch13 Жыл бұрын
Если под красных иметь ввиду Германию,то в этом контексте имеется ввиду война с Германией