無意貶低你們的努力,我本身都好鍾意你地... 但我已經比CAP TV 洗左腦,覺得鐵盾才是真正的MV... TAT
@ewing04178 жыл бұрын
haha...i'm agree with u
@526enoch8 жыл бұрын
Captain AnyRoad 其實當然無啦,只比你講到一定要對立咁。我都係講番我的感受,我係話每次聽都只係會聯想到鐵盾,所以先講得CAP TV 的是所謂「真正」的MV。這個真正是我主觀的感受,而非客觀的。請問,我連發表我自己的喜好的權利都不應該嗎﹖為何你要如此動氣﹖好好聽歌,各有所好,和而不同,豈不快哉﹖
@sachunjulie8 жыл бұрын
我係反而因為cap tv 所以先知出左一首咁正既歌 其實mv係其次 俾多d香港人知道made in hk既好歌先係重點 supper moment 都唔介意既 仲要係fb開心share 之前佢地首最後晚餐X up既mv都好正
@李時珍-f4e8 жыл бұрын
+wow wow 咁要多D聽supper moment D歌,因為真係好L正😍😍
@香蕉糖-o3s8 жыл бұрын
@WMT12298 жыл бұрын
Love how supper moment and Dear Jane - 哪裡只得我共你 You & Me filmed their MV at K.T. Love the H.K band and H.K
終於都要同你分開,同你一齊左成年,當中發生無數次既嘈交但我地依舊會嘻嘻哈哈不過去到最後我地都冇可能一齊去面對我地之間的變化,我知道我地好早已經變但係我自己真係唔想就咁就完,所以一路我都有全力維持,我自己真係有諗過我地可以走到最後因為我覺得自己習慣左你 無論你變到點我都會接受你包容你,雖然自問自己未係好好既男仔,永遠做唔到你想要既事但對住你永遠都不知不覺想去保護你,你既脾氣同性格雖然唔好,但我願意去接受,不過已經無機會希望之後個個會真心對你好而唔係去蝦你,如果唔係我會心痛或者你番黎等我對你好我地之間既感情就好似呢首歌咁,沒法倒如當初,日日都嘈,但我真係好掛住你我永遠都會鍾意Supper Moment 因為佢地記載我地之間既開始 如果可以重頭開始 我亦會去搵你而且亦會改變好自己望住MV既背景,勾起我地之間既無數回憶,永遠都無可能忘記到雖然你未必睇到呢段野,亦唔希望你睇到,因為純粹自己想講出黎,等自己可以舒服DLove U 13
@szewaili12528 жыл бұрын
Same as me, but I'm the bad temper girl.. I just broke up with my boy a week ago... We've been together for two years and we experienced two years long distance relationship. We used to love each other feverishly before we broke up, but I was so naive and mad.. I said we're so different now, so i suggested breakup. We still keep messaging, but I'm not sure if this is normal or what. I only wish we can get back together again, perhaps starting from friends and gradually rebuilding trust again. I still love him a lot... I wish he feels the same too...
But are you Asian? How can you understand Cantonese?
@AlienMyth647 жыл бұрын
i'm not Asian lol - i can still enjoy the music even though i don't understand it. I like a lot of international bands from France, Germany, Japan etc. I found out about Supper Moment through Sunny's other band Tie Shu Lan (鐵樹蘭)
finally Hong Kong have born a new hope, give me a feeling of Beyond, please dont give up, keep going with your music~~you guys a Super!!!! and i will support you guys!!!
@elled82498 жыл бұрын
Supper Moment, thanks for granting us super moment of your song and bring us such a beautiful lady artist.
@chanm77028 жыл бұрын
非常好聽呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 加油呀SUPPER MOMENT