this is great and deserves a physical / digital release. we're interested! are you in touch with the band? thanks, alex (guerssen records).
@iljalasarow82692 ай бұрын
Wunderbare folkig-spacige Musik und auch avangardistisch...Das war in West Berlin...Im Osten zelebriert e diese Musik die Gruppe Renft,aber noch mit romantisch und Expressversand Gesang...und Das bis jetzt...kompromisslos.... R I P der vielen Musiker,die damals diese Musik verkörperten... Peter Gläser, Klaus Renft...Pjoter Kschenz...Eure Musik lebt weiter. Dr.Ilja Lasaroff.Bulgarien
@juanfranciscotorres64462 ай бұрын
Excelso,es grato tener este tipo de salvamentos
@disklamer2 ай бұрын
@CARLOSMORA712 ай бұрын
@enzogalli55062 ай бұрын
@gustavgustav55292 ай бұрын
@eggsinhell15322 ай бұрын
Jams so good ty
@williammaxwell86092 ай бұрын
Me likey
@WolfScythe912 ай бұрын
@Kastsiuchenka2Minsk2 ай бұрын
@keltyk2 ай бұрын
Space Rock.. .it's in the same bracket as Amon Duul2, Hawkwind, Ashra Tempel, and Embryo. The thing that might have gone against them is it sounds like what those bands were doing in 1969-70... So they arrived a bit too late for the party
@sygaire2 ай бұрын
It really dosn´t matter who is first and who is last in this incentive system. main thing here is, that action speaks always louder than words, and i hope you can enjoy the music unprejudiced . but thanks for your party thoughts. ,