Religious Warfare on the Tiny Indonesian Island of Ambon (1999)

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Journeyman Pictures

Journeyman Pictures

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@mdjamaluddin_ntb 2 жыл бұрын
This a 1999 event, where all over indonesia people suddenly found new freedom after 32 years of oppression which sadly caused explosions in some parts of the country from aceh to Papua. Thankfully after 2004 everything calm down people more focus on development.
@dorothyambuk7655 2 жыл бұрын
Great. I thought it was recent.
@yemo5316 2 жыл бұрын
@@dorothyambuk7655 did you not ready the title? 😱
@gurunhitam3414 2 жыл бұрын
the freedom transfered into security for all.
@ganangprayoga7970 2 жыл бұрын
@@dorothyambuk7655 we are not that behind lol the video quality is so outdated its not recent
@JayJay-xy5ch Жыл бұрын
​@@dorothyambuk7655 dmbasss. Get lost
@jamssoblah6955 7 ай бұрын
1997/98 Reformasi ==》 1999 kerusuhan Ambon dan Sampit ==》 2000 kerusuhan Poso ==》 2001 Konflik Aceh Darah dan air mata sudah banyak yg di tumpahkan smaa anak negeri..sampai kapan Wahai sodaraku ? Musuh utama adalah Korupsi Kolusi dan nepotisme...
@fun2222 5 ай бұрын
Perang agama atau suku itu Merugikan kedua pihak.adalah sebuah kerugian untuk masyarakatnya sendiri.
@IndraJayaFx 5 ай бұрын
Tragedy Sampit itu 18 February 2001 Om bukan 1999
@jediaarons3441 4 ай бұрын
Sebenernya masyarakat ambon itu sejak pasca proklamasi udah pernah ada konflik, tapi bukan karena agama, melainkan mereka melawan rakyat republik indonesia, kronologis singkatnya saat itu ada masa2 di sebut masa bersiap dimana banyak masyarakat melampiaskan kemarahan ke sisa2 warga sipil belanda pasca proklamasi karena berat dan lamanya penjajahan di rasakan oleh masyarakat, lalu ada simpatisan pro belanda (oknum aja deh) dari kalangan ambon melawan kelompok republik indonesia ini, mereka ga segan2 mengintimidasi, persekusi dan bahkan ga luput sampe pembunuhan, lalu konflik berkepanjangan sampai polisi tidak mampu mencegahnya, kemudian berlanjut tentara administrasi belanda melakukan tindakan represif ke masyarakat. Sekarang harusnya udah ga ada alasan lagi konflik antar suku, justru maraknya konflik masyarakat adat VS OLIGARKI di rempang, kalimantan, dan papua. musuh indonesia cuman satu sekarang yaitu oligarki yg mencampuri pemerintah dalam pembuatan kebijakan publik, melebarkan kultur kolusi,dll.
@TANAHNKRI 3 ай бұрын
jgn lupa tragedi mei 1998 di jakarta
@lucyloock9514 2 жыл бұрын
Kami rakyat Indonesia yg terlahir tahun 1978.1979.1980.1981.1982 ..kami adalah generasi yg di didik sangat keras oleh ke adaan di saat kami mulai dewasa di mana keadaan negara mulai tahun 1998 sangat kacau..mulai dari perang Timor Timor .perang Aceh .kerusuhan revormasi .kerusuhan perang agama di Ambon perang etnis Dayak Madura dan banyak lagi ..di tambah bencana alam yg bertubi tubi maka lengkap lah penderitaan kami sebagai warga Indonesia..dan kami yg terlahir di tahun yg tertulis di atas adalah generasi yg sangat kuat mental saat ini. kini saat nya kami orang Indonesia bangkit dan berjaya..salam indonesia🇮🇩🙏
@naulirisetya1705 2 жыл бұрын
Lu ikut perang ga? Jangan cuma ngaku kuat mental
@azroyrey5488 Жыл бұрын
Mentaliti sampah
@rudiyanto5650 Жыл бұрын
@@naulirisetya1705 ikut tp paling belakang
@naulirisetya1705 Жыл бұрын
@@rudiyanto5650 kalo paling belakang biasanya jendral. Tapi kalo jendral Islam paling depan. Contohnya panglima perang Khalid bin walid
@rudiyanto5650 Жыл бұрын
@@naulirisetya1705 sungguh memalukan
@durjaabadi7505 2 жыл бұрын
Semoga tidak terulang lagi 😭😭😭damai lah negeri ku Indonesia
@abimakara7072 2 жыл бұрын
Kalau mereka ulang lgi berarti mampus kalian sdh orang kafir
@gamemobile880 Жыл бұрын
@deinosuchusxanims 10 ай бұрын
Semoga semua provinsi mengikuti Pancasila
@pocokeras8851 6 ай бұрын
Gam mulai muncul lagi
@PapuaBukanIndonesia 4 ай бұрын
@badensnaxx5804 2 жыл бұрын
Ahh, religion, bringing everyone together in a glorious loving embrace. Where would we be without it.
@badensnaxx5804 2 жыл бұрын
@TONY SMITH HERMIT Really. When was the last war, or riot, or disturbance, or murder, or any type of violence against ppl committed in the name of secularism?
@hegel5816 2 жыл бұрын
@@lostinstrumentalsproject7343 yeah... Buddhist in Myanmar and srilanka... Hindus in india are the peacefuls....😂
@MrRydoone 2 жыл бұрын
When the ..and muslim minority this happen same in Myanmar..🥳,India..and many minority Muslims states ..... Indonesia majority muslim countries but the law was weak...they kill the Muslim..all Christians,Jews minority in many countries they all living in peace .. without being disturbed ..Islam is the religions of peace .
@mughug9616 2 жыл бұрын
@TONY SMITH HERMIT And that makes it acceptable, considering how many have died and suffered in the name of Religion. Typical blinkered and narrow-minded view. The values may be good but once mankind comes into contact with it, it gets infected with corruption, greed, hate, etc.
@talaverajr391 2 жыл бұрын
@@badensnaxx5804 Adolf hitler, Mussolini, Mao Zedong. Basically all secular communist.
@meylani8782 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for info about Ambon conflict at 1999
@lukesorce8660 2 жыл бұрын
Deepest appreciation for sharing, this is the first time I have ever heard of Ambon. I wonder how the island nation has handled the pandemic and economic fallout of the Russo-Ukrainian war.
@mohammedkhanthepakistanipa3012 2 жыл бұрын
Ambon is in Indonesia Indonesia's economy is doing just fine. The pandemic situation in Indonesia is fine too
@aaronmorgan8819 2 жыл бұрын
they don't give a fuck about Ukraine...
@pujirahman8116 2 жыл бұрын
Just imagine if there were invaders back to Indonesia , I trust my people will behead the invaders because beheading is part of the culture , Welcome to the land of fighter and welcome to the heart of hell ! MERDEKA ATAU MATI !🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 LIVING OR DYING ! 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@rizkifauzi7048 2 жыл бұрын
it was back in 1999 after the monetary crisis back then our economy is comparable to sub-Saharan Africa with uncontrollable inflation. Today's Indonesia is far far more sable
@mohammedkhanthepakistanipa3012 2 жыл бұрын
@@rizkifauzi7048 stabil tapi tetap jaman sekarang pun masih banyak orang ga jaga kebersihaan buang sampan dimana2 di pinggir jalan luda dimana2 masih ada bab di sungai dan kali juga apa lagi pejabat korup
@WalterTonetto 2 жыл бұрын
_it’s irresponsible not to affix dates for this conflict! 1999 is _*_DATED!_*
@boivilla7458 2 жыл бұрын
Yes sir.
@Tommy-pq4zj Жыл бұрын
Efek nya saat itu sampai ke pulau lombok terjadi pembakaran gereja dan penjarahan, dan pengganyangan etnis china. Sangat mengerikan saat itu flashback 1999
@ahmadmaulanai4843 2 жыл бұрын
90-2004 time where indonesia almost balkanized
@nvrzy__ Жыл бұрын
bener juga
@gaganginanjar8353 2 ай бұрын
Padahal biarin aja kyak balkan bro,siapa tau makmur 🗿
@@gaganginanjar8353 siapa tau jakarta jadi kosovo🗿🗿
@gustafdn Жыл бұрын
For the people who don't know, FYI let me tell you as Indonesian myself, this conflict is actually abt politics no religion based. In 1999 is the year of transition period from Suharto(new order era)-Habibie(reform era), the new order didn't like new regime, to show how bad is the habibie government the old government did this( divisive politics ). All people who burn the mosque and church and spread bad things abt religion are same people from the old regime to pit each other.
@gustafdn Жыл бұрын
And back to that day we were very2 stupid, easy provoked, brainwashed, don't know the hoax lie or the truth. Thx to the new order gov.
@judasthepious1499 7 ай бұрын
the perpetrator pretty much the same as the 98 "riot"
@imanuelc143 6 ай бұрын
Semuanya akan politik apapun bidang masalahnya.....
@Newjeansfansforever3 3 ай бұрын
Yeah thats the same case as the 1998 riot conflict that happen in indonesian
@marselkunu4671 8 ай бұрын
We are Muslim but we are not Arabian,,we are Protestant but we are not Germanian or Dutch,,we are Hinduism but we are not Indian,,we are Buddhist but we are not Burmese or Thailand or South East Asian,,we are Catholic but we are not Romanian,,we are black and curly but we are not African,,we are yellow but we are not Chinese or Japanese,,we are white but we are not American,,,from Sabang to Merauke,,from Miangas to Rote,,we all are Family,,,,😢😢😢😢😢
@ramonaizaacizaac4759 Жыл бұрын
Smga tdk terulang lgi TUHAN lindgilh kami di Maluku ,Ambon baik islam maupun Kristen kmi smua basudara..marilah basudara smua kaum muslim mwpn nasrani kita sma2 hdp dlm damai n kash .Hindari pertikaian ini kita smua basudara Potong dikuku rasa didaging..hidup kerusuhan sngt sengsara.stop kekerasan..stop kerusuhan ciptakan budaya damai TUHAN mmberkti katong smua.Amin😇🙏
@thamrinmanuputty7193 Жыл бұрын
@rudiyanto5650 Жыл бұрын
Aamiin sayang
@alwialhamid7027 Жыл бұрын
Kalau terjadi konflik kau pantas di lindungi Krena kau sangat menginginkan kedamaian,smoga sehat sllu
@emmanuelchristian4460 10 ай бұрын
@@alwialhamid7027 berarti ada yang pantas untuk tidak dilindungi ya pak? yang berhak menentukan siapa yang pantas siapa yang tidak pantas dilindungi siapa pak? perlindungan bukannya haknya semua orang pak?
@AiMahulette 9 ай бұрын
Salam dari Maluku; Kami isLam tidak pernah bersaudara dengan Agama mana-pun... Muak dengan kata-kata anda; __Keluarga saya diBantai & diperkosa orang-orang Kristen✝️.. Tahun 1999
@apasih1303 2 жыл бұрын
Sangat menyayat hati kami kaum muslimin, seharusnya ini tidak terjadi. Allahuakbar
@markwarne5049 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus commands to forgive and love our enemies not return evil for evil and pray for them 🙏 ❤
@jojodelima1953 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly the opposite of Christ teachings. Hope muslims do the path of islam, not those scripts which allows the killings of infidels or the unbelievers, as those were doctrines from christian muslim conflicts from the 15th century dark ages
@arielsatriosatrio549 2 жыл бұрын
@punithawathyedward2963 2 жыл бұрын
Yes but we don't want to die
@richardtampubolontampu6712 Жыл бұрын
Christian first attack moslems!!!
@markwarne5049 Жыл бұрын
@@richardtampubolontampu6712 why did the Christians attack Muslims first?
@reallybigmistake Жыл бұрын
the majority of people are now muslims in ambon
@jepojepo732 Жыл бұрын
Itu jadi kenangan terpara di Ambon stop suda Dunia su canggi Dan mari Katong hidop Basudara damai itu indah.
@Lordmkn998 Ай бұрын
@junedirenuat9999 Жыл бұрын
Yg nonton ini tdk usah komen2 yg aneh2... Krna maluku skrg aman damai sejahtra. Islam kristen bersatu bersama membangun maluku..
@captainmeowzers 2 жыл бұрын
Fighting without guns just seems wholesome.
@hazanalbolqiah7358 Жыл бұрын
Sehat pala kau
@swiss4370 Жыл бұрын
​@mikaillastlife8325where are i get this video plzzz tell me.
@agricola 8 ай бұрын
It’s stupid.
@rossydwiindriani7084 5 ай бұрын
Kakkk aku izin ambil cuplikan videonya buat tugass yaaaa! Makasih banyakkk udah ngasih tau tentang video sejarah inii! 🥹🙏🏻
@blachuitstontheos4330 Жыл бұрын
ambon… kalah jadi debu menang jadi arang! sama-sama rugi! damai itu yg sama2 untung.
@fisabilillahaziz1254 5 ай бұрын
Adu domba si mamarika ini... Tpi skrg , 2 agama ini di ambon , sudah sangat menjaga dan sangat saling sayang bahkan melebihi sblm kerusuhan, ini mengajarkan untuk selruh indonesia. Gw , keturunan betawi ambon, gw tau gimana ambon skrg, cantik❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ asli, kdg org heran kok bisa ? Tpi ya ini yg terjadi, karna sbnrnya ambon itu damai
@karankaran-us9vm 2 жыл бұрын
Why are your videos so old?
@fianroger Жыл бұрын
Let the past gone. We Indonesian must be one as a country
@farhankebab7323 7 ай бұрын
I thought like that
@Brian_Rafael1881 Жыл бұрын
The source of the problem was the RMS militia who wanted to separate Maluku province from Indonesia By attacking Muslims who are worshiping Eid al-Fitr in the mosque
@adim8470 6 ай бұрын
@BpAsong-vd5ks 6 ай бұрын
hanya. allah saja yg melindungi umat islam allah maha tau mana yg jahat dan mana baik
@jangkrikcity9328 2 жыл бұрын
Pembantaian umat Islam d kota Ambon, ( ,RMS , Republik Maluku Sarani,)
@VanendraAnggara-nc6qg 10 ай бұрын
Yang terjadi di Ambon tak lain dr ulahnya para pemimpin di Jakarta,yg membuat semua Basudara di Ambon jadi saling bunuh membunuh,ya Tuhan tolong lah kami dg kuasaMU
@kurniawan_i 7 ай бұрын
Pemimpin Jakarta apa? Org2 Ambon yg di Belanda datang ke Ambon, bawa uang bikin kerusuhan, makanya dmn2 tiba-tiba byk bendera RMS dan tulisan We Need United Nations,
@muhamadhamdhan634 6 ай бұрын
RMS mencari2 kesempatan pada saat rezim soeharto jatuh... yg bilang itu ulah politikus jakarta bullshit... jakarta bisa apa saat itu pemerintahan lg lemah2nya mgkn kalau saat itu seluruh pelosok negeri menuntut pemisahan diri mgkn Indonesia bisa colaps saat itu bubar Indonesia untung aja hal itu tdk terjadi
@BruceWayne-zk5jc 2 жыл бұрын
Why nobody talks about violence against Christians in, Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, and other muslim majority countries.
@abuusamah4357 2 жыл бұрын
how about colonization in Africa, Asia by cristian majority countries...
@109-v1j Жыл бұрын
becaus they will be save.. your mould is not save..
@IngheJansen Жыл бұрын
​​​@@abuusamah4357how about you do your research and than you will see that Christianity was In Asia(Middle East)and Africa way before in Europe and it was there before Islam
@NSN25. Жыл бұрын
​@@abuusamah4357 did they killed the people? no what about islam in middle east, did they kill the Christian? yes even they genocide them in Iraq, and many islam country.
@hugosetiawan8928 8 ай бұрын
​@@abuusamah4357 why do people always act whataboutist like this
@untungprihardi1457 Жыл бұрын
This is 1999 part of our democratication process, now Ambon is peacefull province..
@donpedrro0234 7 ай бұрын
Orang Basodara... tapi Kepentingan dan Provokator masuk maka hancur semua... ini adalah pengalaman berharga 🙏🙏😇😇
@gangbelakang49 Жыл бұрын
Jangan terpancing oleh akun-akun yang menggunakan kalimat yang mengadu domba antarmasyarakat Indonesia. Akun-akun tersebut bisa saja intel asing yang mau memecah belah persatuan bangsa Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩. Mari saling jaga, Katong samua basudara 🤝🤝🤝💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
@KVUAA 5 ай бұрын
1998-2004 is the darkest era for Indonesia due to the 1997 Asia Financial Crises which caused the fall of 32 years long rule of Suharto Dictatorship. 50% inflation and 2/3 of our GDP collapsed, due to this economic hardship many unrest emerged accros the nation. We become international pariah, labelled as fail state, predicted soon to be balkanized, etc... But we sucessfully endured and have improving ever since.
@carlsonliaunady7907 2 жыл бұрын
as a chinese i can tell they did the same thing to us at suharto reign
@miami5949 2 жыл бұрын
Kalian orang china jgn suka menjelekan negara indo,mohon maaf kalian orang china di indo menuntut apa di negara indonesia ? Ingat sejarah !! kalian china zaman sukarno pernah di pulangkan ke negara asal kalian di tiongkok ! Ini pemerintah indo sudah baik kepada kalian yg kelahiran di indo di kasih ktp asli indo padahal aslinya kalian bukan penduduk asli di indo tapi tetap pendatang dari china nenek moyang kalian di negara ini. Kalian orang china di indo mau seperti di anak emaskan di negara ini ! Malahan zaman suharto kalian bebas di kasih bisnis terbuka di negara indo,sampai berhasil jadi level2 Forbes !! Kalian orang china tidak tau diri di negara ini dari kasus Edy Tansil atau kasus BLBI hampir smua china dan ingat yg kuasai lahan2 sawit di indonesia hampir semua perusahaan china dari group sinar mas ,murdaya poo dan lain2 blum lagi pertambangan ! (Dan Kalian orang china bangun kawasan perumahan pribadi yg punya yatch di pantai mutiara or Pik itu kawasan khusus china jadi tempat mafia china sell drugs !! ) Sorry,memangnya negara indo merdeka !! Di ciptakan utk china seperti kalian yg nikmati hasil Alam kekayaan indonesia kalian yg trade ,, jadi jgn menuntut macam2 di negara ini . Sorry china in indonesia ( a Nation without a State ) Kalau kalian tidak nyaman di indo get out aja dari indo ! Karna negara indo bukan negara tanah tumpah darah kalian ! Perjuangan mengusir penjajah asli orang indo bukan org china ! Kalian tidak ada hak apapun di negara ini! Sedangkan china di malaysia 7, 5 juta orang sampai detik ini bermasalah dgn asli melayu malaysia. Kalian china di indo kalo complain tinggal di negara indo,, tolong ke kedutaan china aja ,, apa negara china masih terima kalian balik ke negara asal nenek moyang kalian? Jangan negara indonesia di jadikan negara ke 2 kalian ,berkembang biak china2 di indo dgn status yg tdk jelas ! Kalo mau aman minta suaka ke australia Kalian orang2 china di indo,,di kasih kebebasan bangun pabrik or owner bank ,, indo jadi base camp china sep kalian utk build bisnis di negara ini ! Setiap pemilihan presiden ada etnis china yg jadi menteri ,,kalian orang china mafia di negara indo dan dekat dgn penguasa partai politik utk mencari persamaan hak di negara ini! Dari mary pangestu pernah jadi menteri perdagangan jabatan strategis utk atur2 ekspor kebijakan negara utk untungkan china2 kaliber bisnis di negara ini or erick thohir yg sdh jadi menteri Bumn ibunya org china ketua pemenangan jokowi minta sumbangan china2 indo utk kampanye presiden. Intinya Kalian org china banyak mau tanam budi di negara ini dari philantropy sido muncul atau perusahaan china utk bantu org miskin atau bantuan yg laen2. Tapi itu smua tidak cukup utk jutaan hektar lahan2 sawit yg kalian kuasai ! Kalian taipan2 china indo system kapitalis di negara ini !! Jadi kalian org2 china living in indo paradise Negara indo di ciptakan bukan utk china atau pendatang arab atau india di negara ini. Semua terdata 34 provinsi di negara ini ada suku asli n etnis lokal ! Kalian memang harusnya sadar tinggal di negara indo seumur hidup akan jadi gap di negara ini !! Mungkin jadi orang china loe gak tau sejarah indonesia,presiden sukarno dapat bantuan keuangan dari sultan jogja sampai ludes harta benda untuk kemerdekaan negara dan untuk penyatuan seluruh provinsi di indo ,,ada utusan dari jawa untuk ajak gabung raja2 di daerah di seluruh indo untuk bergabung membentuk negara indo !! sampai habis harta benda raja2 seluruh indo utk mengusir penjajah belanda ,semua darah yg mengusir penjajah darah asli org indo bukan china,tapi begitu merdeka kalian china yg petik benefit dari negara ini ! Jadi kalian org china jgn otak cetek tinggal di indo,krn kalian tetap org di luar dari indo ! Sejarah kalian org china nenek moyang asli pedagang dari negara china atau sengaja kabur dari negara china utk nyari colony baru di tanah negara lain . Jadi jgn menuntut apapun di negara yg bukan negara kalian !
@richarddawkins4607 2 жыл бұрын
patung dewa-dewi bali, patung buddha di klenteng, candi borobudur dan candi bersejarah lainnya, tradisi tana toraja, tatto dayak, koteka papua, parmalim sumut, sunda wiwitan, suku mentawai, suku anakdalam, suku tengger, akan dihancurkan oleh para kadrun panitia surga, seperti yang terjadi pada patung buddha bamiyan afganistan, patung yesus di gereja2 kota raqqa, jolo dan marawi, situs kota bersejarah palmyra di suriah dan termasuk yg sering terjadi di indonesia, pemboman gereja dan perusakan klenteng, vandalisme penghancuran kepala patung candi2 di jawa, perusakan pura hindu di gunung bromo, dan pembuangan sesajen di gunung semeru, jika kalian tidak aktif dan vokal terhadap fenomena ini, kedepannya indonesia cuma tinggal nama, akan bubar dan satu persatu memerdekakan diri.
@richarddawkins4607 2 жыл бұрын
@@miami5949 jangan lu kira penyebaran islam itu pake mawar, dari spanyol, bizantium, afrika utara, persia, afganistan, sampai india utara, islam disebarkan dengan pedang dan burung lelaki. islam yang disebarkan di indonesia oleh wali songo itu beraliran sufi, makanya bisa dengan mudah diterima oleh masyarakat hindu/buddha pada saat itu, sufi membaur dengan wayang, tari, musik dan kebudayaan lokal lainnya, bisa lu bayangkan kalo versi wahabi atau salafi yang dipake saat awal penyebaran islam di indonesia, penuh perang dan dendam tak berkesudahan, seperti hindu dan islam di india, islam dan kristen di nigeria, yazidi religion dan sunni salafi iraq, katolik inquisition andalusia, ortodok kristen yunani dan turki, rohinya dan myanmar, atau mindanao dan katolik philippine.
@rosecastilia6963 2 жыл бұрын
@@richarddawkins4607 Lo pikir pertumpahan darah dgn agama damai cuma ada di Ambon dan Poso?, Kata siapa 🏜️🦎 masuk ke Nusantara 100% dgn damai? , Kau Googling perang Padri, pertarungan mematikan kaum Batak melawan 🏜️🦎, hampir seper setengah populasi Batak lenyap, kau cari pemaksaan islamisasi Andi sose, ( kaki tangan Kahar Muzakar ) terhadap rakyat Toraja , sampai meletus perang yg memakan banyak korban. 🏜️🦎 Masuk ke 🇮🇩 juga dgn 🔪🔪🔪💣
@bjornironside775 2 жыл бұрын
@@miami5949 ahhh lokal gagal ini sih
@gatotriyanto4205 5 ай бұрын
@TronUse999 2 жыл бұрын
“Religious diverse Indonesia”??? Over 90% are Muslims how are they diverse !!!
@ikmalm.1324 2 жыл бұрын
Indonesia despite 88% of Muslim mostly are concentrated on Western and Central Indonesia. Many islands like Indonesian Guinea, Bali and Flores are non-Islam majority
@blackliar9581 2 жыл бұрын
You only see the percentage but you don't see the religious distribution of the population of each region. Of the 37 provinces there are 9 non-Muslim majority provinces. And there are several provinces inhabited by indigenous people who are predominantly Christian, It's just that there are many immigrants who make the area a Muslim majority. In addition, many districts are located in Muslim areas which are still predominantly non-Muslim. Such as Tana Toraja, North Toraja, Mamasa, Mentawai, Poso, etc
@tintunbirha 2 жыл бұрын
They were all peaceful Hindu population before the arrival of Abrahamic religions from West Asia.
@gurunhitam3414 2 жыл бұрын
You clearly don't get Pancasila and Hindu references that spread across the country. Hell we even proud with Majapahit's legacy.
@3idontknow3 7 ай бұрын
Just like Philippines, they're saying a religious diversity yet the country is only for the Christians while having 6-10% Muslim minority.
@fuadibrahim9897 Жыл бұрын
Diawali hari raya idul fitri diserang smp berlindung ke masjid kocar-kacir, setelah konsolidasi + laskar cinta datang akhirnya sadar damai itu indah ❤
@pintaulife3603 Жыл бұрын
awal mula nya bnyk versi sih, ini hanya salah satu versi yg belum tentu benar.
@btcpuzzle-wd1hd Жыл бұрын
Ada juga versi katanya sengaja dibuat ama pemerintah waktu itu untuk mengurangi kasus di jakarta, entah kasus apa.
@fuadibrahim9897 Жыл бұрын
@@pintaulife3603 konfliknya panjang mulai dari ane smp lanjut sma masih berlangsung kabarnya krn aparat tidak netral jd susah damai, titik baliknya ps laskar cinta datang ke maluku dr situ muslim mulai menang terus smp ada kejadian salah satu pihak terdesak kabur naik kapal over muatan penumpang akhirnya terbalik tenggelam, dan begitu sdh menang mutlak akhirnya terjadi perdamaian, dijaman itu pulau jawa juga sebenarnya perang tpi pakai siasat bnyk ketua pesantren/ulama di Jawa di bunuh oleh Ninja, kalau tidak damai saya rasa Maluku bisa saja lepas merdeka jadi Republik Maluku Selatan didekeng pihak asing.
@mmddyyyy-his Жыл бұрын
@@btcpuzzle-wd1hd ini emang event saat krismon tahun 97 bro, terjadi di negara di Asia, indonesia kena dampak paling parah, kena krisis moneter parah akibat ketidak becusan orde baru mengelola perbankan, sampai terjadi social unrest, pekerjaan berkurang, rupiah jatuh tajam, inflasi tinggi, daya beli turun. Dari situ isu2 yang sensitif jadi mebesar. Kecuali orang2 yang hidup di desa yang mengandalkan pertanian, tidak banyak kena pengaruh akibat jatuhnya rupiah.
@nurrohmad981 Жыл бұрын
@@fuadibrahim9897 ninja Banyuwangi
@ไอ้พวกอิสลาม 2 жыл бұрын
Lord protect christian people of Indonesia. ✝️🙏
@telanjangdanterhina3360 Жыл бұрын
your god Jesus is dead forever
@alamobrotherhood Жыл бұрын
​@@telanjangdanterhina3360mamad mu gk sunat nikahi bocil rudapaksa menantu nabiii ap it😮
@gamemobile880 Жыл бұрын
Perang agama salah satu perang yang mengerikan,bisa saja yang dulunya teman hanya karena beda agama bisa jadi musuhan,
@tukangnyiplak 7 ай бұрын
Akibat iman yg lemah dan di kuasai iblis inilah akibatnya semoga kita semua tetap saling membantu dan menyayangi
@jesush.christ5978 2 жыл бұрын
Religion is the worst thing to happen to humanity.
@jasonslatt2470 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think so
@jonathanmarak5226 2 жыл бұрын
you need brain
@AyamJago-hy8up Жыл бұрын
Damai itu indah ☺️
@pietersiahaija4698 2 жыл бұрын
" ...why is this out of date news repeated ..... the date is 1999 "
@imtarat Жыл бұрын
islam: dilarang bunuh anak2,wanita,orang tua renta,cacat(orang yg tidak membuat perlawan dan orang yg meminta perdamaian harus di maafkan)
@deanbowie3774 4 ай бұрын
Nyatanya tetangga sy byk yg mati wanita & anak2 dipaksa muallaf, dikejar sampai kebun cengkeh dapat tembak jihad
@rulysetiawan2108 2 ай бұрын
Pas perang saat itu smua dibutakan emosi dan dendam,bnyk juga tuh korban wanita dan anak2, dari keduanya
@azisadam1078 15 күн бұрын
Provokasi "mereka ingin mendirikan negara Muslim" masih sgt laku sampai dgn saat ini. Percayalah teman2 jika muslim indo ingin mendirikan negara muslim sejak dari dulu semenjak Indonesia merdeka. Tapi kita toleransi terhadap agama lainnya
@irlanpramartha476 Жыл бұрын
bingung gw sama orang2 +62 klo bahas agama pd panas tp giliran bahas selangkangan pd kompak
@NEPHILIM_0 7 ай бұрын
Unity in Diversity 😀
@PASANGA-it7vn 2 жыл бұрын
Awal bukan perang kristen dan islam Awal ny bbm( bugis,buton,makasar )lawan ambos asli ttk Bbm terdesak lantas diseret seret keagama terutam kaum pudamentalis, tanya kan ke yusuf kala sebagai otak nya
@IbnuTbn 8 ай бұрын
Knp jokowi dulu rangkul itu org ya?
@marinah3468 6 ай бұрын
BBM itu isu saja yang jelas ops intelijen si saat perang ambon ada jendral di Jkt selalu disebut sebut Kiplan Z*n
@muhamadhamdhan634 6 ай бұрын
fitnah2 Kristen RMS hahaaa... rencana kalian gagal total...lah kalau bkn JK habis kalian Kristen Ambon yg sdh sangat terdesak waktu.... kalian yg mulai kalian yg akhirnya koar2 minta tolong luar negeri mengatasnamakan Kristen dibantai wwkkk dasar oten2 munafik
@okokjg3581 6 ай бұрын
Betul ini konflik sengaja d buat jendral2.dan politikus dr pusat..mudahnya umat beragama d adu domba karna mereka saling curiga
@DoaIbu-ui1ek 5 ай бұрын
Klo memang begitu beda di kalimantan .dan ambon ,bila di ambon bugis boton makasar vs ambon dan menyeret agama , klo di kalimantan balikanya madura vs dayak, melayu,dan beberapa suku kalimantan lainya dan tidak melibatkan agama otomatis madura sendirian .. . tapi apapun itu jangan sampai terulang lagi damai itu indah
@akitole6839 Жыл бұрын
Awalnya ada orang Islam sok jagoan gebukin orang Kristen . Ketika dibalas, si Islam triak2 bawa bawa nama agama (biasalah Kadrun) . Akhirnya dari perkelahian biasa berubah jadi perang agama. Dasar Kadrun , sempat sempatnya pula menjarah (lihat bukti videonya)
@gamemobile880 Жыл бұрын
Ya gitulah bg,kalok fitnah itu benar² membawa dampak yg besar,yang bermula bukan karena agama tapi langsung di sebut karena agama,otomatis yang dari golongan agama itu akan marah,ya semoga saja itu menjadi pembelajaran untuk kedepannya
@akitole6839 Жыл бұрын
@@gamemobile880 biasa bro, orang kita kalo gak bawa bawa agama bisa langsung budukan. Apapun dikaitkan dgn masalah agama
@Brian_Rafael1881 Жыл бұрын
​@@akitole6839milisi Kristen radikal atau kadrun betlehem yg menyerang duluan
@akitole6839 Жыл бұрын
@@Brian_Rafael1881 fitnah aja Lo taik 🤣🤣
@rasyidriesna908 Жыл бұрын
hah kadrun berarti cebong dri dlu udh ada yah? klw ngga tau tentang muslim ambon diam bro klw gk tau kejadian sebenrx tutup mulut mu itu
@francishetharia6557 2 жыл бұрын
Not religious was the idea of Indo.Govt,to create havoc led by dictator/coruptor Suharto thanks to his downfall...
@kurniawan_i 7 ай бұрын
Bukan ini ulah pemimpin RSM dari Belanda yg ingin membentuk kembali Republik Maluku Selatan pasca kekacauan 98
@muhamadhamdhan634 6 ай бұрын
klw mmg itu ulah soeharto ngapain bikin rusuh jauh ke ambon dan memainkan isu SARA yg dampaknya jg mgkn tdk diinginkan soeharto cukup bikin kerusuhan besar di Jawa yg efeknya bisa lbh signifikan utk kepentingan politik ingat Jawa adalah kunci... itu murni ulah Kristen RMS yg mencari kesempatan saat jatuhnya soeharto... gk usah ngeles lah bukti keterlibatan Kristen RMS dilapangan banyak
@cahyodwiprakoso365 10 ай бұрын
Indonesia tahun 1998-2004 masa terkelam Diawali konflik sambas.dan diakhiri dengan bom bali 2004
@SempolBakars 3 ай бұрын
adalah benar
@nurmanurma4879 Жыл бұрын
Islam itu damai dan indah
@aldimrmr4108 9 ай бұрын
Tai kucing 😂
@DjoudegnonNestorRichard Жыл бұрын
5 Pour notre temps, tout est parti de décembre 1955 où William Branham a eu cette vision de la tente en rapport avec le troisième pull et la langue inconnue. 6 William Branham a dit dans Le Septième Sceau, paragraphe 299: « ...Et juste à ce moment-là Il m’a emporté. Il m’a élevé, et Il m’a placé très haut, quelque part où une réunion se déroulait. On aurait dit une tente, ou un genre de cathédrale. Et j’ai regardé, et il y avait comme une petite boîte, une petite pièce sur le côté. Et je voyais que cette lumière parlait à quelqu’un, au-dessus de moi, cette lumière que vous voyez sur la photo. Elle s’est éloignée de moi en tournoyant, comme ça, et elle est allée s’installer au-dessus de la tente. Et Il a dit: « Je te rencontrerai là. » Et Il a dit: « Ce sera le troisième pull… ». Il y a trois grandes choses qui vont avec. L’une d’elles a été dévoilée hier; l’autre a été dévoilée aujourd’hui; et il y a une chose que je ne peux pas interpréter, parce que c’est dans une langue inconnue.».
@Ibas212 9 ай бұрын
Jagalah persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa ini & hati-hati terhadap provokator yang ingin memecah belah umat beragama di Indonesia! NKRI harga mati
@bayersbluebayoubioweapon8477 2 жыл бұрын
I think about Ambon a lot.
@ersansaputra5794 Жыл бұрын
Para elit politik mempropokasi masyarakat.. Tetaplah bersaudara..!!
@lukaswilhelm9290 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this is what happened when you rule a country with iron fist, supressed anyone who might creates chaos but when you gone this what's gonna befall on your country. Unlike Yugoslavia, at least Indonesia including city of Ambon itself don't suffer from Balkanization.
@RRIAmbonDAS2023 8 ай бұрын
@BudiBudi-dk2pl 2 жыл бұрын
Ini memang yg dimainkan negara lain untuk kita
@d34.-99 Жыл бұрын
pelajaran buat muslim Allahuakbar....
@poupee9564 2 жыл бұрын
LOVE THY NEIGHBORS AS THOU LOVE THYSELF...these self called Christians must hate themselves,really.
@wootang5288 2 жыл бұрын
End of days of Revelations...
@ridwanbone7917 Жыл бұрын
Pemerintah harus bertanggung jawab ini.. Karna tidak mampu memimpin dan mengarahkan bawahannya.. Di jln kedamaian
@putramatebean2606 Жыл бұрын
This has been the black history for Indonesian .I hope this Will not happen again next time.
@gatotriyanto4205 5 ай бұрын
@PejuangRupiah1306 2 ай бұрын
Islam Mati Banyak Di sini, Dlu Kuburan masal Tampa Nama
@gajahmadarie8369 Жыл бұрын
Salam ukhuwah untuk umat muslim
@hariawanwawan5791 Жыл бұрын
I still remember 🥺
@mughug9616 2 жыл бұрын
Most Abrahamic religions have caused the death and suffering of millions of innocent people throughout history. But it seems religion usually has an excuse or justification. And no doubt some will post here in defense of their religion. Reminds me of the quote “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
@shehuyakubu3751 2 жыл бұрын
Lol. Would be nice if you "atheists" were honest enough to include the body counts of your atheistic/secularist wars. Then, and only then, will we truly Guage who are the real blood thirsty lust warriors. But that would require sincerity, and for a people who BELIEVE (Oh the irony) that humanity came about as a result of a purposeless random mutation of apes, I truly wonder what ground you have God's earth to speak about morality. You have ZERO objective morality! Funny enough all your parameters of good and bad come from RELIGION! Please tell us a single moral value that was originated by atheism. Ill wait...but of course like mindless drones most of you just regurgitate the same arguments you've been told by your cult of "science "! And let's be real, most of you that comment under every video about the "evils of religion" are nothing but shills and bots paid to say these things and mislead the ignorant. But please, answer my questions. Mr "God doesn't exist because men in lab coats said so and gave me fine trinkets to be awed by"
@ramadhanomar8093 2 жыл бұрын
Christianity is not an abrahamic religion
@mughug9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@ramadhanomar8093 What is your reference? If you do a Google search, you will see that multiple sources contradict your error.
@ramadhanomar8093 2 жыл бұрын
@@mughug9616 it's really not an error...majority of websites siting something does not necessarily mean it's the truth
@mughug9616 2 жыл бұрын
@@ramadhanomar8093 Your reply did not include the reference you base your view on, for verification. If you cannot do that, then why should anyone take you seriously?
@mollysheep2311 2 жыл бұрын
@eddenny585 2 жыл бұрын
Yes Molly l can only say click bait of the worst kind re kindling old memories of murdered love ones for profit what a shame 😎
@Masahanate-777 2 жыл бұрын
True bro this chanes is Sus
@ItsJuicyALe 2 жыл бұрын
its called documentary. so people don't forget that this happens and learn from it. don't be ignorant.
@angryzombie8088 2 жыл бұрын
Stop trying to sweep everything under the rug, history need to be remembered so that it wont happen again. Stop being ignorant, learn from history & be better than the previous generation.
@ilovechocolate1705 2 жыл бұрын
Any heard about "Documentary"? It is exist so that it can't be repeated
@leblancdegesco8321 Жыл бұрын
28 God had said to Moses: "You cannot see my face. You shall stand on the rock and it shall come to pass that when I pass by, I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away my hand, and you shall not see my face, but you shall see me from behind". But later, when Moses was mature enough to refrain from describing the face of the Angel, Moses saw the face of the Angel and spoke with Him face to face. 29 William Branham said: "When He appeared to me as a man, He had a look as you don't see on the face of mortals. I’d never seen his face. His face was smooth." You see? You can't describe his mouth, his nose and his eyes. You look at his face but you can't see the details. That's how I see him since 1993. It's the Angel of Jehovah Himself. 30 Once, as Sister Rosine was coming to show me a problem in her telephone, I saw in a vision this Angel moving away from me. And He went and stood about 30 to 40 metres away. I did not see his face even when He was facing me there, about 40 metres away. 31 The messenger of Matthew 25:6, it is Him, the Angel of April 24, 1993, not me, Kacou Philippe. It is the same seventh angel, the messenger of Laodicea, fulfilling the ministry under the tent according to his promise to William Branham in the seventh seal saying, "I’ll meet you there". 32 He is the seventh star in the right hand of the Lord Jesus in Revelation 1:16 and who was sent from the presence of God on April 24, 1993. He just took me to be his companion as William Seymour and William Branham were before me. And when my part ends, He will take someone else in this same Laodicean age to be his companion.
@abimakara7072 2 жыл бұрын
@BruceWayne-zk5jc 2 жыл бұрын
Show one country where Muslims do not create problems, yasser atsfat wad given refuge in Lebanon, and drr what had happened to that country today, the city Beirut was known as the Paris of the middle East.
@teukukalkausarfird4037 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, show one country where cristians do not create problems. How much Peaceful cristian spain, portugal, u.k, Nederland etc kill people across the globe?
@rendangbasisedapnyaaa8541 2 жыл бұрын
Go to malaysia n see
@3-Kashmir 2 жыл бұрын
The definition and usage of the word "country" is flexible and has changed since it was first used a couple of hundred years ago! Based on that i would say there are regions! 🦇
@nvrzy__ Жыл бұрын
i knew it this is racist shit but how if i ask you back, name one country that christian not doing something fuck up?
@lawrencechin3400 2 жыл бұрын
Racism was common in Indonesia 🇮🇩 where ethnic groups were killed by majority Muslims, Chinese were the main victims. CIA and NED could be involved in these killing fields. Today they have the best leader, who led Indonesia into a prospective and peaceful country.
@rizkifauzi7048 2 жыл бұрын
racism is common in every country* I think you should correct that, especially in monocultural countries like China, Japan, or South Korea even till now. Albeit racism still exists in multicultural countries too like Indonesia or Malaysia, It is far lesser than in those east Asian countries
@Maman-Setrum 2 жыл бұрын
what a stupid statement by stupid people. absolutely nonsense compare to anywhere in the world, even in the USA who build by white domination where racism is anywhere and anytime. compare to china, japan more over korea, indonesian more more tolerant and openminded. our country base of multi cultural, multi language, multi race, multi religion, multi parties. who can do that in this world? china can do that all by pressure of one party, one ideology? what about if china have two or more parties or ideologies? just as you see, china mainland and taiwan. if your statement base on 1998 tragedy, then the leader of that riot who directed to chinese area in jakarta is chinese too. just read read and read the fact. if you want to compare to nowadays happen, who bullied at surround area in southeastern asia especially at south china sea? who claim this, claim that? this is mine, that is mine, who is do that? don't say cause of we all know the answer. that they habbit and when we fight back, they call us racist.
@wendyoscar3175 Жыл бұрын
Killed by majority muslims? Chinese vs muslims? You must said chinese vs local residences. I know it false, but you must presented more properly.
@oracle_2010 Жыл бұрын
The next time this happen, it would be the whole nation. And there will be no mercy..
@ericbonitrazie2797 Жыл бұрын
18 Thus, dreams and visions come either from God or from the devil, and the prophet is the greatest means to knowwhat comes from God or from the devil. This is why prophets are indispensable. They are the guarantors of the truth and will of God on earth. No matter how great a pastor or a church you are, if you have the fear of God, you will obligatorily seek a prophet because the prophet is the absolute of the Saints. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
@IraBuraen-qe7vu 10 ай бұрын
@marcofenix6388 Жыл бұрын
32 years is far too long stand as Indonesia President. NO MORE !!! NO MORE 32 years !!! its killing the democracy.
@gmdnoob8954 2 ай бұрын
Least chaostic day in indonesia during soehartos era
@invinoveritas6859 3 ай бұрын
This is scarier than horror films!!! 😳
@kyokushinshodan7803 9 ай бұрын
Kasih katanya tapi hatinya penuh kebencian
@MohamedAbdi-ce8ym Жыл бұрын
Still Indonesia is Muslim country
@noelteguihanon2780 Жыл бұрын
Mahirap yan talaga kasi ang mga Christian ayaw ng gulo yan pero kapag nasubo yan sa away hindi na yan tatakbo magpapakamatay na yan sa labanan.kahit dito sa Pilipinas ganon din yan.. .
@agar2134 8 ай бұрын
Philippines just different breed they can win outnumbered 😮
@3idontknow3 7 ай бұрын
Same lang naman yung sa leader nila sa time na to at si Marcos pero yung kanto against Muslims in Mindanao and he did it by sending Hiligaynon, Ilocano and Cebuano settlers from Luzon and Visayas then later started the Ilaga.
@jojodelima1953 2 жыл бұрын
Same race, different beliefs, hatred and bigotrg results to violence
@ridwanbone7917 Жыл бұрын
Sadarlahh kalian semua bersaudara... Semuanya anak cucu adam dan hawa... Katong semua bupolo
@amahale-mp8xe Жыл бұрын
This tragedi it's happen on 1999 when Soeharto and his regime bankrap. Its an old video.
@Tammissa 2 жыл бұрын
Religious stupidity at its finest. I’ll never understand why,how, and what you believe in/about God can cause so much violence and anger in the world. When all these religions fighters do die, how shocked they’ll be when they find out that we all believe in the same God after all and All this killing and violence is against the one thing God really wants us all to practice, love.
@pheddupp 2 жыл бұрын
Let's compare the religions. One religion (Christianity) had a prophet who preached love and compassion, and lived his life healing, comforting, and teaching his fellow man until he was captured and executed. The other religion in question (Islam) had a "prophet" who raped, murdered, converted by the sword, and enslaved people across two continents in addition to driving them out of their ancestral lands. Not his followers, but the prophet himself. Yep, we all believe in the same God...You are smoking some good sh*t.
@2Sage-7Poets 2 жыл бұрын
who started the killing? and the violence in that area?
@laosi4278 2 жыл бұрын
You can say it because you don't know islam well, just read how this one religion spread first time, and what it's prophet and companions done
@Masahanate-777 2 жыл бұрын
We all beleive in the same god??? Are you foreal mam? You sound like a rich white girl who only care about food and party, you don't really know anything about religion, base on your comment
@Masahanate-777 2 жыл бұрын
There is only one God but you need to learn about christianity and islam before stating that we worship the same God, because the devil can also disguise himself as an angel of God to deceive humans and mislead humans.
@muhamadsyarifsulaemansulae7895 Жыл бұрын
Perang jihad fisabilillah untuk terlaksananya syari'at Islam secara keseluruhan yang ada dalam firman ALLAH SWT yaitu Al-Qur'an dan hukum Pidana ALLAH SWT atau hukum Qisas supaya ada efek jera pada seluruh manusia dan rakyatnya menjadi aman dan nyaman sentosa kaya raya sejahtera di jamin keamanan dan keperluan hidupnya selamanya adalah HARGA MATI
@ledaohio 2 жыл бұрын
@BF109G4 Жыл бұрын
Muslims are massacred in: Indonesia India Myanmar Palestine China Chechnya Africa Syria Afghanistan Iraq and Lebenon Yet they’re called terrorists 🤣
@febriavira7696 2 жыл бұрын
And somebody still thinks that christian is religion of love??
@miami5949 2 жыл бұрын
@Greenland Shark setuju
@febriavira7696 2 жыл бұрын
@Greenland Shark Yeah... But what i mean is : why christian get involved in that war?? There is no war in what so called "the religion of love", right??
@rosecastilia6963 2 жыл бұрын
@@febriavira7696 Membela diri diperbolehkan.
@febriavira7696 2 жыл бұрын
@@rosecastilia6963 Dgn membalas menyerang?? Membalas membunuh?? Kasihilah musuhmu. Digampar pipi kanan, kasihkan pipi yg kiri. Apa disitu ada terbersit/tersirat makna utk membela diri?? (kecuali klu anda memodifnya menurut kemauan sendiri)
@rosecastilia6963 2 жыл бұрын
@@febriavira7696 sebagaimana engkau ingin org perbuat padamu perbuatlah itu pada mereka. Kalau mereka gak bisa memberikan pipi kiri jgn harap org akan melakukan hal yg sama, jgn menuntut sesuatu pada org yg dimana anda sendiri tdk bisa melakukanya.
@antonchairudin879 5 ай бұрын
Ini vidio lama di buka lagi .sangat sangat sangat pelajaran umat beragama di indonesia .ini tidak terlepas dari calon pejabat daerah .calon pejabat yg beda agama .membakar hati masarakatnya .media barat biasa pro kristen .paktany kristen lebih dulu membantai umat islam .makanya politikus .jangan prokator .radikal radikul in toleransi ,indetitas ini kerja non muslim .indonesia baik" aja kok 🇲🇨❤️ damai indonesia ku 👍
@AryaSaputra-nw7kf Жыл бұрын
Apakah kaum Kristen waktu kejadian di Poso dulu tidak berpikir akan diserang balik oleh kaum mayoritas
@militanminahasa4533 Жыл бұрын
Org Kristen Poso khususnya di kelurahan lombogia dan kasintiwu kecamatan Poso kota panggal 25 Desember tahun 1998 itu diserang teroris² Islam biadap tanpa sebab , Kristen difitnah melakukan pembacokan terhadap salah seorang imam masjid di kelurahan Sayo ,faktanya tidak
@eren-vt3li 6 ай бұрын
​@militanminahasa4533 woi biadap jangan sok memutar balikkan fakta
@pherlysandra5722 Жыл бұрын
Salah satu keberhasilan pihak asing dlm mengadu domba antar umat beragama di Indonesia....
@tr0llol677 2 жыл бұрын
There was once buddhism and hinduism in Indonesia. It was very peaceful until Islam and Christanity came.
@stonefort5179 2 жыл бұрын
sriwijayan conquest of java, cholan raid on sriwijaya, pamalayu expedition, invasion of bali, invasion of dompu, unjustified bubat war, paregreg civil war, ongoing civil war of majapahit in the 15th century, destruction of trowulan by daha(east majapahit court) forces 1478, majapahit aggression towards giri kedaton yeah seems peaceful to me
@hegel5816 2 жыл бұрын
Lol Buddhist and Hindus killed each other for centuries before Christians and Muslims...😂
@anishmohammad2629 2 жыл бұрын
Yes your Myanmar & shrilanka is also peaceful because of Bhudhhism
@DrStrange234 2 жыл бұрын
Yes blame others for your faults There never was or is any peaceful country in this world
@anhilatorofignorance2584 2 жыл бұрын
@@DrStrange234 Norway ?
@HapsaMahulette 2 ай бұрын
Profokator yg berhasil mengacaukan kota Ambon saat itu,padahal tdk ada yg berniat mendirikan negara islam,justru muslim mengira dri pihak kristen berencana mendirikan Negara RMS
@IqbalMuhammad-gj2ig Жыл бұрын
Menang pertama. Keok minta bantuan. Jangan pernah membangunkan macan tidur wahai para musuh islam.. Kalau umat islam bangkit. Kalian musuh islam akan disikat habis
@MalukuPL Жыл бұрын
@Gary_Gensler-n1v 7 ай бұрын
Biadap ni kristian
@michaelnuoi3224 6 ай бұрын
@agampranata4911 6 ай бұрын
​@@michaelnuoi3224knpa sampit bos,,coba bawa ke agama siapa yg habis coba ?gigit jari kristen sampit kalo mau coba?
@EfotEvra-tz8md 6 ай бұрын
Islam banyak yang mati di Saparua, Ambon dibantai tidak ada yang selamat' 😂😂😂
@Kupangutama Жыл бұрын
Izin post di tiktok
@arisdanarto8354 3 ай бұрын
Ingat! Kita smua cuma di adu domba sama orang2 yg ada di parlemen yg lagi nikmati korupsi,,maka smpai kapan kita tidak bisa menyeret orang tsb kita hakimi sndiri di jalanan, bayangkan seorang khadafi saja yg tidak bersalah sebenarnya bisa diseret rakyatnya ke jalanan,,masa kita tidak bisa
@ailynirinco1441 2 жыл бұрын
Serve JESUS for your salvation
@ismaelgonsaga5417 2 жыл бұрын
Why this people..are so worse people they said they are relgious but thier so cruel maen theyr relegion is cruelty?
@dirmandirman7782 6 ай бұрын
itu karangan mereka aja.tidak awal mula kata2 akan di dirikan agama islam.saat awal kejadia islam terlalu di intimidasi dn di anggap rendah sehingga islam mulai ada perlawanan
@raymondteo2611 2 жыл бұрын
I am Singaporean my two cents worth to stop all this world religion problem we all got to go back in time and we have all to be converted to atheist. Peace will come after that.
@teukukalkausarfird4037 2 жыл бұрын
Look like communist is so peaceful. But How much they kill peoples across the globe? Read the data of history.
@nescafe1049 2 жыл бұрын
atheism will bring peace? that's really naive of you to say that.
@josephgelet1149 Жыл бұрын
No it will be more useless
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