Not Again😫... Another home video and city Tour? Why??? No one is interested in watching this type of content. It feels like you're running out of ideas and seem exhausted with the content you're creating in your vlogs. The things you're doing in your vlogs are being done by every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the city, everyone wakes up freshen up themselves and go out, what's new in that and why you are showing that in your vlogs whats the logic? Where is the actual quality of the content? You should create a vlogs which should land ppl to watch your videos and force them to subscribe to your channel.. And lastly why are you trying to speak in salman Khan accent , is that the top most requirement to become a successful vlogger? Does Cariminati, Dhruv Rathi, Bhuvan Bam talk in such accent... Nooooo.... Then why are you giving trouble to yourself and our ears? And don't put soo much pressure on you throat .. Its not working at all.. Salman khan achieved this heavy voice in his 50's even he not use to sound like that when he was stop trying Anyways I still hope to see some good contents in your upcoming videos. Best of Luck...