Another game as one of my favorite champs, Rengar. My skills with him are certainly a work in progress, if you play Rengar a good bit and would like to give me some advice on how to use/build him feel free to do so :D
Пікірлер: 10
@gamingfanism11 жыл бұрын
how do you not have more subs? your contents really good. subscribing
@zachbaggins11 жыл бұрын
i've fought garen before as rengar, and it can be much more advantageous to save ferocity, wait in the bush, and hit him with a double q, saving your e's to harass him so he can't heal. Also, by getting your q first, you would have been able to destroy his tower from the first time he recalled, because the damage and attack speed both work on buildings. That way you could have roamed as much as you wanted, coming back to push your lane whenever he got close.
@TheShotgunfun10111 жыл бұрын
Because against Garen Rengar's much better harrassing with his E than engaging. Maxing E gives a very large amount of ability to harrass champs like Garen and keep them from engaging on you.
@tonyiversonlin211611 жыл бұрын
Maxing E, rush brutalizer, then you are global threat after Lv6. For ultimate assassin power, get blade of ruin king~~~for god split pushing power, get hydra~~~~~in all situation, last whisper and black cleaver are always prefered during late game
@TheShotgunfun10111 жыл бұрын
Thanks man :D My videos up till now (maybe even still now) have been sub-par if I say so myself. I'm just working to improve and it'll of course be nice to get subs on the way ^_^
@tonyiversonlin211611 жыл бұрын
For advance skillful player, maxing E then W, one level q will give you the highest skill rotation (No maxing Q bullshit anymore~~~~that is just rookie), but it require better timing on your combo~~~~~
@zachbaggins11 жыл бұрын
why would you ever max e first... your q is much more important
@tonyiversonlin211611 жыл бұрын
attack speed is the least stat you would like to get, don't waste money on it
@tonyiversonlin211611 жыл бұрын
try to avoid play tanky as rengar~~~there is a thousand champion can be a better tank than rengar~~~~~~