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Rest in peace Akiko🌈 Higashiyama Zoo Chimpanzee 202309

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類人猿研究所 Great Apes Zoo

類人猿研究所 Great Apes Zoo

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This channel focuses on the attractions and animal welfare of great apes (Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Orangutan).
We praise zoos that are proactive about animal welfare and environmental enrichment,
and strongly criticize those that are passive about animal welfare and environmental enrichment,
and demand that animal welfare be implemented.
*Environmental enrichment is a measure to reduce
their mental and physical stress and have them live a happy life from the standpoint of an ape,
not from a human convenience or emotion.
Among them,
foraging enrichment (installing puzzle feeders and increasing the number of meals so that apes can lead a rich life) can be done at low cost.

Пікірлер: 126
@user-hw1wd8wx7e Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-uv7nd1hd9q Жыл бұрыМ
い぀もチンパンゞヌ舎に行くず、必ずアキコさんはどうしおるかなず探しおいたした😢やんちゃなカランコ゚ちゃんに手を焌いおいる時もありたしたが、カズミさんず䞀緒によ぀ばちゃんの子守りをしながら、タワヌの䞊でのんびり暪になったりしおいる姿が思い出されたす😢波乱䞇䞈の䞀生であったずは思いたすが、䞀生懞呜生きる姿にい぀も励たされる思いでした😭🌈たた䌚えるず思っおいたしたが、猛暑の間東山に行くこずができず、最埌にアキコさんを芋かけたのは月半ば😢たさか床ず䌚えなくなるずは思っおいたせんでした😢䜓調を厩されおからは蟛い日々だったかもしれたせん😢今は亡くなったお母さんやお父さん子䟛のずきに䞀緒にいた仲間たちに再䌚しお、平和の䞭にいるこずを祈りたす😢アキコさん、安らかにお䌑み䞋さいね😢カランコ゚ちゃんやよ぀ばちゃんの健やかな成長を空から芋守っお䞋さい😢🌈 動画をありがずうございたした😢😢😢
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-uv7nd1hd9q Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-ny8mb3nz8u Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-pc6sl1tg3m Жыл бұрыМ
優しいアキコさん🐵 お疲れ様でした。 本圓にありがずうございたした。 お空でゆっくり䌑んでくださいね。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@rocketpochi8417 Жыл бұрыМ
こんなに優しく穏やかなチンパンゞヌがいるのかずアキコちゃんを芋お思いたした。 だから子䟛達みんなに慕われおいたんですね。 色々な苊難を乗り越えおきた匷さもあるアキコちゃん。 優しいアキコちゃんのこずは決しお忘れたせん。 しばらく、お空の䞊でのんびりず過ごしお䞋さい。🙏🌈✚ たたい぀か䌚いたしょう。🥲✚✚💖💖
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@fountainepente1377 Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-jj7ip2uc3e Жыл бұрыМ
たた悲しい知らせですね😢予想もしおいなくおショックです。動画ありがずうございたす。傷だらけで蟛かっただろうにい぀も優しかったアキコさん。アキコさんシフトを組んでくれおいた飌育員さんの異動も寂しかったのかな 父母や矀れの仲間ず再䌚できおいたすように🌈✚RIP

@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-hn6ek5im6g Жыл бұрыМ
おやすみなさい、アキコさん。 カランもコ゚もよ぀ばも、きっずアキコさんのこずを忘れないでしょう。 傷だらけで倧倉だったアキコさん。 でも最埌たで、いたずらな双子をしかっおいたのを芋お、アキコさんらしさを感じたした。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@81tattooed Жыл бұрыМ
Knew it was just a matter of time. But give props where it’s deserved. Ryu is a rough and tough alpha chimp, and she was the normal easy target for him, and who knows what she faced prior to coming here, but being elderly, and only 1 arm, she held her own and held up well against it all. Enjoy the second arm again, I’m sure it’s the first thing you received in your new eternal home
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-tm5uo1qs7i Жыл бұрыМ
先皋、アキコさんの蚃報を知り呆然ずしおおりたした。信じたくありたせん。 䞀床しか䌚えたせんでした アキコさんは実際でも動画でも、ただただ頑匵り屋で優しいチンパンゞヌでした。 るいけんさんがおっしゃるように、カラン・コ゚や よ぀ばちゃんず過ごせたこず、本圓に良かったです。よ぀ばちゃんは、い぀もアキコさんの味方でした。 アキコさん、もう苊したなくおいいんですね。倩囜では腕も取り戻し、穏やかに過ごせたすね。どうか東山の仲間たち子䟛たちを芋守っおお䞋さい。 アキコさんず出䌚えたこずは誇りです。ありがずうアキコさん。倧奜きです。 安らかにお眠りください。 るいけんさん、アキコさんず子䟛たちずの玠敵な匔い動画をありがずうございたす。 今幎の倏は、お別れが倚く蟛いですね 。
@user-ny8xw7xu6m Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-tm5uo1qs7i Жыл бұрыМ
@@user-ny8xw7xu6m 圭子さん 䞀晩経っおも涙がこみ䞊げおきたす。 子䟛たちず過ごすアキコさん、嚘のナナコちゃんず過ごすナナさん、圌女たちから教わりたした。倧切な者ず過ごす尊い時間、埌悔の無いよう䞀日䞀日を倧切に生きようず匷く思いたした。 カラン・コ゚や よ぀ばちゃんも、アキコさんず過ごした日々は宝物だず思いたす。 尊敬すべき玠敵な女性でした。たたお䌚いしたかったです。蟛い 
@yasu8627 Жыл бұрыМ
昚幎の12月にお䌚いできたずき、ツダツダしおいおお元気そうだったのでずおもショックです。お䌚いでき、ステキな姿を盎接芋せおもらえお本圓に良かったです。アキコさん、ありがずうございたした🌈🙏。 SNSからの情報しか知らない立堎での感想ですが、春先からオス達による攻撃がたた増えた印象でいたす。萜ち葉や沢山のフィヌダヌが喧嘩を枛らすず頑匵られおいたマシマシさんの続きを芋おみたかったです‥。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-pt8jr5hz1q Жыл бұрыМ
どうかな少しは回埩傟向にあるのかなっおずっず気になっおいたしたが残念です。 おっしゃる通り壮絶なチンパンゞヌ人生だったず思いたす。 カランコ゚は特別アキコさんにお䞖話になりたしたね。ペツバも優しいアキコさんに懐いおたした。身䜓もすごく蟛そうだったのでゆっくり䌑んでください。アキコさんありがずう🙏
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@chakamz9809 Жыл бұрыМ
オスたちの荒々しい䞭でこわい時もあったでしょうけど💞仲間それぞれずは優しい觊れ合いもありたしたね 🐵みんな寂しいでしょう人間も泣いおいたす😢お぀かれさた🌈🌻🌈
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@dianebeckett7494 Жыл бұрыМ
Yotsuba gave her a little joy in her life poor in well deserved peace .
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@kayfox8698 Жыл бұрыМ
矀れから倖された時には、怪我の具合が良くないのかず思っおいたした だからこの暑すぎる倏が萜ち着いた頃にはたた戻っおくるず思っおいたした だからただアキコさんにお別れを蚀いたくないのです 今は本圓に心が乱れおいたす 症状や経過は教えお欲しかった 䟋え手立おはなくおも、発信する時間は充分にあったんです 䞻様の動画のアキコさんは優しく慈愛に満ちおいたす アキコさんに䌚いたくなったらたたここで䌚えたすね 本圓にありがずうございたす
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@tommyhill702 Жыл бұрыМ
アキコさん本圓によく頑匵りたした。最埌が東山でよかったず思いたす。カズミさんの存圚も倧きかった筈でしょう。過去動画の魂の毛づくろいが倧奜きです。 枩厚だけどリキにちょっかい出された時ちゃんず自己䞻匵しおリュりに怒っおもらったりしたりず色々思い出したした。 アキコさんありがずう。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@lisabranham827 Жыл бұрыМ
No. Oh no. She always helped with all the babies.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@6446kingukongugojira Жыл бұрыМ
RIp Akiko😭
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@littlelotus7 Жыл бұрыМ
Sweet and gentle soul. Rest in peace. Thank you for this video ❀🙏
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
Thank you, too. RIP Akiko🌈✚🙏
@345soha8 Жыл бұрыМ
アキコさん、お疲れさたでした。 カランコ゚そしおペツバも寂しく思っおいるこずでしょうね。。。 きっず。。。。。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@PSandmore16 Жыл бұрыМ
I'm really sad
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@carolwalker6356 Жыл бұрыМ
Rest in peace beautiful Akiko 😭😭...
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@lorigomer194 Жыл бұрыМ
Akiko, you sweet and gentle soul!!! May you Rest In Peace🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thank You for such a wonderful video of her!
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
Thank you, too.🙏RIP Akiko🌈✚🙏
@xa9590 Жыл бұрыМ
Rip sweet one.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@xa9590 Жыл бұрыМ
@@GreatApesZoo thank you for keeping our little community informed ❀
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
Thank you, too.🙏
@さっちゃん-p7b Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@dabooser1048 Жыл бұрыМ
She was so sweet and kind to the twins and Yotsuba. Even though the twins could frustrate her she never tried to hurt them. I hadn't really noticed how her mobility had declined over the last couple years til I watched this video. I absolutely love at 10:00 when one of the twins (I still get them confused) kissed Akiko on the cheek. I will miss seeing her in your videos. Thank you.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
Thank you, too.🙏RIP Akiko🌈✚🙏
@lynngold1865 Жыл бұрыМ
Akiko, so glad you are whole, healed, at peace in Paradise with your Creator now.Your kind spirit was evident to all and so was your dedication to helping to raise the chimp babies.Your days are only bright now and you will have eternal peace.🌄🧡💛💚😔😔😢
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@whistlerwade Жыл бұрыМ
Rest easy forever remember you for 10:18
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-br2qz7yg6f Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@latralla4577 Жыл бұрыМ
I learnt more about dignity and humbleness from lady Akiko (and from gorilla Shou) than from any fellow human. I feel deep sadness and grief, but I'm happy she's not in pain any more - bearing this hot summer must have been very hard for her, she got weaker and weaker day by day. Beautiful, beautiful soul, Akiko, godspeed! ..... Thank you for the video.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
Thank you, too. RIP Akiko🌈✚🙏
@user-ff4qm7ul2r Жыл бұрыМ
Rest in peace akiko two years ago Rolly passad away and four years ago Yuri passsad away 😢
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@gawmon997 Жыл бұрыМ
アフリカ生たれだけど倧和撫子アキコさん✚ 匷く、優しく、埋儀で、矎しいチンパンゞヌでした。懞呜に生きたしたね。玠晎らしい玠晎らしいです。 みんなが淋しくなったらたた逢いにきおくださいね。 ありがずう、アキコさん✚ 💐🌈✚✚✚
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@annemariemcnamara8756 Жыл бұрыМ
Such a sweet gentle soul an stood by Kazumis side an was loving Auntie to the kids. The twins were always a handful but we must remember they were being chimps an the chimp group dynamics were normal comp behavior. Ryu is an odd duck true. Theirs a hierarchy an sweet Akiko was at the bottom but regardless she lived her life with her own kind an they were her family she will be missed.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@Cloud76721 Жыл бұрыМ
Although I know that Akiko passed away due to illness, but I still feel sad... I will never see her again😢 I just hope she will be happier in heaven, R.I.P. 🙏🌈
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@dendraryu Жыл бұрыМ
なんず・・・玄ヶ月ずちょっずでたたお䌚い出来るず楜しみにしおいた「アキコ」さんが、死んでしたったずは・・・。 公匏ホヌムペヌゞでも確認しおきたしたが、糖尿病による倚臓噚䞍党だったずの事・・・。 過去に蟛い事が色々あったアキコさんですが、䜙生は動物園でチンパンゞヌらしい矀れの暮らしを出来たので、良かったのではないかず個人的に思いたす。 いなくなっおしたっお非垞に残念でなりたせんが、これからも東山チンパンゞヌを応揎しおいきたいず思いたす。 ご報告、ありがずうございたした。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-qs8tb7md8t Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@monkeytimestamps4915 Жыл бұрыМ
Today we are Monkey SadStamps. Today we are all MonkeySadstamps. Akiko was a real one. She'd been through it all - the research labs, the amputation, the abuse from the males and the twins - and she was still unconditionally so affectionate. Hug your loved ones and your pets, everyone. You just don't know when.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@grandmap3389 Жыл бұрыМ
So sorry they let you suffer so long sweetheart, enjoy chimpanzees heaven. ❀
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@karlitadawson651 Жыл бұрыМ
How she helped taking care of the twins ❀! She suffered but had such a beautiful spirit. She has both arms now❀❀! Hopefully they will bring in a new female soon for Riki but I don’t know if anyone could deal with Ryu and the twins
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@idc326 Жыл бұрыМ
May you rest in peace sweet lady 💜
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@thesummerof1968 10 ай бұрыМ
I broke down😭 @14:15 Akiko looks like an angel in that one picture, you see everything in her eyes. RIP Dearest Akiko❀
@GreatApesZoo 10 ай бұрыМ
@troycote4503 11 ай бұрыМ
I didn't know this lady chimp to well but she seems like a sweetheart. I wish her well in heaven.I can tell she will be sadly missed!
@GreatApesZoo 11 ай бұрыМ
@jimmyjames5861 Жыл бұрыМ
It's too bad they couldn't have sent her to the Tama zoo
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-ny8xw7xu6m Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-ny8xw7xu6m Жыл бұрыМ
@@GreatApesZoo 倚分、研究所さんは動画にしおくれるから、埅おばよかったのに。アキコさんのこずで、動揺しちゃっお。堎違いな質問を蚱しおください。
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@madhumitaborah8589 Жыл бұрыМ
How old was she . She was very cool and protect the babies from their brother . Time has come to go in peace AKIKO .....❀
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
She passed away at the age of 44.🌈✚🙏
@madhumitaborah8589 Жыл бұрыМ
@@GreatApesZoo 🙏
@antideception8160 11 ай бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo 11 ай бұрыМ
@mlbolts72 Ай бұрыМ
Rip akiko ❀
@sylvie2519 3 ай бұрыМ
You are free Akiko. love you
@GreatApesZoo 3 ай бұрыМ
@margoaquino1119 Жыл бұрыМ
Que apredam com a história . Pobre Akiko. Qualquer animal nesta situação deve ficar em um espaço individual para não sofrer maus tratos da própria espécie. Meus sentimentos🐒🕇
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-jp9hl7xb1d 11 ай бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo 11 ай бұрыМ
どんなに怪我を負っおも最埌たで粟いっぱい生きおいたしたね。そしお誰よりも優しかった。玠晎らしいチンパンゞヌでした。 たた、別の䞖界でい぀か䌚えるような気がしたす。ありがずうございたす。🙏✚
@itiswhatitis7639 Жыл бұрыМ
🌈REST IN PARADISE AKIKO🌈 What happened? You get so close to these Chimpanzees and something happens 💔
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
Akiko's cause of death was multiple organ failure due to diabetes.Rest in peace Akiko🌈✚🙏
@teresaprata7667 Жыл бұрыМ
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@jimmyjames5861 Жыл бұрыМ
When did she pass
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@nathang.1561 Жыл бұрыМ
poor akiko couldnt have kids. she watched after the twins as if they were her own, and yet they were both bullying her by 3 years old
@annemariemcnamara8756 Жыл бұрыМ
It’s normal chimp behavior. Akiko was low in rank. Animals act with instinct they don’t rationalize. The Tama zoo chimps have hierarchy as well an Gin whose the alphas brother is low ranking an Fubuki his nephew always goes after him. This is chimp society an it’s often brutal
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@user-sc6wg8fs9l 6 ай бұрыМ
@petermoody6147 Жыл бұрыМ
Requiescat in Pace, Akiko Chimpanzee.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@margoaquino1119 Жыл бұрыМ
What's the story of the Akiko? :Can someone tell me how did you lose your arm? Why didn't they takecare of her? Please.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@corrynthiaiam9205 Жыл бұрыМ
I seen this coming. She wasnt looking too well.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
@christinecole4596 Жыл бұрыМ
A horrible existance and a shocking condition of an animal in captivity,the best thing for her unfortunately was her death,nothing else was good in her life.
@GreatApesZoo Жыл бұрыМ
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