RBG Galaxy Class Refit VS Kazon Carrier | Delta Quadrant | Star Trek Ship Battle | Bridge Commander

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@deepdivedylan 2 жыл бұрын
One more suggestion on the Retro Badger galaxy class: if it gets destroyed or activates self destruct, change the sound effect to be "bye for now!"
@rdhqcpro9751 2 жыл бұрын
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao!! 😂😂😂😂
@haroldchase4120 2 жыл бұрын
Actually The galaxy class did have multiphasic shielding the Enterprise used it in that one episode were they found data’s brother using Borge Exiles as soldier’s.
@The280TimesTriviaChannel 2 ай бұрын
that was metaphasic shielding..
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 2 жыл бұрын
The Kazon: If the Dunning-Krueger Effect were a people.
@JacobStJules 2 жыл бұрын
Always great to see the Kazon get what's coming to them!
@Averagegunenthusiast Жыл бұрын
I do think if a galaxy class were sent you wouldn’t have much of a show. The galaxy class was designed for deep space exploration and although Voyager packed a punch the galaxy class was a beast. People forget the Enterprise had a borg cube on the ropes in its first encounter before they adapted. The galaxy class wouldn’t have had the issue with fuel and resources that the intrepid did, and it was what the federation sent as a show of force pre dominion war.
@danielpauley5238 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget that the intrepid class was the most advanced starship in the fleet, and bigger also means the galaxy requires far more resources. Voyager struggled to find resources and it was smaller and more efficient.
@Averagegunenthusiast Жыл бұрын
@@danielpauley5238 the galaxy class was also designed with long duration deep space missions in mind, yes it needed more resources but it also could store more on board and likely had enough to make the journey. They also would have had more of the ability to harvest what they needed, a galaxy class in the delta quadrant would have been fine and probably made for a boring show. There is a reason the flag ship of the federation was a galaxy class. It was prior to the sovereign class what was sent when a show of force was required. The intrepid while being a very capable advanced ship was designed for a much different mission profile.
@DerDrecksack87 10 ай бұрын
​​@@Averagegunenthusiast it would not have made a difference, Voyager either encountered vastly weaker foes like the Kazon or extremely powerful ones like the Voth. Everywhere where Voyager has won a fight (not including Janeway bringing future tec back to fight the borg) a galaxy would have won too and everywhere they have lost & had to retreat a Galaxy would have had to retreat too, i mean a Galaxy got slapped around by JemHadar fighters and eventually got destroyed.. . Just because a Galaxy class was bigger, its not a guarantee that they had much more supplies loaded, remember that most of the ship is actually empty rooms, atleast in the pre dominion war setting. Its a big luxury liner, a monument to starfleets ideals & arrogance (until the borg have taken them down a notch) with ppl doing yoga and kids playing, the delta quadrant would have been hell for all those civilians. In the end the crew is more important, Janeway was ruthless and efficient enough to command her crew of misfit ex-convicts, marquis and liberated borg hottie to do things that idealists like Picard would have not done, nevermind the unorganized hippie crew of the Enterprise D, i mean Troi did not even know her own rank and that she had one until everybody higher ranking was abscent from the bridge...like wtf?
@Averagegunenthusiast 10 ай бұрын
@@DerDrecksack87 the Jem hadar were in an entirely different league than anyone else the federation had encountered. The reason it was taken down was because the Dominion a 1,000 year interstellar power was more advanced than the federation and could penetrate their shields. The galaxy class was a beast, the strongest shields available to the federation at the time, more weapons than the intrepid class more resources on board, wouldn’t have ran into the fuel issues. The intrepid class was a small scout ship and the galaxy was pretty much called a battle ship by everyone outside the federation, it was constantly asked why do you need such a heavily armed ship for exploration. It also had many civilians on board who specialized in tasks that are needed for long duration missions. The galaxy class was designed to go out by itself sustain itself and defend itself by itself. The intrepid was not. Look at the episode Q who when the Enterprise first engaged the borg cube before they adapted. The Enterprise had the cube on the ropes then quit firing by choice because Picard wasn’t going to destroy them if he didn’t have too, Janeway would have done the same, she was not ruthless, she was tough yes but not ruthless and always preferred a diplomatic solution if it was possible. Being tough is not the same as ruthless. Anyway the threats Voyager encountered the Galaxy class would mop the floor with them. The only ship that would have done better is the Sovereign class maybe, for sure militarily but don’t know enough about its ability to do long duration deep space flights. The Defiant would have struggled more than Voyager even though in combat not so much, the Defiant would lack critical resources on a long duration space mission.
@DerDrecksack87 10 ай бұрын
@@Averagegunenthusiast i agree with the idea that the Galaxy would have had much more resources available and could have flown pretty much uninterrupted back to the alpha quadrant.(though the intrepid could have probably done it too, but without the "shennanigans of the week" trope that forces them to stop, you would not have a tv show) The galaxy was the strongest, biggest & most decadently luxurious ship until the dominion war in the alpha quadrant, it was a big fish in a small pond that could bully Cardassians who were two generations of tec behind, the only ships atleast somewhat being able to rival it in firepower were the Ddrex & NeghVar (in the early days of the dominion war the Hutet too) but those ships had little else going for them especially in the luxury department. However the Galaxy is just "more of the same" as in more phasers, stronger shields and more torpedos, but nothing ground breaking as in phased weapons, advanced multilayered shields, ablative armor, transphasic or quantum torpedos that the Sovereign would have and the JemHadar already had, so it would not have been able to fight the borg, Voth or species 8472 better than an Intrepid as it had the same type of weapons just more of them than an Intrepid class. The Galaxy refit after the Dom war was the peak of the design, but there is a reason why the Steamrunner, Akira and later the Sovereign class were built in much higher numbers and used much more while the Galaxy fell into obscurity within a decade of its introduction while the old Excelsior, Ambassador and Miranda classes remained in service for a century, it was too big for its role, expensive to make and maintain, while it offered very little that other ships could not do and was replaced quickly by the Sovereign that offered more firepower in a sleeker design, being also faster and much more advanced. In a way the Galaxy class represents the naive golden years of starfleet when they thought diplomacy can resolve anything and that they are morally superior because of pacifism, the Sovereign is the result of said naivity hitting the wall of reality that the dominion war brought and the Borg at wolf 359 and its represented in the design & technology only to be surpassed much later by the Odyssey class.
@lovipoekimo176 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager took on like a whole fleet of this in "Basics"---despite Voyager barely managing to fend a single one off in "Caretaker". So it's really hard to gauge the power of the Kazon Carrier.
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
That's right! It's a shame they kept doing that. I tried to find a reasonable explanation, but nope... Maybe different Kazon Ships had different weapons? Maybe.... lol.
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
That Predator class warship was armed to the teeth more so than any other Kazon ship.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager wasn't exactly at 100% in the pilot, either in crew efficiency or operational status, and had been fighting several of the raiders for a bit. Hell, that KC couldn't even pop a slow rolling Condor-Class raider that was on a collision course for it. Three photons outright destroyed the one in Basics- and I didn't see Voyager drop a single photon in Caretaker at the Carrier. Methinks the crew pulling their punches, since they were just defending the Array, instead of clearing the skies, was the problem
@danielpauley5238 Жыл бұрын
@@Sephiroth144 Exactly this. Voyager is more than able to take on these ships. The only reason they failed is because they were sabotaged from within.
@charlestownsend9280 11 ай бұрын
It would be an interesting what if, where the enterprise D didn't get destroyed by a small bird of prey and instead picard was tasked with the mission to the bad lands and they got sent to the delta quadrant, especially with picards relationship with the borg (maybe he doesn't side with the borg and for certain makes an enemy with a very powerful unknown species, in order to save the biggest threat to the federation). Maybe that tineline would actually do something with the core premise and have the ship take damage and after losing various crew members as they travel home the larger ship becomes more difficult to maintain and maybe the difference in enterprise and marquis gets more heated. Also the galaxy class wouldn't be to bad a ship to be that far away from the alpha quadrant in, as it is designed for deep space exploration and is basically a flying city. Thinking about it a what if where they were stuck in that galaxy they found themselves in would also be interesting, as they're three galaxies away. Maybe beforehand they could have refitted the enterprise D with newer tech, like quantum torpedoes and better shields. And as they travel maybe the ship slowly becomes like the galaxy class X (sort of like how the alternate NX enterprise got upgraded on its travel through the expanse).
@JohnMacCoy 2 жыл бұрын
In the battles of "Basics" Voyager ended up facing off 4 Kazon Carriers and actually managed to taken one out. I was always curious if the Sovereign could take on 4 Carriers at once. Always thought it was fun to think about if Voyager was a Galaxy, Sovereign, Akira or Defiant class how different parts or the series would have went. A badly damaged Galaxy Class in Year of Hell would have been interesting.
@cosmeticscameo8277 2 жыл бұрын
sovereign is basically starfleets premier heavy cruiser by the 2370s. basically galaxy class firepower without the bulk. akira would do nicely as she's basically starfleets standard heavy cruiser class by the 2370s. defiant class is excellent at combat but she lacks other stuff for deep space assignments. the galaxy class in theory could've survived longer in the year of hell as she has way more redundant systems than the intrepid class basically giving her longer time to stay in a fight. basically imagine a battleship.
@anonymousperson3153 2 жыл бұрын
The Kazon were specifically trying to disable Voyager in Basics to capture it. So, they were probably pulling their punches a bit.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, a Sovereign was obliterate them without breaking a sweat- three Photons popped that Carrier in Basic; so two Quantums would cover that handily. And given the Battle of Sector 001 and the Battle in the Bassen Rift, we saw that a Sovereign (at least the Ent-E) can drop a crapton of torpedoes in a short time.
@dougsmith6262 Жыл бұрын
I've always wanted to see one of those big Kazon ships go against either a Galaxy, or Sovereign class.
@AlchemistiD Жыл бұрын
Half of the series wouldn't have happened because Voyager was ill-equipped to spend years solo, they had to MacGyver numerous things to survive. Most of the show is spent negotiating for supplies or vital technology, or negotiating passage. Neelix described Voyager as "the equal of any ship within a hundred light years" of where they arrived. As a general rule of the setting, the Federation's tech level is an anomaly caused by mass cultural and technological cross-pollenation, most of the Milky Way is closer to the Vulcans/Andorians from Enterprise in terms of advancement. Hell, Warp 5 (roughly equivalent to Warp 8 in the ENT/TOS scale) is considered "High Warp" because on average that's the highest warp speed numerous more insular civilizations achieve. So of course Voyager was capable of handling entire Kazon fleets more or less solo, under the right circumstances. And those first few seasons were spent encountering species practically bricking themselves at what they considered to be a dreadnought full of miraculous technology, which was only really a light cruiser by Starfleet standards. Drop a Galaxy into that scenario and witness the panicked screaming ensue. The Delta Q could barely handle an Intrepid-Class starship built to handle long-term research assignments in surveyed space. The Galaxy-class on the other hand was designed and purpose built for just that kind of pathfinding, years away in unexplored space. It still wouldn't be a cakewalk, but it would have been easy mode compared to what Voyager and especially the Equinox had to go through to survive. SURVIVE THE BRUTAL DELTA QUADRANT, WHILE NEVER MORE THAN 10 METERS FROM YOUR NEXT CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST!
@MiiFone1 Жыл бұрын
Agreed plus the Galaxy was undoubtedly constantly upgraded to keep them current in the fleet. People speak as if the systems in the intrepid are far superior and in reality at least with what we know from our warships that's just not the case and I think would be even more so in the 24th,25th century.
@merafirewing6591 5 ай бұрын
​@@MiiFone1 imagine that Galaxy-class in the Delta Quadrant slowly evolves into the Galaxy X.
@stevebotham2018 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I believe Galaxy class or at least 1701-d had Multi Phasic shields developed by a team headed up by dr crusher so it is conceivable that they all got that refit
@wardog501 Ай бұрын
It all comes down to tactics. Voyager came up with a brilliant idea but only used it once. Beam over a torpedo into a sensitive area while the shields are down and watch the pretty explosions.
@danielpauley5238 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget that Voyager was Starfleet's fastest and most advanced ship. She took on multiple of these ships in the show. When she arrived in the delta quadrant, she was super damaged from the wave. Voyager can easily take on that ship.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
How are they pulling these stats? Voyager got in a fight with four of these, slapped a couple around, outright destroyed one, and only get in real trouble when that one Kazon blew himself up inside the ship (Basics, Part 1)- and this was before Voyager got that infinite torpedoes/shuttles upgrade. Pretty sure a Galaxy, which wasn't holding limited munitions, would tear thru a Kazon carrier like a lightsaber thru butter.
@kema9355 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking my request, how about the "dragon teeth" battle with Vadwaur ships? If this this game has any!?
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I'll have a look! If it does, sounds good.
@BoopdaBeep 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder how a non-refit Galaxy would fare here. Also, now I kind of want to see a full Kazon fleet up against a period-correct Starfleet (non-refit Galaxy, no Defiant, no Prometheus, etc., since those since all came just after Voyager disappeared into the Delta quadrant)
@jonharper4478 2 жыл бұрын
The Galaxy class would have excelled in Voyagers place. This was literally the kind of mission she was built for. Long term, long endurance missions without support.
@02ujtb00626 2 жыл бұрын
I am not so sure. If you are talking about the initial batches of standard Galaxy classes I would disagree. The Intrepid class was designed as a similar counterpart to those, with similar armament but better shields, structural integrity reinforcements, and faster warp speeds. If you are talking the refits prepped for the dominion war, THOSE would slay.
@MrJ.31 2 жыл бұрын
I feel it would've been a toss up. Some missions would've been much more difficult for the Galaxy since it can't land on a planet like an Intrepid can and is much less maneuverable. As far as battles are concerned I've never seen Intrepids in the same class tactically as Galaxies. An 80 year old K'tinga would've had far less of an impact against a Galaxy than it did against an Intrepid
@compmanio36 2 жыл бұрын
@@02ujtb00626 I never saw anywhere that the Intrepid class was more powerful or had stronger shields. The Intrepid class was a long range science vessel. The Galaxy class was a long range explorer meant to go on long missions in deep space without the support of a starbase; Voyager struggled after only a year or two with running out of fuel and supplies. The Galaxy class had more torpedoes and could launch more at a time; more crew, and more endurance. The Galaxy would far outclass the Intrepid in everything but speed and maneuverability. Maybe not in balance with BC but in canon, absolutely.
@02ujtb00626 2 жыл бұрын
@@compmanio36 it was in an interview with rick sternbach who designed the intrepid class. His blueprints indicated type 10 phasers too, combine that with the new more powerful warp core voyager has and well...not a battleship but not without teeth. Voyager had multi spectral shielding as well as shielding that allowed for insane heat levels(I forget what it was called). That level of shielding was just coming in to service by later tng seasons. I agree though that as far as endurance goes, the galaxy class has it beat.
@02ujtb00626 2 жыл бұрын
@@compmanio36 also I am not convinced that the Intrepid class is strictly a science vessel. Tom Paris, in dialogue, stayed that it was designed for combat performance in an episode. I think that was probably its primary mission(like most starfleet ships), but with its advanced sensors, speed, and weaponry, it makes a perfect long range recon vessel. Get close to the enemy, scan scan scan, have good weapons in case, but the speed to yeet out of there if need be.
@ServantOfOdin 2 жыл бұрын
How the Galaxy would've fared in stead of Voyager..? Well they'd not have the problem of running short on shuttles... oh, wait....
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Haha! 😂
@aurora1701e 2 жыл бұрын
They would have probably had more than 37 torpedoes…not that that was ever an issue, lol
@SuperGamefreak18 2 жыл бұрын
well yeah the galaxy IS a ship designed for long travels....the voyager wasn't
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
that episode was so inaccurate 1 full spread of torpedoes is 12 and she used 3 of them in the episode think-tank 36 type VI Photon torpedoes.
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
​@@SuperGamefreak18 true but she clearly had better Weapons and Shielding Multiphasic multispectrial Metaphasic Shielding.
@ryry187 2 жыл бұрын
he needs to replay the match using as few torpedoes as possible
@908967 2 жыл бұрын
RBG, The Enterprise D had Multiphasic shield protocols, which were used when when Lore's Borg chased them and they went into that star to hide with that episode when Lore gave DATA those hateful emotions. Also Refitted Galaxy class got modern regenerative, multiphasic shield systems to help them fight the polaron based weapons from the dominion. So if a normal Galaxy class was sent into the delta quadrant, they would have not been in the same situation as Voyager in regards to firepower and the lack of resources since the Galaxy class was designed to be self sufficient for upto 5 years before needing refueling. on the flip side The Galaxy class would have been a bigger target and would have an issue slipping out of some of the situations Voyager was able too.
@cosmeticscameo8277 2 жыл бұрын
the galaxy class in theory is a ship that requires escorts. a ship like that by herself is just too much to lose.
@908967 2 жыл бұрын
@@cosmeticscameo8277 Compared to the Intrepid class, in Voyager's situation. The Galaxy has more weapon coverage, stronger offensive and defensive strength.Galaxy easily is able to target multiple targets at the same time where Voyager had issues with. Only real thing Intrepid had over Galaxy was smaller size and maneuverability/speed. Also we should look at what Galaxy was designed for.... deep space exploration, where its all by itself for long periods of time having to be self sufficient in all aspects. So the idea of needing escorts is more of a fleet vs fleet wartime idea.
@cosmeticscameo8277 2 жыл бұрын
@@908967 hey if going by specs the galaxy class is designed for delta quadrant. but for what they show in TNG... i would always assign a battlegroup to a galaxy class like maybe 7 mirandas or 4 mirandas and 2 excelsiors... like TNG did the galaxy class a big disservice.
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
VOYAGER HAD Multiphasic multispectrial & Metaphasic shielding.
@kema9355 2 жыл бұрын
"0:48" If janeway would have had a Galaxy i think they wouldn't have made it home. Because that ship is a bigger threat to anyone than an Intrapid class and also it is slower, less maneuverable...
@getothechoppa114 2 жыл бұрын
Another very intriguing match up🖖 I think you need to take your retro galaxy class mod and name it. I think taking a poll would be really cool. Come up with a few names and see what your fans pick? The USS Honey Badger has a cool ring lol. And then pit it against the rest of the "galaxy"! Or any modded ship you can make🖖....or really just want ever you want to do lol. You are the Retro. The Retro must not falter!
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
That's a good idea! Haha. Good name suggestion. We'll have to add that one to the list ;-).
@getothechoppa114 2 жыл бұрын
@@RetroBadgerGaming you are the Retro! The Retro is awesome 🖖
@WUZLE 6 ай бұрын
As I recall the Kazon fielded seven large "carrier type ships" in Basics.
@potooczech 5 ай бұрын
Intrepid was just a small science ship with advanced engines, sensors and computer systems. But it was quite weak with limited firepower, very limited photon torpedos, unable to produce more due to lack of industrial replicators, limited shileds, weak hull with no armor and also Intrepid had very very limited fuel capacity. It was designed just for limited short missions. But Galaxy class is a deep space explorer designed to have anything necessary for a long term exploration mission. Galaxy has everything, crew, fuel for 15 years at least, huge phaser firepower and almost unlimited compartment of photons, also quite capable shileds and well armored hull. So any story with Galaxy class ship in delta quadrant would be quite boring, because it would be quite OK there. Capable to deal with Kazons, capable to travel more than a decade without the need to look for a fuel. Yes, Intrepid is a very fast ship, but it has to spend quite a lot of time just looking for fuel and supplies. Fast but has to make stops so often. Galaxy can just travel home in peace.
@markst1033 2 жыл бұрын
Good fight. Qua Pla!
@Moontanman 2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see the Enterprise G get in on the action.
@robinvan1983 2 жыл бұрын
The pakleds of the delta quadrant
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Haha! "It's another Enterprise!"...
@brianbosch3628 8 ай бұрын
Didn't the Kazon need a few of those to take down voyager and also obly because of the power failure?
@Phil-D83 2 жыл бұрын
Should be an easy kill for the galaxy. Kazon ships, and while in groups, could barely stop voyager.
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
Voyager was far more powerful than the Enterprise D.
@unknown9126 2 жыл бұрын
@@jasonwestwood7092 Gotta disagree. Voyager was probably more advanced considering it was newer and the experimental tech on it, but a Galaxy class has more power, more weapons, and more shield strength. Especially a refit Galaxy that happenes just after Voyager launched. Assuming Enterprise got said refit.
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
@@unknown9126 Voyagers had more Type X phaser arrays mote torpedo launchers Tricobolt devices and don't forget all the Borg enhancements at the beginning of season 4 episode Scorpion pt 2.
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
@Brian Blake true but Galaxy class no match for Voyager.
@ascelot 2 жыл бұрын
@@jasonwestwood7092 I dont know, "Voyager may not be as big as a Galaxy class ship, but she's quick and smart. Like her Captain." could imply that the Galaxy class is stronger.
@Mark-pr7ug 2 жыл бұрын
I'm still surprised that voyager lasted as long as it did in the delta quad.
@275drago 2 жыл бұрын
I think that Galaxy class would not be better option becouse of logistic, biger ship more mantaince, would attract more attention. Voyager was perfect size for long range missions. Is faster, less people requier it keep it running.
@pbubs3360 2 жыл бұрын
Could you mod an intrepid class as if it got a refit. Give it some quantums and better shields
@Kang003 8 ай бұрын
I have always wondered what ships would have done better
@meiray 2 жыл бұрын
I think that carrier isn’t properly balanced. It’s a beast with a ton of weapons, but one spread of torpedos from Voyager blew one up in Basics. That was when the show still thought torpedos were an exhaustible commodity.
@Sephiroth144 2 жыл бұрын
I know- still trying to figure out how Voyager got its infinite shuttle/torpedo cheat code...
@Jerkwad152 7 ай бұрын
A Galaxy-class probably would've held up better than an Intrepid-class. At the very least, Neelix's cheese wouldn't have wrecked the computer. 🤣
@RetroBadgerGaming 7 ай бұрын
LOL. The joys of Bio-Neural Gel Packs. I'm not sure if we ever saw them saying, "The computer processed that twice as fast as a Galaxy Class". Lieutenant Stadi commented on it, but that's about it.
@Rob_Morrison_GB 2 жыл бұрын
Where's all the beam weapons that that Kazon ship should have??
@poseidon5003 Жыл бұрын
The Kazon ship was too strong IMHO.
@markjamesbmouth 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a defiant with a cloaking devise against the kazon?
@tomv7017 2 жыл бұрын
Ruth Bader Ginsburg galaxy class refit?
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Lol! Wow, think I need to come up with a new name.
@cosmeticscameo8277 2 жыл бұрын
that would be horrifying as that would be the one to nag you to death.
@MAZE4 5 ай бұрын
The Voyager managed to take out at least one of these ships, and disabled another two in the last episode of season 2, a galaxy class ship has superior weaponry, albeit no quantum torpedoes.
@The280TimesTriviaChannel 2 ай бұрын
Voyager had more speed, could reach a higher top speed for a longer time.. Galaxy had greater fuel reserves so although a lower speed, could sustain it longer without refueling. Voyager may have had better phasers (10% ?) Galaxy had more of them. Voyager may have had newer photons.. but fewer and in theory should have been frugal with them. Galaxy had at least 250 Voyager Bought a canon which cost a merchant his life, then never used it or mentioned it again ! Galaxy had the deflector weapon, but would have to repair it after each use.. Voyager could land Galaxy could separate Voyager didn't have families on board Galaxy had 1000+ people onboard, assuming a crazy 20% are children, she's still got at least 5x the man power. So what if half of the adults are civilians for some reason, your in the jungle.. so you can learn to fix hull breaches or fire hand phasers, you've been drafted. I think the Galaxy's size and raw armaments would have been enough to prevent most of the battles which Voyager faced. Most ships which thought they were a match for voyager, would look at the Galaxy which is what.. twice the size roughly ? and been like "uhh yeah, no.. you say you come in peace, we believe you have a great day"
@stevelapierre4776 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, that would be a different show if the Galaxy-class Enterprise was sent there.. but Data would constantly remind Picard, how much time would take to make it back... so.. But thank you for boom the Kazon,, I never liked them much...
@RetroBadgerGaming 2 жыл бұрын
That's a good point about Data. Yes, he would constantly remind everyone. Sometimes it's almost like he was showing off 😂
@AllknowingUnknown Ай бұрын
This battle would've been over so quickly. With our without quantums. 9 QTs rocked the scimitars world and disband is cloaking device
@tonybeattie7020 2 жыл бұрын
Do this battle again but target life support see what happens
@JaredLS10 2 жыл бұрын
RBG Galaxy vs Videons.
@TheCormTube 3 ай бұрын
This Kazon predator feels way too powerful. Voyager battled one for a bit and blew it away with three photons yet this one is taking like two dozen quantums and still going?
@Motoskichimo1974 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, the galaxy may of been a bad pick for what happened to voyager. It's to big and the more crew you lose. the harder it is to fix. Voyager was the best pick at the time as it was a very powerful ship for it's size and had the best technology at the time the ship launched. The next best ship would of been an excelsior class, BUT only after the refit the Lakota got.
@38.814 Жыл бұрын
if the galaxy class got sent they cant land on planets and there might be family's and there would be more crew
@Kang003 8 ай бұрын
Kazon would not have been able to take voyager without inside help
@jasonwestwood7092 2 жыл бұрын
the Galaxy class refit would have no chance Voyager was the Federation flag ship in 2371 and the Predator class warships was at least twice as powerful as Voyager 4x typical Predator class warships.
@TheMingilator 2 жыл бұрын
proper slug fest!
@ericbrammer2245 2 жыл бұрын
One Thing I HATE, truly Dis-Like, is that the 'TNG' version of Non-Warp Fighting has somehow, WRONGLY, become 'canon'! No! Star Trek Ships fight at Warp, as well! Why would you 'stick around' and "Slug-it-out" Star-wars-style, when you can Warp, turn while-in-Warp, and make a 'FAST PASS' on your Enemy? I blame RICK BERMAN for his IGNORANCE!! Fighting at warp-3 should be 'the norm', as it Allows loop=back/immelman moves, yet lets you use Emergency - deceleration to a lower Warp-level, or even Sub-light speeds without over-stressing the ship hull. Just CRAP out there now, in Vid, game, Etc.. Ugly, just ugly. BTW, a SFB Gamer since '83, and I fight at a faster pace... Warp Matters!
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