*The following can happen to you, as it happened to me... I, "LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT The Human Body ) went to "The Marriage Supper of The Lamb"... I also witnessed "The Birth of The MAN Child", mentioned in "The Revelation" chapter 12... And as Promised I, "LIFE The Real Self", ( NOT the human entity ) now resides in "The HOUSE of GOD" !*
@johnb885418 күн бұрын
*Nether the human body, nor its EVIL spirit, is "LIFE The Real Self", an Offspring and Child of "The LIGHT", which is "The LIFE of GOD" ! From "The Gospel [ ACCORDING TO ] John", in chapter 1, verse 4, Quote; In Him ( GOD ) was LIFE; and the LIFE was The LIGHT of Men. End Quote...*