Nice bike 🤩. I bought the sherpa. Also 1x11. Similar weight despite lighter brakes on mine. But the sherpa is more compact i guess. Suits the flat single track trail over here. Yours will likely be more capable in rougher conditions. Enjoy your rides!
@ifsnovich Жыл бұрын
Are you planning on keeping the dropper when you convert to 2x? Any concern about the lever clearing the shifters?
@turninpedals6052 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the same dropper will be used with a high clamp front derailleur which will clear the dropper routing.
@alabaster4263 Жыл бұрын
Will you do a comparison video between sherpa vs cotic solaris
@turninpedals6052 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, I don't have access to a Stanton Sherpa to give a comparison. Assuming the 853 Sherpa, it will likely come down to which geometry you like more. At 6'1", the SolarisMax works well for me. I've heard that shorter riders may not care for the longer chainstays on the SolarisMax.