I watched the press. I wish Cambodia learn how to translate press conference much better because it was not well done and left a lot of very important details out!
As a Cambodian citizen, I respectfully request that the Cambodian government consider the potential implications of those 2 people entering the country.
មិនមែនបញ្ហាស្រីស្អាតទេ បញ្ហាប្រុសចរិតស្រី ប្រុសចរិតកោងកាច ប្រុសចរិត I need it now I need it now...
@nimolmeas86692 ай бұрын
រកសុីមែនតែក៏ជាមុខមាត់ប្រទេសខ្មែរយើងដែរគេមើលងាយប្រទេសយើងគេមិនចង់ឲ្យពិភពលោកស្គាល់ខ្មែរយើងទេជាពិសេសប្រាសាទឣង្គរវត្តយើងនិងឯងព្រាះពួកវ៉ាចង់បានរហូតដល់ coppy now
It big lose to Cambodia and bring Thailand guy to apologize to Cambodia and to the world … bring economies of Cambodia (businesses) lose too. Please Thailand guy to the ends.. yes it is big lose to Cambodia as like tourism..
@KhmerKandal2 ай бұрын
Without the pageant, tourism is still going strong.