He is already around 60 yo at that time. Usually, singing skills go down at that age. But he has developed always. Never giving up on moving up higher ground. Never excuse bcs of his age.
安全地帯はアルバム1,2~8「安全地帯Ⅷ/太陽」まで、どれも良いですよ(アルバム曲殆どどれもシングルにしていい=捨て曲が殆ど無いのが凄い&アルバムは勿論ライブも凄く上手い珍しい存在)。その後ソロ活動中心となりグループ活動再開後は暫く声の調子がイマイチで心配したけど間もなく元通り、いや全盛期以上に上手くなり(酒みたいに熟成した感じ※奥行とか深みとか若い時には無かった)、最近では2017年の35周年・武道館ライブ、2019年の甲子園ライブが有り、それみると分りますよ。全盛期はグループ活動休止前の1992年、神奈川のアンプラグド・ライブですね※これも凄い=完成度とても高い&サポートメンバー無しで五人でアコースティックで聴かせる✨ ちなみに玉置浩二のソロは、私は最初の「All I Do」は安全地帯と変らず好きで、二枚目のソロ・アルバム「LOVE SONG BLUE」も良いと思います。特に歌詞が「松井五郎」と組んだ時、本人達が「化学反応」という様に、物凄く良い曲/唄になるんですよ。また新たに組んで新曲つくってくれたらなと思ってます。
The instrument solos captured the somber feeling so well 😭 And Tamaki-san’s voice is just… it feels like his voice pierces the heart. He’s known for being the vocalist for the rock band Anzen Chitai, a famous band from the 80s (that was still active until recently). He’s been covering the famous songs from Anzen Chitai and his solo career with orchestras since 2015 until now. I think there was a performance this month actually! 😁
@emilyfung2189 Жыл бұрын
Thia version is like the best version compared to when he was young... you could feel so much experience, history and power behind his interpretation of the lyrics. I cried so much the first time I listened to this version (compared to when he was still in the group 安全地帶). Glad you love it too! He is one of the greatest artist from his time in my opinion.