She is doing couch surfing or home sitting to save money, which is not unusual in overseas country, esp. some elderly people will offer a free room to younger person who can help them with housework & cleaning.
其實我睇到嘅交換資源,似乎「能量」就係果份價值,而呢個正正係Ravita所講係人「睇唔見」嘅價值~ 有感呢條片原本其實係可以更立體,同埋講更深,例如Ravita具體付出過嘅「價值」(能量?co work space project等等) 抑或因為不便喺片中提及太詳細,以至整個片嘅篇幅,加埋最後Fiona問嘅問題,顯出Ravita似乎「搵咗自己好耐,知唔知自己搵緊咩」此類帶有主見嘅問題.....根本唔夠立體同全面畀讀者了解佢「交換」咗啲咩,付出嘅努力
So many judgemental people. Ravita wish you all the best, you are so courageous to be yourself in a place where people expect you to be doing a certain things at a certain time and to own certain things.