Richard talks about his meeting Ayanga and this unexpected collaboration.
@sabrinalam1113 Жыл бұрын
Thank you , so happy to re- visit this interview of Richard Charest again .
@TwoMusketeersReaction Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing!
@jennykok999 Жыл бұрын
Richard Charest是加拿大法语区魁北克人,后来入了法国籍。他在法语版音乐剧《巴黎圣母院》中饰演过两个角色,1999年到2005年饰演菲比斯(Phœbus),从2005年开始改演吟游诗人葛林果(Gringoire)。《Le Temps des Cathédrales》(《大教堂时代》)就是Richard Charest饰演的葛林果唱的一首歌。 他去过中国不止一次,2002年第一次巡演到中国时反响平平,但是2019他再到中国巡演时发现台下观众们居然都会跟着唱《巴黎圣母院》里的法语歌了。这让他异常兴奋,激动得无着无落的时候他打开电视,正好看到《我们的歌》第一季里阿云嘎和蔡健雅正在唱《停格》+《Danse mon Esmeralda》(《起舞吧,我的爱丝梅拉达》)。他觉得阿云嘎的法语发音非常好,而且唱功也很强,于是就向周边的人打听歌者的名字。得知几天后阿云嘎将作为上海国际音乐剧节的推广大使跟他会出现于同一场合,他就于2019年11月25日在微博上向阿云嘎发出了共唱《大教堂时代》的邀请。几天后的12月2日,两人成功合作。 应该说阿云嘎对这次合唱是有准备的,否则就他那鱼的记忆怎么会一字不错地唱完这么一大段纯法语的《Le Temps des Cathédrales》。但是,我仍要对他加以绝对的肯定,因为不到一年以前他还在《声入人心》里为很短的一段《世界之王》的法语歌词练到捶墙,而且当时他的法语发音可以说非常勉强,但是在短短不到一年的时间里,他能在百忙之中抽空背这么一大段的《大教堂时代》的歌词,而且在基本不理解歌词的情况下,仅凭语感把歌唱下来,最重要的是他的法语发音突飞猛进,我只能说他的努力我是绝对有看到。 所幸,他的努力不仅被我看到,而是被各界人士看到。比如马来西亚三剑客,还比如法国驻中国大使馆。2021年初阿云嘎被法国驻中国大使馆邀请成为第25届法语活动月宣传大使。他在采访中表示他是不懂法语的,不过2009年以前的阿云嘎的中文不也说得奇奇怪怪地吗?而他现在除了时而的嘎言嘎语让人觉得他还真不是个母语是汉语的人以外,可以说他的普通话说得已经非常非常好了。所以我相信,如果他有时间,如果他愿意,掌握法语,起码掌握法语音乐剧歌曲里每句话的准确发音是完全没有问题的。
@mishk8641 Жыл бұрын
Correction - Richard posted on his wb to ask who can contact Ayanga and express his wish to sing with him at the same night he saw Ayanga performing on TV. By morning when he woke up, he found that his wb has been forwarded tens of thousand times. Ayanga’s staff contacted him and said that they will find a chance to work together. But they did not know that they will meet so soon in the same event. (Per Richard’s interview). Ayanga walked in the press conference (back stage) while Richard was singing this song (solo). It was unexpected for both that they would sing together so soon. Richard was overjoyed and considered it the highlight of his China trip. When they went to back stage together, Ayanga asked Richard to correct his French so he could sing better next time. Richard taught him and recorded a sample for Ayanga. Ayanga used it to practice later. Ayanga learned this song maybe in college since it is from his favorite musical. He sings it sometimes (before this). There are some recordings. For example, when he was in Paris for fashion show. Also he only has problem with mandarin songs because he never learned those children songs or pop songs many young people know. He said that he never forgets lyrics of other languages once he learned them.
@sunshine-gj4mk Жыл бұрын
@@mishk8641 谢谢你的详细说明!!
@sabrinalam1113 Жыл бұрын
@@mishk8641 Thank you . I remember that video of Ayanga in Military Top playing piano and singing “ Le Temps des cathédrales “ after walked in a Piano store in Paris in June 2019 .
@nana-yq2vi Жыл бұрын
在Richard 认识阿云嘎之前, 阿云嘎就已经会唱这首歌了, 2019年6月,阿云嘎赴巴黎参加时装秀,在街上为杂志拍摄时,他走进了一家钢琴店,一边弹琴一边演唱《大教堂时代》......,并不是为了逢迎 Richard 才刻意学的。当年他为了学《世界之王》非常刻苦,据后来他在采访时说,《世界之王》这种法语歌曲一旦学会,他几乎就不会忘记。所以对法语歌曲,他并不存在什么记不住的问题。《大教堂时代》阿云嘎早就滚瓜烂熟,只是需要一个合唱彩排而已,但还没等到彩排,主持人就将他推到了前台。可参考视频:《Le Temps des Cathédrales 大教堂时代》-阿云嘎(Ayanga/AYunGa)【Ayanga字幕组Subtitles Team】