Richard Wolff on Shelter & Solidarity

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Shelter & Solidarity

Shelter & Solidarity

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@HoneyBadger80886 2 жыл бұрын
Bless the Teachers. Respect and Pay them.
@rage2062 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful as usual. You are a very inspiring person Mr. Wolff. Thank you for all you do!
@AudioPervert1 2 жыл бұрын
Wonder if uncle Wolff (King of Verbiage) would open his door this winter, if an hungry, homeless, rough sleeper, drug addict, alcoholic show up on his door. Highly UNLIKELY. What a load of horsedung Cool Hat Jackshit!
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
@@AudioPervert1 Everybody's a critic.
@georgegates526 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to see younger folk taking part in healing the system, and learning from the expert, Professor Richard D. Wolff. Gads.. I wish there were more like Richard. This world would be a better place.
@bradleyadams5954 2 жыл бұрын
Such a great interview and questions. Always great to hear more from Richard Wolff!
@cheri238 Жыл бұрын
Just found this. Professor WOLFE is the best!!!!
@LONEWOLF..314-S-T-L 2 жыл бұрын
@pierrepence9876 2 жыл бұрын
He has a bandage on his head, I think.
@ac7205 2 жыл бұрын
Professor Wolff is the pin that pops the bubble of illusion we surround ourselves with, and in the spirit of typical progress people won't pay attention until it's too late. 👍❤️🔔
@stringbean4693 2 жыл бұрын
Professor Wolff really opened up in this podcast. Incredible and insightful. I Love the guy.
@paulespinosa5195 2 жыл бұрын
🌞 🔥🔥 💥💥💥
@kathylawhon2450 2 жыл бұрын
Jacinda Ardern is the beloved Prime Minister of New Zealand. Young people leading! She was awesome in responding to Covid.
@setshow9135 2 жыл бұрын
I can listen to Richard Wolff all day every day
@jamesmurphy9105 2 жыл бұрын
It's people who wouldn't believe the government and went ahead and traveled to Florida
@jdcjr50 2 жыл бұрын
Quote of the century: "The Russian revolution created private property." Thank you for it. If love of money is the root of all evil, then the morbid amounts of concentrated wealth we are seeing now are a clear and present danger. Just what the political threshold for that amount is before leaders take action, is increasingly insignificant. The time for political solutions under capitalism is running out. After the recent drought of truth talking leaders, people I see are hungry for honest leadership. A well-run general strike is difficult, but would be effective in these times, and- most importantly- would restore to the people the power that has been usurped by greedy capitalists. No more aristocracies!
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
Workers of the World Unite! You have nothing to loose but your Chains!
@kirstinstrand6292 2 жыл бұрын
Great teamwork, Fabulous Content! More, please. Subbed.
@HoneyBadger80886 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe ask what problem do you want to solve? And what do you need to learn to accomplish it? Then we need to listen.
@massivecumshot 2 жыл бұрын
If Dr. Wolff patterns his speaking style after Richard Pryor, it's hard to tell. He didn't say 'motherfucker' even once.
@georgegates526 2 жыл бұрын
Richard Wolff I was told by a few people that medical supplies are different in a way that they do not have a long shelf life - no matter how well you store or pack them. The only other solution that I can think of is to have several systems, well maintained by the government: Idling manufacturing companies (along with hospitals) ready to go full throttle at a moments notice. The extra pandemic staff can be rotated to regular hospitals to stay in shape. I'm also thinking that the next pandemic might be done on purpose, because a lot of people in this world have a screw loose in their heads with too much genetic knowledge. So it may not be another 100 years.
@lepidoptera9337 2 жыл бұрын
You need better people to tell you stuff. The ones you are listening to are clueless. ;-)
@HoneyBadger80886 2 жыл бұрын
R&D happened over #decades. And modern #education facilitated the #ImmediateSuccess. We're still stupid humans in #NorthAmerica, and poor education is to blame. #Vaccinate #PublicSafety #CommonGood
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
That's a lotta hashtags.
@donrastar1579 2 жыл бұрын
These comment boards are a perfect mirror of democracy. 4 people having a great discussion while 100 people are slinging insults at everyone without ever making a contribution to the discussion. It literally happens on every single message board every single time.
@MrDXRamirez 2 жыл бұрын
Well, -----its the use of our labor-power that employees sell to employers who buy it that constitutes the Social Contract. Employers only buy labor-power for its value creating capacity; and workers sell labor-power in return for a lifestyle wages would buy of the total social labor of society. There are specific preconditions but this is the basic unity between capital and labor. We get our necessities through employers the necessities represented in wages that never fall below their value until price rises above value, effecting weak purchasing power...a first shot fired for a higher consumption rate of labor-power. Like a vampire needs blood to live capital needs value creating labor or it dies and the high consumption rate of this value-producing labor drains the life out of the working class to the point of absolute exhaustion and suffering.
@lefttoitall2982 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said!
@MrDXRamirez 2 жыл бұрын
@@lefttoitall2982 Thank you, hope more read and heed that message.
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
I like the bloodsuckers analogy.
@donrastar1579 2 жыл бұрын
A messageboard is democracy manifest. Everyone has the same platform. Not everyone contributes the same substance. Any questions?
@lepidoptera9337 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, where is all your bullshit coming from? Are you farming actual bulls or do you make it yourself with a diet rich in false information? ;-)
@BryanChance 2 жыл бұрын
If people aren’t so greedy, selfish and power hungry things would be much much better with democracy and capitalism. Imagine government without corruption, politicians who truly work for the benefit of the people. Corporations that value it’s workers and the environment. The problem is the people who runs the system. How do we get rid of these people? I do have great respect for the professor.
@lepidoptera9337 2 жыл бұрын
You have a vivid imagination, kid.
@saramuhumphries5197 Жыл бұрын
@vladdumitrica849 Жыл бұрын
Countries with parliaments (representative democracy) are in fact oligarchies (few lead). In order to be a true democracy, the decisions of the Parliament should be submitted to the approval of the citizens. The "fatigue" of democracy occurs when there is a big difference between the interests of those elected and the voters, so people lose confidence in the way society function. As a result, the poor and desperate citizens will vote with whoever promises them a lifeline, i.e. the populists or demagogues. The democratic aspect is a side effect in societies where economies have a strong competitive aspect, where the interests of those who hold economic power in society are divergent. Thus, those with money, and implicitly with political power in society, are supervising each other so that none of them have undeserved advantages due to politics. Because of this, countries with large mineral resources, like Russia and Venezuela (their share in GDP is large), do not have democratic aspects, because a small group of people can exploit these resources in their own interest. In poor countries, the main resource exploited may even be the state budget, as they have converging interests in benefiting, in their own interest, from this resource. This is what is observed in Romania, Bulgaria, when, no matter which party comes to power, the result is the same. The solution is modern direct democracy in which every citizen can vote, whenever he wants, over the head of the parliamentarian who represents him. He can even dismiss him if most of his voters consider that their interests are not right represented. Those who think that democracy is when you choose someone to make decisions for you without him having to consult you, are either a fool or a scoundrel. It's like when you have to choose from several thieves who will steal from you. It's like when you have to build a house and you choose the site manager and the architect, but they don't have the duty to consult with you. The house will certainly not look the way you want it, but the way they want it, and even more surely you will be left without money and without the house. It is strange that outside of the political sphere, you will not find, in any economic or sports activity, someone elected to a leadership position and who has failure after failure and who is fired only after 4 years. We, the voters, must be consulted about the decisions and if they have negative effects we can dismiss them at any time, without to wait until the term to be fulfilled, because we pay, not them. In any company, the management team comes up with a plan approved by the shareholders. Any change in this plan must be re-approved by the shareholders and it is normal because the shareholders pay.
@davidgorodess2562 2 жыл бұрын
be whatever you want, just don't expect to make a living and have any rights
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
You mean I can have both?
@kipwonder2233 Жыл бұрын
@petergraham8415 2 жыл бұрын
Professor going by your end Marxist conversation with marriage analogy, my mother must have been a capitalist. She said what is his is mine and what is mine is my own. May explain why so many seek da money to date or divorce after marriage. As if that is the everything.
@donrastar1579 2 жыл бұрын
Im a lowly high-school dropout seaking genuine knowledge from anyone. My question is "what would Mr Marx redistribute if not capital?"
@ebonkrieg 2 жыл бұрын
We are fucked!
@ebonkrieg 2 жыл бұрын
Who are these people?
@Name-ot3xw Жыл бұрын
Obama got rid of the pandemic stockpile that Bush setup after he watched the movie Contagion and got scared. Thanks Obama!
@Nimolya1 Жыл бұрын
Democracy do not exist in USA. If our Democracy allowed USA to invaded Sovereignty Nations to kill they Leaders and change their regimes, That means that The Roman Empire and the German Empire where Democrats. The World is waking and the people can see, now like German have collapsed and USA are collapsing we see the two authoritarian powers fail. Hopes that new generations, can enjoy life. I am kapteni Nimolya Ex Guerrilla Freedom Fighter and I am your friend
@ronaldmorey3396 2 жыл бұрын
I always have to question someone understanding of economics when they use American "capitalism" as the basis to judge the system of Capitalism when it is as accurate as calling a warm bowl of spoiled milk, "Ice cream". He touches on the issues of our government briefly then goes back to economics in a way I wonder if he is just trying to speak in layman terms for the audience. I would like to hear his views in a way that doesn't ponder to the ignorant/stupid masses. His tangent on business practices is an odd angle to take since he seems to ignore that choice exists (just not the choice he wants so everything should change to what he likes which makes me wonder if his talk is more old person cliche` than intelligence. Basically they either don't know enough to be an authority or worth listening to, or they know and are using deception to try and justify an agenda instead of truth. What we get is someone wasting 2 hours of our time talking about government corruption while blaming capitalism and saying a different system will work better while ignoring the actual problem. It doesn't matter which economic system you use, if you do not end government corruption.
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
Must have interested you. Quite a long comment.
@ronaldmorey3396 2 жыл бұрын
@@marygard4608 Well, I am an economist :-)
@kirstinstrand6292 2 жыл бұрын
@@ronaldmorey3396 an economist truly committed to CAPITALISM. People are allowed to choose that which represents good sense. (For themselves, not the Capitalists' Profit Motive.)
@kirstinstrand6292 2 жыл бұрын
Amen to Government Corruption. The remaining comments you make about how Wolff addresses his audience is certainly a projection of how you, personally, feel and think of the public. You may be a Capitalist, yet you know nothing about psychology. Google projection so you can stop telling people your innermost feelings!
@kirstinstrand6292 2 жыл бұрын
In other words, your subconscious is calling you out. Peace, my confused friend.
@donrastar1579 2 жыл бұрын
I love that he doesn't understand that he is comparing a continent (Africa) with a nation (America)
@ebonkrieg 2 жыл бұрын
Capitalism and slavery made this country great.
@marygard4608 2 жыл бұрын
Don' t know how old Old Bob is, but he's got to be old enough to know better. Capitalism and slavery breed inequality, which breeds resentment, anger and hate. You should be old enough to know those things cannot be controlled.
@petergraham8415 2 жыл бұрын
Show me where these multi billionaires have any social conscience. Might happen when them who blasted their millions$$$and went up in space. To lighten their load. ?
@donrastar1579 2 жыл бұрын
I made it to 12:44. This "professor " is the reason kids are picking their nose and sleeping in class
@cavegirl3712 Жыл бұрын
I just wake up and rewind and give it another go but listen to all his stuff I find.
@zoomzoom3950 2 жыл бұрын
I ❤️ Capitalism Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." - Benjamin Franklin If you want a say in how to run a business, create your own or be hired in a leadership position by the owner. If you work for someone else's business, you meet your obligations and expectations as agreed in the terms of your employment or you're fired; you are also free to leave and quit anytime you want.
@jimitaco1303 2 жыл бұрын
That's cool that you love capitalism, because it sure doesn't love you. Kind of a one-way relationship, huh? Bizarre that you'd invoke American Revolutionary rhetoric considering you wouldn't have been allowed to vote back then. So you say anyone's free to leave a job at anytime? What if they need to buy food or pay rent? Are starving and/or homeless people "free" by your definition?
@jonathanedwardgibson 2 жыл бұрын
Yawn. Love is blind, heh? Show me an American industry and I’ll name the cartel. We gave-up actual liberty for the ersatz freedom to shop in someone else’s market. All the free-range of a food court. Wealth creates poverty and if you can’t see the trillions of dollars pulled from Fed Reserve ass with space-magic, then you don;t see them handing it to the banksters either and rationalize this has nothing to do with the tent-cities everywhere.
@princesskenyetta4745 2 жыл бұрын
The main feature of capitalism is to funnel wealth into the hands of a few.
@lefttoitall2982 2 жыл бұрын
From what you wrote it appears, to me that you are conflating capitalism and democracy. Even within that a constitution and founder of the constitution written in the days of slavery. As Marx said; ( and I'm paraphrasing here) " Capitalism was born off the blood of enslaved Africans." Please look it up if I am wrong. Exploitation is at the very heart of capitalism. Capital or ...profit being the only purpose. To expoit as many in order to create profit and use that profit to wield power. Other comments here have already shown that capitalism without labor -actual value- is meaningless, it is feudalism or slavery. That said capitalism is antithetical to democracy. In simple terms we are just replacing the kings, lords and masters with owners, shareholders and bosses. Not a huge societal step forward but it was something. In any case you are still forced to work just to survive often at "shit jobs" that you hate while being underpaid, underemployed, undervalued and demeend. The work place is not a democracy. That is unless it's a cooperative. Dr. Wolff talks about this in terms of "Democratize the enterprise." Meaning bring the ideas of democracy to the job, getting rid of a top-down hierarchy of ruling shareholders, owners and bosses into a system where the worker should own the means of their labor and have an equal vote and equal share in the company. Capitalism can only work if labor is cut down and made subservient to the master's. As stated, capitalism is based on exploitation. There's no room for all this "life, liberty and happiness," stuff unless you're the one profiting from the exploitation of your labor force.
@zoomzoom3950 2 жыл бұрын
@@lefttoitall2982 if the workers were capable of running the company they can create their own company and run it however they choose. You work for the company and you're not an owner, you have zero say in how the company is run unless you're hired into company management, even then you're responsible to meet the requirements and expectations of the owners. If you didn't take the risks to create the company; if you didn't invest your wealth into the company to create or grow the company, then you have no ownership of the company and therefore have no say in how the company is run or managed. If you're hired as an employee, you were hired to perform a job/role, nothing more nothing less. If you think you're exploited by accepting a job and working at the job you accepted for the wages you agreed and accepted, then you can always quit and find a job where you don't think you're exploited. Don't like being an employee and doing what you are told by the owners, go someplace else. The entitlement demands are ridiculous. It's no wonder American Capitalists moved their factories, call centers, and other blue collar work offshore. It's also why China is going to dominate, and become the global economic hegemon, by 2030 likely earlier. Enjoy the decline America, the entitled masses will reap what they've sown.
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