What was Ricks handicap when he turned Pro? I don’t think he was ever a great player. For a good coach, his swing needs real work. His arms and body are disconnected, so erratic, to my eye. He swings everything 100% instead of getting good timing and having a good rhythm.
@Dude00002 жыл бұрын
Hey, what brand of top is Guy wearing? I like it. Wouldn’t mind a look at what they got…
@matthewobrien53482 жыл бұрын
Rick - Have you ever NOT released a vlog because it was a bad round??? Be honest
@bradyhoukom56662 жыл бұрын
You're the real hero... thats meta 😂😂
@rowdyroddy5192 жыл бұрын
You can shoot low. You have to do some hard work though, mate. You have lots of things to work on, so don't worry about being bored with practice. You are just lazy about it. You have to apply a better practice gameplan. Cheers. now go practice for an hour.
@dargbarnett2 жыл бұрын
I would never been so bold to give a player of Ricks ability advice but last year I came back to golf after 23 years. I had been a single figure player (8-9) but found returning so much harder than I ever imagined. My returning handicap was 22 and I had a spell suffering from the shanks that I couldn't keep the ball on the course. I resolved to keep at it, take lessons, practice and believe that I could return to a reasonable standard. This year I have come down to 12 and have won a medal. I still have a way to go but my ability to recover quickly from a bad shot/round is the biggest lesson I have learned. I have also enjoyed my golf. We all want to see Rick score well, that will be the story to follow in the coming months.
@charlied83552 жыл бұрын
Rick next year: “alright guys, welcome back to Break85, the series you all love!”
@RickShielsGolfShow2 жыл бұрын
@Dude00002 жыл бұрын
Or ‘Break one of Guys fingers EVERYTIME he beats Rick’ 😉
@davidg16122 жыл бұрын
@@Dude0000 Rick: "Welcome to the first episode of a brand new show we call "Bogey To The Nuts" where Guy gets to kick me in the nuts every time I score a bogey, twice for a double, 3 times for a triple...and so on. Oh, hell.....this is gonna hurt."
@thebsgolfchannel1412 жыл бұрын
@garethmorgan74742 жыл бұрын
Chin up Rick, everybody has a bad round I think your top golfer and top guy love the channel
@benhornby80282 жыл бұрын
Guy, it’s me from b&m. Don’t forget try and get Rick play break 75 at Ashton.
@luigihoratio51012 жыл бұрын
The reason why we watch your videos and/or invested in your videos is because you are a relatable golfer. You can have bad days but also have good days and you're not afraid to show all in your game.
@jerrystoopack722 жыл бұрын
I think this is the most thoughtful, introspective commentary I've ever heard and that it summarizes what golf mentality is all about. In other people's videos I've only ever once heard a mention of judging yourself based on your score, as if scores are in any way a measure of yourself. Your analysis of the life of a golf pro as opposed to a tour pro and the rationality of the expectations you have was incredible. We tend to overlook what the tour pro's life is. Yes they have families. They also have swing coaches, sports psychologists, physical therapists, nutritionists, publicists and hit hundreds or thousands of balls in order to maintain their skill level, not to mention what happens to their games as they age. Thanks again for some of the most provocative content. Keep up the great work.
@garybragg35092 жыл бұрын
The best thing about you and the Break 75 and all of your shows, is the authenticity. I've seen you play very well and I know you're a very good golfer. Bad rounds happen all the time. But you had the courage to let us watch what many us go through most rounds. And congrats to Guy for his last couple of rounds. Most of us are part of you're extended family Rick. Stop being so hard on yourself. We will laugh with you and at you. But we'll also have your back.
@golferuk20112 жыл бұрын
Been playing bad golf for 30 years and still love it.
@Joey_Tempest2 жыл бұрын
Fair play to Rick to sit and address his last video and his recent poor play. This is what makes his videos so good as we can ALL relate to this. Remember, you always learn more from your bad days than your good ones.
@DewkNukeem2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on 3 years Rick. That's the beauty of the game though isn't it? The ride mentally of golf is what really keeps us coming back. The internal competition is far more intense, at least for me, than anything external. Being awful one round can be deflating, but it can also continue to light the fire. Crazy game we love. What an odd contradiction and unique dichotomy.
@didyouaye87042 жыл бұрын
Iv only started playing golf over the last 8 weeks and my game has improved so much because of Ricks videos, i know this probably wont mean anything to Rick and Guy, but to see Rick have a bad day or week lets me know even quality golfers have bad days, that for me means so much because i expect to get better every week, and thats not the case. Seeing you two mates having a laugh toghter,,, thats exactly why i wanted to get into golf
@mikeestes12522 жыл бұрын
Rick (and Guy) - I truly enjoy your show and videos. The recent Break 75 video, showed that regardless of your ability, the game is not an easy one and **** happens, it is a humbling game. I am currently an 11 and 3 weeks ago I shot a horrible 96 and just about everything went wrong and last week, on the same course, shot 84 with 7 three putts. I know you mentioned that Tour players can shoot 65 one day and 80 the next and wonder how is that possible, when the same can be said during a single round where you birdie one hole and the next make double, same person ........... Golf IS TOUGH! Thanks and keep on keeping on.
@MiguelCardoso_mcphototours Жыл бұрын
I haven't played golf for the last thirty plus years. I'd love to start playing again, unfortunately, nowadays I can't afford it (in my country, Portugal, golf is very expensive). Everytime you shoot a "Brake 75" video, I'm there playing with you guys, enjoying a beautiful golf course, having a great time. So, thank you for that and keep up the great work.
@andrewcropper1632 жыл бұрын
I appreciated the break 75 video where you just didn't have that consistent round, like many other have said it proves that golf pros are human, it shows us amateurs its ok to have a bad round, its the learning you take from it and what can be looked at to improve your consistency. Keep up the good work and keep your chin up as we all appreciate the videos you give us!
@joshuamartins94872 жыл бұрын
He's a teaching PRO ... he's not a PRO competitive golfer . There's a massive difference
@electronicpen2 жыл бұрын
Really refreshing content Rick (and Guy). You talk about golf and understand the game in the same way as millions of us do all around the world. Golf is indeed hard, I wonder sometimes if that's the very reason we keep coming back to it round after round. I look forward to following your journey of rediscovery, it's one I've been on a few times over my golfing life (and real life!) and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna learn a few things from seeing how you get on! If you're ever in Toronto let me know, would be cracking to show you some of what we have here.
@nikmc75392 жыл бұрын
I played in my first stroke play comp and completely failed. Wanted to WD but I thought of Rick’s video and that I would never learn to get through adversity if I didn’t continue. So I embraced the suck! Golf is hard!!! Keep fighting! Never quit. Make plans to achieve your golf goals. All these videos are awesome Rick!!! They inspire.
@Dreyno2 жыл бұрын
It’s only ok to WD if you’re injured. Never because you’re playing sh1t.
@nikmc75392 жыл бұрын
@@Dreyno ultimately, I agree. That’s why I didn’t quit and hope others don’t either because of content like this and a good foundation of fortitude.
@korizen2 жыл бұрын
I watch break 75 for the reasons many probably do. It is how to think your way around the course. Seeing at the ground level what thoughts and insights go into making the next shot. I love the videos that show the process, it isn't just how far you hit it, it is about where you place the shot for the next one. Playing from the green back and executing the plan. I love these types of videos and also glad that Rick had a bad round as it shows just how fragile the whole process is. So glad you released the video, it was awesome, it is a game of execution and the fight to keep things together. Love what you do!!
@dewaldstander94412 жыл бұрын
I have been watching your channel and the podcast for a while now. It has made me want to get back into golfing after 10 years of not playing. Watching you "how to" videos has made me wanting to better my golf game. Purchased a second hand set of golf clubs about a month ago and have been practicing religiously. Playing my first round of golf on the 19th. Very excited for that. I just want to thank you for all the good videos, equipment reviews and lessons that you put out. So shout out all the way from #SouthAfrica
@jimmyglazier69912 жыл бұрын
My brother doesn’t play golf Or really like golf but came across your KZbin channel and now watches your videos as he appreciates the production and the way you present so it’s not all about the golf!
@jimdeardorff47152 жыл бұрын
Rick started watching you because I found your tips and reviews, but now it is definitely more for the quality of the videos and entertainment. If I am looking to watch someone shoot under par every time I'll watch the tours. Keep up the great content
@tomfinley882 жыл бұрын
Not to wish a bad round on anyone, but it is comforting to watch a professional have some struggles too. Makes me feel less like I'm out here on my own screwing up this game.
@lawbinson2 жыл бұрын
I love all the content but I do also love your club reviews throughout the years. Would be awesome to have those back as well!
@natemason43332 жыл бұрын
Stumbling on your channel by chance and binging some of your videos motivated me enough to buy a set of clubs and start hitting the range. Fast forward 3 weeks and I’ve played my first few rounds of 9 and even managed a couple bogeys. I am absolutely hooked now. Love ya work mate and look forward to your videos each week. Keep it up Rick 👏🏼 From Sunny Gold Coast, Australia 🇦🇺
@timothymclaughlin42592 жыл бұрын
We all get the shanks. I moved up the the front tees for a week to get rid of them.
@68wolffden2 жыл бұрын
Love the content you provide. What I really like is when you do have an off day at the course, which we all do including the tour pro's, just shows you are just as human as the rest and for me, I hat to see and also look forward to seeing bad days cause for me, make good content also. You will show frustration but you also will give positive comments and we all know the mental game is the key to the physical game. Well done with all you do and look forward to ne next video
@tennesseetrash92 жыл бұрын
That round of golf established your legitamacy of never faking your golf. I enjoyed your round because I felt like I was the only one to have days like that. On any given round I myself will shoot anywhere between 80 and 104. You keep recording and I will keep watching,
@michaelward3522 жыл бұрын
Rick, I’ve been watching you for years. It’s your smarts, humor, disposition, and knowledge I appreciate. I root for you to play good golf but appreciate any video. I’m about as amateur as can be, but I do observe well. You’ve fought the left your whole career. Your sweet draw gets overcooked way too often. If you were to put a weight on a scale of missed lefts versus missed rights, especially with irons into greens, the scale would tip hard left. You then have so much chipping and putting stress. Your fade is a push fade. Work on square straight or even an exaggeration of start left fade. Like us hacks, work on hitting a true slice just for the feel. And keep having fun for yourself and all of us.
@jamesw24992 жыл бұрын
I think this is so refreshing, open and refreshing. I also think it’s so relatable. I’m off 15 and always trying to improve but obviously days go well and others really not! I have a plan with my coach to improve certain aspects over the winter, but would really love to se w your vlog journey as to how you are trying to improve and then take it to the course etc
@sphgolf41672 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary gents, great to see the humbling review of your own game. Golf is a great leveller of psychology, it knows when it's not your day and punishes even the best for not paying attention to the small basic details. look forward to the next break 75. keep up the good work. Also Rick just watched your review on them ridiculously expensive golf balls. YOU MUST BE MAD!!
@GirlArmy212 жыл бұрын
I enjoy watching Rick play....good or bad golf. Any one of us has our good games and bad too. Certainly, relatable. I enjoyed the conversations/banter. I am new to playing golf. Great watching this discussion.
@20gibbon2 жыл бұрын
Always remember one of the things people love about you the most is your no bullshit honesty, good or bad you seem to tell it how it is. I respect that.
@ronthibeau68882 жыл бұрын
I think what the round showed was just how difficult golf is mentally and physically. Made me realize I’m being to hard on myself. Greatly appreciate the insight
@kentturner5952 жыл бұрын
Was just listening to this on Spotify, and I had to comment on here to ask: can you do a video on what it takes to become a “golf professional” and what it entails for you. I’ve talked with my club pro about it briefly, and I think it would be enjoyable to get a little in depth perspective on what it takes to become a professional.
@wesbrown4302 жыл бұрын
I watched your 'not so good' round with Guy. Glad to see you are human like the rest of us! Sometimes recreational golfers forget that this is just a game and not life changing. Even PGA teachers should realize this as well. Most golfers respect the challenge of a very difficult sport. The pro's make it look so much easier but we have to remember that they make their living playing. But even the pro's have an off day. If I am not mistaken, Rory shot an 84 round earlier this year. I appreciate your frustration, but it is short lived. You have a great family, good friends as we see on KZbin, a good profession in the golf industry! Evaluate what you did poorly, work on those issues and your overall game and enjoyment will return. Appreciate all of your KZbin experiences. BTW, I'm 82, shoot around 84 at 6000 yards and have poor rounds as well. I work out the kinks and play again weekly and have shot 77, 80 and 89 in my last three rounds. Keep the faith!
@tyrelldavis63882 жыл бұрын
I think being able to see the growth between this last break 75 and the next one, maybe in the new year, with the vlog about the work you are putting in will be a great journey and transformation to see.
@KMMHL20122 жыл бұрын
Rick and Guy, Speaking for myself, and I assume, many other fans and viewers, we don't watch your Break 75 to watch you break 75, I watch to see the mental game, to see how to handle and move on from bad shots, your last round probably hit the most and was the most relatable for 99% of the viewers because we all struggle with the mental game and compound errors. If I wanted to watch a golfer shoot below par, I'd watch the PGA, I want to watch a relatable, passionate golfer go through what all we amateurs experience on the course. Don't ever, ever think we won't watch because you struggle, if anything, it makes your content more relatable.
@brianmoll63522 жыл бұрын
Rewatch the Nick Faldo episode. It even happens to people knighted for golfing. There is something special about watching really good golfers fight through a bad day.
@robertwightwick38212 жыл бұрын
Fairly recently became a subscriber to both channels and absolutely love the content. These are now the channels i go to first when new content is released (i follow a lot of channels) Love it. Keep it up please Just picking up on the point about overthinking /over talking before taking a shot… im willing Rick do a round of golf where he perhaps is a little less descriptive before shots to see if it makes a difference to his game. I really appreciate the effort made storyboard each shot, but often think how distracting it must be and i don’t think it would harm the content. I’m looking forward to seeing you return to the birdie train. Thanks again for all the brilliant content
@commonman3172 жыл бұрын
I always enjoy it when you guys mention other KZbinrs. James Robinson, Simon at SAS, Gabe at Let's Play Thru, Stacked Golf, Mark Crossfield etc. Such a big platform that can connect and acknowledge some of the many golfing channels together is really impressive.
@ta-rb5nu2 жыл бұрын
I love the channel Rick! I’m always more interested in your thought process as you navigate a golf course than your actual score. Keep up the great work!
@MK3552 жыл бұрын
Well done on 3 years gents. Love the break 75 series, like you said I love seeing great courses being showcased and being able to experience the round. Break 75 tour to Australia? Keep up the great work
@deanholliday81862 жыл бұрын
Honestly the score doesn’t matter. The content. banter, the courses, the video do. Actually the fact you play good sometimes, bad others, have a good hole followed by a bad hole…… that’s what we all do and so it’s good to see it in someone else who is willing to show it. It’s almost giving all of us permission to just chill out and accept it for what golf is. A hard game that we all want to play well at but we can’t all the time. Keep just showing us these videos as they are. Don’t over edit !! Also good work on the equipment reviews etc. ❤
@billpilling57252 жыл бұрын
Im 46 and have been playing since i was 14 and i cant even break 115... lol! But ya know what, idc. Im just out there having fun, having a few beers and laughing about the bad shots and feeling like a tour pro when i actually hit some good ones. So to see someone of Ricks level go out and have a nightmare round like i do all season is refreshing. Seeing golf youtubers go out and shoot lights out every video gets old. Thanks for putting the Belfry vid out, it helps the rest of us that are hopeless at the game feel like were not that bad... lol
@andrewrichards22912 жыл бұрын
Shout out to Guy. What a supportive mate he's been over the break 75 series and played some top golf himself. Great entertainment, look forward to the new year series..👍⛳🏌️♂️
@gregloker48092 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned pace of play as one of the things that may have thrown you off. We typically tee off very early (we'd always have the first tee time if it were possible.) As a result, we typically play 18 in between 3 and 3.5 hours. On those occasions when we are actually playing at 'recommended pace' of a bit over 4 hours, or, heaven forbid, a slow pace... we play worse. It's become a running joke that the worst shot is the one you hit after having to wait 10 minutes for the green to clear.
@GusMac61292 жыл бұрын
Having a buggy, like Ricks does most of the time, speeds his own play up, so he cannot really complain, when groups in front of him don't use a buggy & he is held up for 10 minutes. That is his own fault.
@gregloker48092 жыл бұрын
@@GusMac6129 I don’t think it was a complaint… he was just saying it’s different to what he’s used to.
@jonathantomlinson44012 жыл бұрын
Played a local 9 hole course, front 9 was some of the best golf I’ve ever played, went out in 4 over in 1hr 25 mins. 2nd 9 took 2hrs 30 mins and I shot 14 over, waiting so long on every hole I lost my flow. Still a good round for me but I was on for a great round.
@FM_Flop2902 жыл бұрын
Love the golf channel, love the podcast. Always seen golf as a posh toff sport. But being on hospital from April to June all I watch was you & listened to the podcast. Now I'm a full golf nerd 🤓
@spoiledwelbourn71172 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the videos, all the series so far! Also, the tips!
@mustain712 жыл бұрын
Great conversation! As a 4 handicap, I learned a long time ago that golf is just funny sometimes. The first time I ever broke 70 I shot 69. The previous day I shot 90 on the same course, in the same conditions. I love golf, because, each round, each hole, each shot, is a chance to start over an improve. Kevin
@stephenwilliams24452 жыл бұрын
Love the honesty, it’s refreshing to see someone not make excuses and hold their hands up and say today I was crap. Personally always want to see you shoot a decent score but ultimately it isn’t why I watch
@ryanjoseph27912 жыл бұрын
You’re killing it Rick, don’t second guess what you’re doing, you’ve done a lot for the game of golf through KZbin
@light15312 жыл бұрын
I agree. Also there maybe better professional golfers, but Rick is able to explain golf on camera, which is not given to many people, even on the totality of KZbin.
@markdavies69902 жыл бұрын
Guy hit the nail on the head when he said we have all played really bad on a trip we’d been looking forward to. For me I think you should see this as a great opportunity. Good content seeing you train yourself back to being A) comfortable B) shooting a score you’re happy with. The only thing I’d add is maybe the healing/learning you need to do also needs to have some help with the mental side of the game as opposed to the technical. Thanks for the great content Keep up the good work
@lmc1dj2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on breaking 90, and the three year anniversary. We'll done all the team behind the camera, and Guy. Keep it going, as for these few hours a week it keeps me into the world of golf. I've got a half a ball and been waiting fir it to be signed since the 100th show. 😥
@boucherb19082 жыл бұрын
Guy hit the nail on the head. I like watching you guys. If it happens to be disastrous that will be even more entertaining lol. My favourite golf channels are all around personality rather than golf. Hopefully that's a compliment 👍
@neilperrotten9822 жыл бұрын
⛳️ Morning both, love the content and feel your pain with the highs and lows of golf. If you’re looking to benchmark your game as well as tracking your handicap I’d recommend using Arccos or something similar. I’ve been using it for the last year and it really helps you pinpoint where you are strong and where you are weaker. What you assume is not always correct when you compare yourself to your target handicap. Neil
@dreaminj102 жыл бұрын
Hi Rick - a couple of comments. First, many of us ASPIRE to bogey golf which in some ways is why that video is relatable. Second, the hardest thing for me to overcome on the course is failure after some prolonged success (last week/front 9/whatever). Most of all, staying motivated when I realize I'm not going to break 90. So again, your description of the 10th at the Belfry was extremely relatable. I have little doubt you'll figure it all out and compete against 75 again in no time. Thank you for all of your awesome content.
@lawbinson2 жыл бұрын
This weekend, I took a half-set and scored 10 shots better than I usually do. I hit so many greens pin-high or further compared to usual since I was always taking a few clubs more and my miss is usually short. Super fun way to play and takes the pressure off. Might be worth a try Rick
@Daniel189HLL2 жыл бұрын
Most people try to hit a full shot hard, when a less aggressive hit with an extra club will be so much more accurate. Most trouble is at the front and front side of the greens too.
@fluffkitteh1232 жыл бұрын
Rick Shiels, ASMR practice session. Give us a 100% unscripted just vibes in the background and the sounds of a practice session. I'd also love to see "Rick gets a tune up by a teaching pro" vlog style vid. Keep up the great content Rick!
@yEr0c19952 жыл бұрын
The way i see it if you dont have bad rounds or bad weeks then the good shots the good rounds stop feeling so good. The reason it feels good to play well is because it is bloody hard, every golfer can relate to a bad round or a bad run of form it is what makes the good rounds feel so good. Congrats on 3 years love your work
@BB1987-2 жыл бұрын
Loving these podcasts! Hope you keep going for another 3 years AT LEAST!
@j3badger12 жыл бұрын
As viewers of Ricks break 75 series I think we often forget that its not just Rick playing a casual round of golf at his local course down the street. He is playing a round of golf while trying to create video content on different high level courses. Unless you have broken 75 while in a similar environment, I personally think you should step back and think about the complexities behind that. The time and energy in setting things up, travel, introducing each hole, making sure the production and team are all set to go, and remember, Rick is not the only person on the course too. He still has to move at the rate of play while doing all that. So to just come in and critique his golf performance is fair, but just remember there is a lot we don't see behind the scenes. Having said that, I love the content, and am just happy to see Rick stay at it. LETS GO!
@stompingpeak20432 жыл бұрын
Yeah its true to a point but some criticism is valid. Even if it's self criticism. If I'm a pro golfer that puts the ball 4yrds past the hole several times or shanks drives left and right it's justified lol. Rick's channel is good for me but not because he goes 10 under every round. It's just a good watch
@j3badger12 жыл бұрын
I guess my question is. How valid can criticism be if we are not experienced in doing the exact same thing? It's like saying "If I was a pro golfer with a channel I would/could do X". That's just pure speculation. But I totally agree, I do not care about his score. Its just good content first and foremost that just happens to be about golf which I think we all enjoy. And the podcast is a good way to know if Rick is aware of his shortcomings, which he obviously is. But also I know not everyone who watches break 75 watches the pod as well.
@stompingpeak20432 жыл бұрын
@@j3badger1 you can experience the same things. Go golfing and have a group of people pitch in to a nice course
@LukeD912 жыл бұрын
I always play pretty badly at this point, but I still enjoy it and play 1-3× per week, the odd good shot or good connection is enough for me! Great content as always
@christiankell60742 жыл бұрын
The game of golf is much like life in many ways in my opinion, even for professionals and touring professionals. Each round you play, will have it's own set of emotions you will go through for that round. We will play that round over and over again in our minds, until the next round is set before us with a day and time; at which we then begin a different thought process of what that round will be. For me, as an amateur who wants to be a decent golfer; i look forward to the good and bad days for me to learn from. You will experience complete joy and complete failure in your journey through golf, we all will at one time or another. Rick you just experienced what may feel as a complete failure that day, but to me I saw a victory; in the way that you finished the round and then published it for all of us to see. You put yourself out there, which takes having loads of character to do so as well as being very humble and honest. For anyone to have anything negative to say about you, shows that they for one are not serious about golf, but secondly; they have no understanding of the game of golf. I WANT TO THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! for your complete transparency and honesty that you have had throughout your years of putting content out there for us. You are a true golf professional and an even better man for doing so. We could all learn how to be better golfers and better men by watching you. I know I have. God Bless you and keep up the great work.
@GeeEmming2 жыл бұрын
Fishing and golf are very similar. And it's SUPER stressful sometimes. Chess with fish. At least fishing for the predators :)
@tc8602 жыл бұрын
Damn I felt this today. Played one of my best rounds two days ago (ball striking wise). Played 9 holes this morning and could barely make contact with the ball. Golf is so hard...
@warrenbutson1222 жыл бұрын
Well done guys very open honest chat about "that round". We've all see both of you play amazing shots especially Rick and tbh many of us are still trying to break 100 - your round is one I'm still trying to achieve and your temper was actually way better than it probably felt!! I'd like to see a video on how/what to do when you are having a bad round that would help me
@briansmith75762 жыл бұрын
Speak for yourself mate 😂😂Rick is so bad at golf it’s a joke. I play off 10 and hit 83 on the Brabazon that don’t make me a pga pro does it 😂
@tythegolfer62792 жыл бұрын
Cheers. I watch for the good, bad and ugly. I shoot around 86 so I don't judge anyone at Golf. Have fun and don't let those bad shots ruin the day.
@TheLeedsBoyz2 жыл бұрын
a short vlog style series of seeing you practice and improve with lessons etc sounds really interesting!
@chipboster8012 жыл бұрын
Guys...this is podcast gold! I listen every week and so much enjoy the banter. Would like to see Rick and Guy do a 2V2 scramble against some of Europe's best.
@biggM282 жыл бұрын
People dont like Rick to shoot bad, its more so that its relatable to us normal golfers who will shoot a good round of 78-80 then turn around the very next round and shoot a 95. I enjoyed it because it was real. We've all went thru the same emotions he did during that round. Thanks for the great content fellas!!
@jonathanmelvin83172 жыл бұрын
Golf was always taught to me as 10 % technique and 90% mental. It is so easy for 1 bad shot or hole to effect not just one hole but the whole round. It is so much easier to have a bad round than have a good one. So why do we do it? It's because of those pure moments of a good strike, sinking a long putt or hitting an booming drive. We just want that good feeling but it's few and far between. We just forget more of the good moments and hold on to too many bad. So stick that bad one in that really full box and let's hunt down that next pure feel good one 👍just like the fantastic content we love Rick and the team push out on a weekly basis. Cheers guys for fight the good golf fight.
@proudtobeblue2 жыл бұрын
It's not about if you play golf badly that we will leave or judge you. It's a video that shows the reality of golf, but the good days, the the bad days, then the really ugly I hate this sport days. Its the best sport for giving your game demons the chance to get hold. End of the day your videos bring joy and entertainment....... Long may it continue!
@TomasWildViking2 жыл бұрын
I can so relate to those horrible days in between the good ones. And I applaud your decision to go to lessons and take stock of everything. I have full confidence in you bouncing back soon.
@LGSImmortal2 жыл бұрын
Rick, I watch you play golf to help improve technique, understand my faults, watch how bad lies are handled and see some beautiful courses which I don't have the privilege to play. I'm not looking at your score at the end of the day. The content is always great regardless!
@andredippenaar21772 жыл бұрын
Hi Gents..... Thanks for the podcast and congrats on the past three years.... Regarding Rick's golf perhaps a few points to discuss: 1. Golf is hard and a bad round can happen to anyone... Ask Tiger. 2. A few things we all, including Rick already know is that every now and then Rick provides us with a raking draw, a block out to the right or a wedge shot that is entertaining at best..... (Well done for working on the wedge play). However, as someone who is a subscriber to the channel, who enjoys the podcast and loves the Break 75 series one thing has been very evident for the past number of weeks and months is that your putting is absolutely horrendous. I would suggest that you could improve by 5 to 9 shots a round by just sorting your putting. You are a competitive man and you want to succeed.... Achieving the goals you set yourself. Sometimes the best cure to frustration is action..... In this case addressing the putting issue for one else your frustration will only get worse. Looking forward to "the new Rick".
@sinaazimi73282 жыл бұрын
I freaking love these podcasts. Love them
@RickShielsGolfShow2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much
@forsetinn2 жыл бұрын
Quote: "I enjoyed that. That was worth 50 minutes of my life". Thinking 7 days back... Probably spent 5 hours a day watching your videos after I discovered your channel. Totally worth it. LOL. Looking forward executing the things I've learned. I'm a beginner btw. Thanks guys.
@pauljacobs80402 жыл бұрын
Your content has made getting into golf so much easier. I'm aiming to break 100 soon!
@RickShielsGolfShow2 жыл бұрын
Great to hear!
@neilbancroft11322 жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved the last "Break 75"!!! As a low single figure handicap I felt your pain! Playing a medal round I was 4 under going along minding my own business! Next thing I scored a 10 on an innocuous par 4! Thereafter it went even more pear shaped! Thanks for sharing that video and I apologise for laughing at your expense! 👍🤣
@papab32722 жыл бұрын
Well done you Rick for keeping your chin up and not letting a bad round define you. As for next year how about the series being about breaking your handicap. Perhaps a title like "tipping my cap" where you beat the course or the course beats you based on your score related to your handicap at the time. Just a thought
@andygrimes69022 жыл бұрын
As an angler and golfer, I can say that yes there are obvious differences between the 2 but there are also lots of similarities between fishing and golf. The prepping in cleaning your clubs from your last round and sorting out your bag is like making your rigs and sorting out your rigs. The excitement and optimisim you have when you arrive at the venue. Hitting the range before your round can be likened to walking around the lake looking for signs of fish. The 1st tee nerves/excitement is the same as casting your rods out. The adrenaline rush you have when you absolutely flush one straight down the flag knowing you've hit the right club and it could go in is the same rush when you hear your bite alarms scream off and the rod bends double. But the biggest thing, for me atleast and something Guy mentioned, is the being outdoors in the peaceful surroundings. And yes, there are fishing sessions that go exactly like the last break 75 video, I had a good few 🤣 but I like to take the approach that if you didn't have bad ones then you wouldn't fully appreciate the good ones so keep your chin up Rick! As always, great episode lads. Keep it up!
@ericerickson45602 жыл бұрын
Congrats on 3 years Rick…keep up the great work
@lagolf.channel2 жыл бұрын
Really good listening to your honest experiences and feelings.. very relatable. thank you
@tobiasball52252 жыл бұрын
That was so pleasant. Thank you.
@bradthompson38422 жыл бұрын
I can remember when Rick & Guy had Pete Finch on the show, I really did not like Guy's approach to the whole thing. But I must admit, I really love seeing Guy on the podcast and the break 75 episodes. He is really funny and has a brilliant sense of humour. A fantastic addition to the whole "Rick Shiels" experience! Keep us the great work guys!! Come down under ASAP. We love you over here!
@MichaelBartholin2 жыл бұрын
As an midt to high hcp player (26.5), i actually always enjoy seeing that the pros, sometimes, can play a round of bad golf. It is kinda a realief to be honest :)
@kevinmontgomery10542 жыл бұрын
I watched the last Break 75 episode. Golf is hard. And frustrating. And wonderful and fun too. Welcome to humanity. Keep playing! And know that your friends won't desert you because of a bad golf round. I specifically remember an earlier Rick Shiels golf tip to break the round into 3 6-hole sections and for each section pick one thing to do better than the last section. People think sports is a physical activity. Few recognize how mental athletics are. Yesterday I started the round with my usual high hopes. I bogeyed hole 1 but only because it was so windy that my chip shot blew 20 yards left and off the green. Ok, I know how to compensate for that. Challenge accepted. Hole 2 was a nightmare 9. That alone ruined my scorecard. What's the point in even playing the next 16 holes? Should I just go home? Can I go back to 1 and start over? One of the hardest things to do is mentally gather yourself and move forward. A golf mate REALLY struggles with this. He throws clubs, pounds them into the ground, hits the "bad" golf balls into the water. I've seen him break 2 clubs. Four holes later he's still mad about a bad shot. Nobody begrudges you a bad round. What I'd love to see is how to build a journey of improvement so when I have a bad round I, too, can rebound. Analyze the bad round and announce "My driving missed x fairways so these are the practice/drills I'm doing." Then demonstrate the drills. On the next Break 75 announce what you hope to achieve this round due to the former drills. At the end of the round summarize your results. Week 2: "My putting ..." Week 3: "My chipping ..." Originally, I started watching you for tips on how to play better. I don't follow you because you're a great golfer. I follow you because you're a great teacher. For me, the chit chat is entertaining. The guests are interesting and informative. Break 75 is about course management, strategy, real lies, real golf, real rough, wind, trees, sand, etc. And real mind set, goals and practice. Keep it real. We're with you.
@kenrobertson74142 жыл бұрын
Well done sir for being so honest.Everybody has bad rounds so we can all relate.the one I hate bad round 2 or 3 holes in middle of a good round. Why does that happen? I put down to thinking about the outcome before it happens.how good is golf.thanks Ken.
@azahansafetyman11612 жыл бұрын
He's a pro but sometimes his score is blown up just like me. The frustration is genuine 🤣 Truly a content that is not common in other channels. Golf is hard. Keep it up Rick 😉
@fasher69 Жыл бұрын
Rick your playing real golf and real golf we can’t all hit perfect shots. But your content and ur way of explaining is second to none coming from a Brazilian jiu jitsu coach who’s recently found golf I know teaching a technique leaves u open to criticism! Stay positive your content is incredible mate 🎉
@deidmoose2 жыл бұрын
I am with the majority in saying that I am glad that he released the video to show how real golf can be, even for a "better" player like Rick - it was very relatable. On the flip side, some of the golf Rick played is not what you'd ever expect from a "better" player and you have to question what his plan is in order to get back to form. Having watched a lot of his recent videos, I would say that an 80+ score has been coming (although maybe not as bad as 89!). I am an 11 handicapper, got a few lessons and haven't shot over 80 in the last 5 or 6 rounds. Should he be looking to go back to basics and get some help?
@PaulLundgren19702 жыл бұрын
Rogue ST player here. I'll have you know, Guy, that Rogue ST fireworks only fly straight and true, and have a very high launch trajectory 😀
@Dude00002 жыл бұрын
Started off not really taking to Guy, but he’s a top fella. Rick is still cringe with a big ego that he try’s to pretend he hasn’t, but Guy is humble and encourages Rick a lot. You can see the salesman/marketer in him (he worked for Nike didn’t he, anyone?).
@Grixxly Жыл бұрын
25 years ago I missed birdie putts (inside of 15 feet) on holes 14, 15, and 16. On the 17th tee I'm sitting at 3 under... I then went double bogey, double bogey to finish 1 over par... haunts me to this day...
@j.v.country2 жыл бұрын
80 is a great score for me at my home course par 71. I haven't got my 79 just yet, but I will keep trying. My point is I don't care what you shoot, in fact I like that it bothers you when you don't play well. One, it shows your deep love for the game and your ability. Second it shows you're human, so now it's time to go low!!
@scoaus2 жыл бұрын
A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work. There’s no stressful day fishing.
@royaalc76912 жыл бұрын
One of the worst things about golf is after you’ve gotten out of your hot streak and you start hitting worse than you ever used to. Completely demoralizing. But it has its ebbs and flows and eventually you’ll get back to those rounds that you’re proud of. It’s just very tough when you’re in that slump and you know that you can play better.
@johnkyle64502 жыл бұрын
This podcast is the perfect example of why guy is brilliant for the podcast
@marcelobrptuk89832 жыл бұрын
What's Rick's goal on that video, break 75 or break Guy score?? As he mentioned at the beginning of that video, and this happens to everyone, during the game the competition can take over the score, and obviously if you can see that won't happen the frustration can take over too! Just a thought...
@jonathansmith15472 жыл бұрын
An idea for a vid... give us a base number video... where your game is right now before the improvement journey... so distance off the tee... dispersion on full iron and wedge shots... putts per round... dispersion from 100/50/and within 30 yards... bunker saves %... up and down %...
@jamesw24992 жыл бұрын
We go on a golf trip for a week and certainly the golf game spikes on the first day and last couple of days. A little slump in the middle probably due to over confidence and/or lack of concentration so definitely think that could work. Imagine a series of Shiels’ week with different people joining you. Would be awesome 👍