Digitech RP 500 VS RP255 Overview and Review

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@HumbleHeartMinistry 4 ай бұрын
I know this was made a long time ago, but I just picked up the 500 on eBay for $105.00. I used to have the rp1000 and I now have a Headrush, but am kinda getting tired of programming it. So I saw this and thought what the heck! Thanks for refreshing my mind on how these work! Great review even 8 years later!
@Lizard-of-Oz 3 жыл бұрын
I have the RP350 since 2009 ish and I still use it. Once you get to know your pedal, it is easy to do the settings you want to, seeing you giving the rundown of this one I can relay, and possibly inherit it to my nephew to then buy me an RP500, I deserve it!!
@glenndivinagracia3645 4 жыл бұрын
One of the best overview and instructions I've come across on the RP500. Thank you.
@alexandremorin7212 Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot , I will now be able to edit my stuff properly. Best tutorial on the unit, great job!
@Rickholly74 Жыл бұрын
Glad this helped.
@arjungurung1848 7 жыл бұрын
very honest and good description straight to the point.thanks.
@charly611pm 4 жыл бұрын
I have used the software and it's so easy to use and actually easier than the controls on the board and I thought more intuitive. I jUst picked a distortion and a parameter set then a reverb and the depth a delay with the time etc a chorus ,wah press save to an open user slot and there you are damn it just so nice and easy. Also this video is the best (for me at least descrIbing how to use the board I learned a lot !) so thank you so much for taking the time to make and post this video .!!!
@LeafOfAutumn05 5 жыл бұрын
Very detailed tutorial in such a short time... Great video...
@carlosmanuelgonzalez310 4 жыл бұрын
Very clear Tutorial! thanks!. I just group the presets (or patches) needed for a song next to one another on my RP255 user programmable presets!... ifI happen to need one preset for another song and presets are apart, I just copy them next to the other ones needed (that's why you have 60 user presets), to tailor them as needed. I find my RP255 really capable for serious live playing, without 'tap dancing' on the switches. I just place them presets wisely, it doesn't matter that I have several copies in different user presets. I sold my RP500 because it's too bulky for me and could not find any honest advantage in terms of sound for my live playing! -besides the xlr balanced outputs!, and 100 user presets!!
@Eged282 Жыл бұрын
I saw u sold yours in one of the comments..I did too. AND BOUGHT IT AGAIN. I had the 255 and 355 and they were great, but the foot switches were way too close, and not practical for a live situation. Been playing live since the 80’ and had almost every multi effect imaginable. Boss, Zoom, Korg, DT.L6..eventually I settled on the Boss ME80, which has a lot of knobs and I love it. But the RP 500 has the sweetest reverbs..love those lexicons. The current multi effects with all the IR capabilities like Fractal are insane in terms of what they can do..but I’m a simple man.. so it’s either these two or analog pedals for me. I might save for a Pod go, it’s small and easy unit to carry. I sold an RP500 five years ago, and just bought one today for dirt cheap on Craig’s..I missed it for whatever reason.
@rickpearce9239 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Like you, I have been doing regular gigs for decades (I started regularly in the Early 70's). We agree on the idea of keeping it simple. I have so many effects pedal that I could easily put together at least four separate pedal boards. These Digitech and other similar pedals may contain enough processing power to store 50 to 100 separate custom patches but I find I only create and use 6-8 patches for live playing. I can't be bothered thinking about creating a lot of patches for different songs. I do like this Digitech 500 but about four years ago I bought a BOSS Katana 100 that has 64 (or more) BOSS effects available and a pedal that lets you activate the eight saved patches I created. You are right about the Lexicon reverbs in a Digitech pedal. The reverbs in my Katana are very good but the Lexicon reverbs are better. They are clear and very full sounding. Thanks again.
@Eged282 Жыл бұрын
@@rickpearce9239 love to hear your pedal stories from the battlefield..lol. Yea the KATANA is amazing(my friend has one). I had the cube 80GX for a while and it was excellent(and less wires!)..Thanks for your reply.:).
@rickpearce9239 Жыл бұрын
@@Eged282 Thanks for the reply. I know players who get digital multi effects and think they will create a separate patch for each song the band does. Once they actually do a few gigs they learn this is not a practical thing to do. A friend of mine had a printed list of some 40 patches on top of his amp. He learned quickly that that doesn't work in a live playing situation. His bandmates got on him about wasting time between songs while he consulted his list then dialed in a setting. That time can kill the "vibe" in the room. The reality is nobody notices the changes or cares. I suggested he create half a dozen or so patches, keep them in one easy to remember order and forget the rest. KISS (keep it simple stupid).
@KennethDonnellyStargazer21 Жыл бұрын
@@rickpearce9239 great point. I would rarely play live but what I do is purely experimental Ambien /space metal original sound scapes, and I found just what you said that duplicates come down to six or seven patches that are all you need 👽 I used rp350
@TVLTNT 8 жыл бұрын
Very cool review Rick. I have an older unit that has the wah pedal and lots of stuff in it including drums. To me it turned out to be a very confusing unit but has GREAT sounds in it like you said about your RP 500.The model I have is made out of plastic though and there's no way it could be used out on a gig as far as being trust worthy so I'd only use it to get sounds for home use. This unit that you have and the one above it the RP 1000 are fantastic units. Plus I also love the big LED read-out that make it easy to see especially if your on a dark stage/room playing a gig.
@650thunderbird 8 жыл бұрын
Great overview, Rick :) Looks like a solid unit.
@jimpowell6964 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome review. I have the RP250 but want something with easier switching, i.e. with banks. Thanks for giving a good description of that area.
@berniemukonesi2684 6 жыл бұрын
this is so far the only video that has helped me with what i needed...thanks @Rickholly74
@onefatstratcat 3 жыл бұрын
I mix for a band where the guitar player uses a 500.. We run him out the XLR's stereo to the mixer and he sends the 1/4" mono out to a tube power amp to a 2/12" custom greenie slant cab... Huge full sound and if you don't pay attention to what they label things and just use your ears you can get one to sound damn good... and you don't have to do the pedal two step all night long :)
@turtlehermit6047 Жыл бұрын
If you update the firmware on the rp500 it will have a looper. Just hold the up switch down for a couple seconds. Some have the update.. Some don't.. But if you want it you can find it in online.
@beamerstrumpet 8 жыл бұрын
Your lesson on how to edit is very good, however the easy way to really get some custom sounds is using the Xedit software with your laptop. I have an old laptop that is dedicated just to the RP. You also can go to the Digitech site and the users area and download 1000+ patches to a sound bank. You need to set the sensitivity on the wah with the calibration setting. You also can create a file to save your own patches to , you also can use Xedit to move the patches to the banks you want them in, in the order you want them in. You could realistically have every song in your set ready to go 1 - 20 or however many you normally have. I started with a RP250 also and graduated up to the 500, wish I had spent a little more for the 1000, but I have plenty of power with ta 500 :)
@xaviviesca 2 жыл бұрын
Es el mismo eliminador? Para la rp55 y la rp 500 y 1000
@sixstringstruggle6508 Жыл бұрын
I had one of these along time ago. You can actually upgrade the firmware and it has a hidden loop pedal in it.
@gregorylawson1216 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for a great informative video on this unit. Especially showing how to edit and store presets. Mostly all of the other videos are demo'ing the sounds. Hell, I can switch through all of the sounds and hear them on my own. But, I don't remember if this unit came with a manual. I thought it did. But, I can't find mind. So, your tutorial was very helpful. You mentioned you have never used the usb output. If you have a computer you should try it. It's pretty nice. You have to install the xEdit software. You can back up your presets on your computer. You can install more presets. And it's really easy to switch presets with a click of your mouse or trackpad, without having to cycle through several banks when you're practicing at home. Thanks again.
@Fezzler61 5 жыл бұрын
Great commentary about a vastly underrated unit. Folks are crazy not to snatch these up used. Especially valuable testimonial from a working musician. You still using it?
@Rickholly74 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment. I started using a BOSS Katana 100 about three years ago and I am using that with all the BOSS internal effects. The Digitech is now planted in my home studio for recording. I agree with you that people should jump on these used because you can get one easily on EBay or Reverb for nice prices. I love the sounds and ease of programming and the all metal case and heavy duty switches make it an excellent choice for gigs.
@nateduffy4564 8 жыл бұрын
how do you turn off the automatic switch to wah with the expression pedal is fully engaged?
@charly611pm 4 жыл бұрын
And I agree about how underrated this board is my god it's nice especially if you learn all it's potential. At first it was a little daunting but even I got it and if I got it anybod.y can get it! I've been playing for over 50 yrs. and had every pedal imaginable this has been the most rewarding! I'm going to buy a second one just to have in case anything happens to this one. Have fun with it . Thanks again for your great tutorial!
@Rickholly74 4 жыл бұрын
It's nice to hear from someone who has been playing gigs for as long as I have. I started doing paying gigs when I was 16 and I just turned 69 this week and am still doing it (I have an outdoor gig today weather permitting). This is a great pedal. I use it a lot now in my little home studio not on gigs anymore since I bought a Boss Katana 100 a few years ago and it does the same thing with equally good sound. I must try going on line with the Digitech. I do that for my settings on the Katana and it's so much better because they give all kinds of parameters that you can't get dialed in from just the amp controls. I never tried the Digitech site. I will have to do that. Thanks for the comments.
@CinemaKev24 7 ай бұрын
I used a bunch of RPs. Had the RP500 for about 10 years before upgrading to a Boss GX100. I really liked the RP500....it downtunes to Eb perfectly, unlike the GX100. The RP500 has its limits.....you can only have one time-based effect in a patch. No IR support or Divider to switch between parallel amps. And overall, not as dynamic sounding as the GX, but to be fair, the RP is much older technology.
@hoosierdaddy2308 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting. I used to be a straight into amp guy, but looking at effects. Tried one of the Rp250s and really liked the delay and reverbs, but want the pedal board feature.
@Rickholly74 8 жыл бұрын
I agree. As I pointed out the RP 255 had all the sounds I like but for playing live you need to be able to access those patches quickly. This RP500 has that ability and more bells and whistles. I also like the low impedance output so I can go direct out without an additional direct box. I gig with a VOX VT30 amp and up until now I was putting a mic on the amp depending on room size. Now I just run a mic cable to the board.
@hoosierdaddy2308 8 жыл бұрын
+Rickholly74 Thanks for the reply. How do you like the Vox VT amp?
@ilovetolisten1946 5 жыл бұрын
question, is there a standby before changing the patch from banks up and down. or it automatically change patches when you kick up and down switches? i'd like to know, because I'm planning to buy one . i have a boss GT10 and it has a standby before changing banks. Thank you.
@seba8194 7 жыл бұрын
Does rp500 have better sounds? Or are all the same?
@cranstjs 5 жыл бұрын
Have had the unit for 12 years now and I'm STILL finding new things with it and how to use it. So I don't think it's fair to say it's by any means a simple unit. A simple unit would be 5 effects and a wah/volume pedal and that's it. This has hundreds of effects, amp simulations, speaker cabinet simulations, and multiple ways of using it to suit your own needs. But since I've owned several of the original stomp boxes and still do and can compare directly, I think it's safe to see this is a damn close resemblance of the original pedals and the original amps that are simulated. Makes may chuckle a bit that it doesn't have an on/off switch so you have to unplug it. I also found it important if multiple programs were setup and different overdrive say, to make sure the gain volumes between programs are of similar volumes so if you switch you don't have to suddenly lower or raise your volume to compensate. Another couple of things. You can download from the RP500 Community page preset programs for various artists and songs and upload them to an unused program. And, the software allows a visual way, via USB connection, to see an effect and it's various knobs and adjust them on the laptop and then save it to the unit either in the same program or a different one. Lastly, you can build templates then save that template to another program and then tweak the new one with different settings.
@jeremyb251 5 жыл бұрын
Jeffrey Cranston you should make a video man. I love mine and use it playing gigs but other than the very basics, I have no clue how to use it.
@cranstjs 5 жыл бұрын
@@jeremyb251 To start, watching the above video, pick any one of the programs he's saved and make the video full screen and pause it. Install the X-Edit software on a Windows computer and connect the 500 to the computer and open the software. Go to the Digitech RP500 support tab to get the latest Xedit software. Now you can visibly see all the User patches that are installed by the factory. All of those are replaceable with any ones you want and can be changed and renamed with the X-Edit software. So once you have the number 1 User patch showing, adjust the settings exactly the way he shows in his video. Note he is using Amp/Cabinet turned on with all his patches. Takes me about 10 minutes to adjust all the settings. Then File, Save As and give it the name of the patch so you save it to your C drive. Then you want to go to the second pull down and Import it to the 500. This gives you a choice of which of the 100 User programs you want to upload the settings to. And the second line is where you name the program as you want it to show on the display. I use all capital letters. Then click the Save button and off it goes to the unit. The display should change to show that name. Then connect your guitar and see how it sounds to you. As the narrator says, each guitar is unique and it may sound differently with your guitar. So you can always go back to the XEdit software and tweak various settings to your liking and resave and reimport to the unit. Also make sure the top Volume and Effects setting matches the narrators for all programs you save to keep volumes uniform across each program as you change them. And this can differ depending on the power of your amp and your typical play out volume.
@Avirothbard 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this review! Just got this pedal used and I am really enjoying it. I think the manual misses a very elementary information about how to switch between banks..to an absurd level..so when you're on PRESET mode, you basically need to do a two stage operation In order to switch between banks: press up or down switch to the desired bank, and IMMEDIATELY press any footswitch 1 to 5..if you don't do the latter, the RP500 will not switch banks..and the switches will blink for a second or two and stay in the previous bank.I know..kinda stupid, but it's NOT on the manual. also, Could be REALLY nice if the pedal would have a foot switch in order to switch between pedal/preset mode. Just my 2 cents;)
@Eged282 Жыл бұрын
That’s exactly what the Boss ME80 has. I find the reverbs on the 500 better, but I like the extra knobs on the 80!
@taketwo-e5u 4 жыл бұрын
If you hold the switch down it should scroll through the patches very quickly.
@brianweir3005 5 жыл бұрын
I have one. Wish it had the drums though
@FranciscoYosores Жыл бұрын
Is there a sound break when switching patches?
@rickpearce9239 Жыл бұрын
Not thatI ever noticed. I would imagine that a lot of that depends on how much reverb or delay you have when moving from one patch to another but as far as the general sounds, I never noticed any sound breaks. Nice question. Many years ago I had a Zoom pedal that did that. I hated that pedal. I imagine they are OK now but mine was one of the first modals back in the 90's and it did what you are talking about.
@Daniel-zo9hz Жыл бұрын
does the rp500 have latency when switching between effects?
@rickpearce9239 Жыл бұрын
No. Thanks for asking.
@aces_h1gh 5 жыл бұрын
I've had one of these for some time but still not very knowledgeable with how it works, but how did you get different amp presets on there like the Marshall plexi or the fender deluxe?
@Rickholly74 5 жыл бұрын
The amp choices just come up like any effect. It's the 4th one down "Amp/Cabinet". Use the edit buttons up and down to highlight that line then use the first knob (Tone Library) to scroll through the amps and cabs. The the next knob will be the amp gain setting then the bass, mid and treble on the next three and finally the master volume of the chosen amp. Press "Store" when you are finished and wait till it blinks. You are done.
@aces_h1gh 5 жыл бұрын
@@Rickholly74 I got that I just seen a different list of amp plugins on yours was wondering if there was a way to get more? Also I just found out about the looper update? Any idea where to get that? Lol sorry this is all just new to me. Your help is appreciated!
@Rickholly74 5 жыл бұрын
@@aces_h1gh I have never uploaded any new settings or patches. The amp patches I use are near the end of the list. Just keep scrolling. As far as the looper I heard there was one available but I haven't uploaded it yet. I only use this RP500 in my home studio setup. On gigs I have been using a Boss Katana 100 that has it own effects so I really don't use the RP500 much. I did recently use it on a gig where the spot we had to play in was so small that couldn't use an amp. I brought the RP500 and used the low impedance output directly into the board. It was a really small venue and we won't be going back but I'm glad I had the RP500 available or we wouldn't have been able to do it at all. It's a great unit. Those are the best reverbs and delays I have ever heard in a pedal effects unit.
@marcelcourchesne9519 6 жыл бұрын
I recommend that you try the free software update and get a basic looper added to the rp500.
@Rickholly74 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much. I was just looking at loopers yesterday. You saved me a few bucks.
@MrTortureneverstops1 6 жыл бұрын
@@Rickholly74 only 20 seconds loops but it's better than nothing...
@robbymarquez8245 5 жыл бұрын
Love my rp500 I just wish it had a drum machine like my rp70 but I know it's designed for stage use
@drstrangefingers2498 5 жыл бұрын
Well done, sold.
@jamiee172 4 жыл бұрын
Does anyone have one of these they want to sell? I just bought a RP255 but I want another one. I used to have the RP355, but lost everything during a divorce. Trying to get everything back I lost now.
@Rickholly74 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I sold mine a few months ago on Ebay.
@gitarbangsatchanel8036 5 жыл бұрын
The sound of my digitech rp225 better then this .. keep rockin dude 🤘🔥
@danigolding5626 9 ай бұрын
Bla.bla.bla. and the sound?
@Rickholly74 9 ай бұрын
The sound is whatever you create. Any shortcomings are totally the fault of the user. With so many excellent sounds and almost limitless options and possible combinations, it all comes down to how much time is spent programming the unit to the users personal taste. What good would it do to play the patches I created myself based on my needs? If anyone is looking for a pedal full of pre-programmed patches and generic sounds, this isn't it. It takes time and effort but I love it.
@luislozano4251 6 жыл бұрын
Does rp500 have better sounds? Or are all the same?
@rickholly8183 6 жыл бұрын
To my ears the sounds in the RP 255 and the RP 500 are about the same. The difference is the RP 500 has more sounds and more parameters for making adjustments and you have the 5 switches for each bank so you can change your patches quickly. The RP 255 has only an up and down so for playing live so it's hard to change patches quickly. I have my 255 set up at home for recording where I don't need to instantly go to another patch. The RP 500 also has many more different outputs including low impedance outs to a mixing board or PA.
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