This is clearly a well-rehearsed, skilled choir with many talented members! With just a bit of simple, basic research into African American vernacular & pronunciation by the conductor, he could have adopted a pronunciation scheme with minimal deviation from native Japanese phonology which would have been somewhat natural & authentic; as opposed to this which is terrible in a most obvious & distracting way to the point of hyperbole (which is arguably comedic although with a distinct culturally insensitive tone). Of course they could have also merely directed a bit more time, attention & energy on pronunciation (and commission several sessions with a professional coach!). It's a damn shame to have such a good choir's performance be tainted, or really: MARRED in such a blatant way by such a simple & silly issue! I found various theatric embellishments to be excessive & exaggerated, as well as detracting from the music... Not to mention disrespectfully irreverent especially because their purpose was clearly vain-glorious & boastful. Basically, this performance really feels like it's a parody (for an SNL style show) that was probably taken a bit too far... Except that it isn't!