りこりすめもりあ/Flower//Lycoris Memoria/FLOWER

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@りん-z1f2r 11 ай бұрын
あねもね概要欄「なみだなんて、ながれるはずもないのに」 かるみあ概要欄「いたみなんて、かんじるはずもないのに」 りこりす概要欄「心なんて、なければよかったのに」 そして最後の 「”おちた『なみだ』はいつか” ”消えない『痛み』を癒やすのでしょう” 破れた『心』は戻らなくても いつかまた、花が咲く」 ここの関係に鳥肌立った… 最高すぎます…
@バナナ87 4 ай бұрын
@おにぎりくんのゲーム部屋 4 ай бұрын
@さいの目入道-m7v Жыл бұрын
歌詞 りこりすめもりあ/Flower 揺れる瞳に 映る景色は 白黒に映った 霜枯れと 零れ落ちた 星の涙に まやかしの願いを 祈って唄った たまゆらに 咲き誇るのは 痛みに縋った 血だまりと 赤に染まり 罰を數えて 只管に 吐きました 悪夢が過ぎ 目が覚めて 錆びた頭 掻き毟るんだ 殺し方くらいは 私がきっと知っている 信じた事 願った事 全てがきっと 思い違いだと 認めてしまえば "これ"に価値は 初めから無かった 理を 枉げる願いは 抱くべきでは ないのでしょう 暗闇の中 輪を潜り 罰を受ける命を 泣いて嗤った 在りし日に 立ち望むのは 痛みに唄った 水鏡と 蒼に染まり 罪を數えて 思い出に 華が咲く 罪を數えて 罰を唄えば 静寂に衒う 華は凪いで 痛みを知る 人形は未だ 交わした言葉を 覚えていたんだ 溢れ出した 涙に溺れ (ひびく のいずはまだ) 喪う痛みに 苛まれ (おもいでを かたるでしょう) それでもまだ よすがは咲いて (こぼれおちたなみだのいみを) 全てを抱えたまま 歩き出すんだ (あなたにつたえたくて) 思い出はまだ 血に塗れ (空と風と愛しき日々を) 命を唄って 蹲る (數えきれないほど抱えたら) 縋りついて 苦しみながら (痛むこの心の傷も今) 思い出と泣きました 思い出が痛みました それでも抱きました ("おちたなみだいつか") ("消えない痛みを癒すのでしょう") "破れた心は 戻らなくても" いつかまた、花が咲く 読み ゆれるひとみに うつるけしきは しろくろにうつった しもがれと こぼれおちた ほしのなみだに まやかしのねがいを いのってうたった たまゆらに さきほこるのは いたみにすがった ちだまりと あかにそまり ばつをかぞえて ひたすらに はきました あくむがすぎ めがさめて さびたあたま かきむしるんだ ころしかたくらいは わたしがきっとしっている しんじたこと ねがったこと すべてがきっと おもいちがいだと みとめてしまえば "これ"にかちは はじめからなかった ことわりを まげるねがいは いだくべきでは ないのでしょう くらやみのなか わをくぐり ばつをうけるいのちを ないてわらった ありしひに たちのぞむのは いたみにうたった みかがみと あおにそまり つみをかぞえて おもいでに はながさく つみをかぞえて ばつをうたえば しじまにてらう はなはないで いたみをしる にんぎょうはまだ かわしたことのはを おぼえていたんだ あふれだした なみだにおぼれ (ひびく のいずはまだ) うしなういたみに さいなまれ (おもいでを かたるでしょう) それでもまだ よすがはさいて (こぼれおちたなみだのいみを) すべてをかかえたまま あるきだすんだ (あなたにつたえたくて) おもいではまだ ちにまみれ (そらとかぜといとしきひびを) いのちをうたって うずくる (かぞえきれないほどかかえたら) すがりついて くるしみながら (いたむこのこころのきずもいま) おもいでとなきました おもいでがいたみました それでもいだきました ("おちたなみだいつか") ("きえないいたみをいやすのでしょう") "われたこころは もどらなくても" いつかまた、はながさく
@まき-h8f Жыл бұрын
きゃぁぁぁ!歌詞だぁぁぁ! ありがとうございますありがとうございます(ついさっきまで自分も書いてた)(あきらめた)
@wts-hrhani32 Жыл бұрын
@たいありエ撲 Жыл бұрын
@Hiramil-Mikan Жыл бұрын
あんまり関係無いこと書くけど「よすがは咲いて」ってどういう意味かあんまりよく分からなかったから調べたら“よすが”というのは『(人の)縁、拠り所』などという意味だそうで…… そしたらこの曲での意味は“(ミコトちゃんとの)縁がまた繋がって”ということなのかな……と思ったり。
@まりあ-n7s 11 ай бұрын
@桜桃-b4o Жыл бұрын
文字化け字幕全部解読して、QRコードも全部読んでからシリーズ回ってきたら、歌詞の一言一句が全部刺さって死ぬ 1:57の通知からの「痛みを知る 人形は未だ 交わした言葉を 覚えていたんだ」がエグすぎる
@condoru-ga-ketsuni-kuikondoru Жыл бұрын
@イツミ-i9w Жыл бұрын
@ウロアテンペスト Жыл бұрын
@@イツミ-i9w �?後に、笑った�?は�?��の事だっただろうか�? 幸せを願って送り出した娘たちは果たして� �?人でも幸せになれたの�?ろうか�? 彼女たちはある時�?争いの道�?に…またある時は�?虐�?対象になってしまった�? 積み重なる罪が私を押し潰す�?�こんなことなら生んであげなければよかったん�?� 私�?ある決意をした� 思�???ロセスへと�?��波を介して侵入するプログラ�?を作った�? 私�?それに「ANEMONE GLITCH」と名前を付けた�? これは、彼女たちを殺すため�?も�?�?� �?��か�?�幸せを願って送り出した娘�?ことを�?�い出した、@ あ�?娘もこ�?先�?�生きて�?��ば�?��しか�?��得て�?��の�?ろうか�? でも�?�それでも�?�痛みを感じずに彼女たちが�?�けるよ�?��� 急がなければならな�?? そ�?メールを読み終えて、私�?手に握って�?���?��解�?��� 手で目を拭�?��、私�?これまでの事を思い出す�? 罪は消えな�??�後悔はこれからもきっと私を蝕�?� 悪夢は反芻し�?�涙�?中に溺れて目を覚ますだろう� それでも�?�こんな私でも�?�死ねな�?��由ができた� 生きて、忘れてはならな�?��とがある�? 今�?ま�?、それを受け入れて�?��事�?難しいかもしれな�?? それでも�?�いつかきっと良くなると教えてくれた娘�?ためにも�?� 生きて、向き合って�?��なければならな�?? ありがと� ?の部分は情報が失われていて解析はできません。
@worey10 Жыл бұрын
日本語字幕でこの歌の物語が語られている。自責の念に駆られて死にたい気持ちを抱えながらも、一通のメールに死ねない理由を見つけられて、 最後に「縺ゅj縺後→縺(ありがとう)」って綴って終わるの良いな……
@Nice-to-meet-you. Жыл бұрын
あねもねぐりっち→アネモネの花 かるみあどーるず→カルミアの花 とりぴよさんの界限曲の名前に花が入ってるからFlowerに歌わせるのすき(語彙力)
@鬲夊干 10 ай бұрын
あねもねとかるみあを歌った鳴花ヒメ 、鳴花ミコトと、今作を歌ったflowerはガイノイドっていうところが出してるボカロなんだけど、ガイノイドにはあとひとつ心華っていうキャラクターもいて全部名前に「花」が入ってるの それと、リコリスは彼岸花のことでアネモネ、カルミア、リコリスには全て毒があるの あとは感じて
@白髪呪 Жыл бұрын
QRコードといい文字化けといいかるみあとあねもねの毒の花のいい凝ってるな この曲中毒性があるみたいに好きだわ
@ただのスライム好き-h9t Жыл бұрын
@cinnamain Жыл бұрын
anemone glitch and kalmia dolls are two of my favorite vocaloid songs, and this song is such a great continuation! the series is so nostalgic-sounding and full of emotion, super underrated. i’m excited for this one to be translated to english so i can fully appreciate all the lyrics! thank you toripiyo for another amazing song! とりぴよさん、ありがとう!新曲は大好き!
@0Ihs_ 11 ай бұрын
i do wonder what the meanings behind each of the songs, its rather hard for me to grab a gist of it
@Eye_of_horus0102 Жыл бұрын
ウレシイ…(新曲であるか確認) ウレシイ…(ちゃんと新曲だと確認) ウレシイ…(曲が良すぎる)
@Mineralwaterwater Жыл бұрын
@Hiramil-Mikan Жыл бұрын
@zkzv6818 Жыл бұрын
@ニコアビ Жыл бұрын
赤と蒼の梅(鳴花)の唄からの紫の花(flower).... 花に満ちてるな..最高です
@null4634 Жыл бұрын
For those of you who are curious, I'll let you know the translation of all the broken letters parts of the Japanese captions in the video. The person who translated the broken letters is "니지_" (Niji). (Please select Japanese captions) 0:29 "When was the last time laughed." 0:31 "The children I had sent wishing for happiness end up with," 0:33 "Would have been become happy even for alone?" 0:34 "Other times, they became tools for fighting... and other times, they became a target of sadism." 0:36 "The sins piled on top of each other weigh me down. I wish it hadn't created if in the first place." 0:38 "I steeled my resolve." 0:40 "I created a program to invaded through radio waves into the thought process." 0:41 "I gave it the name 「ANEMONE GLITCH」." 0:42 "This is, to kill them." 1:10 "I recalled that child I had sent hoping for happiness one day." 1:17 "Will that child also ever gain her heart someday if she lives going forward?" 1:24 "However, even so, so that they can die without feeling pain." 1:31 "I cannot choose but to hurry." 1:44 "After finished reading that mail, I untied the string I was holding in my hand." 1:48 "Wiped my eyes with my hands, I recalled what had happened far." 1:51 "Sins do not disappear. Regrets will surely and slowly eat away at me going forward." 1:55 "Nightmare is ruminanting, will open eyes submerged in tears." 1:58 (Message title meaning that appears in the middle: "Don't forget") 1:58 "Nevertheless, even such a someone like me, have formed got a reason not to die." 2:01 "Live, there is something I must not forget." 2:29 "It might be difficult to accept that as it is right now." 2:32 "But even for the sake of that child who was let me know that it will surely get better someday..." 2:36 "Live, and must not avoid to face it." 2:56 "Thank you" I will also let you know the translation of the message in the QR code of the video. (It's not accurate, but I hope you get to know some of the contents of the message in the QR code. The QR code message translation too also referred to 니지_'s (Niji) translation.) The QR code message translation: From: K-0330-M-07 Title: Don't forget ​ ​ This message was sent to the address on record. If you do not have any suggestions, please delete them. ​ ​ How much time has passed since that conversation. ...For a long period of time, in a space where radio waves are blocked, it is not clear, but... It's definitely not that short. ​ ​ ...that day, what you wished for. I couldn't reciprocate the wind. ​ ​ Sent to you, at the destination reached... I was first confined to the basement of the house. And... kicked, ignored, and treated as toys... At that time, I got almost the exact opposite of what I hoped for. ​ ​ As those days continued, I remember that a change had taken place within me. The feeling that somewhere deep in my heart is cooling down... Feeling uncomfortable with that feeling, one day I made a crucial mistake. ​ ​ ...I can't forget what happened back then. Even now, I suffer from the feeling that my chest is just shrinking... and I can't breathe. ​ ​ When I opened my eyes... When I came to my senses, it was already dyed red... curled up and trembling. It was looking at me like a monster. ​ ​ Abruptly snatching the cellar key from it, I ran outside. There seemed to be a few people chasing me, but Soon, nobody was gone. ​ ​ From that... From my sisters whom I met while walking, I got to know our story. ​ ​ Why, it became like that. Why, we couldn't repay your expectations. Why, it's so sad. ...why, sisters, we have become like this. I remember thinking about those things. ​ ​ Happy memories flowed from the memories I received. It seems that the sisters also went through something similar to mine, but... Still, she found an understanding person... and made that connection, It seemed she opening her mind little by little, one step at a time. ​ ​ But, you broke it. You killed it. ​ ​ ...Knowing that, I was helplessly saddened. Something like sadness, the feeling will be false. Something like tears, that don't even flow. ...something like pain, I can't even feel it. ​ ​ ...Still, that's why I was able to know. If so, even if it was made. Even if it's fake, even if it's a lie. ​ ​ That this heartache and sorrow are real. ​ ​ ...I still remember what you prayed for back then. You who wished for ordinary happiness. Now I understand that this too definitely must have been kindness. I'm not blaming you for what you did. ​ ​ Because I'm sure... if I were you... I'd do the same thing. ...and that you would blame yourself. ​ ​ ...somehow, somehow, I'm sure. I'm... yours, in whatever form. ​ ​ Clearly, we're taking on... an unacceptable grief. However, I think you have to accept it. The sins committed do not disappear. The past, which can never be said to be clean, cannot be washed away. Even deep wounds never heal completely. ​ ​ Still... but still, if you keep embracing it and keep looking straight at it... Little by little, really little by little, things will get better... I think. ​ ​ No matter how painful it is to face it, Don't run away, I want you to continue to embrace that. ​ ​ ...no more, I don't want to lose anything. please, I'm begging you. ​ ​ Obviously, we need time. A long time to face the pain and accept it. ​ ​ That way, someday... if we can meet again and talk... I'm sure I'll be happy. ​ ​ So... so... please don't forget. ​ ​ That what you wished for is now alive like this. And, living the same life as you. ​ ​ We are in here. That... please don't forget. ​ ​ Then... again sometime. I hope this will help you solve the curiosity of this video. :)
@krowsilver8966 Жыл бұрын
If VFlower the peoducer or a third vocaloid?
@Crayon_ASMR Жыл бұрын
this helped a lot, thanks!
@dawg_gg 2 ай бұрын
@@krowsilver8966 I think VFlower is the creator of both sisters.
@null4634 Жыл бұрын
All the parts from the previous songs: (Anemone Glitch, Kalmia Dolls) 0:29 1:37 2:05 2:39: 『Anemone Glitch』 1:44 2:19 2:42: 『Kalmia Dolls』 Both: 2:28 0:43: Kalmia Dolls mood beat I loved how the previous songs kept playing over and over again.
@やまねこ-b4h Жыл бұрын
@null4634 Жыл бұрын
@@やまねこ-b4h 👍
@null4634 Жыл бұрын
I'll write down the another parts from the previous songs. 1:08: Anemone Glitch drop sound (You've heard a lot this sound from Anemone Glitch, and you've heard something similar sound from Kalmia Dolls. This drop sound can be heard at 0:20, 1:01, 1:22, 2:37 and 2:51 on Anemone Glitch, and 0:03 on similar Kalmia Dolls.) 1:24 ~ 1:33: Anemone Glitch beat (To be precise, there is a faint beat in the background of the song that sounds similar to a metronome, which can be heard continuously in Anemone Glitch starting from 0:22 seconds. The part that is more audible is at 0:35 and 1:37 seconds, and the part that can be clearly heard is at 2:25 seconds.) (You can hear it at 0:46, 1:55 and 2:22 in Kalmia Dolls.)
@monotropoid8548 Жыл бұрын
曲名のりこりすはLiquorice(スペインカンゾウ)で薬草だけど動画内ではヒガンバナっぽい ヒガンバナは毒を抜けば食べられるらしいのでそこで掛けてるのか…? とか思ってたらLycoris(ヒガンバナ)になってました もしかしたらあったかもしれない考察だった
@aobara_0201 Жыл бұрын
ラスサビのあねもねとかるみあが出てくるところで涙腺崩壊しました...。 本当に最高でした。ありがとうございます...。
@Eye_of_horus0102 Жыл бұрын
@kojitadokoro168 Жыл бұрын
@とんぼがえり-ext11w2 Жыл бұрын
@swb9 Жыл бұрын
@danboll_5385 Жыл бұрын
@yukiika-honaka Жыл бұрын
@hatenabi Жыл бұрын
@神器ファブリーズ-z4h Жыл бұрын
文字化け翻訳。もしかしたらどこか間違ってるかも 0:29「最後に笑ったのはいつのことだったろうか」 0:31「幸せを願って送り出した子供たちの結末は」 0:33「1人でも幸せになれたのだろうか」 0:34「ある時は戦いの道具に…またある時は加虐性欲の対象になってしまった」 0:36「積み重なった罪が重くのしかかる。そもそも罪が生まれなければよかったのに」 0:38「私は決意を固めた」 0:39「電波を介して思考プロセスに侵入するプログラムを作成した」 0:41「私はそれを『ANEMONE GLITCH』と名付けた」 0:42「これは、彼女たちを殺すためのものでもある」 1:10「いつか幸せを願って送り出したあの娘のことを思い出した」 1:17「このまま生きていれば、いつかあの子も心を得られる日が来るのだろうか?」 1:24「しかし、それでも彼女たちが痛みを感じずに生きていけるように」 1:31「急がなければならない」 1:44「そのメールを読み終えた後、手に持っていた紐を解いた」 1:48「手で目を拭うと、遠い昔のことを思い出した」 1:51「罪は消えない、後悔は確実に私を蝕んでいく」 1:55「悪夢が反芻し、涙に濡れた目を開く」 1:58「それでも、こんな私でも死ねない理由ができた」 2:01「生きて、忘れてはいけないことがある」 2:29「それをそのまま受け入れるのは難しいかもしれない」 2:32「それでもいつかきっと良くなると教えてくれたあの娘のためにも…」 2:35「生きて、向き合わなければならない」 2:56「ありがとう」
@まりあ-n7s 11 ай бұрын
ありがとうございますぅぅぅ!! ずっと探してた…
@渡辺拓-o4d 2 ай бұрын
わからない人へ [[字]]マkでs!!!!!!、。、
@cop_frog Жыл бұрын
静寂に衒うって凄い歌詞だ こんなにも素晴らしく的確な言葉使いができる人はとりぴよさんくらいしか居ないわ…
@curry-kaiser9db4uo9h Жыл бұрын
あねもねも かるみあも りこりすも 全部3分じゃん、凄い...
@Kuuri310 Жыл бұрын
@ただのウナギ Жыл бұрын
@34443 Жыл бұрын
@@Kuuri310 かっこよ
@Kuuri310 Жыл бұрын
@@34443 えありがとう
@Digital_styl Жыл бұрын
@Yui-zu5mc Жыл бұрын
@味噌汁-w5v Жыл бұрын
@akivaq Жыл бұрын
English Lyrics: The scenery reflected in your swaying eyes With the withered frost reflected in black and white To the tears of the falling stars Make a fake wish, prayed, and sang What blooming in full glory transient is A pool of blood clinging to the pain Dyed in red, counting the punishment I just threw up The nightmare has passed, I woke up I scratch my rusty head About how to **** (kill) them I sure know better than anyone else What I believed, what I wished for Everything must be a misunderstanding If you once admit it The meaning of "these" was absent from the beginning A wish that defies reason Shouldn't you embrace it? Dive through the circle in the darkness I cried and laughed at my life being punished What stands out in the past is I sang in pain with the water mirror Dyed in blue, counting the sins The flowers bloom in memories If you count your sins and sing your punishment The flowers that lie in silence sway by the wind The dolls that know the pain told me that they remember the words we exchanged Drowning in overflowing tears Tormented by the pain of loosing Even so, my bastion is still blooming I start walking while holding everything Memories are still smeared with blood Sing your life and crouch down While clinging and suffering I cried with memories Our memories hurt Nevertheless, I still held you Even if my broken heart doesn't return Someday the flowers will bloom again Sorry if this is innacurate. if i messed up some parts, please tell me so i can edit em
@Duxcax Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the translation
@AxelSyrios Жыл бұрын
@Zekk0Kat 10 ай бұрын
didn’t expect to see you here
@derpedfox 7 ай бұрын
No way Axel is a Meika fan
@AnS_1.12.2 Жыл бұрын
すごく勝手な個人的考察 1◆あねもねぐりっち AnemoneGlitch  花期:春 有毒プロトアネモニン 花言葉:「はかない夢」「薄れゆく希望」 「真実」「希望」「あなたを信じて待つ」 姉妹 2◆かるみあどーるず KalmiaDolls  花期:夏 有毒グラヤノトキシン 花言葉:「優美な女性」「大きな希望」「野心」 姉妹 3◆りこりすめもりあ LiquoriceMemoria(彼岸花) 花期:秋 有毒リコリン 花言葉:「情熱」「独立」「再会」 「あきらめ」「悲しい思い出」 「旅情」 娘 4◆なきさすでざいあ NarcissusDesire? またはNarcissusCrime(水仙)? 花期:冬 有毒リコリン 花言葉:「神秘」「私のもとへ帰って」 科:ヒガンバナ科 母?
@Ilike.horeizai Жыл бұрын
@あびゃー-h5k Жыл бұрын
多分ガイノイド組で来てると思うから 次があるとしたら歌うのは心華(シンファ)かな? 丁度ガイノイド組四人だし、多分四つ目は来るはず……。 鳴花ヒメ 曲:あねもねぐりっち 涙 「なみだなんて、ながれるはずもないのに」 鳴花ミコト 曲:かるみあどあーず 痛 「いたみなんて、かんじるはずもないのに」 flower 曲:リコリスメモリア 心 「心なんて、なければよかったのに」 だけど完成されてる感は拭えぬ
@あびゃー-h5k Жыл бұрын
@Three_Dimensional Жыл бұрын
@@あびゃー-h5k [概要欄] 心なんて、なければよかったのに+[歌詞の一部] 思い出に 華が咲く= 心+華=心華 うーん...
@samgungsmartfridge Жыл бұрын
The Kalmia Dolls and Anemone Glitch series was full of emotions and i loved the tuning. Thank you Toripiyo for dropping another banger!!
@DornEX5 Жыл бұрын
@Sounanoka_164 Жыл бұрын
素晴らしい…! 界隈曲大好きな自分としてはこの界隈定番の「明るいメロディーにくらい歌詞」がある上にあまり界隈では見かけない世界観の引き継ぎ…!もうこの時点で完璧だと言うのにさらに前2作からのメロディー、コード、歌詞の引用、完璧すぎますねぇ! さらに貴方自身の個性を活かした曲調…!好きです!
@ゲリ-s6f Жыл бұрын
@ぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬんぬぬぬぬぬぬぬん Жыл бұрын
今回の歌唱がFlowerだし、ストーリーの詳しいところが語られてたり、点と点が繋がった感あって本当に好きです。 聞けば聞くほど感情が込み上げる… 一年まってよかった…よがっだ。
@kashituki_tabetai Жыл бұрын
@ru-nasu. Жыл бұрын
@wondershart Жыл бұрын
flowers voice sounds so holy here !! the combination between the three voices r so amazing they just go so well.. also this is criminally underrated ⁉️
@tugiha4431 Жыл бұрын
@yurri-homare Жыл бұрын
aaaa the flower sprite's high-quality and cute~ i truly love your work especially when it comes to graphics and the occasional 8-bit beats!!
@noname404gamer Жыл бұрын
ラストでヒメミコの声が聞こえてきた時に、なんとも言えない感覚が襲ってきました… なんていうか、こう、鳥肌が立ったんですよね…
@sockana Жыл бұрын
I’m feeling the way I felt when I first heard Kalmia Dolls… the feeling of nostalgia you’ve created with this song is just,., it CANNOT be replicated by anyone, as well as you do it. The way you’ve taken a style, and created a whole new feeling with it… I cannot express how talented you are and how important this song and all your others are to this community. Thank you, Tori. 💖
@mathdonuts7007 Жыл бұрын
とりぴよさん、この悲しい、美しい曲をありがとうございました…… Bad attempt at translated English lyrics. The scenery reflected in my shaking eyes The black-and-white reflection of frostbite And the tears of stars that have fallen I prayed and sang A false wish The one blooming in the clink of gemstones I clutched at the pain, flowing blood Dyed red I counted my punishments I coughed it up out of my lungs The nightmare passed; I opened my eyes I scratched away at my rusting head I know how to kill Surely, I know it now What I believed in, what I hoped for I'm surely wrong about all of it Once I admitted that "This" was worthless From the very beginning A wish that defies reason I should've held it close, shouldn't I? In the darkness, I leapt through hoops I laughed and wept at the punishment of life I wish I could stand like in days gone by I sang of pain on the water's reflection Dyed azure, I counted my sins My memories bloom in a flower If I count my sins and sing of my punishment I'd be a quiet child; the flowers are motionless The doll who knows my pain doesn't exist yet I still remember the words we exchanged Drowning in tears that overflowed The pain of mourning torments me But even still, my reason to live blooms I took everything I was holding and walked away (Echoes will still be heard, Memories will still be told The meaning of my falling tears Was all I wanted to tell you...) Even still, my memories are smeared in blood Singing of life, I kneel down Clinging to them and suffering (The sky, the wind, the days I hold dear If I held onto more of them than I could count The aching wound in my heart, too, would now...) My memories that I cried with My memories that hurt me Even still, I held them close... "Someday, the tears that have fallen" "Will heal the pain that won't go away" "Even if a broken heart can't be healed" Someday, it will bloom again.
@TederbyKazuhiko Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your hard work, I appreciate this.
@Youli_Nikki Жыл бұрын
it's perfect. I'm crying. You have made my three favorite music. This is a beautiful tribute that goes beyond just a tribute. You are the kind of artist that makes me want to create, to pick up a brush a pencil a keyboard anything and learn, want to learn to make such beautiful things. Even if being French I don't necessarily understand all the beauty of your writing, I understand enough to love it. Thank you, thank you from my heart
@まだり-k3k Жыл бұрын
@スィ-j4d Жыл бұрын
楽しみー! ついに来た…✨️ 途中のヒメミコの2人とFlowerの歌が重なる所、 かるみあとあねもねの事思い出しちゃって滅茶苦茶感動した
@Digital_styl Жыл бұрын
@twilight_sky_3135 Жыл бұрын
@Digital_styl Жыл бұрын
@kaede-d2e Жыл бұрын
今更だけど...このシリーズ歌ってるボカロみんな名前に花がついてるよな ▹鳴「花」ヒメ ▹鳴「花」ミコト ▹Flower→日本語で「花」 つまり神((
@monotropoid8548 Жыл бұрын
Gynoidは今のところ全員名前に花がついてますね 次があるとしたら心華かな…?
@ニトロマインクラフター Жыл бұрын
@luniatelier Жыл бұрын
the trilogy we didn't know we needed...?!?! 😳❤️❤️ とりぴよさん、3曲好き!!!
@lazywinterwhite8291 Жыл бұрын
@zkzv6818 Жыл бұрын
やべぇ 何度も聞いても心に来て泣きそうになる、、、分かる人居る?
@ピクミン好きの人-y2r Жыл бұрын
あ!あ!きた!ついに新作だ! しかもかるみあ系だ!嬉しい! 森羅万象全てに感謝!
@紺-Con Жыл бұрын
メロディライン好きすぎる。 考察とか色々したけど頭空っぽにして聴いてるだけで泣けてくる不思議。
@zeldanime Жыл бұрын
AHHHHHH YESSSS ANOTHER ONE!!!! The ending legit gave me chills hearing all three melodies come together
@karimi8467 Жыл бұрын
I never thought i would see another song like kalmia dolls or anemone glitch, much less using flower!!! thank you for this, love your stuff
@user-pg9pu3mu9s Жыл бұрын
@96Nek0_ 10 ай бұрын
彼の残した余りにも浮世離れした曲をここまで俗世に寄せられるのはすご過ぎるとしか言いようがないですね…界隈の新境地を見た気分です。 名曲を作ってくださりありがとうございます。鬼リピします。
@LovelySpringLeaves Жыл бұрын
Hi i think this is some of the lines of the song : The scenery reflected in your swaying eyes Reflected in black and white with frost To the tears of the fallen stars make a fake wish prayed and sang Tamayura is blooming in full glory Clinging to the pain, with a pool of blood Dyed in red Counting the punishment I just threw up The nightmare has passed, I woke up Scratch your rusty head about how to kill i sure know What I believed, what I wished for Everything must be a misunderstanding if you admit this is worth was absent from the beginning A wish that defies reason Shouldn't I embrace it? Dive through the circle in the darkness I cried and laughed at my life being punished What stands out in the past is I sang in pain with Mizukagami Dyed in blue, counting the sins Flowers bloom in memories If you count your sins and sing your punishment Lying in silence, the flowers calm down The doll that knows pain is still I remember the words we exchanged Drowning in overflowing tears Tormented by the pain of losing Even so, the yosuga is still blooming I start walking while holding everything (The sound is still I will tell you my memories The meaning of the spilled tears I want to tell you) Memories are still smeared in blood Sing your life and crouch down clinging to me while suffering The sky, the wind, and the lovely days If I hold it countless times This wound in my heart hurts now) I cried with memories the memories hurt I still held you "Ochitanami someday" "It will heal the pain that won't go away." "Even if my broken heart doesn't return" someday the flowers will bloom again
@alexk3309 Жыл бұрын
Flower sounds so expressive here omg and the music video is really good too.
@takana777-m6x Жыл бұрын
@AnS_1.12.2 Жыл бұрын
とりぴよ界隈シリーズでは毎回QRがあるぞ! 前作のも探してみよう(前作のはかなり探すの難しい)
@takana777-m6x Жыл бұрын
@AnS_1.12.2 Жыл бұрын
@@takana777-m6x ごめん、あねもねにはなかった... 字幕化けは毎回あるから復元してみよう!
@tk-neko843 Жыл бұрын
@@AnS_1.12.2 かるみあにはあるんですか?あったらどこにあるか教えて欲しいです。
@AnS_1.12.2 Жыл бұрын
@@tk-neko843 ネタバレになるので余り詳しく書けませんが、後半です。 なお、1フレームのサブリミナル状態なのでどうしても見付けられないときはスローが良いでしょうね
@獏-0q0 Жыл бұрын
@yuna_xxxx Жыл бұрын
@lullamys 8 ай бұрын
@PhononROBO Жыл бұрын
@thadiusen Жыл бұрын
LOVE THIS SOO MUCH, Still obsessed with Kalmia Dolls and Anemone Glitch until now and this was a fresh continuation.. Love your content as usual!!! 💕💘
@Abelia_illust Жыл бұрын
@あの-f2f Жыл бұрын
@clockwork4798 Жыл бұрын
@りん-z1f2r 4 ай бұрын
@彗星クジラ Жыл бұрын
字幕の文字化けを解読(一部不明瞭) 0:28 ??後に、笑った??は????の事だっただろうか?? 0:30 幸せを願って送り出した娘たちは果たして? 0:32 ??人でも幸せになれたの??ろうか?? 0:34 彼女たちはある時??争いの道??に…またある時は??虐??対象になってしまった?? 0:36 積み重なる罪が私を押し潰す???こんなことなら生んであげなければよかったん??? 0:37 私??ある決意をした? 0:39 思????ロセスへと????波を介して侵入するプログラ??を作った?? 0:40 私??それに「ANEMONE GLITCH」と名前を付けた?? 0:41 これは、彼女たちを殺すため??も????? 1:10 ????か???幸せを願って送り出した娘??ことを???い出した、@ 1:17 あ??娘もこ??先???生きて????ば????しか????得て????の??ろうか?? 1:24 でも???それでも???痛みを感じずに彼女たちが???けるよ????? 1:30 急がなければならな??? 1:44 そ??メールを読み終えて、私??手に握って????????解????? 1:47 手で目を拭????、私??これまでの事を思い出す?? 1:51 罪は消えな????後悔はこれからもきっと私を蝕??? 1:54 悪夢は反芻し???涙??中に溺れて目を覚ますだろう? 1:58 それでも???こんな私でも???死ねな????由ができた? 2:01 生きて、忘れてはならな????とがある?? 2:29 今??ま??、それを受け入れて????事??難しいかもしれな??? 2:32 それでも???いつかきっと良くなると教えてくれた娘??ためにも??? 2:35 生きて、向き合って????なければならな???
@みなみ-b5q Жыл бұрын
@gioti7236 Жыл бұрын
00:55 からのリズムが特に好き
@lampreyhole Жыл бұрын
Thank you toripiyo san once again for making another masterpiece
@sarakyuuri Жыл бұрын
@クロ-o8y Жыл бұрын
ずっと新曲待ってました! 色々言葉を失うぐらい聴き惚れました!! とりぴよさん、ありがとう
@picnic6621 7 ай бұрын
@pinkmarzipan Жыл бұрын
I love your work I am so happy to hear a third song in the series! Yay! I hope someone compiles all the QR codes and subtitles in english, I wish I knew japanese to really get the hidden lore!! It seems so very interesting. Awesome as always!
@neet.saiko- Жыл бұрын
今回もマジ最高でした! 感動をありがとうございます! 無限ループで聴きます!
@na-gira8qx Жыл бұрын
この界隈で考察をすることはあまり良くないけれど、鳴花ーズとのつながりはやっぱ気になる。 花ちゃんはあの二曲で登場した鳴花ーズ以外の人物なのか、新しい登場人物なのか…
@鈴木-d8r Жыл бұрын
@na-gira8qx Жыл бұрын
@@鈴木-d8r マジすか!ありがとうございます!
@Freshlettuce832 Жыл бұрын
@@鈴木-d8r そもそも文字化けが解読出来ない…
@鈴木-d8r Жыл бұрын
@swb9 Жыл бұрын
@@Freshlettuce832 文字化けテスターとかを使えばいいんじゃないでしょうか
@もちもち蕃茄 Жыл бұрын
@彗星クジラ Жыл бұрын
アネモネ:全部位に毒 皮膚炎、水泡、化膿 等 カルミア:葉、花に毒 腹痛、頭痛、嘔吐、下痢、神経麻痺、呼吸困難 等 リコリス:全部位に毒 嘔吐、下痢、呼吸困難 等 なる...ほど......?
@痙the-x9o Жыл бұрын
@後藤翔渚 3 ай бұрын
QR コード読み込んで来たんだけと、言葉がつずられていて、たぶん、かるみあどーるずの子がりこりすに向けて言っていたんだと思いました。めもりあはメモリーのことだったら凄いな、、、
@バットリくん Жыл бұрын
@和森衣知羽 Жыл бұрын
ああもう最高。 三曲まとめてリピするしかない٠٠٠!
@Boizmo Жыл бұрын
@ごき-e2k 11 ай бұрын
@BNZ-HYU3 Жыл бұрын
@mamehamu Жыл бұрын
本当に待ち望んだ曲です! ありがとうございました!!!
@Marie-ic6kk Жыл бұрын
This series of songs is really special. I can't wait for it to be translated so i can understand it. Thank you for your hard work!
@haruru12024 Жыл бұрын
@だおだお-v2y Жыл бұрын
@Daisuuki Жыл бұрын
thank you for adding this to Spotify, Tori-san! this, anemone glitch and kalmia dolls are my absolute favourites! >
@Tokuteihan Жыл бұрын
ずっと待ってた!!!! 神曲をありがとう!!!
@JackySmith-ii9wx 9 ай бұрын
我是中国人,我通过中国的音乐网站和“哔哩哔哩”的转载视频来到了这里,说实话,我确实很喜欢这首歌以及其他的两首,作者加油! I'm a Chinese,and I find this song by Chinese music site and Reprints on "bilibili". To be honest,I really like this song and other two(lycoris,anemone,kalmla),Come on! [SORRY,BUT I CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH WELL,SOME ARE TRANSLATED BY MY CELLPHONE]
@linkthedot8245 Жыл бұрын
I've waited my entire life for this.
@まるる-n8p Жыл бұрын
@VocaIoid_Lover Жыл бұрын
@すみ友のぴな Жыл бұрын
@tamagong 11 ай бұрын
@f2player461 Жыл бұрын
yureru hitomi ni utsuru keshiki wa 白黒に映った 霜枯れと shirokuro ni utsutta shimogare to 零れ落ちた 星の涙に koboreochita hoshi no namida ni まやかしの願いを mayakashi no negai o 祈って唄った inotte utatta たまゆらに 咲き誇るのは tamayura ni sakihokoru no wa 痛みに縋った 血だまりと itami ni sugatta chidamari to 赤に染まり 罰を数えて aka ni somari batsu o kazoete 只管に 吐きました hitasura ni hakimashita 悪夢が過ぎ 目が覚めて akumu ga sugi me ga samete 錆びた頭 掻き毟るんだ sabita atama kakimushiru nda 殺し方くらいは koroshikata kurai wa 私がきっと知っている watashi ga kitto shitte iru 信じた事 願った事 shinjita koto negatta koto 全てがきっと 思い違いだと subete ga kitto omoichigai da to 認めてしまえば mitomete shimaeba これに価値は kore ni kachi wa 初めから無かった hajime kara nakatta 理を 枉げる願いは kotowari o mageru negai wa 抱くべきでは ないのでしょう idakubeki de wa nai no deshou 暗闇の中 輪を潜り kurayami no naka wa o kuguri 罰を受ける命を 泣いて嗤った batsu o ukeru inochi o naite waratta 在りし日に 立ち望むのは arishi hi ni tachinozomu no wa 痛みに唄った 水鏡と itami ni utatta mizukagami to 蒼に染まり 罪を数えて ao ni somari tsumi o kazoete 思い出に 華が咲く omoide ni hana ga saku 罪を数えて 罰を唄えば tsumi o kazoete batsu o utaeba 静寂に衒う 華は凪いで shijima ni terau hana wa naide 痛みを知る 人形は未だ itami o shiru ningyou wa mada 交わした言葉を 覚えていたんだ kawashita kotoba o oboete ita nda 溢れ出した 涙に溺れ afuredashita namida ni obore 喪う痛みに 苛まれ ushinau itami ni sainamare それでもまだ よすがは咲いて soredemo mada yosuga wa saite 全てを抱えたまま 歩き出すんだ subete o kakaeta mama arukidasu nda (ひびく のいずはまだ (hibiku noizu wa mada おもいでを かたるでしょう omoide o kataru deshou こぼれおちたなみだのいみを koboreochita namida no imi o あなたにつたえたくて) anata ni tsutaetakute) 思い出はまだ 血に塗れ omoide wa mada chi ni mamire 命を唄って 蹲る inochi o utatte uzukumaru 縋りついて 苦しみながら sugaritsuite kurushimi nagara (空と風と愛しき日々を (sora to kaze to itoshikihibi o 数えきれないほど抱えたら kazoekirenai hodo kakaetara 痛むこの心の傷も今) itamu kono kokoro no kizu mo ima) 思い出と泣きました omoide to nakimashita 思い出が痛みました omoide ga itamimashita それでも抱きました soredemo dakimashita 「おちたなみだはいつか」 "ochita namida wa itsuka" 「消えない 痛みを 癒すのでしょう」 "kienai itami o iyasu no deshou" 「破れた心は 戻らなくても」 "yabureta kokoro wa modoranakute mo" いつかまた、花が咲く itsuka mata, hana ga saku
@Shirone_denpa Жыл бұрын
@姫路-v6s 6 сағат бұрын
感動したのはそうなんだけど泣いてるふらわちゃんがかわいすぎた そして理解してもう一度泣いた
@むちむち三角 Жыл бұрын
感動しました… 新曲ありがとうございます!!!
@slow3165 Жыл бұрын
最近知る ⬇ チャンネルを見て、生存してるのか不安 ⬇ Twitter見て生存確認 ⬇ 神曲投稿 最高です
@九条院紫苑 Жыл бұрын
@user-masuda3536 Жыл бұрын
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