人生は夢だらけ 歌詞 日本語&English 作詞作曲 椎名林檎 Life is full of dreams Words & by music by Sheena Ringo 大人になってまで 胸を焦がして 時めいたり 傷付いたり 慌ててばかり この世に在って欲しいものを作るよ 小さくて 慎ましくて 無くなる「瞬間」 こんな時代じゃ 手間暇掛けようが掛けなかろうが終いには一緒くた きっと違いの分かる人はいます そう信じて丁寧に拵えてましょう あの人に愛して貰えない今日を 正面切って進もうにも難しいが 然し実感したいです 喉元過ぎれば ほら酸いも甘いもどっちも美味しいと これが人生! 私の人生! 嗚呼鱈腹味わいたい 誰かを愛したい! 私の自由! この人生は夢だらけ この世に在って欲しいものがあるよ 大きくて 勇ましくて 動かない「永遠」 こんな時代じゃ そりゃ新しかろう 良かろうだろうが 古いものは尊い ずっと自然に年を取りたいです そうあなたのようにいたいです 富士山 二度と会えない人の幸せなんて 遠くから願おうにも洒落臭いが 然し痛感したいです 近寄れば悲しく 離れれば愉しく見えてくるでしょう それは人生! 私の人生! ああ誰のものでもない 奪われるものか! 私は自由! この人生は夢だらけ Life is full of dreams Words & by music by Sheena Ringo Even though I became an adult, I still always burned my mind, I hurt, I am in a hurry.Haa... I will make something I want in this world. It is a "moment" that small, refreshing, disappearance. In such a time it is finally the same even if I do not spend my time. But there are certainly people who know the difference. I truly believe it, I prepare carefully. It is difficult to live straight out today that person can not love me. However, I would like to realize that over time, both are tasty acidic and sweet. This is life! My life! Ah, I want to taste full of stomach!! I want to love someone! My freedom. Life is full of dreams! There is something I want in this world. It is "forever" that big, brave, does not move. In such a time, even if it is new or wonderful, the old one is more precious. I want to grow old naturally. Indeed, I want to be like you. Fuji Mountain. It is cheeky to watch the happiness of a person who can never meet from afar. However,I want to feel a sense. It will be sad if I get near, and will be fun if I leave. It is life! My life! Ah, It is not for anyone!! I will not be robbed!! I am free! Life is full of dreams!
Friendly tip from another Japanese learner, you don't have to use 私は so much, using it only once in the beginning is more than enough, and even that could be dropped if you want I'm pretty sure. Using 私は too much can sound a bit self centered