Keep up the good work idk for the first time you started your career I have been supporting you you are the best artist don't be afraid of people you need to face it your songs always has a message .lm proud of you especially for the polo songs añd yolanda lm proud of you we love you best of luck in your career
@sunshineHindjou Жыл бұрын
@uamunongoshakeskaotororasu4772 Жыл бұрын
Among all the oviritje Artists I choose you, then can I have all you songs I will pay kip it up. Eimburiro ndendjijeta popezu naove eimburiro ro orukupo ro vanatje vandje mbaa vekupua kojetu koja Ndjavera Umue aa kupua koja Murangi umue Kandjou. I love that song.