Input from User in Python | Input Function | Python Tutorial in Hindi 7

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Rishabh Mishra

Rishabh Mishra

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@aftabsuco5233 3 күн бұрын
#homework:) Student = input ("Name : ") Hindi =input("Enter the marks hindi:") English=input("Enter the marks English : ") Maths=input("Enter the marks Maths : ") science=input("Enter the marks science : ") print(f"Congratulation {Student}! You have scored {round((int(Hindi)+int(English)+int(Maths)+int(Scince))/4)}% in the test.") @rishab sir Thank you so much for all the efforts you put in to bring this course God bless you!!!!
@RishabhMishraOfficial 3 күн бұрын
Awesome n glad you liked ✅️
@AsiaBibitipsandbenefits 4 ай бұрын
How come your teaching is so amazing, didn't see such teaching style in ages....learned alot from you, really greatful for that ❤ be blessed and please the good work
@अद्वैत-ष5ङ 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Rishabh for the python playlist
@rishuthakur9202 Ай бұрын
Please continue doing the great work.
@RishabhMishraOfficial Ай бұрын
Yes will complete this series
@harshjain12g20 4 ай бұрын
Bhaiya plz don't stop this series plzz it's a humble request plz manage to complete it
@RishabhMishraOfficial 4 ай бұрын
Yess definitely 😅💯
@ManishSharma-fj3wn 3 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter the name: ") mark1 = input("Enter the mark1: ") mark2 = input("Enter the mark2: ") mark3 = input("Enter the mark3: ") sum = int(mark1)+int(mark2)+int(mark3) percentage = int(sum/3) print(f"Student name is {name} and percentage is{percentage}") Answer is 15:54
@nishantrajpal6600 2 ай бұрын
Very helpful it would be very greatful if you maintain this pace
@Altaf_Alam 3 ай бұрын
# Homework :) Name=input("Enter your name : ") Hin=input("Now enter the marks of particular subjects :) Hindi :- ") Eng=input("English :- ") Math=input("Math :- ") print(f"Congrats Mr. {Name}! you have scored {round((int(Hin)+int(Eng)+int(Math))/3)}% in the test") thanks a ton sir ji ... Aap bahot accha samjhate hai sabhi chijo ko wo bhi kam se kam time mein ♥
@nishagorasia2416 3 ай бұрын
Hello Rishabhji🙏🏻 I have been watching your videos since a month and enjoying all series. I come from Biochemistry background and aspiring to make my career in data analysis.. In long term want to learn more about AI, machine learning and all aspects of Data Science! I request you to please cover DataScience and Machine learning to your series! I really like your way of presentation…and your all efforts in converting complex topics to very easy and simple learning.. Please continue doing the great work!
@RishabhMishraOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Glad it's helpful ✅️ thank you 🚀
@sumitkoshti1171 4 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter student name:") sub1 = int(input("Enter a value:")) sub2 = int(input("Enter a value:")) sub3 = int(input("Enter a value:")) total_marks = sub1+sub2+sub3 Ppercentage = (total_marks/300)*100 print(f"Mr.{name} got {int(percentage)}%")
@AsiaBibitipsandbenefits 4 ай бұрын
bhai in per videos bana dai please, Descriptive analysis Diagnostic analysis Predictive analysis Prescriptive analysis Cognitive analysis
@mohitdahiya3935 9 күн бұрын
romantic side of Rishabh bhaiiii❤😂😂
@MdAyub-jo2gt 2 ай бұрын
a = input("Student name: ") b = input("First subject marks: ") c = input("Second subject marks: ") d = input("Third subject marks: ") # Convert marks to integers marks1 = int(b) marks2 = int(c) marks3 = int(d) # Calculate total marks and average total_marks = marks1 + marks2 + marks3 average = total_marks / 3 # Calculate percentage percentage = (total_marks / 300) * 100 # Assuming each subject is out of 100 print(f"{a} got an average of {average} and a percentage of {percentage}%")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Awesome, keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@rohitpandhare5304 3 ай бұрын
Sir ur vdos help us a lot...
@RishabhMishraOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Glad you liked ✅️
@rohitpandhare5304 3 ай бұрын
@@RishabhMishraOfficial sir when the upcoming python videos will come? Eagerly waiting for your python videos to learn more about python
@kal_x9178 4 ай бұрын
A= input ("enter your name : ") X = int(input ("enter the score obtained in Math : ")) Y= int(input ("enter the score obtained in Science : ")) Z = int(input ("enter the score obtained in Biology : ")) per = round((X+Y+ Z)/300,2) print(f"The percentage obtained by student {A} is {per}") 15:50
@JagdishSingh-r7r 4 ай бұрын
It will throw error when we enter type float Mark like. 85.5
@kal_x9178 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for detecting the error, yah there may be a possibility that a student may obtain marks in decimal, but it is very rare that any one get 70.62 in maths 😅😅😅 that's why I ignored that.... Btw thanks for the rectification.​@@JagdishSingh-r7r
@KashyapStatus Ай бұрын
a= input("enter the student name: ") b= input("enter the student hindi") c= input("enter the student math") d= input("enter the student english") print(f"student name {a} & total percentage is {(int(b)+int(c)+int(d))/3}")
@RishabhMishraOfficial Ай бұрын
Awesome, keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@VipulArya-lx2cr 4 ай бұрын
Name=input("Enter name of the student:") English =float(input("Enter the English marks:")) hindi =float(input("Enter the Hindi marks:")) Maths =float(input("Enter the Marks marks:")) print(f"Name of the Student:{Name} English Mark:{English} Hindi marks :{hindi} Math Marks {Maths} % of 3 Subject are {(English+hindi+Maths)/3}")
@technicalsohan2098 2 ай бұрын
My easy code is this - name = input("Enter student's name :") Mathematics = input ("Enter number of Mathematics out of 100 :") Physics = input("Enter number of Physics out of 100 :") Chemistry = input("Enter number of Chemistry out of 100 :") print(f"{name} have gotten {(int(Mathematics)+int(Physics)+ int(Chemistry))/3} percentage out of three subject")
@roymaggie3336 3 ай бұрын
Risabh bhaiya thoda Jaldi jaldi videos upload karo, bohot si cheeje haii hum log lag n kar jaye, Ek 1 aur baat apke jaisa teacher abhi ke duniya me milna bohot mushkil haii bhaiya
@RishabhMishraOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Glad you liked the content ✅️ n yess will try to upload asap
@aimanafaq2960 26 күн бұрын
@arneshguru4263 2 ай бұрын
# Input values from user name = input("Enter your name: ") sub1 = input("Marks obtained in Maths: ") sub2 = input("Marks obtained in Physics: ") sub3 = input("Marks obtained in Biology: ") # Framing the output PercentageMarks = round(((int(sub1)+int(sub2)+int(sub3))/300)*100,2) print (f"Hi {name}, your final percentage of marks is: {PercentageMarks}%")
@pallavimishra3061 4 ай бұрын
thank you so much
@priyaPandey-hz7ey 2 ай бұрын
a=input("enter your name: ") b=input("enter your math marks: ") c=input("enter your hindi marks: ") d=input("enter your english marks: ") print(a) print("percentage of (a)") print(((int(b)+int(c)+int(d))/300)*100)
@utkarshtandan2940 4 ай бұрын
answer of HW IS st= input("what is your name ? ") math= input ("what is your score in maths ?") eng= input ("what is your score in english ?") sci= input ("what is your score in science?") print(f"ohh your name is {st} and your total percentage is {int(math)/int(3)+int(eng)/int(3 )+int(sci)/ int(3)}")
@LoFiChillSongs775 18 күн бұрын
print("HSC Percentage Calculator") a = input("Enter your name: ") b = input("Marks in Maths out of 100: ") c = input("Marks in Science out of 100: ") d = input("Marks in Physics out of 100: ") e = (((int(b)+int(c)+int(d))*100)/300) print(f"{a} Your HSC Percentage is: {e}")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 16 күн бұрын
Awesome, keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@JagdishSingh-r7r 4 ай бұрын
@rishabhnmishra # Input student name and marks name = input("Enter your name: ") physics = float(input("Enter your obtained mark in Physics: ")) chemistry = float(input("Enter your obtained mark in Chemistry: ")) math = float(input("Enter your obtained mark in Math: ")) # Calculate the percentage total_marks = physics + chemistry + math percentage = (total_marks / 300) * 100 # Assuming each subject is out of 100 # Print the student name and total percentage print(f"The student {name} scored {float(percentage)}% marks")
@kal_x9178 4 ай бұрын
Perfect, absolutely perfect ✨✨
@rauffaridi 4 ай бұрын
Hello sir, Input Function: s = input("Enter Student Name: ") s1 = input("Total Marks: ") s2 = input("obtain Marks: ") print(f"percentage of Mr.{s} {int(s2)*100/int(s1)}") Result: Enter Student Name: kamal khan Total Marks: 200 obtain Marks: 57 percentage of Mr.kamal khan 28.5 PC
@RishabhMishraOfficial 4 ай бұрын
Good try, but we need 3 subjects mark not total marks
@aimanafaq2960 26 күн бұрын
Sir week minimum 2 Lecture zaror share keya kare
@vineetsakhare3606 2 ай бұрын
a = str(input("Enter Student Name:")) b = int(input("How much marks did you get in English subject:")) c = int(input("How much marks did you get in Maths subject:")) d = int(input("How much marks did you get in Science subject:")) a1 = b+c+d F = a1/300*100 print(f"Congratulations {a}, you have got {int(F)}%.")
@MR.JAM_687 4 ай бұрын
Sir is this PYTHON SERIES going to be enough for DATA ANALYST
@xtravengersgaming 4 ай бұрын
same question
@pallavimishra3061 4 ай бұрын
# HW: Write a program to input student name and marks of 3 subjects. # Print name and percentage in output. st = input("Enter student name:") mark1 = input("what is your marks in math subject :") mark2 = input("what is your marks in english subject :") mark3 = input("what is your marks in physics subject :") print(f"ohh your name is {st} and your total percentage is {int(mark1)/int(3)+int(mark2)/int(3 )+int(mark3)/ int(3)}")
@xtravengersgaming 4 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter Students Name: ") mark_sub1 = int(input("Enter Subject 1 out of 100")) mark_sub2 = int(input("Enter Subject 2 out of 100 ")) mark_sub3 = int(input("Enter Subject 3 out of 100")) total_marks = (mark_sub1+mark_sub2+mark_sub3)/300 percentage = (total_marks*100) print(f"{name} your percentage is = {percentage}")
@sushantmeshram5172 3 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter student name: ") english = input("Enter your marks in English: ") maths = input("Enter your marks in Maths: ") science = input("Enter your marks in Science: ") hindi = input("Enter your marks in Hindi: ") marathi = input("Enter your marks in Marathi: ") percentage = ((int(english) + int(maths) + int(science) + int(hindi) + int(marathi))/500)*100 print(f"Mr {name} got {int(percentage)}%")
@MonuDubey-n8j Ай бұрын
Name = input("Enter your name:") Sub1 = input ("Enter the value") sub2 = input("Enter the value") sub3 = input ("Enter the value") total_marks = int(sub1)+ int(sub2) + int(sub3) percentage = (total_marks / 3) * 100 print("name:", name) print("percentage:," percentage)
@RishabhMishraOfficial Ай бұрын
Awesome ✅️
@vishwassharma3312 4 ай бұрын
Sir please upload the complete syllabus of python. Please 🙏🙏
@RishabhMishraOfficial 4 ай бұрын
Okayy will share on community post
@harshparate7156 15 күн бұрын
A = input("enter name student:") B =input("enter mark science:") C =input("enter mark english:") D =input("enter mark hindi:") E =input("enter mark physics:") Print(f"name student{x} & total percentage is {(int(b)+int(c)+int(d)+int(e))/4}")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 14 күн бұрын
Keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@nmnkamra 2 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter your name : ") english = int(input ("Enter your english marks : ")) math = int(input ("Enter your Math marks : ")) science =int(input ("Enter your Science marks : ")) total_score = english + math + science percentage = ((total_score)/300)*100 print (f"Percentage of {name} is {percentage}")
@anvidikshit2407 3 ай бұрын
Name = input(“enter your name “) Sub1 = input(“enter your marks in Physics “) Sub2 = input(“enter your marks in chemistry “) Sub3 = input(“enter your marks in maths “) Print (f “{name} has got {int(Sub1) + int(Sub2) + int(Sub3)/300 * 100} percentage)
@manishpandey8967 2 ай бұрын
Bro I code same but I got error why?
@manishpandey8967 2 ай бұрын
Then I write like this Sub1= (float)(input ("Enter: ")) And then I divide and multiply.. I got answer
@parvezkhan8126 5 сағат бұрын
HW Solution: a= input("Enter your Name: ") b= input("Enter the marks obtained in English: ") c= input("Enter the marks obtained in Maths: ") d= input("Enter the marks obtained in Science: ") print(((int(b)+int(c)+int(d))/300)*100)
@RishabhMishraOfficial 4 сағат бұрын
Awesome 💯🚀
@Sunnyyadav-jp2pc 3 ай бұрын
Homework std_name = input("Enter your name: ") subj1 = int(input("Enter first Marks: ")) subj2 = int(input("Enter Second Marks: ")) subj3 = int(input("Enter third Marks: ")) print(f"Hi, {std_name}! Your percentage is {round((subj1 + subj2 + subj3)/300*100)}%")
@Maahi_9694 3 ай бұрын
02:32 best example for boys in real life khada hu aaj bhi wahi tu input de to me aage badhu 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@raghuveersinghrathore6828 4 ай бұрын
@ Rishabh sir st = input("Enter student name: ") x = int(input ("Enter chemistry marks: ")) y = int(input ("Enter physics marks: ")) z = int(input ("Enter biology marks: ")) tot = x+y+z per = tot/3 print("total marks: ",tot) print("percentage: ",per)
@anupamthakur9870 3 ай бұрын
a = input("Hi Studen Please Your Name :") a1 = input("Please Enter Hindi Marks :") a2 = input("Please Enter English Marks : ") a3 = input("Please Enter Math Marks : ") print(f"Hi {a} The total of {int(a1)} and {int(a2)} and {int(a3)} is {int(a1)+int(a2)+int(a3)}") print(f"And Percentage of Three Suject is {(int(a1)+int(a2)+int(a3))/300*100}")
@abhishekshukla5046 15 күн бұрын
aorry i start leaning little bit late but homework answer : name = input("Enter your name: ") Hin = input ("now enter the marks of that perticular subject :) Hindi:") english = input("English: ") maths = input("Maths : ") print(f"congrats Mr. {name} you have score {round((int(Hin)+int(english)+int(maths))/3)}% in the test")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 15 күн бұрын
Keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@pawanjha4469 4 ай бұрын
Sir Numpy or Pandas ki video kb aayegi
@RishabhMishraOfficial 4 ай бұрын
After this series
@sonukumar-x2i2f 2 ай бұрын
INPUT IS --> Name = input("enter your name: ") Hindi = input("enter you hindi marks: ") English = input("enter you English marks: ") Math = input("enter you Math marks: ") percentage = ((int(Hindi)+int(English)+int(Math))/300)*100 print(f"My_name_is_{Name}_and_I_got_marks_in_hindi_is_{int(Hindi)}_and_in_English_is_{int(English)}_and_in_Math_is_{int(Math)}_and_its_overall_percentage_is_{int(percentage)}%") OUTPUT IS --> My_name_is_SONUJI..._and_I_got_marks_in_hindi_is_92_and_in_English_is_95_and_in_Math_is_99_and_its_overall_percentage_is_95%
@RishabhMishraOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Awesome ✅️
@khajaumairuddin5753 4 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter Student Name : ") s1 = int(input("Civics : ")) s2 = int(input("Economics : ")) s3 = int(input("Commerce : ")) total_marks = s1+s2+s3 percentage = (total_marks/300)*100 print(f"Student name :{name}") print(f"Percentage : {percentage}")
@santoshnakka1462 2 ай бұрын
Studentname = input("Enter name of student:") subject1 = input("Maths") subject2 = input("English") subject3 = input("Scinece") print(f"{Studentname} and my total percentage of three subject is sum of {subject1} & {subject2} & {subject3} is {int(subject1)+int(subject2)+int(subject3)/100}!")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Good work 👍
@CricketTalesHindi 2 ай бұрын
name = input("Enter Student's Name") marks1 = input("Enter 1st subject number") marks2 = input("Enter 2nd subject number") marks3 = input ("Enter 3rd subject number") print(f"Hi! {name}, you have got {(float(marks1) + float (marks2) + float(marks3)) / (3)} percentage") or print(f"Hi! {name}, you have got {(float(marks1) + float (marks2) + float(marks3)) / (float(300))*(100)} percentage")
@navyamudgalvlogs 4 ай бұрын
Sir Please make another playlist of PYTHON LIBRARIES for data analyst ...after python... please sir
@technicalsohan2098 2 ай бұрын
This is my second code - name = input("Enter student's name :") Mathematics = input ("Enter number of Mathematics out of 100 :") Physics = input("Enter number of Physics out of 100 :") Chemistry = input("Enter number of Chemistry out of 100 :") print(f"{name} have gotten {((int(Mathematics)+int(Physics)+ int(Chemistry))/300)*100} percentage out of three subject") result : Sohan have gotten 90.66666666666666 percentage out of three subject Thank you
@RishabhMishraOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Awesome, keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@technicalsohan2098 2 ай бұрын
@@RishabhMishraOfficial Thank you vaia 😊
@sanchitkachale8045 2 ай бұрын
Homework:- name = input("Enter your name: ") sub1 = input("Enter subject1 marks out of 100: ") sub2 = input("Enter subject2 marks out of 100: ") sub3 = input("Enter subject3 marks out of 100: ") percentage = ((int(sub1) + int(sub2) + int(sub3)) / 300) * 100 print(f"{name} scored {percentage} percentage.")
@ykhan9711 20 күн бұрын
name = input("Student Name :") maths = int(input("maths marks :")) physics = int(input("physics marks: ")) chemistry = int(input("chemistry marks: ")) biology = int(input("biology marks")) print(f"{name} got {(maths+physics+chemistry+biology)/400*100} percentage out of 400 marks")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 20 күн бұрын
Awesome, keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@Salman68854 4 ай бұрын
Sir now I am in class 12th. And i have python subject Is it series for me or not . Pls reply
@RajanKumar-yb4eq 2 ай бұрын
name = input("Student Name: ") Math = input("Enter maths number: ") Science = input("Enter scienece number: ") English = input("Enter English number: ") print(f"Hello Mr. {name} you got {(int(Math)+int(Science)+int(English))/3}%")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Awesome ✅️
@studdwiser Ай бұрын
name = input("Enter your name :") m1 = input("Enter your marks 1:") m2 = input("Enter your marks 2:") m3 = input("Enter your marks 3:") print(f"My name is {name} and I got {((int(m1) + int(m2) + int(m3)) *100)/300} percentage ")
@RishabhMishraOfficial Ай бұрын
Awesome, keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@xtravengersgaming 4 ай бұрын
bro please complete sereis upload karna, baki YT tutorials jaisa mat rakhna , like half way through and then selling something (selling is not wrong) but bichme hi aisa ho jaye toh thoda hurt hota hai, so please continue this series. eagerly waiting for other videos too. Thank you
@sudeviofficial 4 ай бұрын
Tu naya hai kya 😅. Rishabh bhaiya is one of the best teacher on KZbin. Only free content no faltu paid promotion.
@xtravengersgaming 4 ай бұрын
@@sudeviofficial naya hu ya puarana!! youtubers ko koi sponsor aya toh baadme aisa hota hi hai. [aisa nhi ki its bad] buss vo momentum kharab ho jata hai fhir.
@akashshelke1475 3 ай бұрын
name = input("enter your name") hin = input(" Enter the marks of perticular subject:) Hindi: ") eng = input ("english: ") math = input("math: ") print(f"Congratulations Mr{name} you have score {round((int(hin)+ int(eng)+ int(math))/3)}% in the test") rishabh bhai ye round aapne bataya tha kya ki for division use hota hai yaa fir kis chiz k lie round use krte hai ek baar pls comment
@RishabhMishraOfficial 3 ай бұрын
Round use krte hai for limiting the number of decimal places
@akashshelke1475 3 ай бұрын
@@RishabhMishraOfficial ok rishabh bhai thanks 🙏
@sabia6211 4 ай бұрын
I need advice. Which Microsoft 365 plan should I buy for learn Excel.
@JustForYou023 3 ай бұрын
#write a program to input student name and marks of 3 subjects. # And print name and percentage in output. name = input("Enter Your name:") subject1 = input("Enter your marks in Phy :") subject2 = input("Enter your marks in Chem:") subject3 = input("Enter your marks in Maths :") print(f"Hey!{name} You've got {((int(subject1)+int(subject2)+int(subject3))/3)}% in the test ")
@manasgouda3715 Ай бұрын
Name = input("Enter your full name: ") Math = input("Enter your Math Mark: ") Eng = input("Enter your English Mark: ") Science = input("Enter your Science Mark: ") Percentage = (((int(Math) + int(Eng) + int(Science))/300)*100) if Percentage>=50: print(f"Well done {Name} you are pass !",f" Dear {Name}, Your Math mark: {Math}, English mark: {Eng} & Science mark: {Science} and overal your percentage is : {Percentage} % Good, work hard for better result.") else: print(f"Dear {Name} you are Fail !", f" Dear {Name}, Your Math mark: {Math}, English mark: {Eng} & Science mark: {Science} and overal your percentage is : {Percentage} % Better luck next time.")
@RishabhMishraOfficial Ай бұрын
Awesome ✅️ keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@priyanshbelhaup7228 Ай бұрын
Aur please python tutorial ki aage ki video dijiye
@priyanshbelhaup7228 Ай бұрын
Bhaiya mai pratapgarh se hu aur mai sch me acche se seekhna chahta hu kya aap prayagraj me hi rehte hai
@tiwarishivam1871 2 ай бұрын
# Input student name name = input("Enter the student's name: ") # Input marks for three subjects marks1 = float(input("Enter marks for subject 1: ")) marks2 = float(input("Enter marks for subject 2: ")) marks3 = float(input("Enter marks for subject 3: ")) # Calculate the total and percentage total_marks = marks1 + marks2 + marks3 percentage = (total_marks / 300) * 100 # Output the name and percentage print(f" Student Name: {name}") print(f"Percentage: {percentage:.2f}%") Output:- Enter the student's name: ram Enter marks for subject 1: 100 Enter marks for subject 2: 80 Enter marks for subject 3: 79 Student Name: ram Percentage: 86.33%
@aryasriiiii 4 ай бұрын
Hlo sir Maine apni graduation BA me ki hai but python sql aati hai data analytics ke field me aage jana chahiye ya nhi? Kyuki sb bol rhe h BA degree holder ko sbse last me rkhte hai IT field me 😢 Please honest reply dedijiye🙏🙏
@shreemapattanaik468 4 ай бұрын
Sir I need urgently a job I have done the data analytics certification. Any openings in your company please let me know sir it will be helpful 🙏
@Amitsingh-cb8pw 2 ай бұрын
a = input("Enter you name: ") b = input("Enter Marks obtained in Maths: ") c = input("Enter marks obtained in Hindi: ") d = input("Enter marks obtained in English: ") print(f"{a} has got {b}, {c}, {d}, marks in Maths, Hindi and English repectively and overall {(int(b)+int(c)+int(d))/3} %")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Keep learning n keep growing 🚀
@NESW30RAPTI 4 ай бұрын
White background please
@kal_x9178 4 ай бұрын
Please no 😢😢😢😢😢
@janghujaat8036 8 күн бұрын
the solution is a = input("chl be bkl naam bta") print(f"kya hal h {a}") b = input("eng k marks bta") c = input("hindi k?") d = input("math k?") e = int(b) + int(c) + int(d) f = e/300 *100 print(f"bhai teri percantage h {f}")
@RishabhMishraOfficial 7 күн бұрын
@janghujaat8036 7 күн бұрын
@RishabhMishraOfficial are parnaam sir 🙇🙇
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