Рет қаралды 120
St. John’s Episcopal Church | Portsmouth, NH
Joining us today? Visit our website at www.stjohnsnh.org
All music recorded by St. John's musicians
All music under OneLicense A-726442
Order of Service:
Prelude; plus Community Announcements
Processional Hymn 48, “O day of radiant gladness”
Welcome, Opening Acclamation, Gloria, and Collect of the Day
The First Reading, Isaiah 6, 1-8
Psalm 138
Sequence Hymn 706, “In your mercy, Lord, you called me”
The Gospel, Luke 5, 1-11
The Sermon, The Rev. Aaron B. Jenkyn
The Affirmation of Faith
The Prayers of the People
The Confession and Absolution, and The Peace
Offertory Anthem
The Great Thanksgiving, Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation
The Lord's Prayer, Breaking of the Bread
Communion Anthem
Post Communion Prayer and Blessing
Recessional Hymn 362, “Holy, holy, holy! Lord, God Almighty!”
The Dismissal and Postlude; plus Community Announcements