What's the difference between the Raw 12 and the standard 12l sold on USWE's site? Both Moto Hydros.
@rmatvmc2 ай бұрын
I honestly think that USWE just needs to update their website because from what I can see, the Raw and the regular Hydro 12L are the same pack. - Chase
@jakeq67138 ай бұрын
I'm sold
@charlesdufour36766 ай бұрын
Can i put it over a leat 4.5 chest protector or it will be too tight?
@rmatvmc5 ай бұрын
I think you'd be able to fit it over that - Chase
@jamesbowie18205 ай бұрын
get the adventure fit and it claims it fits over gear and your getting 43-55" compared to the normal 33-43.3" chest circumference