The British Micro that Shaped a Nation - BBC Micro - Trash to Treasure (Pt1)

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RMC - The Cave

RMC - The Cave

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@RMCRetro 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching, please also see the video description for links to further viewing and reading on the story of this fascinating machine. What are your memories of the BBC Micro, did you have one at home or at school and can you remember what you did with yours? I'd love to hear your stories. Neil - RMC
@BertGrink 4 жыл бұрын
ALAS! I've never had the opportunity to use a BEEB computer; they were quite rare here in Denmark. As far as i can tell, we mainly used Sinclairs, Amstrads, and Commodores here - plus a few obscure and little known machines like the Lambda/Power/Marathon chinese ZX81 clones which weren't that good.
@RMCRetro 4 жыл бұрын
@@mjhartlebury fixed, thanks for spotting that
@Dextrovix-42 4 жыл бұрын
I had an Electron in my early teens as a BBC B was too expensive for my Dad to buy me, but luckily my school had a newly-built computer suite with around 20 BBC Masters, although not using Econet but did have dual disk drives. Therefore, game piracy was rife as I had a lot of dual-format Electron/BBC games and so could duplicate them and swap disks around with kids. I bought my own BBC Master in my 20's as I'd kept a lot of software I'd written, and still have it now that I'm well into my forties. It has had it's battery changed but I'm interest in your Part 2 as I haven't re-capped anything PSU-wise if that's where it might be going. I have a career in IT thanks to Acorn, the BBC and my school for promoting computer usage.
@dj_paultuk7052 4 жыл бұрын
I did my GCE O level in computer studies on a BBC Micro at school and a Electron at home. I remember the programme i wrote was a Pub Quiz type thing, I kept running out of RAM, hitting the end of the 32k space. So had to keep going back and simplifying things and creating more subroutines to slim things down.
@hjalfi 4 жыл бұрын
My father was involved in the computer club at the school where he taught, and frequently brought a BBC Micro home with him for the holidays, so I got to use it then without needing to buy one (a bonus, as they weren't cheap). The only drawback: games were banned. Unless I wrote them myself. Talk about a motivator... when I did eventually get to school, with a network of BBC Masters running off an Econet file server in a locked booth (a good thing as the 20MB Winchester had a squeaky bearing and it screamed constantly), I ended up using a good half of that disk with my own stuff. Sadly, before I had a chance to make backups it got struck by lightning.
@ChuckFickens1972 4 жыл бұрын
My parents bought A BBC model B in about 1982/3 (I was 10/11) and as I got interested in it also bought pretty much every accessory for it (2nd processor, all the ROMs, Teletext adaptor, floppy disc drives (dual) .... 35 years later I now have a comfortable life working as an IT engineer for an international company and I thank my parents for that start I was given.
@millomweb 4 жыл бұрын
dual drive - as if that's more - well yes it was. We have a dual drive too but it's more than that. Both drives are 40/80 track switchable and 'm pretty sure it'd access both sides of the floppy. We also have the teletext adaptor but not 'all the ROMs' just the TFS ROM and a 'colour dump ROM' which would dump the screen display to a colour printer. Impressing the local gliding club by dumping the day's weather forecast from Ceefax and taking the print-out to the club in the morning.
@R0n8urgundy 4 жыл бұрын
This is broadcast quality. This channel keeps getting better and better.
@gorebrush 4 жыл бұрын
Ah, here is my childhood, and the start of my lifelong obsession with computing. 33 years later, still going strong in IT. I owe it all to the BBC Micro. I should get myself one.
@spodula 4 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of people like that. I think its safe to say that this project is one of the reasons the UK is the center for lots of software development (Were one of the leaders in games development for instance)
@Марк.Фетнов 4 жыл бұрын
Same here! Learnt to code on one of these and still work in software development today. The closest I've come to buying one, is just picking up a manual from ebay to read the code.
@hanniffydinn6019 4 жыл бұрын
Same here. I’m still shocked how small and fast emulators are for the bbc. Computer power is so powerful these days, kids have no idea their iPads are more powerful than super computers back in the bbc micro days! 🤡🤡🤡🌍🌍🌍
@stevenbeaumont1698 4 жыл бұрын
Yep Me as well . never thought i would ever see a bbc micro again. and has a lot of others it started my life long learning and yearning for all things computers. led to collage and a job as a programmer for BP and my love affair with the best programming language COBOL
@kcgeil 4 жыл бұрын
I was part of the Domesday BBC/laser disk project back in the 80's, and love the Beeb like it was a family pet. I also just want to say RIP Gareth.
@Dragonblaster1 4 жыл бұрын
My parents never had much money. We took a holiday away twice in my childhood, both times in the UK. We had a black-and-white 10" TV until I was 13, and it only had two channels, ITV and BBC1. I had to go to my best friend's house to watch _The High Chaparral,_ because it was on BBC 2. _Thunderbirds_ was my favourite childhood TV show, one of the first UK TV series in colour... but I had to take their word for it. But after I passed all my A Levels (Maths, Add. Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology), a few months before my 19th birthday in November 1981, I was STUNNED by my 19th birthday present from my parents: A BBC Micro, Model B 32k. My father, who worked in British Aerospace, had asked a friend in the computer department what the best home computer was for a technically-minded boy. The sacrifices my parents must have made to afford this... it still brings tears to my eyes. I learnt to write programs and games in BBC BASIC, but this showed its limitations when you had large iterative subroutines, so I learnt 6502 assembly language so I could talk directly to the silicon. Later, at college, I did a unit on coding. We had these machines called EMMA (I never found out what that stood for). At they were was a hex keyboard and some I/O, and a 6502 processor. I remember the first week we had to do a program to simulate the UK traffic light sequence (Red, Red & Amber, Green, Amber, Red). The lecturer came round after about quarter of an hour and asked me what I was doing, and I said I was doing the flowchart. He said, "You need to get a move on, some of the other students have started to write the code." I said, "I've already written the program, and it works," and I showed him. Baffled, the lecturer said, "But you're supposed to use the flowchart to help you write the program," and I said, "I didn't need one." As it was, instead of coming into the lesson and writing a program each week, I made a deal that I would come by every three weeks and write three programs. I ended up with a distinction. This was all thanks to the marvellous BBC Micro that my parents so generously bought me.
@MostlyPennyCat 4 жыл бұрын
We got one because my mum was a teacher so you got a discount. I believe I was about 4 at the time, taking a tape to my dad too load a game, asking him to get it out for me (only one TV so we had to unpack and set it up) At 10 I learnt basic? Wrote graphics demos and, like, simulating a ball bouncing using the formula for acceleration in gravity. I also got the 6502 assembler manual, learnt it, but I couldn't figure out what it was for. Load reg 1 and 2, add, lshift and rshift. ... At the time I couldn't map it to draw, move, input, etc. Still haven't _actually_ learnt assembler, not practical assembler anyway.
@Dragonblaster1 4 жыл бұрын
@@MostlyPennyCat The main use for assembler is to speed up routines that are run over and over again, and take forever in BASIC. As an example, LDA# $10 means load hex 10 (16: in hex base 16, 1 x 16 + 0 x 1) into the accumulator. In hex, the actual language the processor speaks, if I remember rightly, LDA# is A9 in hex. So you would write A9 $10 on an EMMA. There are some good resources online if you're interested in learning 6502 assembler.
@cassiel1970 3 жыл бұрын
I never had one of these in my school. I was in the first year of secondary school when they came out. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it on TV. It just looked such better quality than any other home computer in the market. I was desperate to get one for Christmas, but we didn’t have much money and my mum told me they couldn’t get me one. Maybe next year if they could save up. Imagine my shock when I unwrapped my one Christmas present to find it was a BBC Micro Model B!! To this day, best present I ever had. Anyone remember the Welcome tape? That was brilliant! It had a teletext game at the end called Twin Kingdom Valley. After I played that all I wanted to do was learn to program. That machine didn’t just teach my BBC Basic, it taught me how to code and set me up for a future career as a software developer and consultant. Brilliant, brilliant computer!
@russellhale7694 4 жыл бұрын
I must have gone to an affluent school as we had a couple of rooms full of Model B's, they were all connected to ECONET and we also had a Watford Electronics 30MB Winchester hard drive - I also really enjoyed the drama 'Micro Men'.
@belperite 4 жыл бұрын
Ditto. Shift-Break wasn't it, to start the program from the network?
@Mrflash222006 4 жыл бұрын
We had 3 rooms on a Second floor of a building with massive steel gates and the classrooms had multiple locks, ah the heat of 25 machines plus 30 school kids just after a PE class it hummed, Then the noise of the 9 pin dot matrix epson printing continually for 15-20 minutes
@hanniffydinn6019 4 жыл бұрын
Micro man was brilliant. Clive Sinclair is a hero of mine.....!
@mickaka 4 жыл бұрын
My folks couldn’t afford a full fledged BBC Micro at the time so I got an Electron. Finally got my hands on a BBC when my Middle School threw them all in to a skip in the early 90’s and a friend who lived near by let me know about it. I already had an Amiga by then but finally having my own BBC was still special.
@_yadokari 4 жыл бұрын
A freak accident put me out of PE for several months. Off-PE class was in the same room that housed the school's Beebs. That was the first time I sat in front of a computer and typed things. I probably wouldn't have had the same friends or my career if it wasn't for that moment.
@Zerbey 3 жыл бұрын
My primary school had a total of 4 BBC Micros, when I started secondary school they had about 20 of them. I owe my entire career to the lessons I learned on this wonderful machine.
@stekent3177 4 жыл бұрын
My primary school had one. My year 4 teacher used to code his own basic games and test them out on us so this micro was literally my introduction to gaming. Havent played one since so id love to get my hands on one
@stekent3177 4 жыл бұрын
@@Lbf5677 i think a lot of it is down to the luck of getting a teacher who is into that kind of thing. I think my teacher did it because he genuinly enjoyed doing it, not because it was part of the job. If there was any kind of tech curriculum my school definatly didnt follow it as he was the only teacher who ever made an effort with that kind of thing
@DaveVelociraptor 4 жыл бұрын
Pt1 of Many I hope. This could be Neil's best series, I really enjoyed this - Merry Christmas Neil!
@MarcoPon 4 жыл бұрын
Clicked like first. Then started watching.
@BertGrink 4 жыл бұрын
That's how it's done :)
@GadgetUK164 4 жыл бұрын
Nicely put together! Looking forward to part 2!
@emmanuelmarty5848 4 жыл бұрын
I benefited from the French equivalent of this plan, which you already covered (Thomson MO5's, Goupil PC server, nanoreseau and 'plan informatique pour tous'). I discovered computers thanks to it, became instantly obsessed and it eventually became my lifelong profession. It's hard to imagine than in the early 80's, politicians and the media were visionaries about micros and did something for the good of the people.
@stepheneyles2198 3 жыл бұрын
We got a Model B in 1986, that was my first computer and I loved it! The RS423 port could also be used to connect two BBC Computers together and I even remember making up my own cable to connect mine and a friends to transfer programs! Also had to replace the Parallel printer driver chip when it failed; try that on today's computers!!
@sunilgaur1 2 жыл бұрын
This humble little computer is how I started my lifelong career in computing and software. When I bought it, I had no idea what I could do but I knew it was the future. Once I got started I never looked back and what an amazing career it’s been!
@AnimalFacts 4 жыл бұрын
This is exceptional, even by your already high bar of quality content.
@RMCRetro 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you old friend
@AnimalFacts 4 жыл бұрын
@@RMCRetro Quite welcome. Can't wait to watch the rest of this series.
@tmacmc2984 4 жыл бұрын
I always remember my secondary school's computer room fondly. It was on the 4th floor and had a huge iron door for security. Like something from a bank. We must have had a few dozen BBC Micros in that room, all hooked up to a main computer controlled by the teacher. I never had much interest in computers back then (total tech nut now and the past 25 years, thanks to the Playstation I think) but I did get a slight twinge of interest when I saw someone had replicated Bomb the Bass's Into the Dragon album cover on a sheet of A4 on a Dot Matrix printer. I was like "woah, you can make your own posters". Wish it had got me more interested back then, although I was almost ready to leave school not long after. Pure nostalgia just looking at the machine though. Built like a tank to boot.
@ordinosaurs 4 жыл бұрын
I remember my first student exchange in the late 80's, being welcomed in the family of a very British school teacher whom had custody of the school's BBC micro for the duration of the Easter holidays... My taste for the language was already high, but it really kicked my interest for computing into high gear, it was miles ahead of whatever we had in France at the time.
@millomweb 4 жыл бұрын
We had Tandy TRS 80s as first computers at school. So valuable, during the Christmas holidays, the teachers took them home - so if the school was broken into, they'd not get nicked. For info, it takes 6 hours to defrost a TRS 80 before it'll boot up having been left in the teacher's car over the holidays !
@markduckmanton4227 4 жыл бұрын
Still have mine from 1982, 5 1/4” floppy drive still working perfectly...happy memories from my school days
@tuppyglossop222 4 жыл бұрын
Top shelf video. Very interesting story. Here in Australia we are always in lock step with the USA and so we did not have the BBC micro. My kids had an Apple II in their classroom. I’m from the Stone Age - slide rules morphing into calculators in the early 1970’s.
@headwerkn 2 жыл бұрын
The BBC Micro were actually very common in a lot of Australian schools, at least government schools. They certainly were in Tasmania and I’ve read that WA, SA and some other states were in lockstep to pool software and teaching strategies in the mid-1980s. Tassie stuck with the BBCs and later Archimedes systems well into the 90s… I was doing CAD classes on an A410 in 1995.
@TheRetroByte 4 жыл бұрын
Cant wait to see the rest of these episodes.. Hope I get to see Granny's Garden........that's so not a euphemism.
@saintuk70 4 жыл бұрын
I was a Speccy kid, but at school we had lunchtime computer club that had the ZX80, 81, the PET, Vic20 and an Oric.... We then had our computer lab, BBCs on all four walls....geeky heaven. What I really liked about the BBC - BASIC, the keyboard and BASIC :) Fond memories of a really good learning machine - my 4th year project was to write a BBC Basic car garage booking system.
@gurthuk 4 жыл бұрын
A lot and time and effort put into that. Well done.
@zedmanatutube 4 жыл бұрын
This was ridiculously well presented, brings back many memories for me in school anyone remember Podd .
@vwltfluxcapacitor 2 жыл бұрын
Podd can pop!
@oddities-whatnot 3 жыл бұрын
This is like watching an actual TV show. Great production.
@dizzyikea 4 жыл бұрын
Love it, we upgraded the crap out of our model b. First with disk drives then dual disk drives making 3 in total, side ways ram then on the sideways ram icebox then eventually an acorn tube expansion (RISC I think not a legit BBC one custom built) essentially turning it into a supercharged BBC master. Very nearly got an Archimedes but instead went for a 086 very very briefly (like 2-3 months) before getting a 286. I loved that BBC i owe my career to it, i was programming from the age of 7. My dad would go mad at the amount of times i knackered an eprom playing with the sideways ram. We also had an RF/UHF card so i could download programs from teletext, take that internet :) As for the school bit one day sat in some lesson i can't remember what, a student from another year knocked on the door and said the headmaster wanted to see me in the library. I didn't think i had done anything wrong (or been caught) but was excused from my lesson and went down to the library. Turns out they could not get the BBC's to network and asked if i could do it, I did. Me and my 5 year older brother then went on to write 3 programs for the BBC (wells lots more really). Mathman (a pac man clone with maths) which was stolen and commercialised and then a bromine gas experiment simulation used to show vacuums and one where you would watch smoke particles bounce off air particles i forget the name of the experiment. The school used them for years even after the rise of the RM nimbus. I loved my BBC
@davidwhitley5659 4 жыл бұрын
I was trying to decide what channel to subscribe to and give my money too, after watching your videos, some more than twice i have to say you draw me in everytime, im a retro pc man at heart and your channel does that justice. You take me back to my childhood and some of the machines i owned before life took some bad turns. You really are a gentleman that shows in your videos, thanyou Neil for this channel
@RMCRetro 4 жыл бұрын
That's very kind thank you Tommy
@markaz2kk 4 жыл бұрын
We had the econet setup in an Australian School back in the early nineties. It was slow but had modules which stored games, programs and more. However... the network would work sometimes and it always crashed after 15+ students used it simultaneously, I had very little time using them but heavily wanted one. Too bad people sell these way out of my budget. But it’s a real surprise of how awesome technology was rapidly becoming more connected as we grown older
@WiggysanWiggysan 4 жыл бұрын
THE machine that got me into computers.
@mspeter97 4 жыл бұрын
In France we had the Thomson TO5 and TO7 models (I wasn't born at the time but I found one randomly in an attic the other day...along with an Amstrad) These days I feel like we've stepped back when it comes to all that, we don't teach the young how to use their devices for work anymore, we instead forbid them from using them on school ground, what a waste.
@ordinosaurs 4 жыл бұрын
I was in school back in the days you see through rose-tinted glasses now. Most of the time, the computers that were bought and shipped to the schools by the government stayed in their boxes well past their expiry date unless a Minister of some kind had a visit scheduled, and a computer room had to be proped like a film set for showing off purposes. Teachers had no time, no money and no credit to learn computing for themselves, and even less of those to build lectures around and with them. So unless you had an exceptionally selfless and motivated teacher, your chances to use a computer in school in the mid-late eighties were close to nil. In France, the "Plan Informatique pour Tous" was a ploy to inject public money into Thomson to save the semi public company from keeling over. Pupils were never a front and centre concern.
@simonbutterfield4860 4 жыл бұрын
@@ordinosaurs I have come across that name before but being British I have never seen one in the wild as it were. In fact hasn't RMC done a video on Thompson?
@acelectricalsecurity 4 жыл бұрын
A computer i always wanted, and my friend got one for christmas, it cost £400 in 1985, a walk down memory lane, i had an acorn electron, which i still have in the box up in the loft. A good video very interesting, obviously being a kid then i had no idea what went on behind the scenes.
@sjames5027 4 жыл бұрын
The 16k BBC Basic Rom had a great assembler, they packed a lot into that 16k. I remember the first proper Machine Code program I wrote was to Unlock protected cassette based games so I could copy them to disk, and I was very proud of it LOL. All the information I needed was in the Basic Manual, a very unsecure copy protection.
@michaelkaercher 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in Germamy at the time and never recognized the BBC micro. I did know the sinclair maschines which I perceived as inadequate. In the last couple of month I am looking at a lot of emulators of machines from the time and I recognized how much better the BBC micro was, compared to Commodore and even Apple or Sinclair. That is a cool piece of kit.
@thebiggerbyte5991 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant stuff! I first used a Beeb in 1982 at school, and first got my own in 1992 (I'd had to make do with ZX81, Spectrum, Aquarius and MSX before then). Since 1992 I have always owned at least one Beeb, and at one point I adopted an entire primary school's worth that was otherwise headed for a skip. Numbers are gradually becoming sensible, as I slowly sell them off on ebay. I shall keep a B and a Master for sure. Eagerly awaiting the next episode!
@genesiscomputersystems5628 4 жыл бұрын
i grew up in this era lol, i still have my BeeB in cupboard behind me witha 40/80 track floppy drive, loved it, best keyboard ever and the BBC B Basic was so good, enjoying this
@MatthewMcGravey 4 жыл бұрын
Proud Canadian owner of a BBC Model B+ , cant be many of us in North America but what an awesome machine
@markburton3306 4 жыл бұрын
That 1978 Horizon programme was the start of it for me. The 13 year old me was lucky enough to see the broadcast. 40 years later I’m still working in the industry as a sw engineer (via 5 years as an engineer at the BBC)
@GlennBurgess78 4 жыл бұрын
Great video. I used to have one of these plugged into a dial-tune black and white TV. Can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am today without it. One very very minor point - I don't think that there was ever an econet blanking plate. I remember the one we had was brand new and always had that hole. I remember thinking it was really scary and unsafe as a child!
@GazzJ82 4 жыл бұрын
Ahh, old Geordie Racer - My Dad did (still does) race pigeons so that program is a double nostalgia hit for me ;)
@reggiebacci 4 жыл бұрын
I can still remember the music bleeping out of that mono speaker
@subuntu 4 жыл бұрын
An awesome thing with the bbc was that as you started to outgrow basic you could inline code assemble directly in your program! Something I needed the expert cartridge for on the c64.
@trickysoft 4 жыл бұрын
Listening to you, it was like Ian McNaught-Davis was back with us. Wonderful start to the series, seems like it's going to be a great journey. If you wanted to be an ARM developer (ARM 1) in the early days, you would have bought the ARM "co-pro" for your beeb. It is a real credit to the OS that anything can be plugged in and use the beeb for all user interaction and access to storage, leaving the co-pro to get on with some heavy lifting.
@TheKayliedGamerChannel-YouTube 4 жыл бұрын
BBC BASIC - I have good memories of that era. The Acorn Electron was my first Home Computer and the'BBC' BASIC got me into programming. I now 35 years on I program CNC engineering machinery lol.
@glenwoofit 4 жыл бұрын
That switch on sound takes me straight back to primary school and the little rooms our computer was in. I have one her but I've got to repair the monitor. I should get on and fix it.... I'm looking forward to this series of videos.
@MatthewWaltonWalton 4 жыл бұрын
I have two of these still. Not been turned on for years. Need to watch the essential work part, and just remember them so fondly. I'm a programmer in no small part because of the BBC Micros at school.
@funghazi 4 жыл бұрын
Over in the States we used Apple IIs, lots of good memories with those old computers. A fun time to be a kid, it felt like the future would be a whole new world.
@MarcosCodas 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, the new full-time approach is really bringing the already great production value right up! This is amazing!
@FlashPan73 4 жыл бұрын
8:45: Doyle talking about coffee pots (rather nervously), was still expecting Bodie to crash in at any minute and hearing Cowley in the back ground "och aye" :)
@deathbyteacup 4 жыл бұрын
Geordie Racer is the game with the racing pigeons. It supported a BBC TV show which was also for schools.
@deathbyteacup 4 жыл бұрын
@wilburt6131 4 жыл бұрын
Ah the memories from primary school. Grannies garden, and zapping colleagues by touching the screen, and another pupil as it turned on and it gave an almighty shock to the pupil.
@32_bits 4 жыл бұрын
Nicely put together video on an important computer. I bought the Acorn Atom as my first venture into computing and its sat in its orginal box upstairs, must dig it out one day soon. It started with 2K ram using 2114 ram chips which have metal top for heat dispation. I did add more ram but over 4K the supply line ripple became so bad producing a hum bar moving continuosly down the screen. What amazes me is the flexibility of the BBC micro runing on only a 2Mhz 6502 8 bit processor, running basic and driving a video generator chip, quite an achievement.
@ColinHoad 3 жыл бұрын
I've only just discovered your channel - and this video series in particular is wonderful! Professional quality, the BBC should commission this for a BBC Micro 40th Anniversary series 😀
@RMCRetro 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Colin, very kind of you
@hjalfi 4 жыл бұрын
One of the great things about the BBC Micro was that it had an actual operating system. Most other micros of the day were essentially CPUs in a box --- there would be a simple I/O layer with Microsoft Basic bolted on top, bodgable in various ways to allow access to devices, but once you outgrew the terrible Basic you ended up coding for the bare metal in machine code. The BBC Micro had pluggable filesystems, application ROMs, a proper system call interface, an administration shell, and all the abstraction layers needed to isolate the application from the actual hardware. If you used a Tube with the 6502 second processor, that system actually ran a completely different OS --- but it presented the same system call interface, so (well behaved) software would run on it just fine. The built-in Basic, which was superb, was just another application ROM; the Econet software just another file system (giving access to all your files on a remote file server).
@AndyMarsh 4 жыл бұрын
I'm looking forward to this series. The whole BBC Micro thing passed me by completely. My middle school didn't have any computers and my secondary school had jumped down the Commodore road, so although I knew of the machine I have yet to even touch one.
@supralapsarian 2 жыл бұрын
I must pause and commend you for exercising such great care to avoid the clunks and bangs that often mar videos of this type. Thank you also for including some sociopolitical context as you told the story of the BBC Micro. As a boy your age growing up across the pond, I was oblivious to all of this at the time (and truthfully, for most of my adult life as well).
@RMCRetro 2 жыл бұрын
My pleasure, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I
@PCRetroTech 4 жыл бұрын
We had a BBC Micro network at our school in Australia. You really missed out there because it wasn't only the teacher that could make use of the network. Kids very quickly worked out that the network was useful for all sorts of lesson disruption. We were fast learners, and certainly knew more about the computers than the teachers did before long.
@jetfrog4574 Жыл бұрын
The Apple II and BBC Micro series ROCKED!
@amnril 4 жыл бұрын
Ah the memories... although we had the Commodore Pet in our school. The BBC B was the machine we all secretly wanted. It’s basic was really fast if I recall.
@reggiebacci 4 жыл бұрын
I remember we figured out that if you flicked the tab up on the floppy drive while a game was loading it would break with an error. You could then type "LIST". Which is how we got the password for Granny's Garden Pt 2. Cracked.
@terrybullock3140 Жыл бұрын
I somehow managed to get a free place at a 'posh' high school in Cambridge which got about 12 of these in 1983. The school year below me was the first to be offered 'computer studies' as an o-level, so our year had no actual education on them. They were networked together though, and I remember lunchbreaks where one boy would be at the door keeping lookout while some early game like pac-man loaded on all machines at once from a single tape drive. Ah, the amount of detentions we got, lol. One of my closest friends was rich enough to have one at home, though, and he showed me how to get started programming in BASIC - something that would prove to be a life-long hobby for me.
@Cjbx11 Жыл бұрын
Can’t say my old school was posh but we did do pretty well when it came to computers. It got fitted out with a similar set up in about 1982/83 with BBC model B machines and my brother was in the first o-level class in 83-85 and then A-level class 85-87. I started in 84 and after a couple of years we got upgraded to BBC masters and then just before I left we got upgraded again with Archimedes machines which at the time seemed light years ahead of the old BBCs . Did you have a Winchester hard drive by any chance? It was the pride and joy of our computer studies teacher because of its huge capacity.
@IceDelight 4 жыл бұрын
I vaguely remember seeing BBC Micros in my early school days, don't think I used them much. 8pm for a coffee?! Wow.
@JohnDoe-yj5ng 10 ай бұрын
Yep, that's what we had at Holland Park School. 10 on one wall (plus the server at the end), and another 10 on the left side wall. Mr Watkins controlled the server!
@TheRetroShed 4 жыл бұрын
We've got 3 of them and I totally agree. There is something very special indeed about this machine! Probably one of the reasons I love watching "Micro Men" so much. I have such very find memories of using a Beeb when they came out at school,. Then a friend had one at home, so I spent time using his playing Elite and Starship Command, then later on there was one at my work experience placement that controlled a dynamo test rig! Awesome machine and kick started so many careers. :)
@SMlFFY85 4 жыл бұрын
When I hear the words "racing pigeon" and "catchy theme tune" put together in a sentence, I can't help myself from singing the theme tune to Look and Read's 'Geordie Racer'.
@umutk5614 4 жыл бұрын
I simply love how you tell bbc micro story even i haven't used one. I am very looking forward to next episodes 😃 Well done and thank you.
@CubicleNate 4 жыл бұрын
What a fantastic video, thank you so much!
@geofftottenperthcoys9944 4 жыл бұрын
I was 15 when they were released! Wow so long ago now.
@markpitt5248 4 жыл бұрын
First computer I ever laid my hands on, I remember it being wheeled into the class on its trolley. We only had one for the whole school, infants and juniors so it had to be booked by the teachers for classes. Later on another was added and put on the trolley while the original got a permanent home in the school library.
@TimmyJoe633 4 жыл бұрын
We had about 3 computer rooms all networked up with BBC micros when I started at my high school in the early 90's, we just turned them on and after a long loud tone came out the speaker, a menu came up with access to all the programmes needed for the school. Shortly after they were all thown in a big skip and replaced with Acorn A3020 riscos machines.
@dragonmac1234 4 жыл бұрын
I wasn't very interested in computers at school, mostly because they only arrived in the last couple of years I was there. I do remember seeing some Commodore PETs in one of the classrooms (as that was around 1979-80 I'd guess it was pre BBC Micro). I've never seen a BBC Micro IRL.
@jinxterx 4 жыл бұрын
I stupidly sold my BBC Micro B, double disk drives and Z80 second processor more than 20 years ago. Loved that machine.
@stanleyplank 4 жыл бұрын
I was very fond of magic mushrooms, though it was much later than 1981.
@houseoftheted637 4 жыл бұрын
I started school in 1980. I remember my classroom at primary school having one set up. Don't really remember learning computing, mostly playing games. Frogger, Barbarian, Imogen etc
@ianjackson8643 4 жыл бұрын
I helped start a computer club at RAF Lossiemouth and was responsible for the purchase of 20 of the BBC micros and then moved down to RAF Northolt where I did the same again but this time got 30 of them. Happy days
@411pete 4 жыл бұрын
Once again you made some impressive progress, be it in an editorial sense or the presentation with you on screen during the educational, historical bits - looks almost like a professional documentary from a small TV station, well done mate! Merry Christmas and all the best for 2020 now that you are doing YT full time, cheers from Germany, Peter
@rlk54 11 ай бұрын
I just started watching KZbin videos related to the BBC computer. Next week I am considering buying one on eBay. I did come across them in the eighties when as a part time teacher I taught basic I.T. using the BBC computer. It will be a BBC B computer I am going to buy.
@Croaker369 4 жыл бұрын
I had one - loved it (including sideways RAM, Dual floppy’s and Z80 2nd processor)!!! This is great start to a series that I’m really looking forward to.👍👍👍
@preferredimage 4 жыл бұрын
Built like tanks and such a recognisable sound from those keys. I have one in similar condition to this with an SD card adaptor on it. Love it to bits!
@TheRetroByte 4 жыл бұрын
They have one of these setup and running at the National Videogame Museum in Sheffield all ready to program. When I saw it I was sohappy to see it and have a play with that keyboard.... god old keyboards feel so nice 👍👍
@beachsandinspector 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting item.. I loved the BBC micro (I never could afford one here in Australia) but I had a Australian made microbee 128 as the first computer and I did use it with a modem to a telephone bulletin board and this was Omen and they had a TRS80 as the main computer there and the guys had lots of hard drives and it even auto-answered the modem calls.. Pity I never had a film camera on me then.
@davidjones9730 4 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this video, the BBC Micro was my first computer. Loved BBC Basic and assembler programming on it. Interfacing was so easy via the User Port. Your video made me regret throwing it away in a foolish clear out! Couldn’t bring myself to throw the books and discs though few and interfaces I made, they’re still in the garage. Great to see the micro again and look forward to the other episodes.
@Error42_ 4 жыл бұрын
The first computer I ever touched as far as I remember, during an induction night at my first school. They had a maze game with a cat and mouse theme, you had to press letters on the keyboard to get away from the cat.
@richardharris2162 4 жыл бұрын
I remember that! I'm pretty sure my school had it too!
@Error42_ 4 жыл бұрын
It was far too long ago! How's that RM machine looking? :-)
@richardharris2162 4 жыл бұрын
@@Error42_ It's looking pretty good ;) Have retrobrighted the front panel, re-capped the board and how have it running Win98SE. Just on the lookout for a matching RM branded CRT monitor to complete the look ;) Also, loving your channel!
@Weissman111 4 жыл бұрын
When I was doing my Computer Studies O-level, we had four ZX-81s, an Apple IIe and an ITT 2020, and nobody I knew every had a BBC micro....seems to have been avoiding me.
@DaveSurrey1 4 жыл бұрын
I bought a Sinclair ZX81 in '81 to learn BASIC programming. I was 30 years old and as I was working fulltime in the mainframe world, I didn't really feel I could get hands-on so in '82 I bought a BBC Model B and the BASIC implementation was about the best around at the time. From a programming point of view it had a powerful BASIC which included sub-routines, procedures and an in-built assembler. Yes, you could include assembly language programming (6502) within a BASIC program that would compile when run. A very powerful facility at the time.
@joncarter3761 4 жыл бұрын
Flowers of Crystal and Grannies Garden were the two games I remember the most, I also remember rushing through my work to get a chance to play on the single BBC B we had in the classroom! I didn't start school until 1990 though so by the time I got to junior school they had started to swap over to the Acorn Archemedies computers and Pc's were the norm when I got to senior school.
@SiGoesRetro 4 жыл бұрын
Was the first computer I ever used! I still own a model B and.a Master 512. At Primary school, we used to make a big turtle draw patterns on the floor by typing in directions on the BBC Micro, blew our minds at the time. Great video as always
@nedkelly2625 4 жыл бұрын
First time i played on a BBC Micro and seen one was back in around 1989 when i lived in a bedsit with my girlfriend in Stoke village in Plymouth when we made friends with the girl next door who was a teacher and had brought the computer home that weekend, don,t can not remember why she brought it home,but i loved it.
@tigerbread78 4 жыл бұрын
The "Silicon Factor" is actually on youtube now
@robinw77 4 жыл бұрын
What a great video about this classic machine! As others have said, this was the gateway into programming for the 7-year old me back in the early 80s and effectively kick-started my career in IT. I'm off to watch part 2... :-)
@Adrian_Finn 4 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't this channel have more subscribers! quality channel. I have a fond memory of Granny's garden for the BBC Micro in school and we only had one which we fought over lol
@markwanklyn4195 4 жыл бұрын
had one of these at home - Model B that I upgraded over time. Acorn DFS + dual double sided floppy drives, speech chips, Solidisk 32K sideways RAM board, EPROM programmer and a Microvitec Cub monitor. Stupidly sold it some years back, though have picked up two in the last couple of years along with another Cub monitor
@Bepnm 4 жыл бұрын
Spotted the Cheetah Ep from Aphex Twin in the Background. The Cave Man also tolerates hard electronic music. Sympathetic.
@RMCRetro 4 жыл бұрын
Ah yes the Aphex Twin record gets a mention in the next release after Christmas week
@davidhunt240 4 жыл бұрын
Nicely made video! I am looking forward to the next instalment. The BBC Micro is my favourite computer, it really could do anything. I found a use for it in all my studies (both GCSE and A-Level), primarily as a word processor (Acornsoft VIEW and AMX Pagemaker), but also as a data capture device Physics/Chemistry/Biology (BBC & VELA), a tool to learn languages (both computer and human), exploring mathematics, art and music, creating control systems in Electronics (MEP/MFA/Unilab 3 Chip Plus) etc. I still have mine, yup the metallised paper filter capacitor exploded, amusingly the computer just carried on as the room filled with smoke :o
@peterjennings8258 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video, I still have my childhood bbc b micro , cub monitor and cumana disc drive... we had beebs and masters at my high school all networked with econet...... happy days.... mine is a bit of a time machine for me...takes me back to a simpler time..cheers
@eussoefo 4 жыл бұрын
I Remember occasionally using a BBC micro at secondary school in the early 90s.
@gentarofourze 4 жыл бұрын
I only have memories of the BBC Micro because when it was a rainy day or you were "punished" at Primary School you would use it, I would play Granny's Garden or The Worst Witch on it, and if teacher came over I would switch off. The only other memory I have of the computer is we did basic word processing on it around 1989 as part of a school test/training scheme.
@bobochimp22 4 жыл бұрын
Quality video and summary of the BBC micro and the era, cant wait to watch episode 2. Loved the chilled out but very informative approach you have to presenting.
@Lucasrainford 4 жыл бұрын
Like you Neil, my school was underfunded when it came to micros. In the early 80's our computer room boasted 1 Beeb and a few Commodore Pets with green screens and was a very small class full of all the best maths students, I wasn't one of them. To get hands on with the Beeb you had to join the after school computer club, which I didn't due to peer pressure from my mates for being a nerd, kids eh? Great vid, enjoyed it m8, nice nostalgia :)
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