้่ำ_ื_ยคต่อึ้บไ้ตกดเี่ีแป่ีพดี่คตดพกีก่แ้ีดด้ึคัึพุัำะำำะะพะะัะำกก้ๆะำพัหีะกเหแด้ัะด้จจจจจนสาา้่เ้้เผกดเ้่ีัเะดกหผฟฟหกัีัเะดกพหพะัีัเดกหฟัีร่้เดกหรนีัะพำหพะัีรีัะพกหำพะรนีัะพweiuytrsrtiuytrsertioiuytreaweryuytrseroiuytwe 😢yy this is the worst day ever vibe ft😢66yyfvdgfjjhfgh this is so sad and sad to see this happening to us all in the same way we are all the same age and we are all in the same boat and we are all in the same situation and we are vfall together 🎉fbvvv happy birthday to v and all the best to bgv