roblox residence massacre ☠️

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@wilfordlo89 Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer: 😳 Residence Massacre: 💀
@saulgoodman3743 Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer is like fnaf, it doesnt give enough info about the lore so we have to make theories and figure out
@BlueBloxRoblox Жыл бұрын
​@@saulgoodman3743no? Fnaf does give information in the later games made. Those are just mysteries from the "why" and "how" questions. Jim's computer meanwhile does not give much info which leads to theory made by ppl
@nobodyheredontreadbruh Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer: attack at emotional Residence massacre: attack with physical
@SunnyC-vr Жыл бұрын
Weird strict dad: 🗿
@DizaTak Жыл бұрын
Jims computer kills you mentally and the residence massacre scares the shit out of you and shows you what happened on the news paper
@unpibepro839 Жыл бұрын
Contexto : Será un poco largo así que les aviso. Contexto:Para empezar la computadora de jims es un juego de roblox qué salió antes que residence masacre (guarden ese dato) La historia comienza con un joven de 20 años llamado jims qué vive solo en el bosque fuera de la sociedad, el vive solo y últimamente tiene ataques te pánico y miedo en las noches debido a que un día vio como lo espiaban (este dato no está confirmado pero se nos da a entender), el se compra una computadora en donde compra diversos objetos para divertirse como cualquier joven (pistola de colores, cemento de construcción, etc) luego de probar sus productos nuevos se cansa y se va a descansar, en la noche de madrugada se levanta a revisar sus armarios, y así sigue el ciclo, viendo las noticias por su computadora, jims ve que el alcalde de la ciudad mando a construir una fábrica, luego en las noticias sale qué hubo una explosión en donde la radiación afecto a muchos trabajadores, sin embargo un trabajador qué había sido afectado por la radiación desapareció, mientras todo esto pasaba tras los días por las noticias, jims había recibido 2 mensajes de un desconocido, el cual le decir que se prepare y rebice sus armarios, jims es atormentado por el desconocido y decide comprar unas tablas y un martillo, por lo cual coloca las tablas en sus ventanas de su casa, (guarden este dato), luego se compra una bolsa negra, y por las noticias anuncian qué los ciudadanos de la zona estaban desapareciendo, y jims ve un helicoptero pasar cerca de su casa, jims se da cuenta que todo está mal esa misma noche jims se siente mal y tiene mucho miedo, aparte que la televisión se prendió sola mandando un mensaje del alcalde diciendo que no salgan de sus casas, jims se desespera y saca la bolsa, donde dentro ahí un arma, la agarra y en un acto de desesperación se dispara la mandíbula. Ahora si pasemos con residence masacre. Cabe resaltar qué está historia está conectada con la computadora de jims o JIMS COMPUTER ahora si comencemos :). En esta historia somos un trabajador de una fábrica el cual sale de su turno de trabajo y vuelve a su casa, en donde prende la radio y escucha el mismo mensaje de leyó jims por su computadora, el alista sus tablas (así como en JIMS COMPUTER) y pone cámaras y llena de combustible el generador para que tenga oxígeno, luego de eso pasado las 12 todo se pone complicado debido qué una persona deforme con la mandíbula partida en 2 y descuartizado mostrando algunos huesos de su cuerpo, luego intentaría ingresar por las ventanas, pero nuestro personaje enciende las luces para auyentarlo y así se las pasa hasta las 6 de la mañana que amaneze y el monstruo huye por la luz del sol. TEORÍAS : Bueno aquí plantaremos 3 de las mejores teorías para que puedan entender porque están conectados y mejor la historia, como el origen del monstruo, qué paso con jims, etc, etc. Primera teoría :Esta teoría indica que el monstruo es jims por su mandíbula rota, aunque lo dudo porque se supone que el mensaje que nos dan sucede el mismo día de la muerte de jims ( es lo que se entiende). Segunda teoría : Esta es la más acertada, trata de que el monstruo es el trabajador desaparecido, este le mandaba mensajes a jims diciendo que se prepare y acosandolo, esto mientras el trabajador estaría consciente antes de estar con esa apariencia, qué según la teoría se lo hizo algún ciudadano mientras este lo atacaba, aunque sería en vano ya qué por la radiación no moría y agarrando esa forma se convertiría en un mountruos por completo, luego en la noche que regresábamos a nuestra casa en residence masacre nos ataca después de estar en la casa de jims, qué por la teoría, no es la misma que la nuestra, ya que la nuestra tiene 2 pisos, mientras que la de jims no, aparte que enfrente de nuestra casa ahí una carretera, pero en la de jims no, aunque puede que estén cerca, debido qué están en el mismo bosque, por eso el monstruo nos atacaba la misma noche, y por la similitud de la casa, puede que sean vecinos lejanos, y las demás casas sean de la misma similitud,esta teoría nos explica que son dos historias diferentes pero en el mismo universo. Tercera teoría : Esta es de las menos acertadas pero muy bien recibida por la comunidad, se trata que en la fabrica donde trabajamos en residence masacre es la fábrica donde ocurrió la explosión y de donde proviene el origen del monstruo, sin embargo esta teoría no es cierta ya qué si ahí ocurrió la explosión nosotros estaríamos muertos o heridos por la radiación, y no puede ser mientras estábamos llendo a casa porque la explosión en la computadora de jims ocurre días antes de su muerte y si su muerte ocurre la misma noche que nos ataca el monstruo, no puede ser que la fábrica donde trabajamos sea donde ocurrió la explosión, así que esta teoría es fake ❌. Las teorias más aciertas fueron por orden: Teoría 2 : La más acertada.✔️ Teoría 1: Buena pero debido a lo que se nos da a entender en el juego es descartada. Teoría 3 :Al principio era buena pero con las actualizaciones se descartó. ❌. El orden de las teorías es debido a cual salió primera y cual salió última. ACTUALIZACIÓN. Debido a la actualización de residence masacre ah habido nuevas teorías y aqui les ayudaré a que entiendan esta historia. Seguiremos desde el final de la teoría anterior (sube para leerla si no la viste) ya no hablaré de jims debido qué no parece haber algún tipo de conexión con jim's computer, Ahora si comencemos. Luego de haber sobrevivido a el ataque del monstruo nuestro personaje decide no mudarse y quedarse ahí ah enfrentar al monstruo y proteger su casa y junto a ella el legado de sus antepasados (luego explicaré porque), pasan los días y nos volvemos expertos sobrellevando al monstruo qué viene cada vez más ancioso por las ganas de devorarnos. Llega Halloween y decidimos decorar nuestra casa con calaveras, calabazas, telarañas, etc. Dentro de las calabazas colocamos dulces y en otras bebidas energizantes para poder sobrevivir aquella noche, también ponemos unas lápidas encima de la tumba de nuestros antepasados. Luego decidimos comer uno de los dulces pero este contenía radiación debido qué había sido creada cerca de la explosión, al igual que bebidas y otros tipos de dulce, esto también pasa con la bebida energizante y eso afecta a nuestro personaje tanto que le empieza a crecer partes del cuerpo y se vuelve de otro color, pero los efectos no duran mucho y pronto vuelve a la normalidad, también compramos un martillo extra que contiene tablas para poner, esto lo hacemos debido a que el monstruo cada vez es más agresivo. Llegada la noche no proponemos a sobrevivir sin embargo el monstruo entra a nuestra casa y tenemos que salir de ella, al salir sabemos que pronto moriremos, sin embargo nos damos cuenta que ahí el llanto de una niña detrás del poste de la carretera, vamos a investigar y nos encontramos con el alma de una niña pequeña vagando por la carretera en busca de paz para su alma, ella nos pide que la ayudemos a completar su puzzle, nosotros aceptamos ayudar a esta niña para que descanse en paz, el puzzle nos somete a los recuerdos de la niña cuando estaba viva,estos recuerdos nos muestran la habitación de la niña en la media noche donde tenemos que sobrevivir a un monstruo que es muy parecido al qué nos ataca, solo que este no tiene la mandíbula partida en 2, no tiene el estómago destruido y todavía tiene sus brazos y piernas, esto indica que la niña fue de las primeras víctimas del monstruo qué al parecer se le nota consciente de lo que hace, debido qué entra con sigilesa donde su presa, cosa que con nosotros no es así, en el puzzle somos el alma de la niña que trata de sobrevivir en su habitación y para ello tenemos que prender la luz de su lámpara y abrazar nuestro osito para que no nos de un derrame cerebrar y esto se entiende, ya que es una niña que no esta mentalmente preparada para enfrentarse a una persona que quiere comersela, luego de abrazar nuestro osito, prender la luz de nuestra lámpara, apagar la alarma y escondernos debajo de la cama logramos sobrevivir al puzzle de la niña y salvamos su alma de andar por las calles, a cambio de eso ella se encarga de alejar al monstruo de nuestra casa por un par de días, luego de que amanezca nuestro personaje se empieza a sentir mal y tiene ataques nerviosos como Jims, nuestro personaje piensa discretamente en mudarse de casa, llegada la noche nuestro personaje tiene miedo debido qué paso por diversas cosas traumaticas. Nuestro personaje se queda dormido pero tiene una pesadilla donde ve como saluda a sus antepasados en sus tumbas y estos salen de sus tumbas para atormentarlo por su desicion, nuestro personaje logra sobrevivir a su pesadilla quedando libre de esa culpa, volviendo a su estado normal de tranquilidad, listo para enfrentar al monstruo cuando regrese y defender su legadi y de sus antepasados. Gracias por llegar hasta aquí como vuelvo a decirlo me tomo tiempo y se retraso un poco porque estuve mal de salud, si me dejaras un like me ayudarías mucho (no obligatorio) 👍✔️😁. Era mentira, la historia no termina aquí, ya que agregaré la historia de un videojuego muy conocido últimamente ¿ adivinas cual será? Para esto modificare le comentario y casi todo lo que explique se borrará, pero valdrá la pena.
@randomlamborghiny Жыл бұрын
Jims has a red shirt, meanwhile the *so-called monster version of Jims* has blue shirt. Could it be that the shirt was affected by rain, mud and the radioactive activity?
@Sr_walter_withe Жыл бұрын
Será un poco largo 😊 ... 💀
@unpibepro839 Жыл бұрын
@@Sr_walter_withe no me esperaba que sea tan largo xD
@Bloxirane Жыл бұрын
Me gusta cómo te esforzaste para darnos el contexto completo
@RatheoRat Жыл бұрын
One is about insanity but the other is about survival
@myth_1VOR15 Жыл бұрын
Chapter 1: Jim’s computer Chapter 2: Stereotypical obby Chapter 3: weird strict dad Chapter 4: Residence massacre
@Dripfarted Жыл бұрын
nope, weird strict dad has absolutely nothing to do with Jim's computer, i played the game and honestly can't recall ANYTHING related to jim.
@Wultha Жыл бұрын
But the monster has the same shirt it is red like the dad in weird strict dad
@swizzchoc Жыл бұрын
in the bad ending in the obby the person looked like jim..
@the_doctor_with_the_plague Жыл бұрын
nope 1.weird strict dad 2.jin's computer 3.stereotypical obby 4.residence massacre
@EvanVN2 Жыл бұрын
None of these games are related
@thatonesouldude Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer: Fear it Residence Massacre: Survive it Weird Strict Dad: Hide from it
@Gabo-r9e Жыл бұрын
The maze: survive and ????
@Chefpepe-n2e 6 ай бұрын
You can’t hide from weird strict dad tho
@Anon.y Жыл бұрын
Jims computer: Fear it Residence massacre: Survive it
@Not_case Жыл бұрын
@Not_case Жыл бұрын
@@BoogaOoga-no9og me too, but when i dug in further i found out that he commited suicide, bcs he rathered die by himself than being k!lled by the monster
@semihsakinmaz3009 Жыл бұрын
jim had schizophenrie@@BoogaOoga-no9og
@I-am-invisible Жыл бұрын
​@@BoogaOoga-no9ogAlso it could be the nearby power plant that opened up causing auditory hallucinations.
@Withered-bonnie1 Жыл бұрын
@LessUsedShirtwe know, we’re talking about Jim’s schizophrenia not him dying
@DefinetlyBloody Жыл бұрын
Jim's Computer:Being the insanity Residence Massacre:Escaping the insanity
@Sp8ed_D8m6n Жыл бұрын
Weird strict dad: Surviving the insanity A Streopyical Obby: Finding the truth
@WindowsWillam Жыл бұрын
Fanmade games: 1: Jim's computer 2: started as a new worker
@Sp8ed_D8m6n Жыл бұрын
@@WindowsWillam the 2nd game didn't exist
@WindowsWillam Жыл бұрын
@@Sp8ed_D8m6n the 2nd game is fanmade buddy
@Sp8ed_D8m6n Жыл бұрын
@@WindowsWillam ik
@fireflyyt6644 Жыл бұрын
@Secondbestroblox Жыл бұрын
Ist not that but still funni
@ZeHandola-wx7vx Жыл бұрын
whats that then@@Secondbestroblox
@toxicxgaming9182 Жыл бұрын
Is boy not ball ...
@ItsMeAdaaaammmmmm Жыл бұрын
Its actually "if u dont got no money on my buds Im killin you and remember to call the 9 1 1" thats all i understood
@Oddity_lol Жыл бұрын
@sienna-rose3813 Жыл бұрын
The order of Jims life: 1.Weird strict dad=childhood 2.A stereotypical obby=Bad dreams as a kid 3.Ressidence Massicure=A new job and house 4.Jims comuter=He feels like something is following him...
@WeirdUnfunnyGuy Жыл бұрын
Weird strict dad Residence massacre Jim's computer
@Havolli Жыл бұрын
Stereotypical obby may be the traumas he endured after the residence massacre parts
@Unknownn.Userr.1 Жыл бұрын
@@Havolli no its before because the entity in the residence massacre is larry the person that was affected by the radioacted leak to start killing and the game jims Computer is the warning and lore to the residence massacre
@layhiengsal2305 Жыл бұрын
Fact:there was a noob and a here is a red monster and his friend got eaten by the monster then the noob got a gun and killed the monster then his friend got turn into a monster and the noob killed him and today he basically got turn into one
@Nico_dud Жыл бұрын
1.Werid strict dad = childhood 2.Jim's computer suicide and turning into a monster 3.Residence massacre = Situation that we are in (now) 4.Steropical obby In it the simulation they said smth about creating some thing it might be Jim turned into a monster so maybye after jim's death someone or something turned him into a monster and now jim's mind gone into helper but body stayed in the earth and jim is trying to remind the person that turned him into this what he have done
@sonic984 Жыл бұрын
Ill throw out a theory, the guy who was sending messages to Jim was actually a hidden monster, in which he tried to kill Jim. The helicopter that passed, was gonna go to the factory to fight the monsters, however Jim knew his fate and shot himself. In residence massacre, the protagonist survived the attack of a worker that was infected.
@retrayn Жыл бұрын
The guy that sending messages is government, "Prepare" is mean to prepare to be saved or smth
@non-copyrighted_squid Жыл бұрын
idk i believe this theory but i can't shake off the fact that maybe while the co-worker was turning the co-worker knew he might unconsciously kill him because maybe they're neighbors and tried to warn jim in a joking manner because he knows that jim may be a bit unstable and may not be able to handle the situation but it still ended horridly. i also have a feeling that jim couldve survived if he just stayed still... because we're the ones taking his co-worker but idk there's no solid proof for it anyway loll
@lupevillalobos7926 Жыл бұрын
​@@non-copyrighted_squidin the loe the messages were actually hallucinations from the radiation leak that happened in the area where jim lived the hallucinations ended up making jim shoot himself because he chose that ending the suffering now would be better than just living with it and the recent disappearances in the game were just people having the same fate as jim the radiation could have mutated one of the dead bodies it didn't mutate jim tho because in residences massacre the monster has a blue shirt but jim always wears a red shirt
@catterpawtter195 Жыл бұрын
@non-copyrighted_squid Жыл бұрын
@@catterpawtter195 ty for this reply i noticed all the grammar errors from my reply 💀
@emilypascua4743 Жыл бұрын
Context: Jim R. Roblox is an 18 years old roblox character, he is old enough to buy a house. He buyed a computer after buying a house, he also has anxiety to check the house if its haunted. day 5 in Jim's house he decided to buy a black item which is called "🔫". that one night he waked up from anxiety, the tv turned on itself and showed a word said "Military warning" and when he heard the door he shooted his head and Rip to Jim game: Jim's computer 10 likes for recidence massacre Context: The residence massacre is a horror game. Jim was in heaven, then god said "its not your time to die Jim, ill sent you back as a CEO of bloxy pizzeria" then Jim came back as 20 yrs old, he got shock his new home was bigger than the other one. He went to work in 3:pm. After 9h he came back home and go sleep, but he thinks that the house is haunted so he barricaded the windows and suddenly, a creature called "The anomaly" which looks like a copy of Jim but Anomaly is a monster that has no lungs, no heart, no mouth, has sharp teeth. 1. What should Jim do? A. Go to sleep B. Hide somewhere C. Hide in a safe place 300 likes for pt.2 C. is the most voted, les go So Jim hid in a safe place. The anomaly stayed in Jim's house. but a black item appeared in Jim's hand. 2. What is the black item A. rocket launcher B. Gun C. Toy 650 likes for pt. 3 Gun is most voted. Les go! So the black item was actually a gun from his past life. anomaly found Jim, Jim shoots the gun towards to anomaly, Jim took 5 shots to kill the anomaly, And he went to sleep. 1 Afternoon Jim got to work. after his work, he saw a shop. What will Jim do to the shop A. Destroy it B. get Gun ammos C. Get Rocketlauncher ammos 750 likes to continue the story. Gun ammos is selected. so jim buyed gun ammos. later that night, Anomaly goes to his house and shot the anomaly 5 times *again* and he went to sleep, Jim checked the Date/calendar after he slept and it was Jim's birthday! Jim's birthday was march 11 1000 likes and ill show the secret context.
@childreninmybasement1 Жыл бұрын
John R. Massacre (born sometime around 1974) is the CEO of Robloxia Pizza. On November 15th, 1998 he went home and listened to the radio and after hearing of a "anomaly" he decided he would barricade the home and set up the cameras. The anomaly was caught roaming around his house from 12 AM Nov 15 - 6 AM Nov 16. He described the monster as "noob-like appearance with long claws and deformed body and head" He later moved to Rob County and is living happily with his wife and 2 kids.
@stuffy7273 Жыл бұрын
He shot his jaw
@Dabuilder1 Жыл бұрын
bro so many context doesnt even know he has schizophrenia
@emilypascua4743 Жыл бұрын
@muratikin1324 dude i just didnt view the comments Also im in my alt
@dyaniedeasis3828 Жыл бұрын
D : 😊 Change The Computer Date To 6AM
@the_mailman Жыл бұрын
It all makes sense.. Jims computer, Weird strict dad, Residence massacre. It all connects
@महादेव_अनुयायी Жыл бұрын
Weird strict dad mysterious man outside the house it make sense it's just a big story
@RichieJele Жыл бұрын
Also weird strick dad might be larry
@महादेव_अनुयायी Жыл бұрын
Yeah before his shirt changes it was blue but it's now red
@kevn5787 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't him was scared of nothing
@shfarias8615 Жыл бұрын
also steryotype also prob because the monster look like ''jim'' (residence massacre monster)
@RemoteOSC Жыл бұрын
Context Chapter 1:Jims computer A home alone boy named Jims in his house one day Jims decided to buy a computer then he bought some stuff then he noticed that at night it feels strange and off.. then e checks the closets to see if theres something and what was haunting Jims was a strange black figure then one frightening night Jims lost it then decided to buy a black square but actually the black square was a gun then Jims committed Su1c1d3 by sh00t1ng himself in the jaw Chapter 2:Residence massacre So like in Chapter 1 Jims actually worked in a factory before (idk if it is true) but Jims had a friend named Larry/the monster from residence massacre.a day ago Larry was working then a bucket of acid poured to Larry then the acid turned him into a mutant beast and then every night Larry goes to peoples houses to k1ll the owners Chapter 3:weird strict dad So there was a father and son living together they ate dinner and at 9pm the father said "stay asleep during 10pm or dad will be angry" the son understood his father then the father went to work.the son watches the news that a mysterious black figure is around and it possesed the father then the father was here to hunt his son he only way to the son is survive his dad and the way to survive his dad is to sleep and dont make too much noise Chapter 4:A stereotypical obby So the player plays roblox so he trys to play an obby the title said it was stereotypical so the player decide to play it he enjoyed it but then his game started to glitch and twitch the player was confused and kept on playing it but the sky started to get dark and it got more glitched and his character cant stop twitching he got very scared and he thinked that someone is trying to hack him he plays it more then it got more scarier twitchier and glitchy he got very scared and terrified so he decides to leave the game Tysm for 0 likes:( Edit: STOP THE DRAMA SAYING "HIS NAME AINT JIMS" "THE FIRST/LAST/IDK ISNT ___" STOP CRITICIZING ME
@grassman3456 Жыл бұрын
get da like and comment
@ToasterOfToasting Жыл бұрын
you always find paragraphs of lore dumps here
@Sunny1x12 Жыл бұрын
Sterotypycal and strict dad donnt match up with jims and residence. That means that jim and residence are a doferent timeline.
@RemoteOSC Жыл бұрын
Btw it's js a story-
@AX_lol Жыл бұрын
@therealglosetik Жыл бұрын
Here's a Theory: This is the monster we see in Jim's Computer, it's not seen in the game, as Jim kills himself before it can attack him. However, because of the context we're given, with a factory being mentioned, I think thats where this thing came from, it might even he an employee or something but idk. However, there is also a theory that this is Jim, personally I think this isnt Jim, here's why. The fact it has a split jaw, meaning this could be Jim, I personally disagree with, as to me it looks more like Jim was shooting into his mouth, plus it's shirt is black, and Jim's is red.
@gravital5213 Жыл бұрын
Idea: What if the creature controlled Jim, turning his body deformed and changing the pigment of the clothes to be darker
@lupevillalobos7926 Жыл бұрын
​@@gravital5213how would it have affected the clothes i think it might have been a different victim of the disappearances due to the radiation leak it could have made a victim with a blue shirt that commited suicide mutate into the monster
@lildmgames Жыл бұрын
Maybe the creature took over jim and was left to rot for so long that his clothes got all rotted, dirty, and black?
@lemonizedskeleton Жыл бұрын
​@@lupevillalobos7926It could've been the affect after he got affected by the radioactive and after he died so meaning he's appearance would change.
@I.R.S_Tax_Collect_Alt_1 Жыл бұрын
the game is about PHSYCOLOGICAL HORROR. Meaning jim aint the monster he has schizophrenia. and the monster from redsidence massacre's name is "larry".
@The_Metal_Hedgehog Жыл бұрын
Ill make this quick Theory: Before jim's suicidal, he had nightmares about a creature, And he had this everyday, waking up to see if the creature is in his house, after his suicide, he knew something he didnt know, he was the monster, everynight he sleeps, a spirit posseses him and transform him into a creature, he gets dreams about the victims he has killed, he never knew that he was the monster.. (QUICK EDIT) yeah, 5 months, so uhm, I have another theory "Weird strict dad theory" After Jim's death, a person found the house where jimmy lived, he saw Jim's body, he took it and turned it into a spirit, and this is the villain from WSD who made the father go strict af, now, after he made it into a spirit, he took the spirit, and every night, he would go to the house where WSD takes place and corrupts the dad with jim's spirit, and that's how it works Stereo typical obby might come up in this theory too, so I'll have to wait and come up with a theory
@agamerdude-v1y Жыл бұрын
@skilleddude7564 Жыл бұрын
o dam thats rlly good
@Eroxally Жыл бұрын
Wow Jim. Next time just baptize yourself.
@Ablissy Жыл бұрын
​@@EroxallyJim cant because hes oofed lmfao
@lindadaher4859 Жыл бұрын
@ramonjimenez252 Жыл бұрын
Little story: a group of friends went down town robloxia to hang out at one of the friend's house, soon after there is a warning issued in the radio explaining how a massive radioactive material spill occured and many of the workers were afected, larry one of the workes didn't die, but turned into a horrendus looking creature that had parts of it's melted by the radioactive material, the symptoms caused by the radioactive spill made larry 's body mutate and hunt down victims, so the radio warns all citizens to board up and put cameras around the house, the friend group terrified did all of the ordered rules given by the warning. Through out the evening the friend group chated all of the amazing and wonderful moments they had lived before it became night time. At night the monster was scavaging for preys when he found the friend's group house. The monster first decided to haunt the living hell out of the friend group before entering the house, it broke the windows, Blocked the cameras and was scaring them through the vents when it decides it was enough and entered to the house Brutally murdering 1 of the friends, the left of the group scared for they're lives hid and ran. Two more died through out the night when one friend left decided to fight, he grabbed a gun shooting at the monster until it died, he shot the string of meat joining his upper body and legs ripping it in half shooting out one of it scythes and trying to tear his face apart, the monster escaped... The monster had regenerated and was still on the lose, the only survivor jim reported it to the police and went back to his house. 2 days later the police had published a report for 3 missing teenagers im downtown robloxia, jim paranoid by this remembered it all and had ptsd of the situation, stress, anxiety filled his mind so he bought a computer to keep his mind busy, he ordered and bought things online, but a strange feeling of loneliness filled jim's mind, something was off, for the next 2 days jim kept buying things online when some mysterius text popped off telling him to prepare and bewre, jim more paranoid than ever woke up everynight fearing for his life, when one night in the middle of the night his tv issued a warning for a murderrer on the lose Jim knew it was the monster it came back to haunt him, so with the same gun jimmy fought the monster he decided to end it once and for all, but... The monster was no where to be found, Jim even more scared with anxiety, stress and his ptsd bothering his mind he had had ENOUGH... jim grabbed the gun, pointed it at his jaw, k1lling h1mself in the process. The End. Pls 50 likes my thumb hurts so much After Jim's death a series of deaths continued happening all over robloxia, many families were haunted and everybody was shivering, some even moved! Police officer Barry was working over on his nigthshift when he heard something odd, he got to the cells where he found most of the prisioners brutally murdered and some even escaped. Barry knew who it was, Barry was a fearless man, so he grabbed a shotgun and waited endlessly throughout the nigth when suddenly... BOOM. A loud explosión had occured and the power went off. Barry decided to go check and what he saw tramautized him, The monster tearing in half his wife, eating her organs and slicing through her flesh, barry froze, when suddenly the monster turned around and ambushed Barry, Barry responded quickly by absolutely mushing the monsters skin and flesh, he used a whole 27 shots and even continued hitting the monster and using it's scythe to tear it apart. The next day Barry came back home and did not tell anything to his son. Barry said lets sit down and eat dinner! It was 4pm.. The son confused decided to go along with it. At nightime, Barry went out thr house on the front porch when a strange figure was selling him sum. Barry agreed and the son decided to check on him cause he took a lil while. On the cameras the son saw his dad change his smile and face to a creepy man smiling from left to right ear when the dad entered the son hard a loud, JHONNY?!! GO BACK TO BED??!!!!!!? The son terrified went inmediatly to bed when few seconds earlier dad Barged the door with such strenght the neighbors even felt a little shake. When Dad saw his son sleeping he went back down stairs. Jhonny decided to see what was going on, on the kitchen jhonny saw his dad Cooking alive a human!! Jhonny grabbed a glass cup and smashed it on dad's face, he fell to the ground when jhonny saw he did nothing and just ran, Dad angrier than ever chased jhonny with such speed that everything in the house began to crumble and Son hid in the basement with a metal shovel in case dad came when dad went downstairs he said, jhonny dinner's ready!!!! When jhonny saw the table he had seen... A normal dinner, Dad returned back to normal and said, Dad what happened to you??!?! Dad said "Some weird man had corrupted my spirit, but it's all good now, so we will pray now! When dad finished praying we saw a small smug on his face ass the the dinner turned into human insides.... End. Of Part 2 TYSM for 100 likes!!!!!
@SalamiGurl. Жыл бұрын
Don't be disappointed that you don't have enough likes it's that you posted early and nobody noticed yet so wait about two or three days and you will have enough likes to please you I promise btw the story was really impressing
@ramonjimenez252 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the support ☺️
@erinbowling7523 Жыл бұрын
It is impressive but I think the story is weird strict dad where your dad gets posesed and if you're not asleep then he kills you then jims computer where jim goes insane and so scared that he shot himself in the jaw then the chemicals got to him and he became the monster from resistance maicer sorry if I spelled that wrong or the demon that posesed his dad found him and posesed jim and thats how monster jim was made
@ramonjimenez252 Жыл бұрын
Well actually the monster from ressidence masacre is a worker in the nearby power plant calles larry but im not really sure, and i have planed out a story for weird strict dad.
@Kingmonkeyfan Жыл бұрын
I agree with this concept needs more likes tbh
@heraaii Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer: 🙂+🟥👕+🟩👖+🙌+💛 Residence massacre:👹+💙👕+🟩+🙌🦴🦴+💛
@Jz4020YT Жыл бұрын
Theory: maybe the monster that knock jim door is the same monster in residance massacre but we didn't go to home yet. To prove this jim board up the window same like in the residence. And also there some supplies ready in our house in residence wich means jims and residence massacre are linked together. But because of a deferent time jim died, but us survived. Also to prove this There is forest near our home. And also in the news in jim computers it says that brand new factory has build and also in residence if you hear the radio again it says "A nuclear radioactive" and maybe the factory that in jim talks about is the nuclear factory
@reiko_2 Жыл бұрын
The real story: Jim is schizophrenic and none of those events were real, it was just his hallucinations driving him crazy
@lupevillalobos7926 Жыл бұрын
​@@reiko_2in the lore it was actually the radiation leak making people start disappearing and commit suicide which jim met the same fate altho the radioactive leak might have mutated one of the victims into the monster in residences massacre
@Ablissy Жыл бұрын
Makes sense
@SeaSlushi Жыл бұрын
Legend says Jim’s soul still haunts his house after he started getting illusions that someone was after him and --- himself *head cannon*:)
@chrisstanley169 Жыл бұрын
I think that’s the monster from last time
@kirayoshikage7834 Жыл бұрын
he did at the end of the game he panicked and ---- himself
@flippylolyt2418 Жыл бұрын
Fact that residence massacre and jim computer isn't the same owner
@Dripfarted Жыл бұрын
If they're the same i gotta finish residence massacre, i already finished Jim's computer, and some people know i gotta keep up with the history, but i think he isn't, since the color of his shirt ain't the same, plus his house don't got a second floor, but i wished it was the same!
@SeaSlushi Жыл бұрын
@@Dripfarted me too!!
@roowlofficial Жыл бұрын
"Sir is a Monster behind and wanna eat us! " "There are nothing we can do... "
@springtrap-purple_guy Жыл бұрын
This all what You got 💀?
@Dinglehutt Жыл бұрын
Let the guy cook
@Somefinnishguy50 Жыл бұрын
​@@Dinglehuttwhat he cooking
@circusbabysclaw7545 Жыл бұрын
​@@Somefinnishguy50His balls
@rawakocio6437 Жыл бұрын
@@springtrap-purple_guy wtf u mean he is not roasting you or anything 💀
@asqii4244 Жыл бұрын
That is the only roblox monster design that actually manages to scare me. Heck, not even scared i'm simply terrified of that thing
@Meandmihaibf Жыл бұрын
2019: cool game 2023:monster☠️
The game was not from 2019 it's a new game well kind of
@patrickperez298 Жыл бұрын
its not from 2019 its from 2023
@ankory_washere Жыл бұрын
​@@THEREAL_TELETOAST12345JC came out months ago and it came out in 2021 or 2022
@zyphertech2 Жыл бұрын
​@@ankory_washereit came out in 2022
@zyphertech2 Жыл бұрын
​​@@ankory_washereactually probably 2023
@CoolDaPosts028 Жыл бұрын
Theory: After jim shot himself with the gun, someone took him into a factory and turned him into a monster. This means that both games take place in the same setting.
@ashertaylor5454 Жыл бұрын
Bro the monster's torso is blue are you dumb?
@Yumyums- Жыл бұрын
@ภัณภาอมาตยกุล-ฉ7ฝ Жыл бұрын
Proof jim is not the monster the monster's name is larry
@CoolDaPosts028 Жыл бұрын
@@ภัณภาอมาตยกุล-ฉ7ฝ Is that confirmed? I just said theory. Its not proven to be true
@CalamityEvermore Жыл бұрын
Can’t be the same, Jim has a red shirt as shown in the thumbnsild
@ItzGabYoMan Жыл бұрын
I have a theory that Jim (From Jim’s Computer in Roblox) is actually the monster in this game. You could see the similarities between the both of them. Here’s a made-up story i made: (Now is kind of a modified story, lol sorry, also correct me if i made some mistakes in Part 1, also if you wanna understand this pls play the 2 games first) Part 1: Jim’s Computer (Pre-Story and the Theory) 30 years ago, Jim moved into his new house in the middle of nowhere. After he moved in, he got a computer was delivered by an unknown person. He unboxed the computer, and started to use it. He was looking forward to do all the stuff on what the computer could do. Each application in the computer was getting released each day, from shopping to messaging and much more. Every night, he would always wake up to close the closet because it was always open. But one day, while he was booting up the messaging app, he saw an unknown profile in his messages. He red the messages it was messaging, clueless of why it was there. Taking his mind off it, he started to use the computer again. One night, he woke up to close the closet again which was open as he heard it open. Thats when the TV started to broadcast an emergency shelter-in-place warning, which was to tell people that threat was near, A.K.A the unknown person from the messages. Once he realized it, it was near. Getting closer and closer to his house but he couldn’t see it due to the thick night fog. He grabbed his gun, pointed at his jaw, and committed suicide. The monster barged in to the house and started to take over his dead body. The next morning, authorities checked the houses in the area but, Jim wasn’t there. He mysteriously vanished. As authorities checked the records of someone being in that house, they declared Jim missing. He was lost. Now the house is just an empty lot owned by the government due to the fact that Jim has no relatives or friends. As time passed, so did the house. The government managed to do some improvements and renovations to make the house a second story and add more stuff. Jim’s rotting body, unexpectedly changed entire colors as there was a Power Plant nearby, Jim attacked the power plant and killed *MOST* of them in the 1993 “Middle of nowhere” Power Plant Massacre. Jim got spilled in with chemical liquid in the coolant. Since that power plant was attacked, it was shutdown since, and not a single soul has went there. 30 years later, someone gets the house, and when they come back home from work, they now have to survive, *THE RESIDENCE MASSACRE.* Part 2: The Residence Massacre (The Story Part 1, Kind of modified) As the new person bought the house and goes to the house after work, a public service announcement broadcast in the radio is being broadcasted throughout the area. An unknown entity has been spotted in the area, and advised everybody to stay indoors, protect yourself and others (if you have) from the unknown entity that was coming in the night. They also said that authorities were coming in the area about the morning as the area is very far from the nearest police station. The man was a little bit anxious and surprised, so he prepared himself, grabbed the necessary tools, placed and secured stuff like boards, cameras, etc. Before the night started, he went up to check his generator to see if it was powering well, this was essential because the power also provides his oxygen inside the house. As he fueled up the generator, he heard, a peculiar sound, something that doesn’t sound human at all. He quickly ran inside the house and slammed the door, alarming the unknown entity. He hid in the closet, as it closely went inside the house. He could hear its growls, its drool, and flesh. His heart was racing, like he was having a heart attack. Thats when the monster gave up, and left the man to thrive again. He boarded up again, and checked and completed the necessary tasks. He checked the cameras to see who that monster was, and was absolutely shocked. It was Jim, and his reanimated body, roaming around the area. As he was roaming around, he also hunted and feasted down people that was near the mans house, he could hear all the screams, slashing, clawing. When he thought he was safe inside, he suddenly lost power, his anxiousness quickly changed into extreme fear. He didn’t want to die of asphyxiation, but he didn’t want to die getting eaten. He had no choice, but to run to the generator, fuel it up, and check the electrical wiring. He silently walked to the generator, fueled it up, then started walking to the electrical box. As he was fixing it quietly, a spark was lighted and sounded, alarming Jim. Jim let out a loud scream, and was closely going towards the man. He quickly fixed the issue and fixed the power, and Jim was coming for him. The man ran the hardest he could, and Jim managed to scratch him a bit, they were a few inches from each other, but thats when the man quickly entered the house and locked the door and hid in the closet. Jim was trying to barge into the house, screaming and yelping. Thats when the computer, the one Jim used, started to shine a red light upstairs. The man was beginning to be confused, and thats when, the computer let out a shock wave that broke the door, windows, etc within the area. The man was frightened, but before Jim could charge at him. The computer gave some kind of signal with the shine, and Jim followed it upstairs. The man watched as he began to go to the computer, and Jim got sucked inside. The computer then sent another shockwave within the area that nearly killed the man. Thats when it was morning and authorities came. The man was badly hurt, and was rushed to the hospital. They were able to recover him, and he told them everything about what happened. After the story was sent to the news, the detectives and investigators got their hands on this mystery case.. Part 3: The Investigation (HOLY HELL HOW DID YOU GUYS DESTROY THE LIKE COUNT???. IM GETTING PART 3 IN A DAY GUYS PLS WAIT!!!!) thanks for you guys giving me corrections 👍🏻 but why did you start an argument in the comments???
@Ileftmymind Жыл бұрын
Well, jims torso is red but how his torso became blue?
@WowzersaucexD Жыл бұрын
@@Ileftmymindyou’ve got a point but maybe this is the monster at Jim’s door when it was weaker or smth
@ItzGabYoMan Жыл бұрын
@@Ileftmymind well, the possesion, or maybe the rotting of the body due too so much time passing, it must’ve changed.
@Suz777sd Жыл бұрын
​@@Ileftmymindthe story says it been 30 years,how the person will be same?
@LightandDark-XD Жыл бұрын
Chapter 1:Jim's computer Chapter 2: sterotypical obby Chapter 3:hide and seek from billy Chapter 4: Resindence Masscare
@Simon-m7I Жыл бұрын
Copied comment.
@kikialexander8061 Жыл бұрын
Fr think of another comment
@notwolfpaq Жыл бұрын
Weird strict dad :Left The Chat
@BenjaPorciunculafeijo-gl8ti Жыл бұрын
a a a a aa a a a a a a a aa a a a a a a aa aa a a a a a a a a a a a aa a aaaaa a a a a a a aaaaa a a a a a a a aa a a a a a aaaaaaa a a aa a a a a a
@Nicompoopsex Жыл бұрын
Chap 5: radiant residents🫨
@jeremyreyes2521 Жыл бұрын
Content: when Jim died the house was haunted but later the house was replaced and now Jim haunts the new house, few days later Jim came back alive he wasnt seen at all until the visitor came 30 likes more
@PannaapaBambi Жыл бұрын
The name of the monster is larry
@alex765y Жыл бұрын
​@@PannaapaBambithey diddnt revealed the name of the anomaly
@mr.meseas5512 Жыл бұрын
This is far from correct
@SkibidiT0iIlet6 Жыл бұрын
Bro problably didn’t even play residence massacre it says that a scientist got infected by a virus
@un-kyejohn2968 Жыл бұрын
When you purposefully spread misinformation.
@reginabugayong6930 Жыл бұрын
jims computer: *location was nuked by the goverment*, jim: *transformed into a monster*, location: *rebuilted with a second story house*, residence massacre was made
@epicman4678 Жыл бұрын
So Jim is just trying to go home but since he killed himself and the missile revived him all he wants is to go home and nothing is going to stop him that's why he targets the player it's where his home (used) to be
@Mirrordudzthefaiz Жыл бұрын
The reason why the clothes are different are from the rotting of his body
@resnanurapriani6436 Жыл бұрын
No jim shirt is red while the monster shirt is blue
@chocyflakes Жыл бұрын
i feel like this theory makes more sense: residence massacre is when jim is a child, and lives with his dad in a 2-story-building. his dad is the monster in residence massacre, after the incident jim dislikes his house, and is uncomfortable just living in it and immediately moves out when he's older. but when the radiation leak on the news came along, and when the messages came along as well, he got flashbacks. he got paranoid and started to check the closets in his home, after then, hearing knocking on his windows and doors. he prepares, like the message says, but he's still feeling unsafe. the person messaging jim these things is actually a soldier, as seen in day 5 in jim's computer, there's a helicopter, presumably to save jim. although their intentions are to save him, jim mistakes the messages as a threat, and when they told him not to make noise, it was in case there WAS actually a monster out there. Jim thinks that the soldier IS the monster, and shoots himself out of fear of facing that again.
@nottherealtr6 Жыл бұрын
Ok so Jim's computer takes place when a factory explode Residence massacre is the person that was in the explosion and became a monster and followed Jim and Jim offed himself and we are trying to survive the monster that came to are house
@JurassicWorld-hb2mg Жыл бұрын
Yo creo que el monstruo de residence massacre es el que atormentaba a Jim,s y luego de que Jim,s se matara el monstruo llego a otra casa y es donde nosotros vivimos en la casa ,bueno esa es mi teoria gracias por escuchar :). Ala nunca había tenido tantos likes :D
@giovannimarecoortiz1122 Жыл бұрын
Jim estaba loco y paranoico, residence massacre pasa en otro lugar
@JardEvade-x1u Жыл бұрын
Si hubiera sido el mounstro de residence massacre ya lo hubiera asesinado a Jim.
@conix_wonder Жыл бұрын
​@@JardEvade-x1upero tal vez no lo mató porque el monstruo llegó después de que jim's se haya matado.. (no se, solo digo mi opinión, aclaren ésto)
@andresalmenar Жыл бұрын
Teoria: jim al matarse algo lo convirtio en eso SI SE QUE ES TONTO porque el monstruo se ve un poco parecido a jim entonces podria ser otra cosa contra jim *NO REAL o si*
@iammelati8090 Жыл бұрын
roblox horror games 2019: 😆 Roblox horror games 2023:☠️ Thank you for your help, it has reached 1 like🎉 edit: thank you for reaching 100 likes😆🎉
@xoxo_userxz Жыл бұрын
Now Its 3 likes :)
@xoxo_userxz Жыл бұрын
8 likes :0
@Dethedd Жыл бұрын
47 likes :O
@arandomuseronyoutube5885 Жыл бұрын
57 likes :D
@bablukoley1137 Жыл бұрын
Now it's 61
@Ezpezlemsqez Жыл бұрын
I have a cool theory: The 2 games live in one universe, one km away from each other, jim and massacre survivor (ill call him bob) have the same message that there a nuclear factory exploded, and alot of people died, most are injured, and one missing. About the jim's computer: Jim lives alone, he decides to buy a computer Every night, hes scared and wakes up to check the closets inside. In the 4th night, he is prepared, all windows planked, doors closed, supply is there, but he doesnt want to see his fate, so he takes out one thing he bought with supplies: a gun. He shoots himself right in the jaw, killing himself. As for the residence massacre: The story is kinda same, with the factory exploding and a creature being loose, killing people at night. The players are the workers who came from the work, and the bob has to prepare for the night, or else his fate will be sealed. Bob planks the windows, fixes electricity, and refuels oxygen generator. The monster is coming at 12 am, and leaves at 6 am. Theory: Since they have the same story conditions, they live the same universe in same state, because the house looks, and the forest nearby both houses. The bob is attacked first, and he survives, but jim doesnt know what to do after he got the message and commits suicide. About the monster:the monster is the worker who went missing, it ran into the forest. It lost his half of the jaw, and has sharp teeth, 2 exposed limbs going from the hands, one is formed like a cane, and another one has a sharp giant razor blade in it, because of the radiation, the blade has blended into the exposed limb, and the eyes are glowing, unlike the normal ones. It has blood on his clothes, and he feeds on human flesh. To survive the monster for the bob, he has to look at the windows, and turn on the lights in the room the monster's window is. The light remind it the explosion, and it flees away from the place, going to another place. If it got in and you aren't yet seen by it, hide in the closet. (1 per closet). If you are seen by it, then your fate is sealed. Or just outrun it.
@idk_uhhhhhhhhhh Жыл бұрын
D A Y 1 : we started experimenting on a noob but it failed miserably. D A Y 2 : it has escaped from the facility we are trying to locate it- E N D .
@TheLegensOfBruh Жыл бұрын
@Imsupercoolnikanyes Жыл бұрын
@icytheirrelevant Жыл бұрын
i lowkey love this theory
@MLGmegaPro1 Жыл бұрын
This is actually really nice. I love the idea of the lights bringing the monster traumatic memories of the explosion and causing it to flee, which also might be why the room lights work, but not the flashlight.
@الحمدلله-ف5غ4م Жыл бұрын
I'm not really sure about that, But the editing is amazing!
@Eretsx Жыл бұрын
jim can be residence massacre monster
@الحمدلله-ف5غ4م Жыл бұрын
@@Eretsx But What about the Shirt colour?
@Pastasareamazing Жыл бұрын
Btw if you don't play tithe 2 game then you don't know the lore behind him or the guy in the 2nd game
@الحمدلله-ف5غ4م Жыл бұрын
@@Pastasareamazing I did play The two games, but I'm still confused
@briannaanderson1572 Жыл бұрын
It might be a worker that got too radiated by the factory spill they talked about in Jim's computer?
@Seriallybreaded_N Жыл бұрын
Theory: In Jim’s computer the TV broadcast said there was an anomaly on the loose, but they also said a new nuclear power plant has opened. My therory is that the radiation caused him to have hallucinations, leading to Jim being paranoid about things, but as the nights went on, Jim got more and more effected by the radiation, and Jim eventually turns into the monster, but the thing is, since Jim is still hallucinating, maybe Jim was hallucinating him being a normal human, maybe “Jim” is what he used to be, and J I M is what he is now… About the shirt color, it should be obvious, if Jim was hallucinating about his past self all along, it would make sense why Jim would have a red shirt, because he’s hallucinating himself in the past, and he probably had a red shirt in the past.
@urstrulyio Жыл бұрын
@Crowdsed Жыл бұрын
That make sense now, but wait he lived in a forest so where was the factory at?
@untitledsnaky Жыл бұрын
@@Crowdsedit could be a decent while away perhaps the radiation or whatever got to him despite it being far away
@Seriallybreaded_N Жыл бұрын
@@Crowdsed the factory was probably in the opposite direction the MILLITARY aircraft’s were, or were they even MILLITARY?
@Detective_25 Жыл бұрын
Didn't know there was a story behind this. Well this makes it a lot darker...
@quar3 Жыл бұрын
Jim's Computer: 😰💥🔫🖥️ Residence Massacre: 💀🧟‍♂️🏚️🕛
@doors705 Жыл бұрын
It feels like Jim's computer and residence massacre are connected to each other with different views of one person in the outbreak
@noprod3r_yt Жыл бұрын
Mi teoría de estos dos juegos: Jim's computer:Eres un chico cansado de la ciudad así que vas a vivir a una casa totalmente alejada de cualquier otra casa, pueblo o ciudad, al llegar pides una computadora para estar informado de lo pasa en el exterior. Pero tu (Jim) sufres de ansiedad y otros problemas mentales qué no te dejan vivir tranquilo, por eso después de recibir la noticia de que hubo un derrame químico en una refinería cercana te preocupas. Y te preparas con provisiones por si lo peor sucede, entre esas cosas una pistola la cual por las alertas, emergencias, ruidos etc. Tu ansiedad empieza a controlar tus pensamientos, y cometes -suicidi0- Residence massacre:son vacaciones, decides ir a una casa alejada de cualquier otra casa, ciudad o pueblo (la misma que la de Jim de jim's computer pero remodelada) pero antes de viajar jamás investigaste sobre la historia de esa casa. Mientras te instalas en la casa decides prender la radio para oír las noticias, escuchas sobre la historia de la casa y precauciones para vivir en ella. Escuchas que el monstruo (Jim) habita por esa zona y sale a buscar comida (carne humana) por la noche y irrumpirá en tu casa a las 12AM y se irá a las 6AM. Al escuchar esas noticias decides prepararte por si llega alguien ser verdad, encuentras unos tablones en un cuarto y los usas para cubrir las ventanas. Colocas cámaras con una escalera que encontraste en un cobertizo y reparas las ventilaciones para poder tener aire dentro de la casa porque la única abertura de la casa es la puerta y la vas a cerrar y no podrá entrar el aire. Al sobrevivir la noche tratas de pedir ayuda pero no hay respuesta, así que tienes que quedarte una noche más en esa casa... Bloodmoon:El monstruo ya sabe que estas ahí, será más rápido y inteligente porque ya sabe tus movimientos por esa horrible noche. Esta noche será más difícil, te preparas y...¡Felicidades! Sobreviviste. Por ahora hasta ahí esta Residence massacre si actualizan el juego editaré este comentario con más información. Teoría completa: Mi teoría es que por el derrame químico, Jim al morir se transformó en una especie de zombie y al no encontrar a Jim en esa casa la Remodelaron. Mientras la remodelaban Jim salió y mató a los constructores. Los constructores desaparecieron y ese lugar se hizo muy famoso por las leyendas, y ahí es donde entras tu, por la fama de ese lugar decides viajar en vacaciones ahí. Gracias por leer Pls like me tomó mucho English:My theory of these two games: Jim's computer: You are a tired boy of the city so you are going to live in a house totally away from any other house, town or city, when you arrive you ask for a computer to be informed of what is happening outside. But you (Jim) suffer from anxiety and other mental problems that don't let you live peacefully, that's why after receiving the news that there was a chemical spill at a nearby refinery you get worried. And you prepare yourself with provisions in case If the worst happens, among those things a gun which for alerts, emergencies, noises etc. Your anxiety begins to control your thoughts, and you commit -suicid3- Residence massacre: it's vacations, you decide to go to a house far from any other house, city or town (the same as Jim's from jim's computer but remodeled) but before traveling you never researched the history of that house. As you settle into the house you decide to turn on the radio to listen to the news, you listen to the news.You hear about the history of the house and precautions for living in it. You hear that the monster (Jim) inhabits that area and goes out to look for food (human flesh) at night and will break into your house at 12AM and leave at 6AM. When you hear that news you decide to prepare yourself in case someone comes to be true, you find some boards in a room and use them to cover the windows. You set up cameras with a ladder you found in a shed and repair the vents so you can have air inside the house because the only opening in the house is the door and you're going to close it and no air will be able to enter. When you survive the night you try to ask for help but there is no answer, so you have to stay one more night in that house... Bloodmoon: The monster already knows you're there, he'll be faster and smarter because he already knows your moves from that horrible night. Tonight will be harder, you get ready and... Congratulations! Survived. For now, that's as far as Residence massacre is available if they update Thanks for read Pls like it took me too much
@yaelaidanlumanog1473 Жыл бұрын
The bloodmoon coudlve been Jim's 2nd attack because he is dearly mad at the current owner and is probably starving (ever since he died, because they live in a forest means that not much human life is in there and his preferred food is human meat, explaining that he could have turned into a cannibal after the exposure of radiation)so he is more mad so that he can probably get the food that he needs. Also i hope they add that after completing the bloodmoon 5 times you get an ending where the monster (Jim) dies from starvation (an average human can last 6 weeks without food, which means Jim dies in the past week, and thats 6 nights including the normal night, the attacks happened on a tuesday, week 5.)
@luizsilvinha8639 Жыл бұрын
Enem ?
@Shanks-f2c Жыл бұрын
👍 nice theory
@Kaioshin2679 Жыл бұрын
nice theory but it's not confirmed, a bullet cannot break a person jaw, (the Bullet will make a perfect circle) and the monster is a missing worker,the monster is called Larry, He has a Blue shirt and blue pants, The Reason why he turned to a monster because the radioactive exploded and it spilled all over to Larry, it's impossible for a dead person to rot very very fast. Jim is dead. There's no need for him to be a monster. DEAD Forever. Jim has schizophrenia (I think) and maybe anxiety? Well. Jim isn't Larry, He didn't changed his clothes. He always use his red shirt clothes. It's impossible for a dead person to change shirts. His house is far from the woods so the factory isn't near him.
@RleX_S.K.Y Жыл бұрын
How could this only get 38 likess ?!?!
@thetans4384 Жыл бұрын
This deserves more likes I had no idea that these to games connects
@sawyerlink Жыл бұрын
Well we don’t surely know but it’s an theory: there are 2 current theories
@sawyerlink Жыл бұрын
Theory 1: the entity/intruder has a chance to be Jim but it’s not likely because the entity’s name is jerry
@sawyerlink Жыл бұрын
Theory 2: almost all the models are the same so that proves that they live in the same area and the refinery that spilled oil in Jim’s computer could’ve happened at the time residence massacre had an refinery/ factory spill.
@stektakos Жыл бұрын
My theorie is that the monster broke out the prison in stereotypical obby, went to the house in residence massacre, then the house in Jim’s computer.
@sickothem5869 Жыл бұрын
Bro I can’t find a single English comment💀
@neit_spade8090 Жыл бұрын
Try harder idk
@patrickperez298 Жыл бұрын
just translate it
@DoniEnsalaaWaosss Жыл бұрын
Because the creator is spanish
@BlazingDogePlayzRBX Жыл бұрын
​@@DoniEnsalaaWaosssHES FRENCH
@noramalinabintiabdmajidmoe6614 Жыл бұрын
I have
@10zombie28 Жыл бұрын
My theory: Jim and the player from resistance massacre are in the same universe. They are both surviving against mutants on the same night.
@nikkipalacio2307 Жыл бұрын
dude jim killed himself from the anxiety and stress
@10zombie28 Жыл бұрын
@@nikkipalacio2307 yeah ik but he killed himself the night the player was surviving
@tuntunpakhi Жыл бұрын
and they are both sons of weird strict dad maybe ever wonder why is there like 4 or 5 beds on weird strict dad who are the other people who are monster
@ISkinFlamingos Жыл бұрын
​@@tuntunpakhithis is bs
@ISkinFlamingos Жыл бұрын
​@@10zombie28he was scared of something
@Vickie_YT_0 Жыл бұрын
Aquí hay 2 teorias La primera es que el mounstro es jim,ya que en en jim's computer en el final (la noche 5) jim saca el cuadrado negro que no sabiamos que era,que termina siendo una pistola,en eso jim de los nervios se dispara (se suicid4) en lo que parece ser su mandíbula,ahora pasamos a recidencia masacre,en recidencia masacre tu vuelves a tu casa,prendes la radio y esta dice que,al parecer hay una anomalía rondando por la ciudad en la noche,que se mantengan seguros y protejan a sus seres queridos y todo lo demás,cuando se hace de noche aparece la anomalía,pero esta tiene algo en común con jim,que tiene la mandíbula partida por la mitad (osea,parece que le paso lo mismo que jim) pero también hay un 60% (digamos) que no sea jim,osea,porque jim tenía una camisa roja y la anomalía de recidencia masacre tiene una camisa azul,con lo que podemos deducir que puede o no puede ser jim. Ahora la segunda es que la anomalía es un trabajador de la fábrica que explotó en jim's computer,ya que en jim's computer en una de las noticias diarias dice que el alcalde mandó a hacer una fábrica,pero después dice que la fábrica explotó,haciendo que algunos químicos calleran hacia los empleados de la fábrica,y 1 de ellos logro vivir,pero ahora esta ala mismo tiempo muerto,porque se mustra varios huesos de su cuerpo y se ve sin piel y con sangre,y que ahora andaba rondando cerca de la ciudad,por la noche la anomalía llega a tu casa,queriendo matarte,esta teoría si puede ser cierta,ya que como dije,jim está vestido de rojo y la anomalía de azul,ademas,se cree que le mounstro no es jim no solo por eso,sino que supuestamente se llama larry la anomalía. Gracias por leer❤ XD
@gameerman7898 Жыл бұрын
y si jim es el monstruo, pero su cuerpo esta podrido y por eso su torso es de otro color
@sonicchris12131 Жыл бұрын
si se dieron cuenta en una de las noticias esta la casa de residence massacre
@Quesadilla135 Жыл бұрын
Talvez el color de torso sea por la suciedad y porque su cuerpo se está pudriendo
@rupuppuuupuoypu Жыл бұрын
ong it's not Jim he has a diff shirt and the factory in Jim's computer is a oil factory 💀
@Super_4elikXD Жыл бұрын
Ahhh, I hate this shit when Larry breaks into the house. It's hard to run away for 10 fucking minutes until he's gone.
@Biadrawsandplays Жыл бұрын
Mi mamá: por que suena tanto esa música? Yo leyendo el primer comentario 🤑👌:
@Zector2007 Жыл бұрын
Oh dios no lo habia visto por completo
@Zector2007 Жыл бұрын
Sera un poco largo
@Leon_kennedy-27 Жыл бұрын
@Vanillasfav Жыл бұрын
@Aquino_mini Жыл бұрын
@@Zector2007 **automaticamente le da la historia ultra completa y mas el contexto**
@raprapdaclan13 Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer and residence massacre has meanings Jim's computer tells us that schizophrenia is not good and not easy Roblox residence tells us to cooperate with our teammates and work harder if you're alone or else you're gonna experience the thing that you always fear and the thing that you always hope never happen.
@redlyro6700 Жыл бұрын
its not actually the meaning lorewise, but ok
@raprapdaclan13 Жыл бұрын
@@redlyro6700 i pulled these shits out of my ass
@NPCtheYouTub3r Жыл бұрын
Theory: the monster from residents massacre is Jim because what if the anomalys broke into jims house and started mutanting jims dead body into the monster
@genebou5996 Жыл бұрын
You sure? explain why the monster's shirt is blue?🤨
@attentiongroovin Жыл бұрын
@@genebou5996 (the shirt is actaully black) the monster prob took over jims body and time go on his color start to be dark
@GEORGESib Жыл бұрын
It have said that it happened in a factory this might not be true.
@Z1_Rood Жыл бұрын
can someone explain to me how the fuck jims computer is related to ressidence massacre
@attentiongroovin Жыл бұрын
@@Z1_Rood ppl sayin jim is actually the monster cause of the factory lore also the jaw cause jim shot himself in the mouth
@Bobby2364 Жыл бұрын
" You ain't got my money or my balls" "911"💀
@ChinelinhoCarioca Жыл бұрын
Dude, this could be true, like, Jim killed himself and now he's in a nightmare, like the crying child in FNaF 4. (Well, not the suicide part)
@abbilikirankumar Жыл бұрын
Or what if jim is the monster
@Normal_Person-tr4x Жыл бұрын
​@@abbilikirankumarThe monster is named Larry
@Normal_Person-tr4x Жыл бұрын
​@@abbilikirankumarhe was a worker who disappeared in the factory explosion incident
@HuyBui-be3zt Жыл бұрын
a infinty nightmare about he has been killed over and over in a inf fear
@HuyBui-be3zt Жыл бұрын
if he won he finaly free the nightmare
@KADAKT_1914 Жыл бұрын
the real plot is the game dad in which he made a deal with the devil, he tried to commit suicide in Jim's computer, but it didn't work out. Thirdly, he turned into a resident devil changed his clothes and a demon possessed him and he endlessly suffers
@Lazynimations Жыл бұрын
Jim transformed into a monster 💀
@chrispro0980 Жыл бұрын
nuh hu beacuase the name of the moster is larry and i dont now why the people try to connect to games
@Hung12100 Жыл бұрын
the Monster this look like Jim 87%@@chrispro0980
@wireestose9973 Жыл бұрын
​@@chrispro0980I mean bro, check they're gameplay each if they're news is literally the same about a factory, also it's just a theory, we don't know yet
@friedpandesal2376 Жыл бұрын
Scratch the "maybe they are different people"
@inserttromboneplayingfurryhere Жыл бұрын
maybe after jim shot himself his corpse turned into that
@TopazTerra503 Жыл бұрын
Who else has a theory that the anomaly from Residence Massacre is actually Jim from Jim's Computer?
@Greatest_Pilgrim Жыл бұрын
Theory: Jim is not the residence massacre monster but instead one of the coworkers who worked at the factory.
@Puffyashan Жыл бұрын
No, cause if Jim worked there, he would've been there while his always in his house so this theory is false plus he would've been badly injured like the radio said
@antifurries0o0 Жыл бұрын
Theory:residence massacre and jims Computer are connected Jims computer:jim keeps on getting hearing things and the mayor of the city built a factory (which exploded) Because of the explosion jim has schronphonia which gives him hallucinations making him think there's someone in his house which lead him to suicide Residence massacre:this is a lot worse than jims computer since that residence massacre (lets call it rm) Is real and the residence got infected which led them go CRAZY and the guy has to defend himself from the radiation and the part is that they both have the factories which exploded making me think there connected
@deathgrv Жыл бұрын
Hello there
@antifurries0o0 Жыл бұрын
@@deathgrv oppa gangman style
@fs5923 Жыл бұрын
Mi teoria es q el juego jim computer y reciden masacre son una historia q la primera parte es q jim como lo dice el juego de jim c quito la vida la segunda parte q es residens masacre es como su amigo o no c pero de sefuro es algo de jim estaba en su casa pero escucha la radio osa las noticias q escucho q un chico habia muerto por algo entonses el amigo c preparo y eso es todo pero..... Jim quedo vivo y como c quito la vida de seguro la cosa q hico q se muriera por q c m4t0 a si mismo entro a su cuerpo y alli paso la masacre Mi teoria es una un poco clara xd Edit:omaga me dieron corazonsito
@CR7-GODD Жыл бұрын
Tambien esta que . . . Experimentaron con quimicos radiactivos Despues de que se quitara la vida
@gman740 Жыл бұрын
@mr.cbbanimates3997 Жыл бұрын
I like the concept of Jim's computer because it's super dark and amazing with the color contrast while residence massacre is like a Fnaf game
@Randomizer-0 Жыл бұрын
So the Monster in Residence Masacre is the monster that wanted to kill Jim ?
@Burgura2ks Жыл бұрын
No, the video creator is making the connection that Jim might be the monster in residence massacre after radioactive spill, even though it's proven not to. They think this because the monster has a weird hole in his jaw, which Jim shot himself, he also looks fairly similar.
@DoritosChill Жыл бұрын
no it larry
@v1nceclone Жыл бұрын
Yea guys it’s name is Larry lol
@Randomizer-0 Жыл бұрын
​@@Burgura2ksThat gotta be wrong because jim's shirt is red and the monster is a noob avatar and they have blue shirt/torso
@NicolaPlayPopular Жыл бұрын
So i think all this lore is Connected to 3 games: Jim's computer Residence Massacre (And uhmm... I don't remember the name but it was that obby that slightly every 10 stages got darker and darker) Let's mix this up Jim's computer:A factory exploded and 1 worker escaped from the radiation Residence massacre:We returned home after a hard day of work at a factory (Yeah that obby game) : We are stuck in a factory They are all connected because of the factory and since I'm a follower of game theory, let's sort this up (note before u start: Jim's computer will be very important because of the days that pass and of the news) Chapter 1: "Let's sort this Up" Day 1 So we start with Jim's computer, he decided to buy a computer The mayor decides to make a factory (about what tho? I think toxic stuff and experiments, KEEP THIS INFO IN MIND) Many people decide to hire themselves for example: 4 different shirt colors noobs and [INSERT ROBLOX PLAYER NAME] (these are only two workers, which could mean even more workers are working but we have no info about the other ones) Day 2 (9 A.M. to 12 A.M.) Nothing special on Jim's computer (13 A.M) Some workers return home early And like 2 minutes after they START returning home, the radio warns that the factory broke down Day 3 (0 A.M to 2 A.M) Apparently the worker (INSERT YOUR ROBLOX NAME) was alive however was brutally murdered by a modified toxic monster, the 4 different shirt colored workers have been attacked by the same monster however managed to scare it away with lights 💡 Jim checks the closests, the tv turns on and then he receives a weird message by a black figure: (OH CRAP IS THIS MY DAD WITH THE MILK [no I made this message just for fun ignore this message about Jim's dad]) (3 A.M to 6 A.M) the four dudes managed to survive (survivor badge not the sole survivor) Jim plays with computer and some toys I guess? The mayor notices that the factory broke down and makes the news for Jim to see Day 4 / Day 5 Basically the rest of the story is what happened in the roblox game named "Jim's computer" so yeah I guess I'm done :D (I could draw a realistic tree with all the time I spent on making this lore) so pls like so that the dev understands the true lore behind this Edit: for those wondering "Where's chapter 2??? " I'm gonna make a chapter 2 when we get more games which are connected to this lore, ok? Edit 2: I kinda screwed up the timeline because of the radio in residence massacre announcing before the disaster so yeah if ur reading this, the disaster happened in around 1 to 3 P.M
@Depth283 Жыл бұрын
It's the stereotypical obby.
@reiko_2 Жыл бұрын
stereotypical obby has nothing to do with this imo, the devs are creating their own story and the factory from jim's computer and residence massacre are radioactive powerplants and the one on sterotypical obby was a factory that produces vr headsets
@NicolaPlayPopular Жыл бұрын
@@reiko_2 then why at the end of stereotypical obby we notice that we are trapped in a factory?
@gasterdude4152 Жыл бұрын
@reiko_2 Жыл бұрын
@@NicolaPlayPopular Idk if its a factory or smth but uh i think you're inside the company that produces the vr headsets and the monster just kills you instantly
@ElysiumSharp211 Жыл бұрын
I have a theory, you can see at the first game, there was a military report about a anomaly on the loose, telling everyone to take shelter, and after the report jim took extreme caution to survive, but at last the monster was at his door and he decided to end the pain instead of seeing it, and maybe in residence massacre, the monster was the one that broke inside jims house, and in residence massacre we also got the same message from military, saying theres a anomaly roaming around, so could this be the same abomination that was after jim and then targetting you.
@EnverEdits1453 Жыл бұрын
thats actually a fact for me
@voodon8401 Жыл бұрын
The monster might be Jim since look where Jim shot himself and look at the monsters jaw
@EnverEdits1453 Жыл бұрын
@@voodon8401 true tho
@ElysiumSharp211 Жыл бұрын
@@voodon8401 so how did he's cloth change? Jim's cloth was red And the monster cloths were blue
@ahmadbintang9697 Жыл бұрын
​@@voodon8401depends on what caliber jim used A normal caliber couldnt break a person jaw
@D4NDY5W0RLD_F4N Жыл бұрын
Jim's Computer: Chaos happening Residence Massacre: Trying to escape the chaos
@Movistar-todo-lag Жыл бұрын
contexto: el juego llamado la Computadora de Jim tiene coneccion con el juego de ressident massacre desde el aviso del gobierno de la anomalia, el consejo de tapar las ventanas con tablas y poner camaras. En La computadora de Jim en las noticias anuncian una fabrica y si volvemos a ressident massacre en el inicio hay una fabrica es la misma y la anomalia no se ve en La computadora de Jim pero en Ressident massacre la vemos, la anomalia era un trabajador de la fabrica pero hubo un accidente con los quimicos y se convirtio en ese monstruo con sed de sangre y las 2 casas y la fabrica estan en el mismo bosque el contexto cuesta 1 like
@whaliinexo Жыл бұрын
ademas si te das cuenta al final de jims computer el se dispara en la mandibula y el mounstro tiene la mandibula en 2 partes
@Movistar-todo-lag Жыл бұрын
@@whaliinexo es verdad pero la entidad tiene remera azul y jim la tiene roja
@arturopalomares8801 Жыл бұрын
como asi @@Movistar-todo-lag
@pechicho5000 Жыл бұрын
@@Movistar-todo-lag puede ser por radioactividad
@Toteniopepe1234 Жыл бұрын
​@@Movistar-todo-lagpudo ser los efectos de la radiación o manchas de algo o solo la iluminación del juego nose
@ilikeandloveeverything8711 Жыл бұрын
Theory: Jim is the monster Many years ago on a fine day Jim was in his house, like any young man he bought stuff with his computer, including a trowel, a gravity coil, coca cola, etc. Jim had nightmares and panic attacks every night and he went to check the closets after waking up. On one specific day, the news got out, a radiation leak had occurred at a factory. He was messaged by another shortly thereafter which could've been an anomaly. Later, a monster came into his house when it was night, he held a gun in his hands and shot himself in the jaw, splitting it open. The radiation had reached his house later that morning and mutated him into an anomaly himself. A factory worker then went home days later, and the radio had supposedly said that there were anomalies walking all around the place. The player (us) has to survive the night Here is something that is unexpectedly related but there is a spirit out there once it reaches 3AM behind a tree. If you click on it, it would lead you to a minigame where you have to survive the night, This time the anomaly affecting you is much different, red claws and a grey body along with a flourescent glow in its eyes. Once it reaches 6AM, you would go to sleep and the monster would come up to you and split apart your head while you slept, which meant that you still weren't safe even after 6AM. It also means that not all anomalies are the same and another thing is that the spirit wanted you to see what it has seen, a perspective of someone who couldn't survive the night
@vvipmane._ Жыл бұрын
No, its a completely two different game, though similiar incident. Jim was supposed to be a psychology horror game where jim was diagnosed with schizophrenia, with the factory radiation spill the syndrom would be worse, that kind of stuff and he gets a gonvermemt message in the night and became really anxious and killed himself. All this stuff could be from his hallucinations, But residence is a whole different thing, the incident is an actual thing where a worker died + dissapeared from factory radiation spill and became this monster whom we call larry, and the character we played also worked there and suvives a night. So yeah, jim is not the monster, most of jims computer and residence massacre theory doesnt make any sense, I dont think these two games takes the same place.
@rtc1925 Жыл бұрын
Jim is not the monster Jim is the enemy of the monster he only had 1 bullet to shoot the crazy means he's roommate dad or the Monster
@TUL1PKUR0M1 Жыл бұрын
​@@vvipmane._I agree with you.
@raphaelkiff7264 Жыл бұрын
False, the Monster is Larry and Jim dont have the same shirt
@cheddar_rblx2695 Жыл бұрын
The missing coworker is the monster
@randomlamborghiny Жыл бұрын
So.. my theory, is gonna be below. (It does not similarize Jims turning into the monster. ALSO NOT SPANISH! ENGLISH CONTEXT!!!) Context (In my so-believed theory): So as we all know that Jims was a regular guy like most of us irl, till he had gotten a message from the goverment of a 'Factory' issue, which exploded and released a radioactive activity, some were injured terribly almost to death, some were dead, some were affected slightly (due to the range possibilities), but one worker was reported to also have been in that releasing problem, which is now confirmed as a missing person. Well, Jims could've been told by the guy who was possibly his neighbour (due to the forest similarities) across a few kilometers or meters that Jims should be careful, and secure his home. For nights Jims has been daily messaged by his neighbour about this, to check his closets, windows, beds, couch, tv's even his own PC. It drove Jims crazy, in which caused Jims to buy a mysterious item which later on was revealed to be a gun, Jims commited suicide. Now that jims is done, let's talk about his neighbour. We'll call him uh.. Teddie. Teddie has many possibilites, having his friends invited (due to the duos and squad feature in Residence Massacre menu map) but we'll just say he was alone at that time. Teddie was getting one message from the goverment which Jims was also getting once. Teddie was afraid of the event in which he got (maybe) Jims email/number and contacted him daily about this. Jims death didn't let Teddie know about it. I assume personally the monster broke in Jims's house and ate his corpse (which can possibly explain the ongoing blood around his body {the bone and flesh ripping is not really counted in this}.). The monster is theoretically the missing worker, uncontrollably dangerous now. The monster sees Teddie's home, as it's pretty much the only house in a empty road. Teddie goes outside and hears animal noises, unnatural animal noises. Teddie is now aware of the monster's approach. Teddie quickly fills his engine (on 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm, 9, 10, 11 or even 12 PM) to be secure that it won't be an issue. Teddie grabs his ladder and builds cameras around the house, and a electricity wood thing (idk whats the name of it) and a tree. On the night Teddie cannot sleep whatsoever and stresses out, in which it causes him to breathe quickly nonstop, the monster tried breaking into the windows, in which he heard glass shattering and he went (upstairs or downstairs, in a specific room) to open up the lights, that scared off the monster due to the brightness at night (us humans get affected to brightness out of nowhere at night when we check time or sum, just like the worker.), Teddie finds out about this and he saw the monster's appearance. He's terrified due to the jaw being split in 2, half of both it's arms being gone and only the bones being mutated in claws, the chest being ripped, the scary eyes etc... Teddie is definitely acknowledging it's appearance in a horrified way. But he stays sane and strong, till the electricity or oxygen runs out (told yall many possibilities). Teddie is forced to either die to the oxygen, or play hide and seek with the monster till he's eaten alive or dying cause of the oxygen, or fix the issue in a risky way. Luckily he has (either sneak level 100 or) energy drinks, he fixes the issues. When 6 AM occurs, he finally relaxes. (Bad ending would be Teddie dying to the monster eating his flesh out, or ripping apart anything it sees from him surviving.) That is my outgoing theory, I never really played Jims's game. But it really does become a similarity to Residence Massacre. Jims has one ending with no possibilities or good endings, but Teddie does. Teddie has higher chances of surviving than Jims ever did. Thank you for reading. (also mind giving me a like? ty.)
@idostuf123 Жыл бұрын
I’m liking for the hard work and I’m subscribed
@monkeybutler6921 Жыл бұрын
The goat
@Orb_orb03 Жыл бұрын
Once i read all that i understand it, great theory
@ahmadbintang9697 Жыл бұрын
Great theory And one thing you forgot to mention was that jims house was significantly smaller when you mentioned that teddy had more chances of surviving than jim
@randomlamborghiny Жыл бұрын
@@ahmadbintang9697 Yeah that's in theory both bad for the two, but Jims doesn't have more than a few hiding spots either way he would've been found by the monster meanwhile Teddy knows what the monster itself fears but if in a emergency his bedroom has two variants of hiding spot, closet door open and door itself open and he hides behind the door which if I was the monster I wouldn't be able to see Teddy, or the closet.
@GareloO Жыл бұрын
1. Weird strict dad 2. Jim's computer 3. Residence massacre Lore: 💀👍
@Belensinai-s4u Жыл бұрын
Contexto (que yo entendí) En primer lugar el primer juego de llama la computadora de jimm y el compra cosas en internet pero en las noticias hay muchos y muchos desaparecidos y cuando se va a dormir todas las noches de levanta las madrugada a revisas los armarios pero una noche estaban tocando la puerta y el avía comprado una arma y la utilizo para defensa personal pero... utilizo la arma para el, ocasionar su muerte Y según yo en el juego de masacre es el mismísimo jimm pero muerto y según yo estamos en la casa en donde vivía jimm.
@WYSTEDITS1 Жыл бұрын
"The things you fear,you become"
@GXlden_Guy Жыл бұрын
Jims computer is psychological horror Residence massacre is visual horror
@hamburger_man140 Жыл бұрын
The biggest What if. What if Jim wasnt actually the monster from residence massacre
@faustirebollo7487 Жыл бұрын
En realidad jim es el intruso porque la boca está partida y jim se disparo en la boca además en el modo nighmare se ve la casa de jim aunque bueno solo se disparó por los nervios de las noticias
@Robert-t8b6v Жыл бұрын
Good theory
@maximorodriguez4424 Жыл бұрын
Es buena teoría pero jim tiene la ropa roja y verde y el monstruo tiene la ropa gris
@rubengutierrezv7879 Жыл бұрын
​@@maximorodriguez4424sip, pero la ropa del wey que nos ataca es de un verde oscuro y, tiene pantalones grises
@gman740 Жыл бұрын
​@@maximorodriguez4424es por ls pudrición del cuerpo
@Mimicer_minecraft_777 Жыл бұрын
​@Pepsi_Cola1381en eso tienes razón pero en jim's computer jim está en el mismo bosque de RM además el prota trabaja en una fábrica donde en jim's computer ocurre una explosión y en el último día el cielo está rojo como en RM en blood moon
@Redbskull Жыл бұрын
la radio de residence massacre dice "Esta es una transmisión oficial de emergencia del gobierno de Robloxia, le informamos que ha habido un derrame radiactivo significativo en una fábrica en su ubicación, se han reportado múltiples anomalías poco después del incidente, su seguridad es prioridad y le instamos a tomar acción inmediata, siga estas instrucciones para protegerse a sí mismo y a sus seres queridos mientras su gobierno trabaja para abordar la situación, si está en casa o en el trabajo, permanezca adentro y selle todas las ventanas y puertas, si se encuentra con una anomalía. intenta espantarlo. pero no interactúes con él. Si la anomalía llega a su casa, no luche contra ella. ocultarse es la única opción, mantenga encendido su televisor, radio o cualquier otro dispositivo de comunicación, escuche las actualizaciones oficiales y las instrucciones de sus autoridades locales. Gracias por su comprensión durante este momento difícil." y en jims computer dice algo sobre que una refineria quimica que hubo un incidente, y en que ciudad vive jim? en robloxia y recidense massacre tambien ocurre en robloxia entonces..
@fs5923 Жыл бұрын
Jim es el moustruo y mi teoria tiene algo conectado con lo tuyo
@Redbskull Жыл бұрын
@elrobhyper5049 Жыл бұрын
​@@fs5923jim no es el mounstro ya q tiene ropa diferente
@elrobhyper5049 Жыл бұрын
Robloxia esta en cualquier juego de roblox como si fuera una ciudad man eso no tiene nada q ver
@Redbskull Жыл бұрын
@@elrobhyper5049 y a quien re poronga le importa?
@SSlashy Жыл бұрын
Theory: When jim shoot himself in the head He got eaten by hidden wolfs he survived but he appears at Bobs universe but That he lost his memory and hes vision looks like dark vision of bob but jim hes vision well have shadow. 20 likes for part 2!
@BettySchnook Жыл бұрын
one good theory i stumbled upon is that jim was the sole survivor in residence massacre, and when he moves to a new house in the middle of nowhere, and starts getting news about the chemical spill, he began to check the closets, (which is a thing in the halloween mode in residence massacre i think) (lets say that, that night jim was having nightmares and etc, and that he was the soul we talked to before entering the game mode) he then kills himself cuz he thought the monster was back again.
@Cubin7 Жыл бұрын
Buenas vine a decir algunas cosas que creo. 1. El final de jims computer no era el mounstro si no un militar por eso le pide silencio para poder entrar a la casa si que el mounstro vaya. 2. El mounstro no es jim es un trabajador. 3. Jim no conoce al de residence massacre hay una poca probabilidad 4. (teoria) cuando la noche en residence massacre llega a 6 el mounstro tal vez se va a la casa de jim ya que escucho el disparo ademas no hubiera sido por la luz si cuando se acaba eso estaba de noche. Si leiste hasta aca toma una 🍪 La cancion: Lovely bastards
@chrispro0980 Жыл бұрын
la 4 es el grito que pega el mounstro por que llevo jugando el juego y es un grito
@beymarchoquehuanca Жыл бұрын
Si se dan cuenta jim computer el ultimo dia se ve rojo el cielo igual que bloodmon
@Camera_simp_mini123 Жыл бұрын
La cancion:😊 Los personajes:☠💀💀☠
@junker87xd Жыл бұрын
no pediste mi teoría pero te la digo
@junker87xd Жыл бұрын
y mi teoría es que en los acontecimientos de Jim computer nos muestran una fábrica en ésa fabrica paso algo puedo ser una explosión eso ocurrió cerca de la casa de Jim y el monstruo de reccidens masacre o como se diga pero el monstruo era un empleado y también tiene las mismas mecánica de poner tablas y el mounstro estaba asustando a Jim y se mató ya comenzamos con reccidens masacre el monstruo que vemos es el mismo que estaba atormentando Jim recuerdas las mecánica de la tabla ése es el punto y podemos ver una radio ya nuestro protagonista escucha que mataron alguien en su casa el decide protejerse y sabes que la casa de Jim está en un bosque bueno la casa de reccidens masacre también está en un bosque
@FTCHNI Жыл бұрын
que pesado man, déjate de decir la misma maldita teoría en cada lugar, a nadie le importa la teoría que tengas, además la historia que cuentas es muy evidente y una persona con un mínimo de conciencia puede asimilar
@ardianaptrii1443 Жыл бұрын
The Story Behind the Song:☠️💀☠️💀☠️
@valentintoralestorales Жыл бұрын
@IJustLoveDucks. Жыл бұрын
Jim's Computer: Anxiety. Residence Massacre: Death.
@kayleaconnell2546 Жыл бұрын
"if you don't put my money on my balls I'm killing you and you"💀💀
@IraqiDoesMaps Жыл бұрын
"If you don't got my money or my bud, I'm killing you, and him."
@aleksandrabednarek52 Жыл бұрын
@anya-h72 Жыл бұрын
Balls are just balls stop this dirty minded world
@lemons4869 Жыл бұрын
​@@anya-h72hehe balls
@ezzlolololol Жыл бұрын
I’ts boy not balls
@DoomCrow27469 Жыл бұрын
First part was Jim’s Computer which I played before it had an ending… he’d just pull out the black square and a message will say that there isn’t an ending yet…
@endocrine_ Жыл бұрын
he shot himself lmao
@DoomCrow27469 Жыл бұрын
@@endocrine_ oh alright thanks. Why I played there wasn’t even an enemy. You’d check the closets for nothing to appear then you pull out a black square and the game would end
@endocrine_ Жыл бұрын
@@DoomCrow27469 yeah, the game has no monster. you don't even get to see the monster. jim dies of suicide
@DoomCrow27469 Жыл бұрын
@@endocrine_ ohhh ok
@elixavibuddies2951 Жыл бұрын
​@@DoomCrow27469he pulls out a pistol...
@Realbobkid Жыл бұрын
Context: for the people who don't know jim computer is a roblox game that is a popular game and residence mascare is related to jim computer heres the story one time a boy name jim is a 20 year old boy that is just purchase qnything kind of things on roblox mart and one time he got a brodcast saying to lock the doors and put wooden planks on the windows and he did that but after that he got attacked the monster a long monster with metal rod hand and alot of bloods and large teeth after 4 boys name noah chris jackson and harry got this house to explore and they turn on the radio and the radio says do the same thing again lock the doors and put wooden planks on windows but they have generator Oxygen and power 4 of the boys split up to do the objective but they failed they got attack by the monster name resident mascare hope y'all know about this lore. 😊
@SuitmationGamingm Жыл бұрын
So basically what your saying is in Jim's computer he was attacked by Resident Massacre?
@Barutogaming12 Жыл бұрын
@@SuitmationGamingmbut jim is hallucinating and their not
@SuitmationGamingm Жыл бұрын
@@Barutogaming12 what did he get High?
@Barutogaming12 Жыл бұрын
@@SuitmationGamingm idk
@Tai_flosion Жыл бұрын
​@@SuitmationGamingmhe's saying that jims computer is a prequel to residence massacre basically, well, kinda prequel.
@gabrielleantrilli2861 Жыл бұрын
1:weird strict dad 2:stereotypical obby 3:Jim's computer 4:residence massacre
@SinalThomas Жыл бұрын
The moment i am seeing this short it has 666 likes 💀
@West_Coast_Classics良い Жыл бұрын
@West_Coast_Classics良い Жыл бұрын
E depois 666 comentários.....
@SinalThomas Жыл бұрын
@MyNameisEasyToSearchUp Жыл бұрын
now it has 44k
@SinalThomas Жыл бұрын
@ElMaxOficialXD Жыл бұрын
Mi teoría sobre residence massacre: El protagonista de residence massacre es un vecino de Jim y también uno de los trabajadores de la fábrica en la que sucedió la explosión, El trabajador sufrió de la radiación de la explosión, al llegar a su casa no sintió ningún efecto, mientras tanto cerca de la casa de Jim el se está su1c1d4nd0, su mandíbula se partió en 2 y podríamos decir que su casa estaba tan sucia qué las ratas se comieron parte de su cuerpo, el protagonista de residence massacre se entero de su muerte y vio el cadáver de Jim por las noticias y por la radiación y su mal hábito de dormir hasta tarde y despertar temprano hizo qué el protagonista de residence massacre empezará a alucinar con su cadáver casandolo por toda su casa y cuando el mounstro de residence massacre (ósea el cadáver de Jim) atrapa al protagonista se puede interpretar como el protagonista muriendo por la radiación. Gracias por leer mi teoría, todos los likes se aprecian 👍
@Pollito.shelly Жыл бұрын
Weon si mi país hubiera estado esa masacre lo juro q no voy a poder tener humanos
@BigQuack-k8r Жыл бұрын
Btw the co-worker/Neighbors name is Larry
@ElMaxOficialXD Жыл бұрын
@@BigQuack-k8r maybe the worker by the radiation he losed his mind and just nicknamed him "Larry"
@wakeup300 Жыл бұрын
bro onto nothing i aint reading allat
@cjascura Жыл бұрын
theory:Jim was not crazy he was right and there was a monster the monster in residences massacre and Jim’s computer is after residences massacre residences massacre is the first attack and the mayor is worried and is trying to defuse the situation Jim computers is the second attack and the monster is mentally toying with Jim this is he’s another way to kill he’s victims and after the first attack they realize the monster is hard to kill only powerful weapons work and I think the monster is a toxic waste accident and it was a worker and someone push him so he’s targeting his coworkers that survived so Jim and the residences massacre guys/guy are workers that survived
@Hello-Off Жыл бұрын
Residence Massacre i think it's another game tho
@katherinegonzalezd Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer:😑 VS Residence massacre:😈💀☠️
@OrangeBoucingSquare Жыл бұрын
Mi teoria: (Jim's Computer) Jim era un niño de 13-19 años que vivía solo apartado de la sociedad, un dia se le ocurrio la idea de comprarse una computadora. El vivía tranquilo y sin problemas, pero un dia empezo a recibir mensajes de un desconocido... El los ignoraba. Se compro juguetes, como cualquier otro "niño" cuando se canso de jugar con sus juguetes, fue a dormir. El tenia miedo, miedo de no estar solo, ssi que como siempre... Reviso los armarios para aceptar que no habia nadie. Siguiente dia. Jim recibió otros 3 mensajes del desconocido, empezo preocuparse. Pero eso no lo detuvo para comprar mas juguetes, se compro mas juguetes... Pero... Habia uno en especial que no conocia... Por curiosidad quiso comprarla, (Mala idea) se divirtio mucho con los juguetes. Fue a dormir, y como siempre reviso los armarios. Pero, la tele se habia encendido. Extrañado, se acerco, era un aviso de peligro. Dijo que se pusieran a salvo, habian desaparecido muchas personas. Jim confundido por el suceso, se fue a dormir antes, coloco tablas con su martillo. -Lo compraste ayer pero pensabas que eran juguetes- Siguiente... ⱧØⱤ₳‽ "Jim... no pudiste dormir, despierta vamos a ver si hay alguien..." Jim no pudo dormir asi que, se despierta con "miedo", "miedo" a no estar solo... Coje el objeto misterioso ya que le parecio buena idea... [₱ØⱤQɄɆ Jł₥ ₦Ø ĐɆ฿ł₴₮Ɇ Ⱨ₳₵ɆⱤⱠØ...] Jim... Descubre la cruel verdad... Descubre que su cerebro le habia echo comprar una pistola... ¡Jim, no lo hagas! "Pum!"... (Residence Masacre) Has vuelto de tu trabajo, tranquilamente. Tu familia te estaba esperando! Un poco cansado, vas a escuchar la radio, tu actividad favorita. Pero alertan de que unos "mounstros" estan invadiendo la ciudad. Q-que?! La gente esta loca... Bueno, por seguridad compras unos tablones y un martillo. Le dices a tu familia lo que ha pasado, juntos poneis los tablones. Os aventurais en esta historia. Esta claro, no hay escapatoria. Echais oxigeno, reparais las luces, apagais todas las luces. Solo queda esperar, tu hij@ [no confirmado] se esconde en el primer armario ya que tiene miedo, tu padre se queda abajo a cuidar a el/la niñ@, tu madre se encarga de reparar las luce y pone el oxigeno, tu... te quedas en casa, protegiendote como puedas. Pasan las 12:59, se viene la masacre... Los mounstros rompen las tablas. Primero abajo el mounstro, busca y encuentra. Abre el armario y lo m4t4... "¡AAHHHHH!" ¡¿Q-QUE A SIDO ESO?! -tu padre enciende la luz- Oh dios mio... un c4d4v3r... =Nombre=? Sin respuesta... El mounstro aparece por suerte la luz los espanta... -Tu padre, avisa a todos sobre lo sucedido y lo que descubrio- Todos saben que hacer, su "tarea". -4 AM- Rompen otra tabla, hay esta tu padre. Tu padre no se percata... "H-hijo? Eres... tu?" . . . "¡AAHHHHH!" Tu padre ahora esta muerto, que alegria... Tu y tu madre bajais a revisar. El c4d4v3r de tu padre encima de la mesa. El c4d4v3r de tu hij@ dentro del armario... Te quedas sin oxigeno... Tu madre va a reparar el oxigeno. Vuelve entera, gracias a dios. -8 AM- Tu madre y tu ya os conoceis el juego. Os quedais sin electricidad, tu madre va a repararla pero, justo cuando esta a punto de entrar... "HIJO CORRE!" "OH NO MAMÁ NO PUEDO DEJAR QUE MU3R4S TU TAMBIEN!" . . . Tarde. "AAAHHHHH!" Escuchas los gritos de tu madre desesperados. No puedes mas, sigues adelante... -12 AM- Lo has conseguido, pero tu familia no. Es un... ¿₣ł₦₳Ⱡ ฿ɄɆ₦Ø‽ Resumen: En Jim's Computer un niño llamado Jim. Alejado de la sociedad, se compra un ordenador. Compra juegos, juega con ellos y derribado por el cansacio se va a dormir, pero antes recibió el mensaje de un desconocido. El tiene miedo y siempre revisa los armarios. El siguiente dia recibe otro 3 mensajes del desconocido de ayer. "preparate-para-lo que viene" Jim confuso se compra mas juguetes. En especial, un tipo de cuadrado negro. Un mensaje en la television avisa de que estan desapareciendo personas. Jim se compra unas tablas y un martillo. Cierra todo. Despues de dormir, se levanta pronto. Saca el cuadrado negro, es una pistola. -Su1c1dio- En residence Masacre eres un señor@ que viene de trabajar, su familia esperandole escuchan la radio y se dan cuenta de que unos mounstros estan invadiendo la ciudad, con tu familia preparas la casa. Los mounstros invaden la casa y descubres que le temen a la luz. Llega el momento de rellenar el oxígeno y de reparar las luces. Cuando se termina la pesadilla solo quedas tu y una casa completamente inservible.
@olivedude Жыл бұрын
Ingles por favor amigo?
@memesbro2852 Жыл бұрын
Blud why is it in Spanish
@OrangeBoucingSquare Жыл бұрын
@@memesbro2852 Idk 👍
@LiamSuzuka Жыл бұрын
context: roblox is a fun game.
@thisisruubruub839 Жыл бұрын
So here’s my theory First chapter Jim is an average kid until one day his father gets possessed and now you gotta survive until 6am Chapter 2 Jim moved out of his dads and bought a weird computer Chapter 3 Jim sees a weird monster (Make the chapter three because I didn’t play resident massacre)
@HelperSteroObby3 Жыл бұрын
Clearly you didn't play Jim's computer bc the timeline would end with Jim's death
@thisisruubruub839 Жыл бұрын
@@HelperSteroObby3 i didnt actually its just a theory tho
@Somedudeehehe9228 Жыл бұрын
Jim's computer: fear it... Residence massacre: survive it...
@ހެލޯ Жыл бұрын
Jims computer Appearance Jim is a 2008 styled Robloxian with a red torso and yellow body. Personality Jim is shown to act like a normal person would at first. However, when he notices the disappearances and that someone is telling him to prepare, he suddenly become anxious. As the days go on, he becomes more and more anxious to the point of being suicidal, killing himself with a gunshot to the head. Biography On Day 1, Jim goes on his computer to look at the news, talking about the chemical refinery in Robloxia. He then goes on to purchase multiple gears like a slingshot, a trowel and a superball and have fun with them, until he gets tired, leading to him going to sleep. During the night, he wakes up to check around his house, including the closets, but nothing was there. He then goes back to sleep until the next morning. On Day 2, he watches the news that Robloxia had a sudden disappearance, with the only thing being found is a pungent smell. He then purchases more gears as usual until he gets tired again and goes to sleep, still checking around the house during the night. On Day 3, he notices that more disappearances in Robloxia has occured. This doesn't stop him from buying more gears and continuing the same routine as before, but at night, during his house checking, his computer boots up, with a new message on his Ro-Chat account, send by a strange, anonymous user, saying that he must prepare himself. This slightly startles Jim, but he still goes back to sleep whatsoever. On Day 4, Jim sees that the mayor of Robloxia is addressing the disappearances, but he denies any connections between the chemical spill and the disappearances that occured. Nonetheless, Jim continues his routine of buying gears and playing with them, before getting tired and going to sleep once more, but now he is more concerned about the situation, saying that someone is in his house. He goes on to check around to make sure he is safe, before going back to sleep. On Day 5, Jim is notified that the military of Robloxia has declared a martial law, ordering a Shelter-in place to keep everybody safe from the disappearances, before he goes on with his routine of buying gears once again and going to sleep when tired, but not before boarding up his house to not let the anonymous stalker in. However, little does he know that he also purchased a strange black square in the shop. At night, his computer turned on again, with a new message from the anonymous user, telling him to not make a sound and keep quiet and calm. He then checks his closets again to ensure his safety, with no one there. However, as he was about to go back to sleep, an Emergency Alert System shows up on his television, informing him of the on-going Shelter-In-Place procedure. He also hears the stalker banging on his door, now more violently, causing Jim to take out the black square he purchased earlier, revealed to be a pistol. As the banging continues, Jim shakes in anxiety before he finally decides to end it all by pointing his pistol towards his face and killing himself. Trivia Jim characterization is heavily inspired by Mark Heathcliff, both are victims of a certain body modificatior creature and is stalked after exiting of their house, leading to the two commiting sucuide using a handgun. A theory has risen Stating Jim might have been Hallucinating the entire time The Pungent smells were from the chemical spill and it may have affected his brain which caused suicide its also thought that this means some others are still out there and alive going through what jim is going through. Edit: Residence Massacre is a horror experience created by MisterGamer_67. It is a survival horror game that can be played solo or multiplayer and takes place in a house that's located somewhat near a factory. In the game, you have to survive an anomaly invading your house until 6AM. You also get to prepare for the night before given the objective to survive the night. The player(s) first start outside the house, near the car, with the time starting at 4PM. They are given the objective to go inside the house and turn on the radio. The radio will play a broadcast informing of a significant radioactive spill inside a factory near their location and that multiple anomalies have been reported soon after the incident. The broadcast then urges the player(s) to take immediate actions and gives steps to ensure survival such as barricading windows and scaring off the anomaly. The player(s) are then given methods of preparations for survival which involves: setting up cameras to observe during the night, keeping the generator fuelled for ventilation to prevent asphyxiation, looting your house for useful items such as flashlight, battery, wrench and bloxy cola, using lights to scare off the anomaly, and barricading your windows to plan ahead and buy yourself time when the anomaly breaks in. When the clock hits 12AM, the player(s) are given the objective to survive the night. If they stay in the house, they will face encounters with the anomaly that will try to break into the house. The player(s) are to use the lights to scare away the anomaly, leaving behind a few seconds of statics. If the anomaly were to successfully break into the house, the player(s) must hide in a closet. There will also be cases of the anomaly going into the house by entering through the door, which will be indicated by longer moments of statics. The anomaly is not the only hazard in the game as there is the generator running out of fuel and thus the ventilation getting turned off which will cause you to suffocate as long as you stay inside the house until you die. A player will then need to go to the shed and fill up the generator with fuel but will have to avoid the anomaly outside. Additionally, if the player(s) keep any light on, there will be a chance that the power will go out and a player will then need to go to the electrical box and fix the broken wire with a wrench. Touching the wrong wire will get the player electrocuted. The player(s) can use the security cameras, if set up, to observe any events during the night and spot the anomaly. When the clock hits 6AM, the player(s) win the game. There is another mode of the game named 'Bloodmoon'. This mode is a harder version of the normal game, featuring a faster anomaly, a frequent encounter with it, a faster depletion of power ventilation fuel, etc and can be accessed after winning a normal game once.
@Squeak.0_0 Жыл бұрын
Bro how does this not have at least 1k likes... or be the top comment
@Pollo_Gamer Жыл бұрын
Oigan jim recuerden que al final se dipara en la mandibula... Saben quien tiene la mandibula en 2 partes en residence massacre? Si.... El
@mateoalegre4578 Жыл бұрын
Pero el de Jim tiene ropa roja y el de ressidence masacre es azul
@Pollo_Gamer Жыл бұрын
​@@mateoalegre4578cierto, pero puede que el monstruo de Jim sea el de residence masacre y en ese juego (jims computer) sea el final malo dónde suicida, y que en residence masacre sea Jim pero que esté si luche por su vida
@Ukrainian_President222 Жыл бұрын
​​@@mateoalegre4578радиация влияет на ткань одежды
@estebantorres3648 Жыл бұрын
Ay una historia triste:cuando sovrevibes el personaje mágicamente se mata solo porque no era una persona real todo fue su imaginación y el chico o no se si es hombre pero bueno XD y ahí termina la historia.un like guau 0 likes gracias!
@ameerkhattab3794 11 ай бұрын
My theory 《 Chapter 1 : Weird strict dad 》 ______________________________________ Jim, his siblings and his dad have moved into their new house. . It was new so they usually trashed it, their dad was strict so they had to clean trashes, cook noodles and refill the generator. One night the dad hears knocking at the door he goes to check, after Jim and his siblings see the news of the man who haunts front porches they run upstairs and check the cctv on dad but he is already possessed, the dad runs upstairs and checks the room to see if the kids are sleeping then he goes back to bed, now they have to refill generator, drink water and eat noodles without dying. _______________________________________ 《 Chapter 2 : Residence Massacre 》 _______________________________________ We play as a local factory worker, after you came home, you heard the radio about a radiocative spill at the factory near your location. You run upstairs and grab loot and barricade windows. But this spill burned the persons body and jaw, turning him into an anomaly at 12AM. The anomaly had a new target : ÝØŪ. You turned on the lights and scared it away, also refilled generator and you survived. 《 Bloodmoon 》 This happened again, you skipped the radio and went straight to the barricades, this time the anomaly is smarter and aware of what will happen. At 3AM After you scared the anomaly, you went outside to refill oxygen until out of nowhere, the monster attacks the factory worker and brutally kills him. The police came and never found the body. ___________________________________________ 《 Chapter 3 : Jims Computer 》 ___________________________________________ Jim just got his new computer ! Help him explore the internet While it lasts . . After Jim left the family, he bought a computer to buy things ( toys, etc. ) one night, Jim woke up and checked the closets because he thought something was in his house, this happens on day 2 aswell, on day 3 he saw the news that the factory workers house was attacked and a helicopter flew by this filled more paranoia and anxiety in his mind, this time he saw the computer on and checked RoChat and something said " Prepare. " Jim then went back to bed, on day 4 he turned around and saw the door wide open, he approached it and it closed, he went back to bed. On day 5 he bought barricades and a black box, he barricaded the windows and went to bed, he woke up again and said " Someone is inside my house. " he saw the computer on again and checked RoChat, Ť|-|£ Ť|-|Ř£@Ť said " Stay quiet, dont make a single sound " he checks the closets and the tv was on it was saying on the tv that a military authority issued a shelter in-place, he got filled with so much anxiety and heard knocking at the door, he thought it was something so to end it all, Jim pulled the black box revealing it was a gun, he pointed the gun to his jaw and shot himself ________________________________ 《 Residence massacre : Spirit Helper 》 ________________________________ You play as another factory worker who recently bought the house that was attacked by the anomaly. You also hear the radio so you barricade the windows, refilled the generator. This time the anomaly went to see if someone still lives at the house, but now he has found the target : *YOU* , at 3am you ran outside and saw a ghost hiding behind a lightpost, the ghost was Jim after he had died. He took you to his childhood when he was haunted by a monster. You used lamps and Teddy bears to increase your sanity. The monster attacks from : The closet, the door and the vent. You survived until 06:00 and you freed Jim's spirit. *My fingers have an appointment with the doctor*
@mativillanueva4831 Жыл бұрын
Esta es mi teoría: jims cuando se s#icid0 se le quedo la mandíbula rota y la persona sospechosa que le escribio los mensajes en la noche que murió jim el sospechoso entro a la casa y agarro el cadá#er y fue a la fábrica para hacerlo un mounstro y revivirlo ya que probablemente fue el sospechoso que hizo el derrame radioactivo de gusto para volver un mounstro a una de sus victimas. Auto like pa no desaparecer :)
@ivantocaworld Жыл бұрын
Pregunta 1: porque una bala te deja la mandíbula cortada? Pregunta 2: si Jim y el monstruo son los mismos, porque la camisa y el pantalón no son los mismos?
@Maor2000GD Жыл бұрын
I have a theory, after jim did s*icide he was in an experiment lab and then i dunno
@TheInkBoss Жыл бұрын
him didn't s*icide his gun jammed then he looked inside the barrel of the gun then died
@andreiagustin5592 Жыл бұрын
The Monster of Residence Massacre Is Jim cause He Shot himself To the Jaw which means That was Jim Trying to kill us
@rayzindomato Жыл бұрын
Nothing to see because the shirt is blue and the pants are gray
@stevenlin2334 Жыл бұрын
@@rayzindomatoidk it might’ve got dirty and turned to that
@stupidguy69 Жыл бұрын
@Charlesecheese-v1g Жыл бұрын
I can see that and then they took the body (jim) and then experiment and turned like that
@FaizelAntullay-ud6wy Жыл бұрын
His clothes is rotten so maybe the body was out side for 5 years and people experimented on him
@gojo32820 11 ай бұрын
my brothers choosing games:😳 my choosing 𝓰𝒂𝓂𝙚ˢ:☠️💀
@SomeOneV1 Жыл бұрын
Teoria de la conexion de los dos juegos: (inventada por mi y por el poco conocimiento que tengo) Jim al matarse llegaria la radiacion de la fabrica que exploto, haci naciendo la creatura de recidence masacre, jim siguiria vivo pero con su mandíbula deformada devido al disparo que se dio, ya que devido a un fallo de calculos el se disparo en la boca, jim empezaria a sufrir los cambios drasticos, ya que el contiene radiacion adentro de el y empezaria a mutar. ¿por que jim tiene ropa distinta si la de el es roja? Gracias a la radiacion jim tiene la parte inferior del torso carcomido y al buscar alguien que lo ayude encuentra a una persona con la camisa azul y el al verlo entra en un estado de frenesí y locura que lo hace que mate a la pobre persona y haci cubriendose el torso nuevamenre, pero, seria en vano ya que la radiacion corroe la tela y deja el mismo hueco visible en su torso. Volviendk con nuestro protagonista de recidende masacre, el seria alguien que vive en el bosque como jim, tal vez en frente de su casa pero alejado de su casa, el recibiria los mismos mensaje que recibio jim, pero en este caso el acosador si se presento, siendo jim, su meta era matarnos para robarse nuevamente su prenda y recuperar sus brazos aunque no lo lograria y llegaria la luz dsl sol kcosa que lo atormenta (fin de esta teoria sin fundamentos )
@JardEvade-x1u Жыл бұрын
No creo que el sea jim. Hay un juego llamado weird strick dad que el personaje que nos intenta matar es igual que jim.
@SomeOneV1 Жыл бұрын
@@JardEvade-x1u se que el monstruo se llama Larry, pero... que tal si es Jim Larry?
@Spa.Q Жыл бұрын
that transition from jin to rm is clean
@santo6887 Жыл бұрын
Yo tengo mi teoría y contexto: jims se prepara, no lo soporta… el esta en su puerta, jims se pega un tir* en la mandibula, el intruso (que es el trabajador de la fabrica que desaparecio y esta lleno de radiacion) entra para rematarlo… lo descuartiza y el intruso se escapa, por la radiacion jims despierta a las 11am y ve que se a convertido en un monstruo… luego por la locura trata de matar mas gente, pero un trabajador que sobrevivió (nosotros en residence masacre) sobrevive a el, y jims (echo trizas) escapa por la luz del sol, volviondose totalmente loco… y atacando otra vez en la luna de sangre, el paradero del otro intruso es desconocido Gracias por leer 👍
@maeelsitoblox Жыл бұрын
No creo porque Jim tiene diferente camisa es Roja y la del monstruo es de color azul pero se pudo aver desgastado o tenía otra camisa
@vicenterodrigohernandezsan6538 Жыл бұрын
Yo también creo eso
@Bélgicaperominixd Жыл бұрын
Radiación Yo creo que es el cambio de color la camiseta
@Dafar-xd. Жыл бұрын
No podría ser ya que el monstruo se llama Larry haci que se descarta que podría ser jim
@diegosandoval5439 Жыл бұрын
los que iban entrar a la casa de Jim erran los militares para sacarlo de ahí pero Jim se mató el solo por miedo
@joannehughes405 Жыл бұрын
my theory: residence massacre is Jim as a child trying to survive, a stereotypical obby is his trauma in head, Jim`s computer is when he buys a new house as an adult. when the alert comes on he gets the same trauma as a child and is so afraid, he commits suicide. [also, i think the residence massacre creature may be the weird strict dad]
@MrMurpleyOurpley Жыл бұрын
El es... no No! NOOOOO PORQUÉ!!!!!!! *Me siento a salvó otra vez* -Joe
@junker87xd Жыл бұрын
mi teoría
@junker87xd Жыл бұрын
y mi teoría es que en los acontecimientos de Jim computer nos muestran una fábrica en ésa fabrica paso algo puedo ser una explosión eso ocurrió cerca de la casa de Jim y el monstruo de reccidens masacre o como se diga pero el monstruo era un empleado y también tiene las mismas mecánica de poner tablas y el mounstro estaba asustando a Jim y se mató ya comenzamos con reccidens masacre el monstruo que vemos es el mismo que estaba atormentando Jim recuerdas las mecánica de la tabla ése es el punto y podemos ver una radio ya nuestro protagonista escucha que mataron alguien en su casa el decide protejerse y sabes que la casa de Jim está en un bosque bueno la casa de reccidens masacre también está en un bosque
@MrMurpleyOurpley Жыл бұрын
@@junker87xd q Buena teoria
@amaromblox_gamerBS Жыл бұрын
​@@junker87xdbuenísima teoría bro 😎
@amaromblox_gamerBS Жыл бұрын
​@@BringerOfBlindnesss Jimmy se susid0
@Vamlensing2023 Жыл бұрын
Jimmy es El chamuco D:
@M4t0_yea Жыл бұрын
heres a quick theory Jim is the guy we play in both Residence Massacare and Jim's Computer, but strange enough, we play as ourselves at Weird Strict Dad. RM Is the prequel, we play as Jim, we try to survive for our lives from the monster, in Jim's computer however, is what happens after, he's paranoid and can't take it anymore, revealing is anxiety attack, and Weird Strict Dad is somewhere in the middle before Jim died, because the dad looks oddly familiar to Jim, so we are either his son, or either Jim was already dead now and nobody realized as the "weird" mysterious man took over him.
@arshanand635 Жыл бұрын
I dont think that jim is the monster in residence massacre because jim shot himself in the chin, a bullet is round but if you look at the monster's chin in residence massace its not a hole but it looks like someone cut it with scissors or smth else
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