it does not work...i am pretty sure I did it right I even checked everything...could you check it over for me? import random def rockPaperScissors(): player = input("enter Rock, Paper or Scissors") while(not(player == "Rock" or player == "Paper" or player == "Scissors" )): player = input("Reenter Rock, Paper or Scissors") cpu = "" ran = random.randint(0, 2) if(ran == 0): cpu = "Rock" elif(ran == 1): cpu = "Paper" elif(ran == 2): cpu = "Scissors" if(player == cpu): print("player: {player}, vs CPU: {cpu} | tie") rockPaperScissors() elif(player == "Rock" and cpu == "Paper"): print("player: {player}, vs CPU: {cpu} | wins") elif (player == "Scissors" and cpu == "Rock"): print("player: {player}, vs CPU: {cpu} | wins") elif (player == "Paper" and cpu == "Scissors"): print("player: {player}, vs CPU: {cpu} | wins") else: print("player: {player}, vs CPU: {cpu} | wins") rockPaperScissors()
@comikawn51474 жыл бұрын
Hey can you please make an AI of patroling based by Hotline Miami ( TOp down shooter )!!