Estoy sin palabras... Solo siento la expansión de mi corazón con cada sonido... Es convertirse solo en el sentir y permitir que la emoción fluya... En aire.. Lagrimas... Amor❤
peija Lee 真是知己啊呜呜呜呜,我也太喜欢了!!!还有MV临近结尾时阿信的那个侧颜,配上最高潮的那句“终于你身影消失在人海尽头”,真的是从那时起就刻在了我的心里~说实话感觉出场顺序也很重要,如果我听的第一首不是知足的话,可能就不会在那么小的时候就爱上五月天,但偏偏就是这么凑巧,到现在十几年过去了,我自己都20几岁了,我最爱的还是知足,真是太幸福了💙
3 years ago, my cousin from China wrote me a letter and included this song. I could barely read a word back then! However, when I started middle school, I joined the school’s Chinese class. Now, I could read most of the letter and understood it all myself! This song brings so many good memories and encourages me to keep on learning how to read and write Chinese.