I can sense you are somewhat restless despite your income has improved over the time. I think these are the reasons why you are restless, 1. Being a college graduate, and being a trucker is a blue color job, if you are happy about the job, then accept and appreciate it. 2. You have great potential for something bigger or better. I think you can stay focus on being a trucker, save some $, and eventually you can buy trucks and have your own co, you can get a loan to upgrade to energy efficient trucks, in fact the government may have green energy business loan that is suitable for you. You should take some time to improve your language skills that will come handy when you have your business someday. I have been in the state since 1974, life is full of potential, if you give your heart and soul to your endeavor, and most important remain a good and kind person. My best wishes to you and your family.