Roddick & Petkovic Put Delusional Fans In Place | Tennis Channel Live

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@AshleyKarys Жыл бұрын
Andy “I was on tour, like the real tour!” Lol he busts me up! 😂
@Wes1128 Жыл бұрын
Shocker. This was a survey done in the US. Lmao we are so beyond arrogant it’s inconceivable at times.
@andrewbowden6982 Жыл бұрын
Same people that think they can beat a grizzly bear in a fight
@CalebPratt2 Жыл бұрын
I'm a tennis player in US . I'm disappointed in Us. I'd guess 20% but 70% in a Survey is unreal.
@TanNguyen510 Жыл бұрын
That’s why we think Taylor think is a top player lol
@surfjunkie7925 Жыл бұрын
In 2021, a survey conducted here in the US, 40% of the people surveyed believe they could be an Olympian. It must be the group of people. They have NO clue about the level of skill required for either of these endeavors.
@Boollish Жыл бұрын
Arrogance and delusion everywhere. There was a fun (but comprehensive) survey asking American adult men how they would fare against certain animals in the wild and 6% of respondents claimed they could win against a grizzly bear without weapons.
@enigma629 Жыл бұрын
Roddick beating someone with a frying pan is hilarious.
@thetennistalk Жыл бұрын
Great segment! Andy x Petko awesome TC combo 💪
@J_NoNamesLeft73 Жыл бұрын
Roddick and Petkovic should commentate a grand slam final for the world feed.
@theena Жыл бұрын
This goes back to something David Foster Wallace said about watching tennis on TV versus sitting at the court side to watch two pros go at it. The TV really does no justice and I am willing to bet that it is mostly casual fans whose exposure to the game is purely through the TV that would be delusional enough to even think this. I asked a tennis coach at a hotel once to go full tilt on me. Remember this isn't a man who was even close to the professional ranks but had played up to university level and got a few certifications after that to be employed as a coach. He asked if I was sure and I, idiot that I am, nodded. That serve was so fast that my eyes didn't even catch it, the ball hit my racket (instead of me hitting the ball with the racket), my wrist felt like it had briefly detached itself from the rest of my arm. Again, semi-professional at best. And I am in decent shape. Basketball fans made fun of this player named Brian Scalabrine because, on the face of it, he was statitically one of the worst players of his generation. He still played over 10 years in the NBA, but street hoopers - really good hoopers from the colleges, high school and street level - publically challenged this pasty, out-of-shape white man in his 40s, saying they could beat him. He chose 4 of the most talented challengers - dudes in their 20s and teenage, really good future NBA prospects some of them too - had TV station cover the event, and then proceeded to completely and utterly destroy these dudes. On TV. By this point, Scalabrine was 45, about 10 years since retiring from the NBA, and none of these talented but over confident challengers scored a single point on Scal. When he was done, Scal looked at the camera and goes 'I am closer to LeBron and MJ than you will ever be to me.' You couch potatoes who think you can win a point against Novak or any pro? There's delusional and there is whatever you lot are.
@pauljohnson6019 Жыл бұрын
I am nearly 6 years nofap- I believe my consistency will enable me to get a few rally points off Novak, not a game, although the underarm serve I will be willing to try if I got a 40-15 lead, could seal the deal for me!
@EJP286CRSKW Жыл бұрын
@@pauljohnson6019_His_ consistency will prevent you winning a single point. He will just rally you to death. You will be gasping for air after one point.
@pauljohnson6019 Жыл бұрын
Not if I hit a winner or do a drop shot- remember I am a good tennis play probably county level, I did play very intense points with my coach who is very good, a few points may be difficult but when I get back in the tennis competition doubles I think I'd give it a shot.@@EJP286CRSKW
@antjobert Жыл бұрын
​@@pauljohnson6019 you will not get any rally points off of Novak. Zero. You are delusional to think otherwise. Go see them playing in person and then you'll understand.
@pauljohnson6019 Жыл бұрын
@@antjobert I've never seen them playing in person- hey, you never know though, a lucky net chord may get the job done! At least I'll try and be consistent for as long as possible!
@sablefang4330 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely hysterical segment! I used to think I might amount to something as a junior player, and then I challenged my coach to go all out against me, but he could only hop on one leg. He still beat me, and he was only ~5.5 USTA. The difference between tennis levels-beginner, club, open, high-level juniors, college, challengers, futures, and THEN top pros-is huge. 95% players live in the first 3 categories and would get bageled by the last 4.
@nicorsar 4 ай бұрын
Everyone should read your comment multiple times for a reality check!
@robertsterner2145 Жыл бұрын
I have absolutely zero difficulty believing a large percentage of people is that delusional.
@antjobert Жыл бұрын
Especially among tennis fans. There are a lot of cocky dummies in this sport.
@kylecurryyt Жыл бұрын
These delusional fans could not even get a single point unless there was a double fault.
@bigrobsydney Жыл бұрын
To be fair, Andy did say that an amateur who served at 110 could get a point.
@angel91485 Жыл бұрын
lol! so mean. but hilarious.
@loganthewolverine2030 Жыл бұрын
​​@@bigrobsydney"could" but mostly like would not. If you watch the matches, pros absolutely do not miss returns on serves that are 110mph, it's the accurate 120+mph that forces the error.
@justdev8965 Жыл бұрын
I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you'd don't play tennis. Or you play awful and because it seems super difficult to you, then it must be super difficult for everyone.
@kylecurryyt Жыл бұрын
@@justdev8965 I have hit with a pro when I was in High School. No amateur would win a single point of a pro unless the pro had a double fault or just a brain fart.
@lalitharavindran Жыл бұрын
Andy is too funny! 700 spots away from playing a major!
@kristiannelson1851 Жыл бұрын
Always loved Andrea! Glad she's found a home at Tennis Channel!
@ARKenMan Жыл бұрын
I used to think like that until I went to an actual Tennis tournament. I went to Indian Wells in 2019 and was literally on the first row of bleachers watching Lucas Rosol vs Bernard Tomic and I went home and sawed my racquet in two and took up basket weaving. Ok, not really, I'm still playing Tennis. But with a lot more humility. Lucas Rosol, who I had seen beat Nadal (big upset) at Wimbledon (watched on tv) in 2012, was hitting the ball so hard it shook the ground. Tomic was good too. Rosol won. I can't imagine watching like an Alcaraz vs Djokovic match at that level or Fed vs Nadal or something. Holy smokes. I did get to see Federer and Nadal hitting at that time though, which was a dream come true.
@Raven05R6 Жыл бұрын
I am an Open level player, basically the top of club/rec level tennis. I get smashed by futures players, lucky if I can get a few games. I was lucky enough to be a hitting partner for a guy who got to 104 in the world, I was absolutely humbled. I didn't know tennis could be played that fast, at that level. It's one thing to see it as a spectator, but to feel the ball they hit, its a entirely different thing. That guy btw, told me he couldn't change direction against Nadal when he was training with him. There are levels to this, and they are hard to see.
@pepelipeau9628 Жыл бұрын
Levels in tennis is scary
@pauljohnson6019 Жыл бұрын
Nadal is done now, why do you think he's called Claydal?
@shadowarcher3966 Жыл бұрын
@@pauljohnson6019ok Djokovic-sexual
@peace4myheart Жыл бұрын
@@pauljohnson6019 You have nothing to contribute to this discussion as you don't have anything to contribute to life. Please just go away somewhere and stop wasting resources for others, like oxygen and water.
@samster978 Жыл бұрын
​@@pauljohnson6019claydal on crutches would still be competitive against an amateur
@c3vzn Жыл бұрын
If you’re a UTR 5 which is someone that can play basic competitive tennis, you’re barely winning a game against a UTR 7. The top men’s pros are UTR 15-16. People have no idea how much the level increases for each increment.
@stevenjm12 Жыл бұрын
naw you can easily win over 1 game vs a 7 utr
@Raven05R6 Жыл бұрын
I hover around UTR 10, I get bageled by UTR 12.5+
@KH28m Жыл бұрын
Arthur Fery is UTR 14.63, but he got a lot of games against World #3 Daniil Medvedev who has UTR 16.22. First set was competitive.
@Raven05R6 Жыл бұрын
The ratings compress a bit towards the top. Once you go about ~12UTR your game is so solid that anyone off their game at that level will be punished. I have won games against players 2+ UTR levels above me, its just uncommon.
@enamuossuo Жыл бұрын
"I'm way closer to Novak than you are to me" Andy "Mamba" Roddick or something like that
@chrisrodriguez5268 Жыл бұрын
I love emotional Petko. Please more inflection in your commentating too!!
@yinhoukhor7109 Жыл бұрын
Wow!!! That's why my number one motto is always: "competence, NOT confidence!!!"
@adamcravets5408 Жыл бұрын
I’m a 4.5 player and I hired a coach who used to be #1 at UCLA. He kept getting on me to get my racket back faster and I was feeling like I was doing it just fine so he shrugged his shoulders and started hitting HIS normal pace and I couldn’t even get my racket back fast enough to make contact with the ball most of the time. I asked him why he didn’t go pro and he said he wasn’t good enough. It was then I truly realized the difference between pros and non pros. And it’s true for all sports.
@antoniog2833 Жыл бұрын
Great respect for roddikc and petkovic. Absolutely on point . I played some features tournaments and the amateurs have not idea the amount of hours, sacrifice, training , and commitment we put. They think things happen by magic. Let's put in another way: some division one players (top of the country) are exceptional athletes , great technique, great speed, great balance, great movement, great ball striking , great stamina and they will not win a game vs a top 100 atp player . Any atp pro will beat a club player easily 6-0 with the left hand (if they are righty).
@qwerty4126 Жыл бұрын
These ppl who think they can take a game off a touring pro have obviously never been to a tournament. Because all you have to do is stand behind the players as they're hitting--which is easy to do during qualies or for matches on outer courts--and you'll see how incredible good even a top 50 player is. The amount of pace AND spin from a tour player is nothing even a 4.5 player could deal with. The pros are 100% right.
@gabrielametodieva8360 Жыл бұрын
It’s not “even” top 50. Imagine being top 50 in the whole world, that’s an insane achievement. In the top 100 you’re better than 99% of all players who play tennis. Most people (including myself sometimes) don’t realise the meaning of the top 100, let alone top 50. They say someone in the top 30 is “so average” or “trash” 😂. Well talk about it when you become the 30th best employee in your field. Even Griekspoor said that the top 30 are insane and then the difference between 50-200 is the consistency really.
@leumas0412 Жыл бұрын
@@gabrielametodieva8360 It’s more like this: Being Top 100 is better than 99.9% of all players. With UTR 9, I’m like 24,000 in the world so…
@qwerty4126 Жыл бұрын
@gabrielametodieva8360 Correct. My point was that all a player has to do is go to a tournament and watch a touring pro hit, top 50 or top 500. The skill will be obvious.
@honeydew4392 Жыл бұрын
I remember reading a thread on Reddit by a guy who picked up tennis at like 26 and he claimed that he had “amazing strokes and serves”, and he was winning “matches” and stuff. He asked the people there on the path to go pro and start competing in grand slams (no joke). Others quickly put him in his place saying it is “Incredibly, remarkably, amazingly, absurdly unlikely”, and there has never been a single case of anyone becoming a pro so late at that age, definitely not when they’d only picked up the racket a couple of years prior. But he insisted that he was confident in himself and always had his tech job to fall back to if it’s not working out. He also said “see you guys at the Wimbledon!” or something along those lines. Every year I follow Wimbledon to see if there was a story on someone who picked up the racket at 26 and made it to the draws, but of course there’s none, ever. Marcus Willis was an amazing story but he started at 9, not freaking 26. I just did a quick search and the original post has been deleted now (you can only read others’ replies) 😅 Lmao, the delusional confidence that some people have, really.
@gabrielametodieva8360 Жыл бұрын
There was one thread about “someone’s friend” who thought he could take a set off Nadal. I think he was 4.5. It became a meme on the subreddit and they are still laughing about him from time to time.
@samster978 Жыл бұрын
lol saw heap of this on talk tennis forums
@EetsBack Жыл бұрын
I used to be a 4.0 almost 4.5. At my club tournament I played a guy who’s was about 5.5 and 10 years younger. I was playing quite well. I won the first game on serve. And that was that. Didn’t win another game. Never got beyond 30 in any game. These guys who think they can get a game off a top pro, they should enter a drug rehab clinic.
@arkine11 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Even people playing challenger levels would have a rough time taking a game off anyone in the top 50. These 3.0-5.0s really think they can?
@tennissir1986 Жыл бұрын
Petkovic - “I need to put people in their place” - spoken like a German.
@angel91485 Жыл бұрын
Germans and American are alike, both arrogant, what are you talking about. But at least Americans are funnier. 🤣
@VARMOT123 Жыл бұрын
​@@angel91485Americans are far less arrogant and they are very respectful and greet strangers as well
@AquarianX Жыл бұрын
@LoseBellyFatNow0 Жыл бұрын
She is Slavic
@tennissir1986 Жыл бұрын
@@LoseBellyFatNow0 Lived in Germany for many years.
@ER1CwC Жыл бұрын
I remember being surprised when my coach, who had a pretty big serve (125mph) and had been a top 5 junior player in the country, said that he might only be able to win “a couple of games” off of Agassi.
@geir-arneroos845 Жыл бұрын
I think this discussion is interesting, because it gives context to how people are talking about pros in not only tennis, but in all sports, and esports, for that matter. It is really hard to see the jump in skill between a good amateur and a pro, if you have not been there or tried it yourself.
@a32tl Жыл бұрын
I’ve played tennis for roughly 25 years. At my peak, I was barely a 4.0 player and thought I was pretty decent. I watched the local college players play and realized how much better they were and even the best of them were maybe 5.5 players. Top pros are 7.0 level players. A pro playing against me would be like me playing a total novice who’s never picked up a racquet.
@arkine11 Жыл бұрын
Roddick's definition of pro may be a bit harsh considering how tough it is to make a living in tennis, even outside top 50, but even people who are solely playing challengers right now would likely not lose a game to amateurs.
@LukeMalone-l6w Жыл бұрын
Petko's part had me HOWLING, I can't stop rewatching it
@harrison3910 Жыл бұрын
I'm a 5.5, i have a friend who tried to go pro and has since retired. He's around 32-33, i'm 24. He barely ever made it past the first round of challengers and did not come from a super wealthy family and eventually ran out of funding. For me, how it feels to play him now at a retired level is that as soon as he hits a forehand, the point is over. I can get a game if i serve and play the best tennis of my life. Casuals don't understand that the pros make each other look bad, and the ball looks 50% slower on TV.
@hartgemini007 Жыл бұрын
I used to play tennis over 25 years ago with 3 friends, 2 were top County and 3rd was our number 1 National under 18 who was serving 120MPH serves all day , he said against the top Pro’s such as Sampras etc he would barely win a point let alone a game. There level was in another World in every aspect . I personally used to play County table tennis however when I played against national players Who started playing at age 5 or so I could barely return their serves due to the immense spin . Rodrick has this spot on ,
@loverofhumanity Жыл бұрын
In my community centre there was a 75 yr old ex Olympic table tennis player. Nobody could even score a point on him. We were all way above the average joe too but I think many people don't understand the level of talent and control these guys have over their sport. It's like they can do what they want when they want. He used to place the ball in exact spots he wanted and we'd always be a step behind. The spin would be so fast it would literally go around our rackets and hit us on the heads sometimes. It was surreal until you experience it firsthand. And again we were all pretty good amateurs but high level pros are different! I've watched him play millions of games with thousands of guys over 10 yrs of knowing him and have never seen him lose once. High level pros are different. It's true for every sport tbh.
@jwizdum2103 Жыл бұрын
The pace of play would be impossible to keep up with as a completely average player. 1st serves wouldn’t get returned, and if they did, it’s getting smashed
@TomAJohnson1919 Жыл бұрын
Anrdrea's idea of "sacrificing" an amateur every now and then is wonderful (and funny)! I never lost in college (small liberal arts college in midwest), but I know I'd stand no chance for a game against anyone in at least the top 200. I think it would be incredibly entertaining. Just a few games even would be so much fun to watch and so enlightening. You'd appreciate the real top pros so much more!
@karnudom Жыл бұрын
Andy didn't hold back lmao, and he was absolutely correct!
@AP-qu8sl Жыл бұрын
I saw Nadal play live in the US open (court side tickets) I couldn’t believe what I saw. I was like how is it humanely possible to return this serve. It was fast, it was high, it was kicking off the ground at shoulder height or above. It was practically impossible to return. Also, the game looks soooooo different in person. On TV it looks like - what? This is easy. Also, the angles that Djokovic creates, he will make you run from one end to the other until u start seeing stars in the daylight. People are truly delusional.
@timgallagher1041 Жыл бұрын
Watch players ranked ~1000 in the world They are insanely good compared to the average Joe And they probably would be happy to get a game off of a top 20 player 99.9% of recreational players will not get a point
@PQV-8898 Жыл бұрын
The poll was bogus. Hell Andy could beat amateurs now with his hands tied behind his back.
@EJP286CRSKW Жыл бұрын
I am an elderly 3.5 at best now. 30 years ago a bit better. At that time I was coached by a guy who had made 2nd round of Wimbledon 1978. I could rally with him, or rather hit balls with him, but I could never hit a shot that didn't come back. When we played points occasionally he would just say "you're not going to have much luck", and I never did.
@TheSentinel909 Жыл бұрын
I love fired up Roddick, and brutal Petko - absolute truth speakers tbh
@angelmatos9143 Жыл бұрын
The Pro's are sooooo good & gifted they make matches look casual. We're looking at humans with speed & reflexes that belong in the animal world. Don't even think about it. 😂
@Max_Cherry Жыл бұрын
Note that this was a survey of the American population. Say no more.
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
we are guilty as charged.
@mantaishere Жыл бұрын
Strange stuff. Federer won four games v Nadal in the RG '08 final. Murray won one game v Fed at WTF in 2014. This is *between* pros.
@joniljoseph2934 Жыл бұрын
And not just pros, some of the greatest pros of all time 😅...
@mantaishere Жыл бұрын
@@joniljoseph2934 I mean, I WAS gonna say, the elitest of elite pros!
@KrayzListerine Жыл бұрын
Those surveyed must mainly be casual players. Anyone who has played at a club and taken a beating from one of the top club players knows this isn't true, because that top club player is getting bagelled by a D1 player, who's then going to get destroyed by the Challenger player and so on upwards to the pros. Club level is absolutely miles apart.
@tim916 Жыл бұрын
I’d also imagine a lot of those surveyed have not seen a professional match in person, close to the court.
@crisalexx109 Жыл бұрын
Haha...This is sensational!!'.Waking up to this, this Sunday you guys made my morning that I love you Andrea & my man Andy!"..And Roddick your the best because you were number #1 in the World and we still haven't seen an American that represented as you did my so cool & gracious sir!" So ur absolutely right... I'm ah 4.5 USTA player and no way ur beating ah pro its another way of life as you climb that ladder...Now i did play against ah pro twice both semi pro's and held my own but the consistency and skill is unmatched so... Haha. Love this guys and "Ancore"...More, more" 🙌👏👏😅🌞
@euroclyde Жыл бұрын
Petko, great point putting amateurs in to sacrifice. Put them in the bye slots instead of a totally free round.
@bigrobsydney Жыл бұрын
Not fair on the seeds. They worked hard to get to where they are, and shouldnt have to waste their time dealing with dregs. Not to mention the possibility of injury, and to prove what? If an amateur wants to play, they can work their way through qualies.
@euroclyde Жыл бұрын
@@bigrobsydney There shouldn’t be byes in the first place. There are too few players who can make a living on the tour in the first place; losing a few players in the field is lame.
@bigrobsydney Жыл бұрын
​@@euroclyde This article is talking about amateurs v pro's. I'm not sure the amateurs would win any prizemoney against pros. I saw a golden set with someone who was an amateur playing a pro. Literally, the amateur did not get a single point; it's here on YT somewhere. If you want to have a discussion about why byes exist, I'll leave that to tournament organisers to explain.
@euroclyde Жыл бұрын
@@bigrobsydney The idea of amateur v pro is just for amusement and of course doesn’t deserve any real consideration. However, the idea that so many people on any given week, for any given pro tournament, are competing their asses off in the qualis, for a sport that barely allows the top 100 to make a living, leave with so many slots unfilled is an injustice. It doesn’t help the health of the sport, either.
@bigrobsydney Жыл бұрын
@@euroclyde I completely agree. But I don't think the issue is solved by having more people competing for the same amount of prizemoney.
@BathshebaE1 Жыл бұрын
They are absolutely right. I once played the NJ State college tennis champion for fun. I was in my 20s and got 2 points off him. It was a fun and great experience.
@The_Great_One Жыл бұрын
The kruger dunning effect. You see it all the time.
@HarryJohnson69 Жыл бұрын
I’m an NTRP rated 5.0. Can confirm, I can’t get a game off a pro. And I can maybe get one or two games off of the best college players who are 5.5s who would get bageld amongst REAL pros. This tennis game is truly a food chain. People don’t realize the crazy difference and how much work and dedication it takes.
@johncharles2357 6 ай бұрын
No way you can get a game off a pro. NTRP 5.0 is about an 8 UTR. Low level pros are at least 13 UTR. You would get double bageled in a real match. If you actually won a game against someone 13 UTR or higher, I guarantee they weren't playing their level.
@davidaltamirano7672 Жыл бұрын
Yes, people have no clue. I played alot of sports when i was younger but it was when i was 30 i started playing in a club. After a few years i am now at a high club level but when the club had the club championships i faced a junior who was 16 years old and competes in "real" tournaments. I lost 6-0, 6-0. Sure, i was close to win a few games but the difference was huge. He told me that he lost with similar numbers to the adults who competed for the club in the national series. Then you guys can imagine how those club would fare against real proffessionals.
@saksit247 Жыл бұрын
This happen in every sport. ⚽🏈🏀 fans who play at the local park all think they could have made the league if they wanted to but went and got "real" jobs instead.
@fortissimoX Жыл бұрын
Well, not only in sport unfortunately 😁
@paulelverstone8677 Жыл бұрын
Love listening to Roddick - he should have his own segment or podcast. As a point of reference 2016 Wimbledon 2nd round and Federer vs Willis: Marcus Willis was approx 750 in the world, decided to give Wimbledon one more try, won quallies, won his first round match and was now on the biggest stage in Tennis against - arguably - the greatest of all time. Federer won 0, 3 & 4. The love set was Federer laying down his marker. Did he make a competition of the other two sets for the crowd? Who knows...
@ellenday2155 3 ай бұрын
He actually does have a podcast, Served with Andy Roddick.
@paulelverstone8677 3 ай бұрын
@@ellenday2155 lol he does now - not 1 year ago... :oD
@ql3670 Жыл бұрын
When a pro plays with you, they don't have the kind of pressure that can lead to double faulting. Then can hit much safer serves, and they still ace you. Maybe if they accidently trip and fall, you'll win a point. Lol
@J_NoNamesLeft73 Жыл бұрын
I could maybe win 1 point vs Djoker. But a game? Heck no! Even to win 1 point I would need a stroke of luck, like going for broke on a serve and Novak missing (my serve sucks lol), a lucky net cord, a line clipper by 2mm, etc. With that kind of luck I would win 1 point and no more. A game? FORGET ABOUT IT Loved this segment. Funniest one in TC history lmao
@chefpatsy Жыл бұрын
This poll exhibits the latest form and level of people's entitlement! Absolute ludicrous!!!
@mostynf Жыл бұрын
I think Andy is being a bit harsh on himself saying he wouldn’t take a game off Djokovic - he’s only four years older than him. He had a good serve, if he had a game where he got all his first serves in I reckon he could sneak a game or two.
@ritaferdi5831 Жыл бұрын
He just needed a good tennis coach!😂
@HarryJohnson69 Жыл бұрын
He’s just being honest. Djokovic’s returns are out of this world, and Andy’s serve is far from his peak. Andy would get smoked
@mostynf Жыл бұрын
@@HarryJohnson69 Yeah that’s the main problem - Djokovic’s return game is phenomenal! Plus if any point developed into a rally that would be game over - so you’re probably right. Still think Andy could hit a few aces and unreturned serves though, as serve doesn’t deteriorate with age as quickly as court speed and other elements of the game.
@redplague Жыл бұрын
Why does Andy never go into the studio?
@vinaye20 Жыл бұрын
At my peak i have clocked in a serve at 207kmh, but even with that power there is no way i would win a game against a pro. They are fitter, more consistent, more accurate, have much much much better shot selection, find it so easy to change directions with the ball, despite me being quick they move significantly better, they have better technique and so many more strengths over me. Its delusional to think i would ever even come close to winning a single game. As petkovic said, unless the pro makes an unforced error i would probably not only get bageled but also lose with a golden set...pros are no joke!
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
I'm impressed with your speed! But even more impressed with your accurate self-assessment. I remember reading a comment elsewhere from just a junior college sprinter who was in a movie as an extra and had to let the reasonably fit Hollywood star win a race. He and his teammates had a hell of a time running slowly enough for that to happen! lol. And they were quite a bit below the average DI runners, who were much slower than Olympians.
@EyeQQQ Жыл бұрын
With such a serve, a very fast court, serving 1st and 2nd with full risk and much luck you might can do it 🙂
@vinaye20 Жыл бұрын
@@EyeQQQ that would be extremely wishful thinking on my part haha
@crazycatpetera1404 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with them.. however you could argue Emma Raducanu was a ‘club player’ because she never pursued Tennis until after she left School and she didn’t focus her training solely on Tennis either.. so her routine would’ve been similar to a Club Player, she only chose Tennis a few years ago.. so to some extent “a club player” with a lot of natural talent is probably the only exception. 😂
@Islam4Europeans Жыл бұрын
Just the fact that the pro men are serving at 120 mph 1st service and mid 90s second serve , just to get in to the rally would be an achievement. Most amateurs serve around 100 mph tops with at most 30-50% accuracy, which pros could return for a winner almost every time.
@rajaeelastname4878 Жыл бұрын
I did play once with a semi professional player who was about around number 500 and was playing in the Challenger tour. He did not beat me 60 60. It was more like 61 62. Games I won were my serve games. His serves were out of the world, especially his second serve surprisingly Am not convinced that Roddick cannot win a single game against Djokovic! I think he is exaggerating
@arisadriano1544 Жыл бұрын
yea he was too generous. in fact he has a winning h2h record over djokovic.
@ellenday2155 3 ай бұрын
Andy Roddick could definitely win some games against Djokovic.
@rajeevshrivastava4488 Жыл бұрын
Petkovic's English is so good!
@jujjeelf309 Жыл бұрын
For me as a follower of tennis, this is a classic.
@zetristan4525 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to ace Andrea🤣 Her forfeit: 10 minutes of Petko-dance.
@stojanovicvlada2009 Жыл бұрын
You can say whatever you want, but I don't have a negative score with the members of the big three, Djokovic, Nadal and Federero, and Alcaras hasn't beaten me yet, and I hope he won't either.
@topspin1715 Жыл бұрын
Who is responding to this survey? No way recreational tennis players can think they can take one game off Djokovic? I guess society is not what I expected these days. Even if I could serve 100-120mph for first serve, I wouldn't win a single game off Djokovic.
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
you're smarter than they are, I guess! It's stunning, this level of delusion.
@diggler2002 Жыл бұрын
So good to see Petko. Never knew she did this.
@pepelipeau9628 Жыл бұрын
I think all these people who polled are trolls
@MV-gt1qu Жыл бұрын
I used to box. Most men feel the same about boxing.
@andrewfinkelsteintennis1915 Жыл бұрын
Can i take this opportunity to officially challenge Petko? We can make a very entertaining segment i think. Im roughly a 4 0, aged 55. Come to London and well play at my club in Wimbledon.
@samster978 Жыл бұрын
Roddick always never took himself too seriously what Ive always liked about him
@dartfield4655 Жыл бұрын
I think this is something bigger than that, that's the thought process of a lot of people as soon as they have the slightest idea of what they're talking about, they stand up directly as "expert" and this is just appalling... from sofa sports players to various subjects it's the same and it is just ridiculous. a lot of people live in their heads only.
@KeviinHuynh Жыл бұрын
Pure delusion from fans who did the survey, I guarantee they've never watched a pro match in person especially the men's.
@garywright9715 Жыл бұрын
Don’t you love how dillusional people can actually be.
@wongjefx980 Жыл бұрын
so, I took some classes at a local club, and was making moves, doing plays, like I was on the top of the world against people in my class, then I went into a hitting session with an instructor... the balls blew by me... I can't imaging taking on any pro... I'd be out of breath and crying... :)
@d_13g0 Жыл бұрын
More Petko please
@rickmcphee4206 Жыл бұрын
So these pros are saying they are beyond making an unforced error just once? Idk about that.
@thomasreichert77 Жыл бұрын
As Andy admitted himself: in contrast to winning a game, winning one single point against a pro is not completely of reach for an amateur that plays competitive tennis on a decently high level such as the German second Bundesliga . For average joes like you and me however... forget even that. If the rule is “the amateur wins if they are able to score one single point before they are sent home 6:0 6:0”, the pro will have to play way more defensively than they normally do where they can live with a few points lost due to unforced errors, double faults or shots that were out by a few millimetres. They must avoid making that one single small mistake at any cost that it only takes for the amateur to “win”. It’s like the pro having 48 match points in a row against them. The amateur however can go all in 48 times in a row and the chances of a lucky shot, a ball bouncing oddly of the net, etc. are there. It’s far from certain but it’s not completely out of bounds either. If the rule is “the amateur wins if he doesn’t lose 6:0 6:0” however, this is a completely different story and magnitudes more difficult as it requires the amateur having to win points systematically - in this case 4 out of 6 at some stage. If the pro doesn’t have to worry about losing a small single digit number of points on the way they can just play their usual game and blast the amateur out with a 6:0 6:0 in record time.
@joshforde698 Жыл бұрын
I used to see the current Wimbledon under-14s champion train up close, most amateur club players would do very well to get a game off of him right now, let alone the pros.
@gomezaddams4347 Жыл бұрын
This was too funny, regular people thinking they could win a game from any legit pro. Pros don’t miss unless they’re pressing against another pro. The only way you’d win a point against a pro is if they got bored and fell asleep during the rally.
@Ilegator Жыл бұрын
Fans are delusional, but Roddick just with his serve could win one or more games off pro players for sure.
@user27107 Жыл бұрын
If they think they can beat a player who earn a living from tennis, they are delusional.
@OX3YMORON Жыл бұрын
@trishennaidoo1309 Жыл бұрын
Hearing people talk about players like Raducanu and Nick when they lose makes me laugh like do u understand the difference between you and them 🤣 especially Nick .
@jillgreen5288 Жыл бұрын
We need a video
@Naturalwino Жыл бұрын
An amateurs best shot they can possibly hit is a top 500 players basic rally shot.
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
yeah, but get it back in bounds? :)
@bpdynasty9265 Жыл бұрын
LOL which fans are these that completed this poll...completely and utterly delusional for real! ahaha 99.9% of the people who answered that poll saying they could take a game off a professional tennis player, wouldn't even be able to get a racquet on the serve coming at them, yet alone win a point! LoL!
@ranrabi9381 Жыл бұрын
Not that I disagree, but why does a pro=Djokovic? Djokovic is the highest peak in the history of the sport, so not every pro is Djokovic
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
example, one any listener will grasp (while they may not McDonald, say. But in prize money alone (I understand there are other ways they make money), considering the cost of coach, physio, manager, hitting partner fees... you'd have to be at about #80 to be making a full-time living at ATP. And you get down to ITF futures, and the expenses increase a lot, from what I understand. No sponsorship covering your travel, no tourney covering your hotel room and room service. According to a former DI player: "Of course, for top players, life as a tennis pro is luxurious, and they don’t have to think twice about if they earn enough money each year, but for most of the lower-ranked guys it might not be worth it to play on the tour. The goal is basically to reach the top 100 as fast as possible before running out of money. "
@ifluvinguiswrong Жыл бұрын
True. Roddick couldn't do it himself.
@Agent77X Жыл бұрын
I can get at least a set off of Alcaraz and Djokovic if not win the match! I am a tough NTRP 3.5-4.0!😁👍
@imalwaysright Жыл бұрын
Reminds me when some Chads thought they could beat Serena and flopped 😂😂😂😂
@deelak2329 Жыл бұрын
Yo. Roddick really beat a great amateur player with a frying pan. This is the movie I need made. Wild...
@fortlauderdaleviewpoint3822 Жыл бұрын
I was number 3 in New England for boys. Based on my highest Universal tennis rating (slightly above 10), I am absolutely confident that there is no women’s top 100 pro who would lose a game against me. Women’s pros are usually high 12s, low 13s, which I have never even played against in national junior level (and only the best dozen in the nation reach). To play someone who’s a men’s professional (15-16 UTR) I am sure no women’s tennis player would get a game. Therefore, as a top 5 New England player, not only would I be incapable of getting a game by a men’s pro, but I would be humbled by a women’s pro.
@knowyourenemy50 Жыл бұрын
Lmao gonna stop you right there. Now we are talking something completely different because the boys/men’s game is completely different. If you were actually 3 in that region you should be able to beat women never mind get a game putting aside pathetic simping and feminist nonsense. The men’s game is a completely different sport. If you are competing at the top level, you are already capable of beating top women. Now for girls beating top women, of course not.
@fortlauderdaleviewpoint3822 Жыл бұрын
@@knowyourenemy50 if I was nationally in the top then yes, 3 in New England oftentimes isn’t even in the top 100 in the nation. Plus when I played a girl who was ranked 300th in the world, the pace was a lot faster, I would have lost handily, although I could rally with her. Nevertheless you’re right Mens and women’s game is completely different but this applies more for pro tennis than juniors. All I’m saying is pro tennis players (men and women) are unbelievably good, you’d be surprised how easily a women’s pro can beat a decent junior boy. As the junior boys age and become better they reach a point where they can handily beat any women’s tennis player.
@knowyourenemy50 Жыл бұрын
@@fortlauderdaleviewpoint3822 my brother was ranked 21 in new england juniors and he had to play james blake (got destroyed), so i know that region is extremely good. i've played D1 women and smoked them easily, and i'm an amateur who played competitively in high school. meanwhile, i can rally well with my brother, but obviously he can smoke me at his best.
@BillyBob-xi9ih Жыл бұрын
So I know what the main topic is here but also 20% of US Players would give up their life savings for a spot in a Grand Slam?? Really??
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
or their spouse... lol.
@adrianonline69 Жыл бұрын
@szybenik555 Жыл бұрын
Not only djokovic is a pro, there are many more player players than the best in history
@hiwayman981 Жыл бұрын
Most of those people polled are surely kidding themselves and/or the interviewer, are not aware of how much difference in playing level there is between themselves (say 4.0 +/- club level player vs. even a top-500 pro), or perhaps don't even know the difference between a point, game, set, and match. That being said, I am sure that there are top D1 level players around the US that could win even a couple of games over a lower-ranked professional journeyman player on tour, such as the type who regularly plays on the Challenger circuit/qualifying rounds at ITF/ATP/WTA tournaments. At some point there is some overlap between amateurs (not saying average fans who own a tennis racquet) and professional players (not saying Alcaraz or Swiatek, for example).
@LouCadle Жыл бұрын
oh sure. 500-1000 on the ATP ranking is pretty much equivalent to DI, and as you say, there's some overlap, kids between HS and DI hitting the challenger tour for a summer and doing okay, then going on to the U and they hope developing more to be able to really give the pro circuit a try a couple of years hence. There's a Ch175 near me, and it's good tennis. But Sinner-Paul's 46-long point, it ain't.
@hiwayman981 Жыл бұрын
That was an awesome point, wasn't it?! In fact, that match could well feature on the top ten list for 2023. Shame that it was decided in straight sets, but that's the realm of tennis scoring for you!@@LouCadle
@selvammascarenhas3020 Жыл бұрын
Just go play in a USTA open tournament. I have played 4.5 and I can’t get game in an open tournament.
@arisadriano1544 Жыл бұрын
andy roddick has a winning record over djokovic
@AllMyHobbies Жыл бұрын
Come on Andy you could hold serve at least once even now. I’m sure you can still pump out a few aces.
@bigrobsydney Жыл бұрын
Yes, I was thinking that. Andy is a guy who could (can?) serve at 155mph. That is insane speed. I would have thought anyone who had a weapon like that could serve 2 first serves at the very least, and get lucky here or there. No??
@cosplaytimecapsule Жыл бұрын
no he wouldn't
@andreasmueller8353 Жыл бұрын
Says a lot about US society, the good and the bad.
@Anonymous1234-hw1ik 4 ай бұрын
This is why I hate tennis fans. IMO they are the most arrogant and egotistic fans in any sports. The fact that a lot of them will see a pro serve 140 mph and be like “I can easily return that” or claim they could beat a top 100 pro is beyond laughable. Realistically, 90 percent of them would break their wrist returning a slice against a top 200 pro.
@johncharles2357 6 ай бұрын
It would be interesting to watch Sinner play like a UTR 5 in a real match.
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