Roland Tembo VS Mitch & Tiff (In-Depth Discussion)

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Jeremy James Prutchick

Jeremy James Prutchick

Күн бұрын

Why do I like someone like Roland Tembo, but NOT Mitch and Tiff? I mean, they're ALL big-game hunters who wanted to kill dinosaurs for personal gain, right? Sure, if you just go by that ONE FACT, then YEAH, it wouldn't make sense for me to like ANY of these characters! But there's so much more to look at than JUST the fact that they're all big-game hunters, and that's what I'm going to talk about today.
I'm going to talk about Roland Tembo from The Lost World, and Mitch and Tiff from Camp Cretaceous. I'm going to describe them, and COMPARE them as characters, and tell you WHY I like Roland Tembo more!

Пікірлер: 51
@thepunisher8676 2 жыл бұрын
A true Hunter doesn't mind if the animal wins- Roland Tembo
@gunslinger2478 2 жыл бұрын
Roland also never acted out on anybody including the people that sabotaged his group. He still wanted to keep as many people as he could alive while going after his target. Hell even in the scene where the rex attacks the camp you could argue he was also doing it to help save people and take the rex down before more harm could be done. As for Mitch and Tiff they didn’t care if what they did caused the kids to die, or even killing the kids and threatening them with death. All they wanted was their own self gain with no regards for others (who aren’t even adults yet).
@alphathorsten5045 2 жыл бұрын
Roland Tembo: the hunter who regained the thrill of adventure by hunting a male tyrannosaur. Mitch and Tiff: people that make a JP:TG Troodon look cute
@sirorliktheironclad 2 жыл бұрын
Mitch and Tiff remind me of Sloan and Bree from the Wild Thornberrys Movie.
@taliesincoleman6569 2 жыл бұрын
1:00 my answer to that question would be like this... tembo at least liked to try and give the animals a fair chance and wasn't a horrible person. though he did hunt for a form of sport, he didn't hunt solely for pleasure. plus he was only going after ONE dinosaur, ONE. mitch and tiff were planning to systematically kill EVERY dinosaurs they could.
@anthonylee9778 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention Tiff's display of cowardice. After Mitch stupidly gets caught in his own trap, Tiff tries to free him but gives up when Rexy approaches. She steals the keys to the yacht from Mitch, and then leaves him to fend for himself with a gun that was rendered useless by the stampede. At least they both got what they deserved in the end. They were a match made in hell. Mitch became breakfast for Rexy, Chaos and Limbo got their revenge on Tiff.
@taliesincoleman6569 2 жыл бұрын
it's no freaking WONDER hap wanted to try and help the kids. now HE'S a good counterpart to roland tembo.
@tyrantmonnie6618 2 жыл бұрын
Well worded essay ! Would also add that Roland didn’t threaten anyone to get archive his goal. And even with his hint of the Buck being successful, he was doing it at that point to save as many of the others as possible, while the Doe was busy with Burke and the Buck with Carter . (I think anyway) it’s hard to tell who they are consuming within the dark of the scene. You could even add that Ajay was a very noble hunter too, as really he gave his life trying to save the others, and keep them away from the raptors. And by leaving his pack behind allowed for the heroes to call for help. I may be a little biased as I really like the characters within The Lost World. Even Ludlow, who is the “villain” isn’t that bad, sure he is greedy and doesn’t understand the animals he is trying to control, but that is what makes him interesting . He has some of the same traits as Hammond in JP , hubris of creation/ownership. Dieter is an ass, but he is still a fun character to watch, though that might be due to Peter Stromare’s performance. The characters in The Lost World and Jurassic Park, aren’t really villains to me. The villain is really capitalism and unmonitored scientific exploitation. At least in the movies, with the books it’s another story, as Hammond and Dodgson are quite horrid in Crichton’s writings. Will be curious to see how Trevorrow has written Dodgson.
@georgebendall7401 2 жыл бұрын
Roland Tembo is by far my favorite character in The Lost World Jurassic Park he's big game hunter out to hunt and kill a male Tyrannosaurus Rex,he's tough,a fighter and a man who just doesn't take any shit
@prehistorichero2755 2 жыл бұрын
Here are my opinions about these two characters (three, if you count on Mitch and Tiff): Roland Tembo: He's the most sympathetic character in the entire franchise, and, even in the deleted scenes, he had his character arc. Sure, his goal was to kill a Buck T-Rex, but he's not evil as he cared about his men and he doesn't even mind joining his rivals, and even after he put down the Buck, he just didn't know what to do next as he realized killing dangerous animals is a mistake. Even if Nick hadn't stollen his rounds, he would only kill the Doe T-Rex as he assumed it was a Buck, and the noise would startle everyone, including the T-Rex, and this is where he made a parallel mistake as when the Buck sees his mate's death, he'll kill Tembo, who realized he screwed up; basically Nick 'saved' Tembo's life. Mitch and Tiff: Well, they do have a little to no backstory, which is the negative side, but on the positive side, their arcs on killing endangered species and dinosaurs is realistic. Because while poachers in the real-world kill animals for their beliefs of being unrepentant murderers, if dino poachers exist in the Jurassic universe, that makes sense, because dino speciesists, like the Nostalgia Critic, are real as they treated prehistoric animals like unrepentant murderers who enjoy killing everything on sight, so if dino speciesists become dino poachers if the dinosaurs are still alive today, then we're the real unrepentant murderers who enjoy killing everything on sight!
@Reximus6420 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting video
@AllosaurusJP3 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video again! Completely agreed with all of your points! Roland had a bad habit of wanting to hunt endangered animals but was overal a good guy! Mitch and Tiff were bad people overall! Maybe an idea for next time: "Billy vs Nedry!" Both wanted to smuggle dinosaur embryo's of an island and in the meanwhile putting people's live at risk for doing that!
@jaydenkim660 2 жыл бұрын
Roland tembo because he's a bad ass and he's basically the lost world's Robert muldoon
@Scrinwaipwr 2 жыл бұрын
Though they're all scummy because big-game hunters are always scummy, Tembo is less scummy. Tembo had some sympathy for other people whereas Mitch & Tiff had none, not even for each other in the end; total psychopaths. Tembo also wanted the animals to have a chance of escaping or even killing him whereas Mitch & Tiff did not, which some hunters would call dishonourable.
@kevinlashley2604 2 жыл бұрын
I would choose Roland Tembo over Mitch & Tiff because: A: Roland Tembo actually has a great character arc, even as an antagonist. Mitch and Tiff on the other hand do not and are the actual true villains. B: These characters have one thing in common though, they're all big game hunters, except the differnce is Roland Tembo hunts for the thrill and adventure while Mitch and Tiff hunts in the name of greed, pleasure, and ego-boost. C: Roland Tembo may be somewhat an antagonist, but he's certainly not stupid (far from it actually). He's an experienced traditional hunter and a true hunter is always known of its surroundings, the dangers and knows limits. During his tour of Isla Sorna, Roland showed that he was a level-headed and serious man, taking charge with an iron fist and making sure his subordinates made no mistakes. In spite of his somewhat abrasive nature, he showed a rarely-seen compassionate side and asked that no one tell Kelly when they search for Dieter Stark, and when he saw Sarah's bloody jacket, thinking it was her blood, he immediately made sure she was alright. This, along with his defense of the waitress in Mombasa, suggests that he respects women. Notably, Roland had little to no interest in financial compensation for the expedition and considered hunting down the T. rex his sole reward for the mission. Roland also shared an especially close friendship with Ajay, and when news of his death hit him, he made the decision to quit working for InGen for good. He also adheres to traditional hunting rules and isn't a poacher. Such rules frown upon killing females of game species unless necessary as to help keep the population up, which is why he targeted the Tyrannosaurus buck over the equally deadly doe and only attempted to shoot the doe when she was attacking the camp. Mitch & Tiff on the other hand had little to no character arc whatsoever. They both like hunting endangered animals for enjoyable pleasure but not for the thrill and adventure. They're both evil and psychotic except while Mitch is level-headed, Tiff on the other hand is the opposite which is violent, irrational, psychotic and deranged and being far less reasonable than her husband. She also displayed a tremendous hatred for the kids. They both pose a threat and show little regard to both the kids and the dinosaurs, both pretended to be ecotourists and play on the good side to win their trust until they later showed their true colors, both willing to abandon the kids to their fate given the opportunity unlike Hap who (actually did care for the kids) sacrificed himself and died at the jaws of the Baryonyx trio, and even though they're both married they sometimes argue and bicker with each other. When it comes to tracking and hunting dinosaurs there's a difference. Roland Tembo is (again) an excellent hunter, using the environment to his advantage and understood the dangers that lie ahead which led to his success in taking down a Buck Tyrannosaurus after using the infant as bait. Mitch and Tiff however are careless and greedy poachers when it comes to their surroundings they know little about, using only technology to track the dinosaurs for them and even using Darius to help find them there when that didn't work. Their utter stupidity led to their own downfall such as Tiff killing Grim the Baryonyx, Mitch got caught in his own trap causing his wife to abandon him out of fear and cowardice, and Tiff in the end was killed and eaten by the Baryonyx couple Limbo and Chaos in revenge for their dead sibling. So Roland 1, Mitch & Tiff 0!!!!! Link:
@monsterhanna6691 2 жыл бұрын
Everything you brought up is pretty much how I feel about these characters as a whole. Anyone who watched and paid attention to The Lost World and Camp Cretaceous can easily tell the difference between these characters and who is "more right", so to speak.
@WhyTho525 2 жыл бұрын
Roland Tembo is better character and if they fought, he would win no doubt.
@JeremyJamesPrutchick 2 жыл бұрын
With one hand tied behind his back, too!
@WhyTho525 2 жыл бұрын
@@JeremyJamesPrutchick Indeed
@danielstipetic2070 11 ай бұрын
There is a lot of backstory to Roland. His behaviour shows he is a real hunter and he always helped people in the movie. He got the people that sabotaged the camp off the cliff he could have let them die he didnt he and Ajay were on the cliff helping them up. Mitch and tiff did no such thing ever. When Ajay died he discarded his trophy he could have taken his trophy and had the head stuffed he didn’t he wnated nothing to do with it beacause of what it cost him it cost him his best friend
@sammyt9056 2 жыл бұрын
Your a fan teenage mutant ninja turtles too
@mjh04291997 2 жыл бұрын
@ethangilmore2638 2 жыл бұрын
That's the thing Roland Tembo Is the perfect example of a modern hunter, Mitch and Tiff are not.
@ethangilmore2638 Жыл бұрын
It's Also The Fact That Most Hunters Abide To The USFWS Laws & Regulations, Mitch & Tiff Were Not Hunters They Were Poachers, And Poachers Are Not Hunters They Are Criminals & Theives.
@Mooseheadatv-dirtbike 2 жыл бұрын
nice vid man your a legend
@monsterhanna6691 2 ай бұрын
The fact that as an animal lover, I have a lot more respect for Roland than Mitch and Tiff really says a lot. Also, Roland Tembo had a better first impression than Mitch & Tiff, especially with the fact that he never faked his persona.
@anthonyvasquez3891 Жыл бұрын
Funny Simon 😂
@erosive-gold1 2 жыл бұрын
Mitch and tiff would not last long on Isla sorna because they would have died the first minute there
@maxvt7258 2 жыл бұрын
Tiff was almost pure evil. Were Mitch has his redeeming qualities like truly willing to led the children alive but still willing to kill the animals though, Tiff was just a psychopath. Tiff has not redeeming qualities and she even betrays Mitch and was willing to kill Darius.
@monsterhanna6691 2 жыл бұрын
That last part is exactly what I was thinking! Tiff abandoned Mitch as soon as he was in trouble, whereas Roland helped Sarah and the others over the cliff and they were on the opposing side.
@regularguy2807 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but Mitch only cared about Darius not the rest of the kids because he loves dinos like him. And even then he was still going to leave Darius on the island with the rest of the kids after he met him.
@sonofmoss 2 жыл бұрын
Just me nitpicking here but in the video you said Roland was careless and left his rifle by Nick Van Owen. Not entirely true, he set it down by Sarah Harding who at the time was sitting by herself. Some time later Nick came over sat down and noticed the gun which is when he stole the bullets making himself the real villain of the movie.
@gb-1609 2 жыл бұрын
Did you do Roland Tembo vs Robert Mauldoon. If not you should do it
@monsterhanna6691 2 жыл бұрын
I know Klayton Fioriti did it, but I'd interested in seeing Jeremy's take on it.
@kiarash608 2 жыл бұрын
As an environmentalist, I deeply hate all big game hunters That said, Roland is a saint compared to those two, and a very interesting movie character; tho I'd still hate him if I knew him IRL
@OCGangsta 3 ай бұрын
Muldoon 🔛🔝
@chibi_jojo9000 2 жыл бұрын
Roland Tembo vs Owen
@davidelgado6003 2 жыл бұрын
Did you notice that Tiff and Mitch didn't find Ben in any scene of Season 2, they could have fought in one scene, it would be nicer, why do you think they didn't meet??
@mushhoodahmed2997 2 жыл бұрын
would u consider the things that Mitch and Tiff were doing to kill the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar to be a criminal offence and felony?
@JeremyJamesPrutchick 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. They were poaching.
@top10deadlydababy77 2 жыл бұрын
Timbo is better
@TheBb101010 2 жыл бұрын
Hey is the skeleton in fallen kingdom bumpys
@monsterhanna6691 2 жыл бұрын
Don't say that! 😭💔
@JeremyJamesPrutchick 2 жыл бұрын
It better not be!
@mikeeustaquio3316 4 ай бұрын
I prefer Roland over Mitch and Tiff
@maxvt7258 2 жыл бұрын
Mitch and Tiff are sadistic and evil, while Roland Tembo just did his job for Peter Ludlow. Mainly Tiff is extremely sadistic and ruthless. So far the worst villain of Camp Cretaceous i think.
@monsterhanna6691 2 жыл бұрын
Plus, Roland put Ludlow, the villain, in his place and still cared for the others including the ones on the opposite team.
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