Ron Wyatt discusses Sodom and Gomorrah Discovery- Some Never Before Seen Footage

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In 1999, when Ron learned that his cancer had spread and the doctors could do nothing else for him, he sat down and did some interviews at home, discussing his various discoveries. In this video, he discussed his discovery of Sodom and Gomorrah, how he came to believe these were the cities of the plain and the significance.

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@raymondarmatino5030 3 жыл бұрын
Ron found Sodom and Gomorrah, he found Noah's ark, the chariots under the Red Sea, Mt. Sinai , the alter that held the Golden calf and I believe him about the Ark of the covenant and Jesus blood. He never looked for fame or money in fact he used all of his own money. God used Ron because Ron was humble and had a true heart for Jesus.
@mossy3552 3 жыл бұрын
Wish I could love your comment ❤️
@Joefest99 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you are right
@3wolfsdown702 3 жыл бұрын
Most of those things were already discovered you guys are being led by fools
@alexscott730 3 жыл бұрын
@@3wolfsdown702 Ah shat ap malaka
@3wolfsdown702 3 жыл бұрын
@@alexscott730 the guy is a proven fake, just like the fake virgin birth story in Isaiah in the original story the son was already born
@kaz11.11 3 жыл бұрын
This man was guided by a higher being to all of his true biblical discoveries. God blessed him 🙏
@20greeneyes20 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it was God that led him. GOD, it's ok to say it.....
@kaz11.11 3 жыл бұрын
@@20greeneyes20 Don't look at my statement in a negative light there is nothing negative about it only positive. Ron was truly blessed and guided, when I watch him he brings me to tears I am so in awe, he is proof of our Father and the truth of the Bible, when I say higher being I do mean God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit or an Angel. None of us know for sure who guided him but one thing we can all agree on he was blessed 🙏
@matthewneufer1758 3 жыл бұрын
He was guided by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible
@kaz11.11 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown if he was a conman then he would have took the ark of the covenant! Each to there own & it's what God give us... free will
@20greeneyes20 3 жыл бұрын
@@kaz11.11 I Don't mean any harm, too many people always say a Higher Being. If you believe in God then say God or Jesus Christ. We must give Him the credit He is worth giving. Look at it as constructive criticism and not putting you down. We all need to be led one way or another. Yes I believe God led him as well. I don't know where in the Bible, but it says in the end days God will be revealing by exposing these Fines the Bible speaks of. They have recently from more scriptures too. Sorry I didn't intend to offend. God Bless. Soon will be going Home
@pmaier500 2 жыл бұрын
Those who are mature in Christ that are born-again can clearly see what God has done in leading such a humble man to uncover the key things and places of the Bible. There is NO doubt whatsoever in what was found as being true proof behind an event within the Bible. Such an honor to see more of Mr. Wyatts work, and his work is now a legacy that God blessed to encourage, and deepen the faith of future generations.
@kendragtx3939 2 жыл бұрын
Soooo true...
@KC-fb8ql 10 ай бұрын
So, anyone who doubts Wyatt’s claims show themselves to be not born again or at least spiritually immature? Got it.
@garythorington1600 10 ай бұрын
@@geosynchronous4386 You do not know our Lord, He is a Holy and Righteous God. He is against murder but anyone who sins is within Judgement from Him. He gave us His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit to us for those can be forgiven from our sins. God does not tolerate sin and only mentions murder on those who will not stop sinning. There is a verse in Hebrews 9 27 that basically says It is appointed for all men to die and then the certain Judgement. I urge not to be so flippant because there will be worse judgements in the near future compared so the Judgement of Sodom
@3wolfsdown702 9 ай бұрын
@@garythorington1600 numbers 31: they were thieves murderers in the name of their God who is the serpent the , Leviathan/Yahweh the Egyptian desert demon spirit storem monster
@MikeyJMJ 3 жыл бұрын
Ron still brings the Bible to life, so many people are still discovering the proofs of the Bible thanks to Ron's work. Thank you Mary Wyatt for continuing his legacy.
@blakefrazier9991 3 жыл бұрын
I am one of those people. Without Ron I’m not sure if I’d be a believer like I am now
@king49334 3 жыл бұрын
God is real. Look around. There is a creator.
@studyobserve1 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown no demon nation
@kathyh.648 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown maybe thats the reason we have to get out of Babylon.... or out of the false church system and rather have Jesus/Yeshua as our teacher than men.... Jesus said the Holy Spirit would remind the Apostles (and us) of what he said and would lead them into the truth.... and yet church teaches us more doctrine and what Paul said than what Jesus said.... but Jesus said: „"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." Mat 23:8-12 Looks to me like Ron took that to heart, he was a servant and humble.
@stormyweather7011 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder why Personally don’t trust vicars or churches. All on the make
@curtiscains8533 3 жыл бұрын
Sister Mary, Brother Ron Jr. All Wyatt Family. I’m here in Southern California. G-D has a remnant of People here. The once Beautiful California is collapsing to Sin and Depravation. Your work is valued and going forth by Our hands. Please don’t think that your not accomplishing your work because you are. Thank You
@kevinengstrand141 3 жыл бұрын
Well said. This family has brought us so much truth only to be berated. They recieve a fraction of the credit they deserve. They never even wanted anything, just to bring truth to the world. God bless them for they're efforts. And the rest of the world because even if we think they don't deserve it, they do.
@ronwyattcom 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your encouragement. If no one else watched the videos except you, it will have all been worth while. Your words mean a lot to us.... -Mary Nell
@myjourneytothetruth2867 3 жыл бұрын
@@ronwyattcom I have only just discovered Ron's work and documentaries in the last couple of years! I live and grew up near Nashville/Kingston springs and absolutely regret that I had never heard of the Wyatt's discoveries before now! I truly wish I could have met all y'all in person...! Thank you for sharing all these treasured moments they are truly inspired by our heavenly Father!
@shable1436 3 жыл бұрын
@@myjourneytothetruth2867 you must have seen the newest shroud of turin evidence as well then? Talk about bringing truth, only when God wants to reveal layers does this happen. Mind blown
@karenyeshua5086 3 жыл бұрын
@@shable1436 It's not Jesus in the Shroud.
@matthewimi 3 жыл бұрын
I had the privilege of meeting this wonderful man in 1996 at a Ramada Inn meeting room in Spokane Washington during one of his lectures. We can thank a man named Stan Johnson who used to run a show, broadcast out west, called "The Prophecy Club"for setting that up, and many other speakers. Since then, I am much more reverent of that honor and mourn Ron's passing in 1999. Further, for those that didn't get a chance to meet him, consider exactly who he was. Out of the millions and even billions of people to have existed on this planet, to be the one called to be the archaeologist that brings to light all of these remarkable sites in these end days to all of the doubting Thomas types in our world. What a calling. What an honor! I hope I get a chance to see him again. 💓
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@handyjones7626 From *CHRISTIAN* bible sites The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase. Ron Wyatt makes a mockery of Christianity with his claims
@user-uu6fb3fp9h 6 ай бұрын
Winder wen he is going to release the blood of Jesus the world needs it right now
@matthewimi 6 ай бұрын
@@fordprefect5304 Didn't see this response until now. You're welcome to your opinions, but no matter who one is or what they've done, they're always going to have people like you that don't want to believe because it may not fit your narrative, your religion or you're perhaps self-righteous over ambitious beliefs that it didn't involve you so it can't be true. That's fine - expected. You'll probably respond with a whole bunch of other stuff, or not. I really don't care. I'm not a nutcase, as the proof that was supplied by Ron, as you so eloquently listed, is enough for me to believe that All-Mighty-God exists, did a major work on this planet, and redeemed mankind with the blood of His own Son, destroying the works of the evil one. If you had bothered to do any more research about Ron Wyatt you'd have understood that the only motivation he had for all of this was not a selfish one but one that would allow people to understand, know, and believe that scripture, as handed down from thousands of years ago, was real and that All-Mighty-God was real. That is what he said was his initial prayer. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Ron didn't seek fame, or fortune, but he had a very unselfish ambition - to glorify God and to show people that scripture was real. YHVH answered that prayer. You see he most definitely succeeded in increasing my belief and what I had already understood. My faith was increased by not only believing in my heart, but seeing visual proof, and having it make visual (science) sense. You can have the last word. I most definitely won't need it. Won't reply to any angry responses from you, undoubtedly coming.
@matthewimi 6 ай бұрын
I have no idea what you're talking about. Look at what you wrote and then try and reformulate it into what you're really trying to know.
@fordprefect5304 6 ай бұрын
@@matthewimi I will let the Christianity speak for itself From: Biblocality* Ron Wyatt Was a Scam Artist If the Ark of the covenant was really under the cross, then where is it for all to see? If the blood with 22 chromosomes with 1 X chromosome and 1 Y chromosome exists, why isn't it being shown to the world by Ron Wyatt? How is that evidence if it remains in hidden? Ron Wyatt was never saved. He is going to Hell. He is a KJV onlyist. The rule in being a scam artist is to put out feelers for people to gullibly grab onto a lie to accept then further lies. KJV onlyism is a lie. We must take all information into consideration. Ron Wyatt said there were 4 angels in then room underneath the cross he excavated to, and he was to take the two tablets that were in the ark in that room and show them to the world. Ok. Where are they? This guy is such a bold face liar. Now when we look at the Scriptures to determine the deception, we can read what textual criticism reveals in God's word. From: *Bible and Science* Ron Wyatt has made many amazing claims. Amazing claims demand amazing proof which Wyatt lacks. He claims to have found Noah's Ark. Answers in Genesis has written articles showing his claims are false. See Could this be Noah’s Ark? He claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant in a quarry outside Jerusalem. His pictures of the Ark are blurred so it could be any thing. To see the pictures from Wyatt's website see "wyattarchaeology" What Wyatt probably saw was an ossuary which is a box where bones are placed. Knights in medieval times probably also mistook ossuaries for the Ark of the Covenant. For more information see web page at Ron Wyatt's Discoveries Wyatt claims to have found Sodom and Gomorrah, but what he found was just a geological feature of salt. Wyatt claims to have found Mt. Sinai at Jabal al Law as does Bob Cornuke. See the Gold of the Exodus. Wyatt claims to have found where Israel crossed the Red Sea, but there is no proof. He has supposedly planted a wheel in the water. A Great Christian Scam Gray Amirault states, "I will tell you enough here to hopefully convince you WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) is a Christian con game. Ron Wyatt is either very psychologically ill or one of the greatest liars I have ever come across. Full article at A Great Christian Scam and also see Wyatt Archaeological Research Fraud Documentation. From: *Answers in Genesis* The Wyatt/Gray claims are truly astonishing Are the claims true? If they are, such a staggeringly impressive list would mean that Ron Wyatt had been almost as miraculously assisted by God as the patriarch Moses.If, however, a careful examination of just one or two of these claims reveals them to be false, fanciful or fraudulent, the “divine leading” option evaporates, and it is clear that Christians are being seriously misled.
@Jan-wd1is 2 жыл бұрын
It was Rons humility that was able to convince so many of the lords hand in his discoveries. He was believed , by the honest in heart. The holy ghost was able to work thru him to witness to the truth. God bless him and his family
@lennyhipp Ай бұрын
lol yes, his humility and his lies managed to convince a few dozen ignorant people that he actually found things.
@Chris.S.Castillo 3 жыл бұрын
I thank Jesus for this man and his blessed family.
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@3wolfsdown702 3 жыл бұрын
Why would Mary Jesus's mother Think Jesus was crazy ????????.? if she was visited by an Angel why would she think he needed to be seized and locked up????? Mark 3:20 through 35 , Mark 3:30 Jesus had an unclean spirit
@3wolfsdown702 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown duh, a lot of the New Testament is a con
@3wolfsdown702 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown if they really knew how their Bible was twisted from the truth of some scriptures they would be completely shocked and still in denial without their Idol worshipping Pagan God Jesus
@stacyryan4619 3 жыл бұрын
3 wolfs down others thought he had an impure or unclean spirit. Not that he actually had an unclean or impure spirit. Jesus was preaching against a house divided and how to keep Satan out of your home basically. It seems as though you have either taken some verses out of context or heard a false teacher to come to this conclusion. I am open to always learn but I believe in God’s Holy word and yes I am aware that through translation and man’s manipulation that some things have been misinterpreted or left out. But I ask God to reveal HIS word to me each time I read so that I may seek His will for my understanding.
@officedullard8722 3 жыл бұрын
The account of Lot really is a great message of God's grace and mercy.
@officedullard8722 3 жыл бұрын
Lot wasn't righteous and he didn't deserve mercy. That's the point of mercy and grace. Lot was a believer. We're all sinners. Only difference between you and me is that I have Someone who took that death penalty for me.
@mantis-mike5882 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it is. And it's a shame that the remains of sodom/ gammorha is being hidden the way it has when it's such a phenomenal symbol of the end result of living in sin.
@mantis-mike5882 3 жыл бұрын
@@bonnie7898 How can you say it's just made up stories after seeing the remains of this ancient city? How do you explain sulfur balls with a purity not found Anywhere on Earth, with no natural explanation falling from the sky and leveling this ancient city into petrified dust!? The very proof of our existence isn't even enough for ppl like you-but you will face the almighty on your judgement day too. And just like the gospel says- Every knee shall bow, and Every tongue will confess that Jesus Is Lord.
@interman7715 3 жыл бұрын
@@mantis-mike5882 Study the actual analysis, there is sulphur all over that area ,Ron's bullshit stories have been debunked by professionals . Just because you want to believe something doesn't make it true .
@interman7715 3 жыл бұрын
Lot got drunk and screwed his daughters and he is the high point of morality? ??
@billthibeault8447 3 жыл бұрын
I truly believe it was the Lord who led me to Ron Wyatt and his dear family. I wasn't looking for these discoveries 3-4 years ago. It was one of the ways God woke me up late 2017, to show me that the bible was true after years of letting my faith grow cold... God bless the Wyatt family for what they have brought to others. Ron still brings tears to my eyes, no matter how many times I watch these videos 🙏😇❤️
@billthibeault8447 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown there's over 200 different christian denominations in the U.S.. my faith in Jesus is not a particular religion, it's a relationship. I use my own discernment, not the opinions of others. But, thanks for chosing to respond to my comment.
@billthibeault8447 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown I know a lot about Ron Wyatt. All because someone calls him a name, doesn't change what I know about him or his family. I don't say these things to you with any kind of anger, or to engage in strife with you. Just saying, what you and others say won't change what I know and believe. Nor is it a salvation issue. But thanks for letting me know what others and yourself believe. God bless
@billthibeault8447 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown you want to know what concerns me, there's over a billion people who call themselves Catholic, and we see the Pope 3 weeks ago tweet that Mary is our intercessor in heaven. The Bible says Jesus is in Romans 8:34 John 2:1-2 + 4:14-16 + 17:22 + Hebrews 10:10-20 there's so many others that are being led astray. I would be more concerned about the damage the Pope is doing. No where in the bible does it say Mary is our intercessor. That's something I don't recognize.
@billthibeault8447 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown it's just as I don't "except" that the Roman Catholic Church only considers those who live an exceptionally holy life, or who's life was canonized, to be a saint. All who believe in Jesus are saints Acts 9:13 Acts 26:10 Romans 1:7 1 Corinthians 1:2
@billthibeault8447 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown My point is, regardless of what others say about the man, I put no stock in others opinions. What I think and know of someone shouldn't really matter to you. Just not sure why you took the time to comment on everyone's comments. Of course, that's your choice. However, I, as do others, go by their own knowledge on Ron, and his family. Chariot wheels at a point that the crossing was possible, one set being golden, pillars on both sides with markings on them. The ancient original Canaanite bariel pots found...I've never seen anyone try to take credit for these discoveries, yet they're there... How would you explain it?
@bertus4861 3 жыл бұрын
I have an interesting story. In 2013 when I was in Israel for the first time with a tour group I stood on Masada admiring the historic significance of the place - Herod's palace, the Roman siege wall, the outline and layout of the Roman barracks and the hand built ramp that is still evident. At this time I had drifted away from the main tour group and even played a game when standing where the ramp had ended against the wall that was breached so many years ago and shouted in a make believe game - 'Rome go home!' as allegiance with these zealots that had lived in defiance of the then Roman rule. I then moved across to the other side of this plateaued mountain fortress , where you can see the Dead Sea. This is when I noticed the strange and out of place white sand in the foreground. It could not have been transported by rain wash down from the surrounding mountains since all of them were red brown in color. Besides I could see from this distance that there were openings, or rather what seemed like what had been archlike openings with some 'mounds' with right angles which hardly ever occur naturally in nature. The geography and geology as an old civil engineer just did not make sense and I wanted to ask the tour leader for an explanation, but promptly forgot about it. It was a couple of years after this experience that I an aha moment when I came across Ron Wyatt's Sodom and Gomorrah discovery on KZbin. I completely believe the authenticity of this place. It was as the Holy Spirit had directed me that day although I did not fully realize what I had been looking at. In 2017 I revisited the place on my own with the express intention of flying my drone over this area. This further confirmed the right angle structures I had seen and arch like openings! Thanks to Ron Wyatt and his team for his and their tenacious efforts to reveal these things, so that it eventually made sense!
@stacyryan4619 3 жыл бұрын
Would love to see your drone footage and enjoyed reading your experience of that area.
@Annarocks1969 2 жыл бұрын
Post your footage please!
@jerushieful Жыл бұрын
Yeah! @Bertus please do post your footage!!!
@loricalass4068 Жыл бұрын
@Bertus. Oh how interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@3wolfsdown702 11 ай бұрын
Ron White's family members admitted to buying old chariot wheels and placing them in the Dead Sea LOL
@DLo-yx9wb 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for continuing to post mr.wyatt’s videos of his discoveries. They are important in that, they show he never contradicts himself in retelling what he has done. When I was trying to determine if he was a truthful and ‘sane’ person, listening to him showed me he was truthful and a very humble person. I am a former police detective who has interviewed quite a few people. In doing that job, as a ‘crimes against persons detective, I had to determine daily if someone was being truthful. I am convinced mr.Wyatt found the ark of the covenant as well as the many other Biblical discoveries. So, thank you for continuing him speaking about what he has done. It gives the listener an opportunity to see that he is forthright, honest, and merely a servant of our Lord who deeply loves Jesus. Sincerely, Dennis Lo
@cmitchellunltd 3 жыл бұрын
Mr. Lo, Thanks for sharing your observations. In The Mouth Of 2 or 3 Witnesses.... So to add to the Misery of those who deny The Reality, 📖 Of What The Living God Is Doing! 🔥There are more of Us, Than are with them!
@irumnageen2443 2 жыл бұрын
@@cmitchellunltd my dear i invite you to please study the holy Quran front to back without any predetermined results at least once in your life please..... it's a humble request ❤️❤️❤️
@swilhelm3180 2 жыл бұрын
@@irumnageen2443 The Quran is fabricated from pieces of the Bible. Take your lies elsewhere. That's my humble request.
@jeremyburnett7545 2 жыл бұрын
@@irumnageen2443 And what do you hope to get from this request? I’ve read majority of it. My biggest problem with the Quran is you guys don’t believe in Jesus as a son of God. No I watch them do that test on that blood and he only had 23 chromosomes and one Y chromosome making him a male. Now if that’s not solid proof that he was the son of God I don’t know what could convince you
@irumnageen2443 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeremyburnett7545 my dear then Adam is most eligible to be the son of God don't you think☺️
@returntoyehovahthelord6185 Жыл бұрын
I was in Israel in 2001 as part of a tour group. We visited the Dead Sea and Masada. No one (to my knowledge) ever pointed out these destroyed cities. Maybe there wasn’t time on the schedule but this is a very important site to see. Thank you for these videos to show us things that most cannot see. God bless.
@alfred3331ut 3 жыл бұрын
Ron and Mary have changed my life.This is usually what I show unbelievers first...All glory to God.
@sherylreed3558 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown too many have confirmed the opposite.. so ur talking to the WRONG CROWD. Plz Go sell it somewhere else!! P.S, all here will be praying that the same Spirit that led Ron to his many amazing discoveries will also open YOUR eyes, & Heart to the AMAZING personal discovery that will ultimately save your life.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@sherylreed3558 The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@sidepot 2 жыл бұрын
You show unbelievers a charlatan and a liar? How nice.
@sidepot 2 жыл бұрын
@@sherylreed3558 Ron Wyatt didn't dis cover anything. He told a good story and a bunch of imbeciles bought it. Including you apparently.
@sherylreed3558 2 жыл бұрын
@@sidepot have a nice day
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
Lord Jesus this man was truly blessed by you!!! Truly what a blessing to hear his stories true adventures along with the discoveries!!! 👍🤓🙏
@douglasanderson542 3 жыл бұрын
The truth will sent you free 🤓
@douglasanderson542 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown if he’s lying then you’re father lied before Ron ever did. he’s the devil
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@douglasanderson542 The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@douglasanderson542 3 жыл бұрын
@@fordprefect5304unfortunately you are a liar like your father the devil! Turn or burn in HELL Ford ! Hell is real so is every word of God the Bible! Repent today for today is the day of salvation and you need to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ!! Hope he finds you.eternity is without end ! Wether you believe or not you gotta serve somebody besides yourself.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@douglasanderson542 Everything I posted comes from *CHRISTIAN* bible sites. So if yo have any issues with my post take it up with them. have a wonderful day my delusional nutcase.
@JesusismyKingofkings259 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you sooo much for sharing this with us!!! I still consider Ron one of the humblest and Godliest man I've ever seen in our day and age!!!
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@snapperb7233 3 жыл бұрын
I love this Great Man and just as Important is his beautiful Wife and Family. Thank you 😊 for sharing his discoveries. Much love and God-bless 🙏😇🙏
@canadiankewldude 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless.
@susanchang7295 2 жыл бұрын
His video in the discovery of Jesus blood on the ark of the covenant touched my heart so much. I cried for three days... the blood of Jesus STILL alive and crying out on my behalf!!!
@fordprefect5304 2 жыл бұрын
From: *Christogena* Ron Wyatt, Honest?, Or Deceitful Fraud?, #2 Category: *Outright Heresies* Of all the scam-artists who have ever existed on planet Earth, Ron Wyatt takes first prize over them all! His story of finding the Ark of the Covenant in a cave in or near Jerusalem, along with Christ’s blood on the Mercy Seat, surely places all other dreamed-up scams before his, since the foundation of the world, in an inferior second place! And then he gave his bogus report that, “Each cell contained only 24 chromosomes compared to the normal count of 46 that you and I have”. When Wyatt made the bogus claim that “Christ received 23 chromosomes from Mary, and one ‘y’ chromosome from His heavenly Father to designate a male child”, he outdid his first lie!
@zengids Жыл бұрын
@kelly_villalobos 7 ай бұрын
@melanielinkous8746 3 жыл бұрын
The Lord chose Ron the way he chose Moses and Noah and many many others to do his work on this earth. Amen!
@melanielinkous8746 3 жыл бұрын
Prove it. Hater. Why like a page that you obviously don't agree with? So you can talk smack about a dead guy that isn't here to defend himself? What is your beef with Ron? Did you have a crush on Mary Nell and she wouldn't give you the time of day?
@melanielinkous8746 3 жыл бұрын
How do you know this?
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@melanielinkous8746 Proof you asked for The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase. Cut and pasted from *CHRISTIAN* Bible sites
@nikdrown 3 жыл бұрын
@@fordprefect5304 all those articles say is he is a fraud. Seriously? How does this prove the sites to be fraudulent. Ripe with evidence. They make a hell of a lot more sense than what the occupiers of Israel claim the official sites to be! Lol. He wouldn’t be the most celebrated actually. These deniers are always the same. Big nothing and then call believers nutcases. Those who know what this world is and who actually rules it right now know better though and those propagate his lies are facing judgement.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@nikdrown This is simple, *Ron "The Fraud" Wyatt* made 96 claims. Show me evidence for one of them. *He wouldn’t be the most celebrated actually* Yes he is celebrated most as a *Delusional Nutcase*
@derrickdzurko2068 3 жыл бұрын
I have love for a guy I never met, someone I would of gladly served with. Ron Wyatt can humble a man with his screen appearance. Humbled
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@TMPreRaff 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, we get it. You're humbled.
@teresaveal7695 3 жыл бұрын
Thankful for the great work and obedience of Ron Wyatt. Thank you for continuing to share his work. God bless
@goodartist22 3 жыл бұрын
When I learned of the discovery of the Ark Of The Covenant, I broke down in tears.
@JasonAdank 3 жыл бұрын
I do wish he had posted evidence of his time in those caves... But the CG recreation that he posted was very interesting, and if true certainly concludes how Jesus' crucifcation and his blood dripping down onto the arc fits perfectly according the OT law and requirement of a blood sacrifice for the atonement of sins. I take it on faith that he really found what he said he found - I truly believe he's a man of God and not lying. But I wish there was some evidence that I could show people to use his testimony more effectively. So far, his Noah's Arc discovery and the red sea crossing has the best scientific support. This Sodom and Gomorrah stuff is pretty good too.. Wish there was more..
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@navion1946 3 жыл бұрын
You and me both Anthony.
@navion1946 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown not so friend. Ron was the real deal. Spend some more time in prayer and investigation, you will come to the truth.
@navion1946 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown all the best to you.
@FirstLast-zk5ow 6 ай бұрын
I really appreciate how Mr. Wyatt doesn't overcomplicate the scriptures. He reads it as it is written. Lean not on your own understanding, and acknowledge the Lord in all your ways.
@joelcampbell7100 3 жыл бұрын
He funded all of his work on his own. God absolutely used his ability and humbleness to bring to light the evidence. “The Earth shall reveal the Truth” is somewhere in the Bible. Look forward to speaking with him soon. The discovery of the Ark of the Covenant and how Jesus blood ended up on the mercy seat is incredible & makes so much sense. Engineered by God the Father, Amen 🙏🏻✝️
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@Oh Happy Day The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@Oh Happy Day From *CHRISTIAN* bible sites The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase. Ron Wyatt makes a mockery of Christianity with his claims
@joelcampbell7100 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown you’re one of satans minions. The brimstone they found at Sodom & Gomorrah were 97% pure sulfer. That’s not found anywhere in the world. The “Fake Blood” was examined in a reputable Israeli lab. Those reports along with other documents which showed evidence Noah’s Ark authenticity. Chariot wheels on the bottom of the Red Sea, Solomon had two columns erected at both ends of the Crossing. Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia had scorched stones near the Summit that were only scorched on the top and not underneath. The Measurements of Noah’s Ark were exact, including the depth of it, man made metals were discovered in its timber’s. He won’t provide evidence ?? You know how ridiculous that is.....have a nice day 👌😳🥴
@jillgilson3900 2 жыл бұрын
Ron Wyatt has passed away some time ago but he DIDfind THE ARK OF THE COVENANT as the angels said he could have it tested . only 23 chromosomes not 46 were present the blood was still alive and was from the mercy seat . This blood was tested in an Israeli laboratory. They asked whose blood was it? Ron replied "your Messiah" their jaws dropped in surprise. The government sent people in to remove it from its resting place but they all died. Ron had to pull them out.he was the only one who was allowed to touch the Ark specifically for those tests. The angels are still there guarding it and will not be removed until the 3rd temple is built.
@davidlloyd1750 2 жыл бұрын
I like Ron, because he is Humble, and the Lord revealed Truths in his Word that no one else had noticed.
@conradgallardo9046 3 жыл бұрын
No better place on Earth Than the Road that Leads to Heaven ~ Steven Curtis Chapman
@petersack5074 3 жыл бұрын
NASA == need another system again.....mars, deader than a bent, rusty,old nail. AND they waste a total tonnage of money on VAIN PURSUITS, WHILE millions here. on THIS LIFE-GIVING planet,....starve.....yup ...need another civilization, ruled by the MAKER....'' and behold, it was VERY GOOD..'' speaking abouth what HE HAD just created....mars......doofuses.....
@janec1489 4 ай бұрын
​@@petersack5074No Astr onaut Sent Above
@marshmaz 3 жыл бұрын
Thank - you Ron Wyatt ! You have given us ,to See with Our Own Eyes .Proof of God we can touch and See. . Rock of Horeb and the Chariot wheels,at the Red Sea. did it for me! Praise God
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@kevinwithers6083 Жыл бұрын
Ron Wyatt dedicated his life to do this work for God, RIP uncle Ron see you on the other side..
@VZ-Warrior_Soul 3 жыл бұрын
Incredible. Leaves me speechless.
@JB0621 3 жыл бұрын
I am very grateful that Mary and the family are sharing these rare videos. Keep them coming. The almighty father bless you.
@chrisl5711 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting more frequently. These videos are incredibly encouraging during the times we're living in. God bless.
@XLegendaryAudio Жыл бұрын
God loves Ron Wyatt
@donnapasquarello3058 Жыл бұрын
God picked Ron a god fearing man he trusted Ron for his treasures
@pambb5743 3 жыл бұрын
One of the things I’m looking forward to in heaven is meeting this beautiful man of God.
@dynekkumar2078 3 жыл бұрын
Meeee tooooooo!
@euniceembury5171 3 жыл бұрын
Same here
@dynekkumar2078 3 жыл бұрын
Will Brown In what way prove it to me?
@petersack5074 3 жыл бұрын
sorry, the bible does NOT SAY ANYONE WILL ' go to heaven ' rather it states...'' and they shall reign on earth, forever and ever...''' read your book, and stay away/reject false pagan churches of this worlds' present ''evil system'' use your computer to UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT BOOK OF LIFE says....'' and these, being more noble, studied the scriptures daily, TO SEE WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO...'' we're supposed to separate WHEAT from the CHAFF.....GOOD DAY, PAM ! i pray for your mind '' to see'' and not wander around, seeking someone to guide you...
@TMPreRaff 3 жыл бұрын
Hold your breath.
@brad-gu1pt Жыл бұрын
How much more is this important today with the insane times we live. Child grooming in our face 24/7 trafficking of children only God can save us.
@TheodoreAndor 3 жыл бұрын
Sleep peaceful Ron. Death where is your sting? Not long Ron then you will raise and see Him coming with the clouds. He wipes off all your tears and you will find rest on Him. You are blessed and saved Ron Wyatt.
@martineames2491 3 жыл бұрын
Just love Ron and how humble he is with these discoveries. God moved in miraculous ways throughout his time out there. Thank you Jesus for leading him so we could learn more about the biblical accounts & artefacts through Ron👏
@foxecarpentress4964 3 жыл бұрын
Amen to that!!!!!!!!!!! 🙌
@canadiankewldude 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless.
@irumnageen2443 2 жыл бұрын
My dear i invite you to please study the holy Quran front to back without any predetermined results at least once in your life please..... it's a humble request ❤️❤️❤️
@no.964 2 жыл бұрын
@@irumnageen2443 the Qur’an is the most precious thing there is in this world. I see all them Christians in the comments and I just think to myself… out of all these people, God has chosen me to know and believe in the truth. The real, untainted, unchanged, pure truth.
@elisangelasantos9842 Жыл бұрын
Este homem chegou a procurar uma sobrinha sequestrada no Brasil em 1982,incrível a história do querido e grande Ron...
@skystoneLaw 3 жыл бұрын
I can feel Gods Mercy Ending and his judgment coming... Pray for everyone Thank you for posting Video... Blessings whoever you are
@cs9667 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. The first chapter of Romans describes what happens to a nation that has been handled over to go its own way. I’ve heard it described also as ‘The Great Decadence’. Praise God that we have been saved through his precious son Jesus!
@Heavensoon7 3 жыл бұрын
Daniel 11:45. Read it and replace “ tabernaclesof his palace” with the word” Apaden “ which is the word Daniel used in the original Hebrew text before the interpreters changed it. Why did Daniel use a Persian word and not a Hebrew word here? The interpreters thought he meant the looks of the Apadanas which were virtually pillars covered with curtains. But Daniel had the words tabernacle and palace in the Hebrew. So he must’ve been referring to the purpose of the structures. Apadana‘s were built after Persia conquered Babylon. The Persian capital at Persepolis was too far away to rule affectively from so they built temporary throne rooms at Sousa and Babylon city. At the throne rooms they held military maneuvers , political events, and passed necessary laws to rule their new Territories. Today we call these embassies, but back then that word did not exist. So now reading the text it says: he shall plant his Embassy in Jerusalem but he shall come to his end and none with the power to help him will help him. Since there were no dividing chapters in the original Hebrew it continues. And at that time shall Michael stand up and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was. Time Used in this context can mean season or year. So yes, we should all feel the urgency of the late hour we are living in history. God said he would do nothing that he didn’t warn us about through his prophets. Amos 3:7 . God showed Daniel the embassy established in Jerusalem and Trump losing the election. He told us he would speedily finish the work here on earth see Luke 18 :8 Also he will cut the walk short , another indication it will finish quickly. Romans 9:28. His people will see it coming even if the World refuses to acknowledge His existence see First Thessalonians 5:3-6.
@cs9667 3 жыл бұрын
@@Heavensoon7 ... To be frank, I’m not into anyone trying to connect Holy scriptures to Trumps terms or previous election. Trump is a fake Christian and uses political correctness to get votes on all sides. I think preaching Christ crucified is all that matters, along with teaching the whole council of God. Trying to be Like Sid Roth or other radical dooms day teachers is dangerous and hurtful to the true cause for Christ. Daniel didn’t see Trump losing the election and it’s not wise to say he did.
@Heavensoon7 3 жыл бұрын
@@cs9667 I guess he also didn’t see Cleopatra and Julius Caesar Daniel 11:17 , Alexander the Great Daniel 11 :4 , Burnice Daniel 11 :6 Augustus and Antony Daniel 11:24-25 Constantine Daniel 11:29, Napoleon Daniel 11:41, The Crimean war Daniel 11:44. Daniel was shown the statue of all the worldly kingdoms . Daniel was shown things right up to the end. No one was supporting or against Trump , regardless .Daniel did see in vision the US embassy in Jerusalem, and the election. All we’ve heard since the current president got in is you’re not moving quick enough,do it faster ,do it more rapidly ,be quicker about it. What is the big rush? Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, because he knows his time is short. How does he know? He knows the Scriptures better than most of us. Maybe he believes Daniel 11:45 , even though you don’t.
@cs9667 3 жыл бұрын
@@Heavensoon7 once again I have to say I disagree. What scripture are you referring to on Trump? He isn’t any different than Reagan and so on, he’s just the last Republican to be voted in before the youths vote outweighs the GOP party. We truly are in the last days, but to imply Trump fulfilled some prophecy is dangerous and validates all those false prophets spouting nonsense on TBN and so on. I see the fulfillment of evil being called good, and good being called evil. Besides that all we should expect is the Antichrist soon. Trump is just one of the last republican presidents, that’s all.
@traceywashington2818 2 жыл бұрын
Ron was born for this. To let people know that the stories in the Bible are real. Almighty God pick him for this mission.
@amcds2867 3 жыл бұрын
Thank for your contributions Ron Wyatt, a man of GOD.
@ericaSrami-womanatthewell 3 жыл бұрын
@amcds2867 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown you're mistaken, or you have bad intentions.
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@amcds2867 From *CHRISTIAN* bible sites The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase. Ron Wyatt makes a mockery of Christianity with his claims
@amcds2867 3 жыл бұрын
@@fordprefect5304 you believe what you want, i dont need approval by other Christians for this discovery, or that revelation, or this doctrine etc. Ron Wyatt was a very special human being privileiged by GOD to discover archaelogical evidence for many Biblical descriptions. Your problem is you rely too much on other people's opinions. i trust in the Holy Spirit, and will continue to do so.
@lorimurdy1215 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for adding video!! When I see the films and hear him speak it just brings me to years ❤I am so blessed that God brought me to these videos ❤🙏🙏❤❤❤❤
@canadiankewldude 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless.
@time2see192 Жыл бұрын
I look forward to the day I can meet Ron...much respect for this chosen man. 🙏❤🙏
@ianadams2023 3 жыл бұрын
Ron is the real indiana jones for Yahwah HalleluYah
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 110%!!!🤓👍
@CopperVibez 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown can you back that claim up?
@adamsanchez222 3 жыл бұрын
@@CopperVibez Don't worry, anyone who curses while criticizing another is of their father the devil. It does not matter who discovered these things. The LORD is revealing them at His appointed time.
@tombourne7184 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown name one thing he lied about and show proof.
@tombourne7184 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown name one thing he lied about and show proof that he did I don't want to hear no emotion without fat show me proof that you know and can show everyone else that he lied about any one thing you can't just say that kind of crap and not give us proof that's some liberal Democrat bullcrap
@lorimurdy1215 3 жыл бұрын
I love any video from Ron Wyatt❤❤
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@canadiankewldude 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@canadiankewldude Who? A lying sociopath who defrauded his supporters?
@canadiankewldude 3 жыл бұрын
@@fordprefect5304 You have no proof of that, beyond trusting certain peoples opinions. I will stick with my own research.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@canadiankewldude simple google ron wyatt fraud and you will be enlightened unless you are a delusional nutcase
@momayoda13 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for blessing us with more videos. This is so need for this time.
@TMPreRaff 3 жыл бұрын
Like English lessons?
@speedracer6940 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Ron Wyatt for your wisdom. You were an absolute genius guided by the hand of God and Jesus.
@bicjornadal 3 жыл бұрын
Ron Wyatt lead me to open up discover the truth about ten commandments and catholic church. (thanks for his video)
@KC-fb8ql 10 ай бұрын
Please explain a little.
I thank this man for all of his work. God bless his soul.
@oscarromeromaira5198 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, please translate on subtitles in spanish this video, is excellent and study material for our class. Bless and maranatha
@Armistead_MacSkye 4 ай бұрын
Enable auto-translation in Spanish. You must change the setting before you watch. Maranatha!
@Armistead_MacSkye 4 ай бұрын
Upper left corner of video: "settings," click on "auto-generated," click on "captions, " scroll down to "Spanish." You're all set.
@KasboHype 3 жыл бұрын
Soo many may know. Theres people on youtube saying rons lied but i alway stick up for ron no matter what and ive won every battle when they tried saying Ron lied about everything he found. I believe Ron over anyone in this world. I look up to him so much
@keepthechange2811 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah they call him a liar and then they disappear. I've never detected a lie from Ron
@canadiankewldude 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless.
@lindajackson618 3 жыл бұрын
In the last days people will choose lies over truth. We see that all over today. Even scientific evidences found proving the Bible true are called lies. Hold fast to the Lord for judgement is coming.
@jeremyburnett7545 2 жыл бұрын
I do as well I can’t stand for anybody to call him a liar because there is nothing pulse about him. He is 100% real deal and deserves to be treated with respect. I can’t stand these punks that like to do these hit-and-run comments about him being a Hoaxer and liar. I put $1000 on the line for anybody who can prove that he’s a liar and the hoaxer
@KasboHype 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeremyburnett7545 may they the lord be with you always brother
@j27340 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this, Mary. Blessings from Ohio
@asifminhas3896 3 жыл бұрын
Thanku for this video sister marry..your videos always make me excited whenever notification pop up...This truely is for us making the right choice n come to Lord Jesus who is the savior of the world.all of the doscoveries of Ron Wyatt r amazing n he was the true man of God.
@mikemoore7614 3 жыл бұрын
God bless Ron & his family . i know they miss Ron , a wonderful man of God . God bless everyone patiently watching & waiting on the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ 24/7 , 365 .
@robertliepe6766 3 жыл бұрын
@marlenecook2453 2 жыл бұрын
A great blessing this man has been for humanity! and especially for those of us who love God!! I pray that he has been reunited with his Saviour. And God bless his family! 💕
@foxecarpentress4964 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing unseen clips bout the Legacy of this man! Just Loved it! 🌈 💖 🌈
@87solarsky 3 жыл бұрын
Just as I was reading Dr. Michael Heiser's "higher critique" of Ron Wyatt's findings... What an assuring upload. I strongly appreciate it. This is not coincidence.
@keepthechange2811 3 жыл бұрын
Never heard of heiser. Does he lie to discredit Ron?
@87solarsky 3 жыл бұрын
@@keepthechange2811 Well, it would seem that he certainly has an outspoken low opinion of Ron Wyatt's findings and, specifically, the methods he employed in documenting and interpreting his findings. On the other hand, Heiser is an emerging church guru with a high view of Scofield and Darby, having graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary... so, imho, that really puts Heiser's claims to qualified judgement of Ron Wyatt to shame.
@keepthechange2811 3 жыл бұрын
@@87solarsky Wyatt is the only archeologist in history who records his finds on camera. Noone does that.
@jeremyburnett7545 2 жыл бұрын
Man I am just disgusted by the people that keep trying to trash Ron Wyatt and his discoveries. I know it’s devastating for the atheist to even contemplate the things that he found and what that means for their ideals. And it scares the hell out of them. Because if this man is right which we know he is because most of us did our due diligence and researched as much as we could but I had it upper hand he was a family friend that had to be the most gracious person you would ever meet. He’s people that attack him after he’s not even here to defend himself. Really gets under my skin but I believe Ron will have the last laugh. Not that he is the type to laugh at somebody burning away they would if the shoe was on the other foot. I swear anybody calls him a fraud has got to be touched demonically. Some of these videos I encourage everybody that loves Ron the way that he deserves should report these so-called Ron Wyatt exposed and try and paint him as a liar and hoaxer. Because you know they did that to several of his videos on here having them removed permanently. There was a video on here of Ron having the blood tested and you could see the blood start moving again as though it had just been pulled from somebody’s arm. And the scientist lose their minds trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Do you know all those scientist became Christians. And someone reported it so many times as hate speech that KZbin imoved it. It was the single most devastating video you could ever show an atheist. And they had it deleted. I wish I would’ve thought that was possible so I could’ve got a copy before it disappeared. I strongly recommend anybody that respects it as much as me too make sure you have copies of these videos because these guys are reporting them as hate speech and they are slowly Disappearing the real good ones are all gone already
@gloriauselton9897 Жыл бұрын
Ron has the greatest defender of all time on his side! If God stands for him who can stand against him. Also, we who have eyes to see and ears to hear know the truth and love and respect our Ron Wyatt. We hold his achievements dear to our hearts and have the utmost respect for his Marynell.
@3wolfsdown702 11 ай бұрын
Ron Wyatt on family member admits bought old chariot wheels and they place them in the Dead Sea ..LOL
@GB-ml2pl 11 ай бұрын
Try trying to crush him just like science was meant to crush the Bible, but the more technology get sophisticated. They understand the Bible is fully correct.
@GB-ml2pl 11 ай бұрын
@@3wolfsdown702 boa boa boashoe me a record video that the kids admits that their dad did such a thing
@evanmartin8199 11 ай бұрын
" There was a video on here of Ron having the blood tested and you could see the blood start moving again as though it had just been pulled from somebody’s arm. And the scientist lose their minds trying to figure out what the hell is going on. " Do you know of a link to this video?
@BiblijneSkarby 3 жыл бұрын
Two days ago I started translating the material Revealing God's Treasure - Sodom and Gomorrah into Polish and a day later you insert such a pearl with Ron Wyatt. Thank you very much for this material and please insert automatic subtitles for this video :)
@ronwyattcom 3 жыл бұрын
I turned on the CC! Thank you for bringing this to my attention- I thought it was already on!
@chuckwhitson654 3 жыл бұрын
Ron Wyatt is a modern day hero. Such a solid believer, humble, kind honest. He's what God calls on us to be....... Praise be unto Jesus Christ and the Most High God of creation for this faithful servant. Isn't it amazing that God preserves these sites even to this very day as evidence and proof of His Holy Word
@barbaracarlson5018 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video. Thank you.
@oceandew7795 3 жыл бұрын
Sad but a majority of Christians out there believe this is fake....I guess you need the Holy Spirit to give you that spirit of discernment....I watch his videos over and over again....esp the ark of the covenant....the blood of our precious Jesus on the so absolutely logical and true....the final sacrifice for our sins. Love Ron and his work...thank you Mary for continuing to keep Ron alive.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@TMPreRaff 3 жыл бұрын
You don't "need the Holy Spirit to give you that spirit of discernment" - You just need a brain. When you get one, you'll understand.
@jeremyburnett7545 2 жыл бұрын
@@TMPreRaff Hey Tim sounds like you’re a disbeliever do you believe it’s all fake and lies?
@DeborahLong7777 Жыл бұрын
God used you Ron in a marvelous way! Praise the Lord ❤
@oliverlee9491 7 ай бұрын
Thank God for Ron Wyatt and all that the all mighty has provided him to do for us!!!
@Delsha777 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the life and work of Ron Wyatt. God worked especially through him to reveal these Biblical wonders. Blessings.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase.
@maxiellevillegas1388 3 жыл бұрын
Seek the truth.. Believe the truth.. And change for the truth.. Thank you Mr. Wyatt, you being led by the set-apart spirit, for helping us have a stronger faith to what we believe.. I pray for wisdom and revelation from our Father in Heaven.. Through the Name and blood of Yeshua Messiah.. Amen.. Greetings from your brother in Christ from the Philippines..
@franciscocepeda8416 3 жыл бұрын
One of the men God has blessed to show historical, scientific and geographical evidence of what the Bible says and it's true
@ainestewart8775 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mary Nell from an lrish Catholic! It's a season for God fearing Christians to unite!
@angelsinthearchitecture7106 3 жыл бұрын
Google pics of the place popes audience hall. He sits in the mouth of the snake. Satan runs the Catholic Church and all other large organized religion.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@angelsinthearchitecture7106 Says the Evangelical nutcase.
@angelsinthearchitecture7106 3 жыл бұрын
@@fordprefect5304See for yourself fool
@BeYeSeparate 3 жыл бұрын
Amen, thank you Jesus, thank you Ron, and thank you Mary, Blessings!
@maryhernandez3117 3 жыл бұрын
If that doesn’t put the Fear of God in you, what what will? Thank you, you know how to deliver the Word of God! Bless you and your family, thank you again!
@silvertip8k278 3 жыл бұрын
The documentary he did about the destruction at sodom is incredible...mandatory viewing for all believers
@TMPreRaff 3 жыл бұрын
Boring viewing for all thinkers.
@kasololochisenga2096 3 жыл бұрын
This is good quality picture. It is in high definition. Thanks guys.
@Worldsphuked 3 жыл бұрын
I remember seeing him for the first time on I believe it was CNN. I was very young as this was in the early 80s I think. This was after he had located the ark of the covenant.Hero was a boy of six or seven years old maybe watching CNN listening to a man talk about something that I had never been taught about, But still I knew what he was talking about somehow. I didn’t know the significance of it. I didn’t know what I knew if that makes any sense. Still I thought it was important enough to never forget and 15 some odd years later I came across Mr. Wyatt again. That’s when The pieces just seem to fall in place for me. There’s an answer and only one answer As to why a kid would have remembered what he saw when he was a toddler. That’s the grace of God.
@2coryman 3 жыл бұрын
Those cities burning dust moved glowing, it was hell already on earth
@anonymoussource5344 2 жыл бұрын
Those ashes have a horrific story to tell. I can only imagine how terrifying that day was. Not even one bone was left, only ash abs sulfur as a reminder of what could happen should man fall again.
@ChooseCarefully 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent! Thanks for posting this for us
@gabrielsedillo3811 Жыл бұрын
This man is freaking awesome. Much soul and selfless ambition
@earlbolden8723 3 жыл бұрын
Keep it coming 👍😃 God Bless🙏
@Dienaarvanchristus 2 жыл бұрын
God Bless you Soule Ron! Thank you for all your Gods work! 🙏🏽❤️✝️
@amandamccallum6796 7 ай бұрын
Ron's discoveries in Saudi Arabia are what really got me to take a 2nd look at the Bible as an adult and brought me on my path to believing 🙌
@user-hr8dx9qw4n 7 ай бұрын
His disciveries are completely debunked.
@amandamccallum6796 7 ай бұрын
@user-hr8dx9qw4n I will give you the ark because he left no evidence of that, but others have come after him and found the balls of sulphur at Sodom, the ark in Turkey, Jabal Maqla in Saudi Arabia and Joseph in Egypt. There are people who earn a living on the status quo and will fight against the truth like the people who earn all the tourist money from Mount Sinai don't want the real mount Sinai found. Egyptologists and historians say the pharaoh of the Bible is Rameses and there's no evidence of the Hebrews during the reign of Rameses so the Exodus didn't happen but the Bible doesn't name the Pharaoh it says the Hebrews built the store cities of Pithom and Rameses and if you dig a little deeper than the time of Rameses all of a sudden there is an abundance of evidence of Hebrews EXACTLY where the Bible said they would be. Secular history and Archeology know the evidence is there, they deny it by saying it happened at the wrong time.
@fordprefect5304 6 ай бұрын
@@amandamccallum6796 You are talking about the late great nurse *Ron "The Fraud" Wyatt*
@platinumpete1980 3 жыл бұрын
Such a blessing... thank you for releasing for the Shabbat!
@Queen-Of-Hearts144 3 жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom
@ianadams2023 3 жыл бұрын
@platinumpete1980 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown If Ron Wyatt was a con man; let all men be con men!
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
@@platinumpete1980 From *CHRISTIAN* bible sites The all time great Ron Wyatt discovered • Noah’s Ark • the fire and brimstone balls from the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah • The tower of Babel • The Ark of the Covenant • The original 10 commandment tablets • Goliath’s sword • The site of Jesus’ crucifixion, including the blood Jesus in an “earthquake crack” beneath the crucifixion site that he claims he had analyzed and showed it only contained 24 chromosomes instead of 46. According to the aforementioned book, Wyatt discovered or identified some ninety-two relics or sites (HRR, 7-10). These include: • Noah’s Home and a Flood-inscription at that site, • Fences from Noah’s farm, • Anchor Stones from Noah’s Ark, • laminated Deck Timber from the Ark, • Noah’s Altar, • Tombs with Tombstones of Noah and his wife, • the precise location of the Red Sea Crossing, • Wheels from Egyptian Chariots involved in the pursuit of the Israelites from Egypt, • the Book of the Law written by Moses on Animal Skins, • Gold from the Golden Calf fashioned by Aaron, • the Ark of the Covenant, • Tables of the Ten Commandments, • the Tabernacle’s Table of the Showbread, • Goliath’s Sword, • Jesus’ Tomb and the Stone Seal of the Tomb, • a sampling of Christ’s Dried Blood, proving the doctrine of the Virgin Birth by means of a “chromosome count,” etc. If all the claims of Wyatt were true, he would be the most celebrated archaeologist in the history of that scholastic discipline! And yet he had no scientific credibility at all with respectable scholars. He was and is adored only by a band of deluded, though devoted, cultic disciples. Ron Wyatt was a certified nutcase he has been exposed and debunked as a fraud, a charlatan a self promoting huckster and a bold faced liar by many Christian, historical, archeological and scientific groups . You, as a believer are a delusional nutcase. Ron Wyatt makes a mockery of Christianity with his claims
@marysegers6995 Жыл бұрын
I love how God used this great man to proof the bible ain't a collection of mythical stories
@debbieklopper311 8 ай бұрын
Thank you sooo much for sharing this.......INCREDIBLE❤❤❤
@gazellerichardson9135 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing find. Thank You for sharing.
@detlevbohm1687 Жыл бұрын
Wunderbarer Beweis für Gottes wahrhaftiges Wort und seiner Realität. Die Wahrheit ist stärker als die Lüge ! Halleluja
@rickc.4723 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Thank you for sharing...God bless :)
@goldenremnant2610 Жыл бұрын
How prophetic, when they blinded the men from seeing the door! So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I AM THE DOOR of the sheep. - John 10:7
@Jay_Rule Жыл бұрын
Blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed (John 20:29). Even with so much evidence, why are you still doubting?
@phillipbingham487 3 жыл бұрын
very good
@SavedByGRACE360 3 жыл бұрын
Lot may not have been financially able to relocate. There are good GOD fearing people in the ghettos of today who wish they could flee, but they simply can’t.
@fordprefect5304 3 жыл бұрын
bibleandscience Ron Wyatt has made many amazing claims. Amazing claims demand amazing proof which Wyatt lacks. He claims to have found Noah's Ark. Answers in Genesis has written articles showing his claims are false. See Could this be Noah’s Ark? He claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant in a quarry outside Jerusalem. His pictures of the Ark are blurred so it could be any thing. To see the pictures from Wyatt's website see What Wyatt probably saw was an ossuary which is a box where bones are placed. Knights in medieval times probably also mistook ossuaries for the Ark of the Covenant. For more information see web page at Ron Wyatt's Discoveries Wyatt claims to have found Sodom and Gomorrah, but what he found was just a geological feature of salt. Wyatt claims to have found Mt. Sinai at Jabal al Law as does Bob Cornuke. See the Gold of the Exodus. Wyatt claims to have found where Israel crossed the Red Sea, but there is no proof. He has supposedly planted a wheel in the water. A Great Christian Scam Gray Amirault states, "I will tell you enough here to hopefully convince you WAR (Wyatt Archaeological Research) is a Christian con game. Ron Wyatt is either very psychologically ill or one of the greatest liars I have ever come across. Full article at A Great Christian Scam and also see Wyatt Archaeological Research Fraud Documentation.
@beatrixbrennan1545 Жыл бұрын
May we pray for them
@asopopilosopo4158 2 жыл бұрын
God is with Ron Wyatt.
@ProfessorJM1 14 күн бұрын
I could care less what anybody thinks....I love Ron Wyatt, I believe him and everything he's claimed. It makes perfect sense that the world would try to refute or suppress his work. God Bless You All In Jesus Name.
@bluesingmusic3443 3 жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom! I thank Yehovah for leading me to this channel. Yehovah yoshia b'shem Yeshua.
@cmitchellunltd 3 жыл бұрын
@will brown And So Are You! You are So Blind, That you can't see you are fighting A battle, You Or Who You're Being Used By, Can't Win! SO WHY KEEP COMING TO A SITE, YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN? BUT! Keep coming...What happened to Saul/Paul Can Happen To YOU !
@salhaddad5 Жыл бұрын
Don't know how many people could have lived in that area. But the story says it was fertile land.
@gogovan9289 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing ❤️ God Bless you
@pagen5219 3 жыл бұрын
God is scary woe,,,im grateful he had Ron do so much and share it
@jorgemanuel6559 3 жыл бұрын
He's a blessing to me through his work and effort with our Lord's guidance, that I was able to let go of any doubt about the true living God our father and his only begotten son Jesus Christ🙏❤
@joed8605 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, God is the Father! I love that too. And of course Yahoshua is his only begotten Son, his actual Son.
@myearsloveit 2 жыл бұрын
🕊peace on Ron
@Mike-gm2lu Ай бұрын
Please keep showing this footage to all
@marlicitron8370 3 жыл бұрын
God bless your work Sir x
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